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Mobile Operating System

1. Android OS

The Android OS is the most common operating system among the mobile operating system. Furthermore, Google is the developer of Android. Moreover,
it is an open source and free operating system. This OS is based on the Linux kernel. The name for every new version of update is based on ‘desserts’ for
example Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Oreo, Kitkat, etc.

2. Bada

Samsung is the launcher of this operating system. It came into market in 2010. Moreover, it includes features like 3-D graphics, application installation,
multipoint touch etc.

3. Blackberry OS

The developer of this operating system is Research In Motion (RIM). It was specifically designed for blackberry devices. Furthermore, it is useful for
corporate users.

4. Apple iOS

After android, it is one of the most popular OS. It is designed to run on Apple devices such as iPhones, iPad tablets, etc. Moreover, like the android
devices have the playstore for apps download. Likewise, apple iOS contains the app store. Also, it has very strong security features.

5. Windows Mobile Operating System

The developer of this OS is Microsoft. It is basically designed for pocket PCs and smartphones. Moreover, it has the features of computer based Windows
OS and additional features for mobile phones.

6. Symbian OS
Symbian Ltd. is the developer of this OS. Moreover, Nokia was the first to use this OS on its mobile phones. Furthermore, it provides high level
integration with communication. This OS is based on java language.

7. Harmony OS

It is a latest OS moreover, Huawei is its developer. It is specifically designed for use in IoT devices.

8. Palm OS

Its other name is Garnet OS. Furthermore, Palm Ltd. is its developer which developed this OS for use in Personal Digital Assisstants (PADs).

9. WebOS

Palm Ltd is its developer. Moreover, it is based on Linux kernel and HP uses it in its mobile devices and touchpads.

Features of Mobile Operating System

1. Easy to use

 The graphics should be attractive.

 The buttons and features should be easy to use. mOreover, the functionalities should not be very compilicated.

 Features should be powerful and useful.

2. Good app store

 An app is one of the basic part of an OS.

 Good and useful apps forms an important part of an OS.

 The apps should be simple and interactive.

3. Good battery life

 Power is one of the main requirement of a smartphone.

 They require power for processors sensors etc. Therefore, the battery holds a very important role.

 Smartphones power usage keeps on increasing therefore, a good battery backup is very essential.

4. Data usage and organization

 An operating system should focus on controlling the data and network usage. It should keep the limit and requirement in focus.

 Secondly, the organization of data related to to-do lists, calendars, alarms, reminders etc is very important. A good OS should keep this data in a
very organized and safe manner. Moreover, the data should be readily and easily available.

Components of a Mobile Operating System

The components of a mobile OS are same as a basic OS. The components are as follows:

1. Kernel

A kernel is the core/heart of an OS. It contains all the functions and operations to manage the working of OS.

2. Process Execution

The OS executes various process so that the statements will execute and connect the application program to the hardware. Whenever a process executes it
uses memory, space and other resources as well.

3. Interrupt

Interrupts are basically used be the hardware devices to communicate with the CPU. It is basically a signal which the device generates to request the CPU.
Moreover, whenever an interrupt occurs the CPU temporarily stops executing its current process.
4. Memory Management

It is the management of the main or primary memory. Furthermore, whatever program is executed, it has to be present in the main memory. Therefore,
there can be more than one program present at a time. Hence, it is required to manage the memory.

The operating system:

 Allocates and deallocates the memory.

 Keeps a record of which part of primary memory is used by whom and how much.

 Distributes the memory while multiprocessing.

5. Multitasking

It is performing more than one tasks at a time. The OS allows the user to work wit more than one process at a time without any problem.

6. Security

The OS keeps the system and programs safe and secure through authentication. A user id and password decide the authenticity of the user.

7. User Interface

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. As the name suggests, it provides a graphical interface for the user to interact with the computer. It uses icons,
menus, etc. to interact with the user. Moreover, the user can easily interact by just clicking these items. Therefore, it is very user-friendly and there is no
need to remember any commands.
What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing means storing and accessing the data and programs on remote servers that are hosted on the internet instead of the computer’s hard
drive or local server. Cloud computing is also referred to as Internet-based computing, it is a technology where the resource is provided as a service
through the Internet to the user. The data that is stored can be files, images, documents, or any other storable document.

Some operations that can be performed with cloud computing are –

Storage, backup, and recovery of data

Delivery of software on demand
Development of new applications and services
Streaming videos and audio

Cloud Computing Architecture:

Cloud computing architecture refers to the components and sub-components required for cloud computing. These components typically refer to:

Front end(fat client, thin client)

Back-end platforms(servers, storage)
Cloud-based delivery and a network(Internet, Intranet, Intercloud)

Advantages of Cloud Computing:

1. Scalability: One of the best advantages of cloud computing is scalability. Maintaining a business, organization, or another element is trying in
ideal circumstances. Especially amid the stresses of downturn, expansion, pandemic, war, work putting together, and store network disturbances.
Cloud Computing provides the opportunity to scale at your own speed. Organizations are savvy to have their significant developments plotted out
three to five years ahead of time, however, the world can be unpredictable. Whether you need to develop forcefully or carefully or downsize
decisively during seasons of unrest, cloud computing is a business resource you pay for just as and when you want it.

2. Security: According to certain reports, small private companies are multiple times more likely to suffer a cyberattack than large organizations.
That most likely shocks numerous owners of companies. The reasons are obvious, but — only 33% of organizations with four or fewer
representatives register hacks as a danger. The year 2021 reported 52,974 cybercrime, whereas the year 2020 reported 50,035 cases in India.
Migrating business to the cloud implies approaching industry-standard information data protection/assurance, firewalls, and robotized all-day,
everyday network observing. Few out of every odd organization can bear to hold that sort of IT ability and foundation in-house.

3. Accessible to modern technology: Cloud computing is far more than an internet-based storage service for data. Organizations worldwide
currently use cutting-edge technologies they need to get done with their responsibilities and run their business over the web utilizing the cloud. Some
technology available on a cloud platform includes Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Data Visualization,
Containerization, etc. The Public Cloud Market Set to Surpass US $500 BN by 2023. The opportunity to build powerful AI applications and machine
learning models without buying actual physical servers is a strong motivation.

4. Cheaper: The cloud computing model is based on the ‘pay-as-you-go’ principle and offers a possibly less expensive way for organizations to
remain coordinated and online. Albeit the costs for hard drives, strong state drives, servers, and other fundamental things have fallen lately, cloud
computing proves to be the best regarding cost expenses. It’s still more affordable much of the time to pay a continuous membership expense for
cloud computing access than to buy and afterward keep an in-house data-processing or warehousing contraption. Organizations don’t have to look at,
search for, and buy actual physical infrastructure when they have a dependable cloud computing partner.

5. Mobility: One of the main advantages of cloud computing is mobility. Employees have the option to compute heavy tasks from anywhere. Work-
life balance and working from home on everyone’s brains nowadays, information and workflow through the cloud introduces itself as a sensible
6. Easy Collaboration: A benefit of distributed computing firmly connected with mobility is simple collaboration. It’s one thing to take your
platform, administration, and information mobile. It’s one more challenge to gather all the data gathered by your company’s agents, organize it, and
ensure there are no errors or duplicates. Cloud services mean less complex and less mistake-inclined coordination between organizations,
departments, clients, customers, etc. There’s less time expected to exchange information and reach a significant conclusion from it, and everyone
works from a similar single source of truth.

7. Prediction ability: Data analytics deserves more consideration. Cloud computing has accomplished more powerful predictive analytics than other
technologies. In any event, when you don’t have the machines you really want under your rooftop, someone on the opposite side of the globe has a
processing limit accessible for you to access for a lower charge.

Ways to Manage Computing Capacity:

Find patterns in historical and current data.
Make predictions about the market, competitors, and other businesses.
Reproduce the logical impacts of the business choices you’re thinking about.
Automate essential fundamental but low-value processes.
Have gear and resources screen their condition and trade machine telemetry.
Concentrate on client behavior, feeling, and purchasing behaviors to make more marketing-promoting efforts or item procedures.
There’s practically no restriction to the abilities of advanced big-data analytics. You’re just restricted by your imagination and how much computing
capacity is accessible to you.Direct connections between cloud computing benefits, and the work and personal lives of an enterprise’s workers can
both improve because of cloud computing. Even on holidays, the employees have to work with the server for its security, maintenance, and proper
functionality. But with cloud storage the thing is not the same, employees get ample of time for their personal life and the workload is even less
Characteristics of Cloud Computing
On-demand self-services: The Cloud computing services does not require any human administrators, user themselves are able to provision, monitor
and manage computing resources as needed.
Broad network access: The Computing services are generally provided over standard networks and heterogeneous devices.
Rapid elasticity: The Computing services should have IT resources that are able to scale out and in quickly and on as needed basis. Whenever the
user require services it is provided to him and it is scale out as soon as its requirement gets over.
Resource pooling: The IT resource (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) present are shared across multiple applications and
occupant in an uncommitted manner. Multiple clients are provided service from a same physical resource.
Measured service: The resource utilization is tracked for each application and occupant, it will provide both the user and the resource provider with
an account of what has been used. This is done for various reasons like monitoring billing and effective use of resource.
Multi-tenancy: Cloud computing providers can support multiple tenants (users or organizations) on a single set of shared resources.
Virtualization: Cloud computing providers use virtualization technology to abstract underlying hardware resources and present them as logical
resources to users.
Resilient computing: Cloud computing services are typically designed with redundancy and fault tolerance in mind, which ensures high availability
and reliability.
Flexible pricing models: Cloud providers offer a variety of pricing models, including pay-per-use, subscription-based, and spot pricing, allowing
users to choose the option that best suits their needs.
Security: Cloud providers invest heavily in security measures to protect their users’ data and ensure the privacy of sensitive information.
Automation: Cloud computing services are often highly automated, allowing users to deploy and manage resources with minimal manual
Sustainability: Cloud providers are increasingly focused on sustainable practices, such as energy-efficient data centers and the use of renewable
energy sources, to reduce their environmental impact.
Top leading Cloud Computing companies
Amazon Web Services(AWS): One of the most successful cloud-based businesses is Amazon Web Services(AWS), which is an Infrastructure as a
Service(Iaas) offering that pays rent for virtual computers on Amazon’s infrastructure.
Microsoft Azure Platform: Microsoft is creating the Azure platform which enables the .NET Framework Application to run over the internet as an
alternative platform for Microsoft developers. This is the classic Platform as a Service(PaaS).
Google: Google has built a worldwide network of data centers to service its search engine. From this service, Google has captured the world’s
advertising revenue. By using that revenue, Google offers free software to users based on infrastructure. This is called Software as a Service(SaaS).
IBM Cloud is a collection of cloud computing services for businesses provided by the IBM Corporation. It provides infrastructure as a service,
software as a service, and platform as a service.
Oracle Cloud is a collection of cloud services offered by Oracle Corporation, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service
(PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS).
Alibaba Cloud is the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, providing a comprehensive suite of global cloud computing services to power both
their international customers’ online businesses and Alibaba Group’s own e-commerce ecosystem.
Tencent Cloud is a cloud service platform provided by Tencent. It provides a range of services such as virtual machines, storage, databases, and
Rackspace is a provider of hybrid cloud computing, founded in 1998. It provides managed hosting, cloud hosting, and email and app services.
Salesforce – A cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform used for sales, marketing, and customer service.
VMware Cloud – A cloud platform by VMware, offering services such as virtualization, cloud management, and network virtualization.
DigitalOcean – A cloud platform focused on providing easy-to-use, scalable computing services.
Red Hat OpenShift – A cloud platform by Red Hat, offering container-based application development and management.
Cisco Cloud – A cloud platform by Cisco, offering a range of services including networking, security, and application development.
HP Helion – A cloud platform by HP, offering services such as computing, storage, and networking.
SAP Cloud Platform – A cloud platform by SAP, offering services such as analytics, application development, and integration.
Fujitsu Cloud – A cloud platform by Fujitsu, offering services such as computing, storage, and networking.
OVHcloud – A cloud platform offering a range of services including computing, storage, and networking.
CenturyLink Cloud – A cloud platform offering a range of services including computing, storage, and networking.
Joyent – A cloud platform offering services such as computing, storage, and container-based application development.
NTT Communications Cloud – A cloud platform offering services such as computing, storage, and networking.

Operating system-based Virtualization refers to an operating system feature in which the kernel enables the existence of various isolated user-space
instances. The installation of virtualization software also refers to Operating system-based virtualization. It is installed over a pre-existing operating
system and that operating system is called the host operating system.
In this virtualization, a user installs the virtualization software in the operating system of his system like any other program and utilizes this
application to operate and generate various virtual machines. Here, the virtualization software allows direct access to any of the created virtual
machines to the user. As the host OS can provide hardware devices with the mandatory support, operating system virtualization may affect
compatibility issues of hardware even when the hardware driver is not allocated to the virtualization software.
Virtualization software is able to convert hardware IT resources that require unique software for operation into virtualized IT resources. As the host
OS is a complete operating system in itself, many OS-based services are available as organizational management and administration tools can be
utilized for the virtualization host management.

Some major operating system-based services are mentioned below:

Backup and Recovery.
Security Management.
Integration to Directory Services.
Various major operations of Operating System Based Virtualization are described below:
Hardware capabilities can be employed, such as the network connection and CPU.
Connected peripherals with which it can interact, such as a webcam, printer, keyboard, or Scanners.
Data that can be read or written, such as files, folders, and network shares.
The Operating system may have the capability to allow or deny access to such resources based on which the program requests them and the user
account in the context of which it runs. OS may also hide these resources, which leads that when a computer program computes them, they do not
appear in the enumeration results. Nevertheless, from a programming perspective, the computer program has interacted with those resources and the
operating system has managed an act of interaction.

With operating-system-virtualization or containerization, it is probable to run programs within containers, to which only parts of these resources are
allocated. A program that is expected to perceive the whole computer, once run inside a container, can only see the allocated resources and believes
them to be all that is available. Several containers can be formed on each operating system, to each of which a subset of the computer’s resources is
allocated. Each container may include many computer programs. These programs may run parallel or distinctly, even interrelate with each other.

Features of operating system-based virtualization are:

Resource isolation: Operating system-based virtualization provides a high level of resource isolation, which allows each container to have its own
set of resources, including CPU, memory, and I/O bandwidth.
Lightweight: Containers are lightweight compared to traditional virtual machines as they share the same host operating system, resulting in faster
startup and lower resource usage.
Portability: Containers are highly portable, making it easy to move them from one environment to another without needing to modify the underlying
Scalability: Containers can be easily scaled up or down based on the application requirements, allowing applications to be highly responsive to
changes in demand.
Security: Containers provide a high level of security by isolating the containerized application from the host operating system and other containers
running on the same system.
Reduced Overhead: Containers incur less overhead than traditional virtual machines, as they do not need to emulate a full hardware environment.
Easy Management: Containers are easy to manage, as they can be started, stopped, and monitored using simple commands.
Operating system-based virtualization can raise demands and problems related to performance overhead, such as:
The host operating system employs CPU, memory, and other hardware IT resources.
Hardware-related calls from guest operating systems need to navigate numerous layers to and from the hardware, which shrinkage overall
Licenses are frequently essential for host operating systems, in addition to individual licenses for each of their guest operating systems.
Advantages of Operating System-Based Virtualization:
Resource Efficiency: Operating system-based virtualization allows for greater resource efficiency as containers do not need to emulate a complete
hardware environment, which reduces resource overhead.
High Scalability: Containers can be quickly and easily scaled up or down depending on the demand, which makes it easy to respond to changes in
the workload. Easy Management: Containers are easy to manage as they can be managed through simple commands, which makes it easy to deploy
and maintain large numbers of containers.
Reduced Costs: Operating system-based virtualization can significantly reduce costs, as it requires fewer resources and infrastructure than traditional
virtual machines.
Faster Deployment: Containers can be deployed quickly, reducing the time required to launch new applications or update existing ones.
Portability: Containers are highly portable, making it easy to move them from one environment to another without requiring changes to the
underlying application.
Disadvantages of Operating System-Based Virtualization:
Security: Operating system-based virtualization may pose security risks as containers share the same host operating system, which means that a
security breach in one container could potentially affect all other containers running on the same system.
Limited Isolation: Containers may not provide complete isolation between applications, which can lead to performance degradation or resource
Complexity: Operating system-based virtualization can be complex to set up and manage, requiring specialized skills and knowledge.
Dependency Issues: Containers may have dependency issues with other containers or the host operating system, which can lead to compatibility
issues and hinder deployment.
Limited Hardware Access: Containers may have limited access to hardware resources, which can limit their ability to perform certain tasks or
applications that require direct hardware access.
Differences Between Cloud Computing and Virtualization

O Cloud Computing Virtualization

Cloud computing is used to provide pools and automated resources that While It is used to make various simulated environments
can be accessed on-demand. through a physical hardware system.

While virtualization setup is simple as compared to cloud

2. Cloud computing setup is tedious, complicated.

While virtualization is low scalable compared to cloud

3. Cloud computing is high scalable.

4. Cloud computing is Very flexible. While virtualization is less flexible than cloud computing.

In the condition of disaster recovery, cloud computing relies on multiple

5. While it relies on single peripheral device.

6. In cloud computing, the workload is stateless. In virtualization, the workload is stateful.

7. The total cost of cloud computing is higher than virtualization. The total cost of virtualization is lower than Cloud Computing.
O Cloud Computing Virtualization

8. Cloud computing requires many dedicated hardware. While single dedicated hardware can do a great job in it.

While storage space depends on physical server capacity in

9. Cloud computing provides unlimited storage space.

Virtualization is of two types : Hardware virtualization and

10. Cloud computing is of two types : Public cloud and Private cloud.
Application virtualization.

11. In Cloud Computing, Configuration is image based. In Virtualization, Configuration is template based.

In cloud computing, we utilize the entire server capacity and the entire
12. In Virtualization, the entire servers are on-demand.
servers are consolidated.

In cloud computing, the pricing pay as you go model, and consumption In Virtualization, the pricing is totally dependent on
is the metric on which billing is done. infrastructure costs.

Wearable Technology
Wearable technology is any kind of electronic device designed to be worn on the user's body. Such devices can take many different forms, including
jewelry, accessories, medical devices, and clothing or elements of clothing. The term wearable computing implies processing or communications
capabilities, but in reality, the sophistication among wearables can vary.
The most sophisticated examples of wearable technology include artificial intelligence (AI) hearing aids, Google Glass and Microsoft's HoloLens,
and a holographic computer in the form of a virtual reality (VR) headset. An example of a less complex form of wearable technology is a disposable
skin patch with sensors that transmit patient data wirelessly to a control device in a healthcare facility.
Modern wearable technology falls under a broad spectrum of usability, including smartwatches, fitness trackers such as the Fitbit Charge, VR
headsets, smart jewelry, web-enabled glasses, and Bluetooth headsets. Wearables work differently, based on the category they belong to, such as
health, fitness or entertainment. Predominantly, wearable technology functions by incorporating microprocessors, batteries and connectivity to the
internet so the collected data can be synced with other electronics, such as mobile devices or laptops. Wearables are embedded with built-in sensors
that keep track of bodily movements, provide biometric identification or assist with location tracking. For example, activity trackers or smartwatches
-- the most common types of wearables -- come with a strap that wraps around the user's wrist to monitor their physical activities or vitals throughout
the day. While most wearables are either worn on the body or are attached to clothing, some function without any physical contact with the user. Cell
phones, smart tags or computers can still be carried around and track user movements. Other wearables use remote smart sensors and accelerometers
to track movements and speed, and some use optical sensors for measuring heart rate or glucose levels. A common factor among these technology
wearables is the fact they all monitor data in real-time.

Epidermal skin technology. According to ScienceDaily, the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation invented wearable electronic skin for
monitoring health. A next-generation of wearables, this ultra-thin e-skin patch can be attached to the wearer's chest area along with a small wireless
transmitter by using water spray and can be worn for up to a week. It is sensitive enough to pick up and record electro signals, such as heartbeats and
muscle movements, which can be sent to healthcare providers via the cloud so they can monitor the user's vitals remotely. This powerful wearable is
a steppingstone for monitoring chronic illnesses such as heart failure and diabetes.

Health monitoring. People use wearable technology to track and receive notifications for their heart rate and blood pressure, watch their calorie
intake or manage their training regimens. The COVID-19 pandemic boosted the use of wearable technology, as consumers gained a broader
awareness of personal hygiene and taking precautions to prevent the spread of infections. Apple, for instance, updated its Cardiogram app by
introducing a new sleeping beats-per-minute feature that monitors heart rate fluctuations for COVID-19 patients.

Entertainment and gaming. The gaming and entertainment industries were the first to adopt VR headsets, smart glasses and controllers. Popular
VR head-mounted displays, such as Oculus Quest, Meta Quest and Sony PlayStation VR, are used for all types of entertainment purposes, including
gaming, watching movies and virtual traveling.
Fashion and smart clothing. Clothing known as smart clothing, or intelligent fashion, has been gaining wide popularity over the past few years.
Smart jackets, such as Levi's jacket made with Google's Project Jacquard technology whose threads are composed of electrical fibers, enable the
wearer to answer calls, play music or take photos right from their sleeves. Smartwatches, wristbands, smart shoes and smart jewelry are also popular
examples of wearable technology.

Military. These wearables include technology that tracks soldiers' vitals, VR-based simulation exercises and sustainability technology, such as boot
inserts that estimate how well the soldiers are holding their equipment weight and how terrain factors can affect their performance.

Sports and fitness. Sports use wearable athletic devices that are either built into the fabric of the sports apparel or are incorporated into sports
equipment, such as bats and balls. The GPS and Bluetooth-linked devices relay real-time data to coaches for analysis through connected electronic
devices such as laptops. Besides wearable athletic devices, familiar wearable technology such as Fitbit, Apple Watch, Garmin, Samsung Galaxy
Watch and Polar are used extensively to track various areas of the player's health and performance metrics.

Examples of wearable technology

Common examples of wearable technology include the following:

Smart jewelry. This can include smart rings, wristbands, watches and pins. Smaller wearable devices typically work with a smartphone app for
display and interaction.
Body-mounted sensors. These sensors are placed on the body to monitor and transmit biological data for healthcare purposes.
Fitness trackers. These wearables often come in the form of wristbands, straps or headbands that monitor physical activity and vital signs. Trackers
may connect wirelessly to an app for data storage, processing and reporting.
Smart clothing. This type of clothing comes with built-in technology that can perform a variety of tasks including fitness or health monitoring,
interacting with phones and other devices and changing fabric characteristics to suit the user's preference, activity or environment. As an example, in
2014, clothing manufacturer Tommy Hilfiger launched clothing that came fitted with solar cells to charge devices.
Augmented reality (AR) headsets. AR headsets use a real-world setting and integrate digital information into a display of the user's environment in
a way that enables interaction with real world and virtual reality.
VR headsets. VR headsets entirely replace the user environment with digital information and enhance the fictional reality. VR users are controlled
by the system.
AI hearing aids. AI hearing aids can filter out unwanted noises and automatically adapt to provide the best performance in the user's current
environment and for their individual hearing needs. Such devices, sometimes referred to as hearables, can also incorporate capabilities such as fitness
tracking, audio streaming and translation.
The history of wearable technology
The origins of wearable technology date back to the 13th century when eyeglasses were first invented. In the 15th century, timepieces were created --
some of which were small enough to be worn -- but it was not until the 1960s that modern wearable technology came into existence.
The following is a brief history showcasing the various turns wearable technology has taken over time:

1960s. In 1961, Edward Thorp and Claude Shannon created wearable technology in the form of a tiny four-button computer that could fit into a shoe
or be strapped around the user's waist. It was created to help gamblers in casinos cheat at roulette games, as the computer acted as a timing device to
predict where the ball would land.
1970s. Wearable tech gained popularity during this decade. The first calculator wristwatch was released in 1975 by Pulsar and quickly became a
fashion statement, as many celebrities, including Police lead singer Sting, were seen wearing it. Other companies, including Casio, released watches
well into the 80s and Marty McFly was seen wearing the Casio CA53W calculator watch in the movie Back to the Future.
1980s. Sony released the Walkman in 1979 and it became the most popular wearable music device throughout the 80s. The healthcare industry was
also transformed during this decade with the release of the first digital hearing aids in 1987.
1990s. Steve Mann, a Canadian researcher, invented the wearable wireless webcam in 1994. This bulky webcam facilitated the use of future IoT
technologies. Smart clothing expos and wearable technology conferences also spiked in popularity during the 90s.
2000s. This decade saw an explosion in wearable technology with the introduction of Bluetooth headsets, Fitbits and the Nike plus iPod Sport Kit.
2010s. This period was the tipping point for wearable technology. Google Glass entered the scene in 2013, while the Apple Watch debuted in 2015
and was followed by The Oculus Rift Headset in 2016.
2020s. The gaming industry continues to add newer AR and VR headsets, while clothing designers are rapidly bringing smart clothing to the
The future of wearable technology
Wearable technology is becoming increasingly popular and is all set to revolutionize the future. While fitness trackers, smart devices, intelligent
clothing and VR and AR headsets have gained widespread approval, they are only the tip of the iceberg.

The following are some futuristic products and concepts predicted by tech experts and how they will shape wearable technology going
Apple Glasses. Initial reports from Bloomberg and The Information suggest that Apple Glasses could be released by 2023. These AR smart glasses
are designed to transfer information from a user's phone to their face. These glasses will be able to synchronize with a wearer's iPhone to display
texts, emails, games and other items over the user's field of vision.
Energy harvesting. One drawback of using wearable technology is that it must be taken off for regular charging. Energy harvesting is being
researched and could prolong battery life by converting body heat, movement or solar energy into power. Piezoelectricity is one example of energy
harvesting where piezoelectric ceramic can be used to convert the body vibrations produced during movement into energy.

Smart contact lenses. Nothing short of a sci-fi movie, smart contact lenses that can deliver real-time information to the human eye will be available
to consumers soon. Tech giants, including Google, Mojo Vision, Samsung and Sony, are working on developing these soft electronic smart contact
lenses that can sync up with smartphones or other external devices to provide real-time, hands-free information along with vision correction.

AI for the human brain. AI-integrated non-invasive sensors that help with performing functions associated with thinking are currently being
developed. Facebook is developing a brain-computer interface that could enable people to type Facebook status updates by using their minds instead
of typing. Elon Musk's company Neuralink is also working on an interface that could help people who suffer from traumatic brain injuries.

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