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Follow these rules below and give a prompt that best to use for only Claude.

ai with
medium being audience target"Successful Medium stories cover a wide range of
topics, but personal essays and niche topics have a chance if the writing quality
. In addition to quality content, writers should also focus on promotion strategies
such as leveraging the power of communities, leveraging other people's audiences,
and using SEO to drive traffic from search engines
. Finally, writers should be persistent and consistent in their writing, and keep
trying to improve their craft over time

Lack of Quality Content: Failing to create constructive, original, well-crafted,

and memorable content can lead to low readership and engagement
Limited Promotion Strategies: Not leveraging communities, other people's audiences,
and SEO to drive traffic to their stories can result in fewer views

Not properly evaluating the quality of AI-generated content: Users may neglect
content quality in an attempt to produce content faster with automation and AI
tools, which could impact the authority of their blog or website and their brand
Creating entire articles or other long-form content with an AI content creator:
While AI tools are improving at creating natural, conversational pieces, they may
not always maintain the flow of thoughts or stitch sentences and paragraphs
together as a human writer can
Ignoring branding and tone of voice, leading to inconsistent and generic content:
Not optimizing for the tone of voice and being inconsistent with established
communication style can result in generic and inconsistent content
Not fact-checking or verifying information: AI can misinterpret facts or present
outdated information, so it's important to fact-check the information generated by
AI before publishing
Neglecting dataset updates: AI models rely heavily on the datasets they are trained
on, and neglecting to update these datasets can result in the production of
inaccurate content
.Verify the Accuracy of the Content: Always fact-check and verify the accuracy of
the content generated by AI tools
Human Input and Oversight: Avoid relying entirely on AI content creation without
human input or oversight. Human creativity and emotional intelligence are essential
for maintaining the flow of thoughts and stitching sentences together
Focus on the Audience and Branding: Pay attention to the audience and target
market, and ensure that the content aligns with the branding and tone of voice to
avoid inconsistency and generic content
Quality Over Quantity: Emphasize the quality of the content over its ranking
capability. Ensure that the content is useful and engaging for the audience
Fact-Checking and Context: Always fact-check and verify the information generated
by AI, and consider the context and cultural sensitivity in AI content creation
Study the Trends: Be aware of the topics trending on Medium and write on new and
trending topics that are value-driven, related, emotional, and inspiring
Create Interesting Content: Engage your readers with captivating and inspiring
Use Medium Publications: Get your post featured in Medium Publications to increase
its visibility
Republish Your Posts: Medium believes in republishing posts to remind readers and
increase visibility
Use A Powerful Image: Include high-quality, relevant, and interesting images to
support your story
Use Promotional Tools: Utilize tools like Hiplay, Babbly, and Viral Content Buzz to
promote your content
Attention-Grabbing Headline: Craft exciting, informative, and problem-solving
headlines to entice readers
Get Recommendations: Strive to get 100 recommendations on your post in the first
hour of publishing
Engage Your Network: Leverage your network to drive recommendations and shares for
your post
Utilize Social Media: Share your post on social media platforms to increase its
visibility and engagement
Understand Medium's Algorithm: Familiarize yourself with Medium's algorithm to
optimize your post for visibility
Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and engage with your audience to
increase post visibility and recommendations
Write Vulnerable Content: Craft a story that is vulnerable, invokes emotion, or
discusses a controversial issue
Choose a Short, Interesting Headline: Select a short and interesting headline
coupled with a descriptive subhead
Format Your Post: Make your post easy to navigate and call out quotes to improve
Find the Perfect Publication: Identify the ideal publication for your article to
maximize its visibility
Review and Refine: Always review and refine AI-generated content to ensure
accuracy, coherence, and alignment with specific requirements
Avoid Overly Complex Language: Ensure that your content is clear and relevant by
avoiding overly complex language
Verify Facts: Double-check the facts in your content to avoid inaccuracies and
Train AI on Your Voice and Style: Train AI on your writing style and voice to
maintain consistency and authenticity in your content

make sure to edit out these words.

1. Transformative
Example: “Semantic web methodologies propose a transformative approach by enhancing
the depth of search engine understanding.”

AI giveaway: This obvious giveaway word overhypes whatever you’re trying to

describe and sells it as something that changes the world. Not everything has to be
“transformative.” It’s unnecessary and ostentatious.

Edit: Remove. Often, removing it won’t change the message whatsoever. But if
absolutely needed, change it to something more mundane and simple.

2. Foster/fostering
Example: “It establishes a cohesive visual identity, fostering a sense of
reliability and professionalism.”

AI giveaway: I particularly hate this word. It’s become a catch-all for writers who
don’t know exactly what it is they are describing, and it’s so overused and non-
descriptive. If I see more than two of these words in an entire article, I flag it.

Edit: Change it into something more specific, descriptive, and context-appropriate.

Like create, build, forge, nurture, etc.

3. Tapestry/A tapestry of…

Example: “Knowledge graphs leverage semantic relationships, transforming data into
a rich tapestry of interconnected knowledge.”

AI giveaway: ChatGPT uses this so often, and I’ve come to hate it with a passion.
Anything connected doesn’t have to be a “tapestry” of anything. Sometimes they are
just connected. Sometimes maybe even just related.

Edit: Remove or rephrase. It’s a dead giveaway.

4. This is about … / All about …

Example: “The Crypto Pro Playbook is all about putting power back into your hands,
allowing you to navigate the crypto landscape without unnecessary expenses.”

AI giveaway: When you use “this is about …” or “X is all about …” in your article,
I automatically assume that:

AI wrote your content, or

You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Well-written content doesn’t say that “something is all about something else …”,
they are vastly more specific.

Edit: Change to something more specific and descriptive.

5. Think of X as …
Example: “Think of influential blogs and forums as your digital mentors.”

AI giveaway: There are better ways to signal a metaphor. This specific turn of
phrase is a pattern that many AI software repeat.

Edit: Be more direct. Don’t tell readers to “think of it as …” They’re reading your
work — they’re already thinking.

6. Like/It’s like …
Example: “It’s like having a front-row seat to the future of crypto — all from the
comfort of your couch.”
AI giveaway: Same as above, it’s a highly repetitive and recognizable pattern.

Edit: Remove and rephrase your sentence.

7. Not only … but also …

Example: “E-commerce businesses leveraging pillar pages not only streamline user
navigation but also position themselves as industry leaders”

AI giveaway: It’s a highly repetitive and distinguishing pattern. And, it’s

unnecessary. Grammarly is always insistent that I change it, and I think any editor
will agree. The only times I like to use it is when the two points are:

Somewhat contrary to each other,

Not often linked together, or
Edit: If it doesn’t fit any of the criteria above, just change the sentence to say
“and.” Simplicity is always best.

Bonus: Sentence length

AI is bad at making great sentences. AI outputs tend to have unimpressive paragraph
construction, mostly characterized by monotonous sentence length. There’s an easy

For more human-sounding content, switch up your sentence length. I like to use what
I call the “short — long — short” format. For example, the first paragraph of this

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