Chemistry Research Project

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Saint Xavier’s College Ahmedabad

FY B.Sc. Semester 1
Department Of Chemistry
Noble Prize Winner of Chemistry: Irving Langmuir
Name: Dhruv Gadhvi
Roll No.: 23 CH 1008
Irving Langmuir
Biography: Irving Langmuir was born in United States of
America in the city of Brooklyn on 31st of January 1881.
During young days, his parents used to encourage him to
observe nature and he was highly influenced by his elder
brother Arthur who was a chemist. Irving did his
graduation with Bachelor of Science degree in Metallurgical
Engineering from Columbia University of Mines in 1903.
Irving completed his PhD under Friedrich Dolezalek in 1906
for the research done using the “Nernst Glower” which was
an electric lamp invented by Nernst.

What research Irving Langmuir did?

Irving Langmuir received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1932 for his mind-blowing
work in the field of surface chemistry, which had an immense impact on both
theoretical understanding and practical applications. His contribution is mainly focused
on understanding the behaviour of molecules at gas–solid at surfaces.
The creation of the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, a key concept that explains the
process adsorption on solid surfaces, is Langmuir's most famous theory as we have also
studied in our previous class. This formula became a basis of surface research because it
links the concentration of adsorbate molecules to the percentage of the surface that they
are covering. It provided the basis for further investigation in this area by enabling
scientists to analyse and predicts the adsorption of molecules onto solid surfaces.
The creation of gas masks during World War I was one of Langmuir's most significant
practical uses. His research of adsorption phenomena helped to create efficient gas
masks that helped soldiers from chemical agents. This contribution showed the practical
value of Langmuir's research while also saving hundreds of lives.
Furthermore, Langmuir's studies of how molecules behave at interfaces have effects
that went beyond those required for fighting. His contributions improved our
knowledge of catalysis, especially heterogeneous catalysis, which involves reactions that
take place at the surface of a solid catalyst. The study of the principles under the
concept of catalytic reactions made possible the development of more efficient and
effective catalysts thanks to Langmuir's insights into surface chemistry. This in turn has
a significant effect on industrial and chemical operations.
In conclusion, Irving Langmuir's Nobel Prize-winning surface chemistry research had
significant practical implications in areas like chemical warfare defence and catalysis in
addition to deepening our fundamental understanding of molecular interactions at
surfaces. His contributions to surface science, which have broad ramifications for
numerous scientific and industrial fields, are still being studied today.

What led Irving Langmuir to do research on Surface Chemistry?

Irving Langmuir was motivated to study surface chemistry by both his personal
scientific interest and the difficulties presented by industrial issues. The work of the
highly skilled scientist and engineer Langmuir in the field of surface chemistry had an
immense impact on knowledge of science and technological applications.

Langmuir's interest in surface chemistry was influenced by several factors:

Background in Chemistry: Langmuir had a solid foundation in both physics and
chemistry. He worked under the direction of Nobel winner Walther Nernst at the
University of Göttingen in Germany to obtain his Ph.D. in chemistry. He gained a
strong foundation in physical chemistry and thermodynamics, which are vital elements
of surface chemistry, thanks to his studies.
Industrial Relevance: Langmuir worked for General Electric (GE) in their research lab
throughout his career. He frequently had to find practical solutions for issues the
organization faced. In order to increase the effectiveness of electrical equipment like
incandescent light bulbs and vacuum tubes, one of the difficulties that GE encountered
was connected to the behaviour of thin layers on surfaces.
The work Langmuir did during World War I and gas masks contributed to his interest
in surface chemistry. He worked on creating a better gas mask for soldiers to use in
combat. Langmuir conducted extensive research on surface phenomena since this called
for an understanding of how various materials interacted with gases at the surface.
Monolayer Films and Adsorption: The Langmuir-Blodgett film technique, which
involves depositing monolayers of molecules onto solid substrates, was one of
Langmuir's most significant contributions to surface chemistry. He investigated how
molecules behaved at the air-liquid interface and created a theoretical framework to
describe how they adhered to one another and interacted.
The recognition of his noble winning research not only validated the importance of his
work but also encouraged further research in this field.

What is the importance of Langmuir’s research?

Irving Langmuir's work in surface chemistry is of utmost significance since it has had a
profound influence on both basic scientific knowledge and real-world applications. His
groundbreaking work has affected numerous sectors and continues to have an impact
on scientific inquiry and technological advancement.
Understanding the Interaction of Molecules with Solid Surfaces: Langmuir's studies
on surface chemistry offered a key framework for understanding the Interaction of
Molecules with Solid Surfaces. His equation for the Langmuir adsorption isotherm,
which made it possible for scientists to quantitatively characterize and foresee
adsorption events, became a pillar of the field. This served as the foundation for the
investigation of intermolecular forces, the research of molecular behaviour at interfaces,
and the growth of surface science as a separate field of study.
Catalysis: Materials that catalyse chemical reactions without being consumed have been
greatly affected by Langmuir's work. His ideas dramatically improved heterogeneous
catalysis, where reactions take place at the surface of a solid catalyst. His work aided in
the comprehension of catalytic mechanisms and resulted in the creation of catalysts that
were more effective. By increasing the efficacy and selectivity of chemical processes, this
has had a significant impact on a variety of industries, from petrochemicals to
Materials Science: Langmuir's study provided important insights into this field. It is
essential for developing materials with specialized surface characteristics. This is useful
in fields where surface interactions are crucial, such as coatings, adhesives, and
Applications in the Environment: Adsorption research by Langmuir has consequences
for environmental science and technology. It has been used to research the removal of
contaminants from water and the air as well as the adsorption of pollutants onto
surfaces. Developing efficient remediation solutions requires an understanding of how
molecules interact with surfaces.
In the age of nanotechnology, Langmuir's observations are even more pertinent. The
creation of nanomaterials and nanodevices, with uses in electronics and health, depends
on the manipulation and control of molecular interactions at the nanoscale.
Energy: Surface chemistry is essential in domains that relate to energy. It affects
procedures like fuel cell catalysis, stopping corrosion, and creating new materials for
energy storage.

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