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The KPIs per Funnel stage (Downloadable material)

Awareness Stage

CPU (Not only unique users), Viewable Impressions (Not CPM), Brand Lift Study

Interest Stage

You can use your website analytics to assess Website Traffic: The number of visitors to the website.

Time on Site: The average time users spend on the website.

Page Views: The number of pages viewed per user.

Or look that your social ads manager to see the Social Engagement: Likes, shares, comments, or other
interactions on social media platforms.

Consideration Stage

Lead Generation: The number of leads generated, such as form submissions or newsletter sign-ups.

Engagement Rate: The level of interaction users have with content or ads.

Cost per Lead: The cost incurred to generate each lead.

Email Open Rate: The percentage of recipients who open marketing emails.

Purchase Stage

Conversion Rate: The percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a
purchase or filling out a form.

Cost per Acquisition (CPA): The cost incurred to acquire a customer or lead.

Average Order Value (AOV): The average value of each customer's purchase.

Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate: The percentage of users who add items to their shopping cart but
do not complete the purchase.

Loyalty/Advocacy Stage

Customer Retention Rate: The percentage of customers retained over a specific period.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): The predicted net profit generated from a customer over their

Net Promoter Score (NPS): A metric that measures customer loyalty and satisfaction.
Referral Rate: The percentage of customers who refer others to the business.

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