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quake ii threewave capture the flag


capture the flag offers an exciting variation on team play. it gives more
meaning to base defense along with offensive positioning and organized strikes.

the basic premise is this:

attack the enemy base, grab their flag, then take it back to your base. in this
variation you must touch your base flag when carrying the enemy flag in order
to score - if your flag isn't at your base when you return, you or your team
must get it back to gain points and captures.

quick setup

the quake2 installer places a quake2 capture the flag shortcut in your quake2
start menu by default, but
people who wish to do it manually must run quake2 with the +set game ctf
option, like so:

quake2 +set game ctf

then connect to a ctf server.

the story

resting against a wall, a chaingun in your hands, your mind wanders back to
combat training. a cynical smile passes over your face as a particular memory
comes to you. before this fouled-up attack on stroggos, back when you had your
own training squad, you learned some valuable lessons. and you taught some too.
alone, and in the heart of the stroggos world your mind drifts back...

"what the hell are you standing there looking at soldier?!"

you look up from the grappling hook assembly on the ground into your sergeant's

"yeah you!" he yells again.

your lip curls up in a snarl as you pick up the assembly and feel its weight in
your hand. a strange, unexpected development in this training cycle.

"that there is a t-56 grappling assembly. in this exercise you will use it to
escape and evade the opposing team," sergeant boomer said loudly to the whole
squad, while still looking at you and standing there with his hands on his
hips, his drill sergeant's hat pulled low on his forehead.

you meet the sergeant's glare with one of your own. "this piece of crap device
was a waste of time," you think.

"i see we have us a skeptic here. hand me that grappler, soldier."

you toss the ugly thing away to the sergeant. "let me show you the fine art of
grappling. take out your weapon."

you smile as you draw your blaster. finally, something is happening here. the
sergeant points the grappler up towards the wall of the nearest barracks.

"shoot me," he says.

being the nice guy you are, you don't hesitate when you are given an order to
shoot something. you aim at the sergeant as your finger gently strokes the
trigger of the blaster. suddenly, the sergeant's arms buckle slightly as the
grappler fires from the assembly and he is pulled up and over your head. your
concentration spoiled by the sudden movement, your shot misses. cursing, you
spin around for another shot. your body shakes as something blows through your
armor, barely poking into your chest.

"what the...?" you yell as you see the sergeant hurtling toward you, being
pulled by the very same grappler you dismissed moments ago.

"yee - haw!!" he yells as his feet slam into your chest and you fly backward
and land painfully on your ass. you try to catch your breath as your head
swims from the impact. you feel the blaster kicked out of your hand. the
sounds of your squad laughing are heard in the back of your head.

"that's the same look the strogg i killed with a grappling hook had on his face
when i did that to him. only you are still here to torture my eyes,
scum-ball," the sergeant says as he tosses the grappling hook into your lap.
your hands wrap around the handle as your vision clears. "squad, fall out!
and you, soldier 3585, get in the front-leaning rest position and give me 100

you do as he says, as you eye the grappling hook in a new light, your head
bobbing up and down as you look at it there on the ground in front of you...


the metallic yell of a berserker snaps you back from your memory. racing
toward you the ugly bald thing raised its spike-ended arm to stick you like a
pig. "intrude this," you mumble as you pull the trigger on the chaingun and
it hums to life. you see the bullets slamming into its armored body as it
dances around like a puppet on strings. its eyes peer at you in hatred as it
falls to the floor in a pool of blood. "yeah well you suck too." you crouch
in the shadows, waiting to see if your actions have drawn any extra attention.
your body tired and aching, you move further back into the shadows and rest
some more, fading again into your memories...

"o-k boys and girls this exercise is called 'capture the flag.' there will be
two teams and two flags. you must infiltrate the enemy base using stealth,
firepower, cunning, or whatever the hell else you can to get the damn flag. be
sure to use your grappling hooks to speed movement and travel in areas normally
not accessible by foot. once you bring your flag back to base you must touch
the flag to your own. if your flag has been taken by another team one of your
team members must get it back before you can score. i will lead the red team."
the sergeant looks over to you.

"soldier 3585, you will lead the blue team. this exercise will be held on a
training site called 'mckinley revival.' it will begin in 5 minutes. take
your god-damn places and get outta my face." you smile as you heft the
grappling hook and organize your team.

"you, tokay, you're pretty damn good with a rocket launcher. take uppa here
and guard the flag. don't let the freakin' bastards get it." you look over at
another soldier. "zoid, right? you feel up to getting that flag with me?"

"damn right i do."

"good let's go get it then," you say to zoid as the two of you head out of your
base room down into the training site. the training computer's voice intrudes
on your thoughts.

"weapons on simulation mode. proceed with scenario 'capture the flag'," it

says in its friendly female voice. you move down the hallways toward the
objective, zoid following close behind. picking up a few grenades and a
grenade launcher, you lean against the wall and look at your companion. he is
carrying a double-barrel shotgun. you nod at him and look around the corner,
into enemy territory. a soldier approaches carrying a machine gun. you give
the enemy sign to zoid and he nods with a smile on his face. the enemy soldier
comes around the corner and zoid pulls the trigger of his double-barrel. the
computer chimes in, "blue scores a kill." zoid moves over to the 'dead'
soldier and smiles down at him as he raids the soldier's supplies. "finders,
keepers," he says. the soldier on the ground looks up and rolls his eyes.

out of the scenario for now. moving through the hallways again you take a
sharp incline and approach the enemy base. a rocket blast erupts close to your

"soldier 3585, blue team, takes a 20% hit."

"damn," you say as you drop to one knee and pump off a few grenades into the
room ahead. zoid fires random shotgun blasts into the confusion.

"soldier 4562, red team, takes a 40% hit."

you smile, thinking, "grenades. don't leave home without them." pumping a few
more grenades into the room you move forward, zoid at your side. another
rocket blast explodes to your right.

"soldier 0001, blue team, takes a 30% hit."

swearing, zoid moves into the room and spots the rocket sniper and pumps two
well-placed shotgun blasts into him.

"blue scores a kill," the computer chimes again.

you and zoid spot the flag on an incline ahead. you nod at zoid and pick up
the enemy rocket launcher as he grabs the flag.

"i got you covered. let's take this baby home," you say to him. suddenly, you
hear the sound of a charging bfg. "pfffffffffft!" you manage to jump behind a
column under some stairs as the weapon goes off.

"red scores a kill. soldier 3585 takes a 30% hit." the computer says.

"heheheh. you dumb-asses think i'm gonna let you walk out with that?" the
sergeant said from somewhere in the room. "come on out 3585 and let's get it
over with."

"my pleasure," you whisper as you move into the shadows. circling the last
place the voice came from you look out from behind the column. the sergeant is
approaching his flag to return it to its base. as your finger begins to pull
the trigger, he senses something and jumps for cover. your rocket impacts
close to his feet.

"boomer, red team, takes a 15% hit," the computer says. "red flag is returned
to base."

"goddamn it," you say as you try to get a clear shot at the sergeant's
position. you pull the grappling hook out and fire it up to the red flag
holding area. you felt yourself pulled fast up to the flag as you hear the bfg
charging once again. the blast hits the area you once crouched in and does
nothing to you.

a warning klaxon sounds off. "red flag has been taken," the computer pipes up.
the sergeant swears as you hear the sound of the bfg charging again. you jump
off the flag's holding area into some cover as the bfg beams cut all through
the room, one just missing your head. you roll out onto the floor and fire two
rocket blasts into the area the sergeant had fired from. he was already gone
as you scan the surroundings with a practiced eye.

and then it happens. you spot the sergeant up above you, hanging from his
grappling hook assembly, preparing his bfg for a final shot. your face takes
on a look of animal ferocity as you fire your grappling hook up into the
hanging sergeant.

"boomer, red team, takes a 2% hit," you hear as you are thrust into the
sergeant's hanging body, the impact causing him to drop his precious bfg.

"awww hell," he says. hanging there, you look at the sergeant's grappling hook
assembly attached to his belt by a magnetic device.

"going down," you say as you disable the magnetic device and you both hurtle to
the floor below. as you fall you position yourself so that you land on the

"ooooof!" he says, as you hit the floor.

"boomer, red team, takes a 10% hit."

you hear this as you climb to your feet. the sergeant also climbs to his feet.
you smile as you do a roundhouse kick to his face.

"boomer, red team, takes a 5% hit."

you continue with a flurry of punches, ignoring the computer's voice. it feels
good to beat the snot outta this asshole. funny, there are no snide comments
coming from the sergeant now.

"soldier 3585, cease your attack on boomer, red team. blue team scores a
kill." you watch as the sergeant falls to the floor in an unconscious heap.
suddenly an idea pops into your head. then the warning klaxons go off again.

"blue team's flag has been....."

the warning klaxons bring you out of your memories again. the strogg must have
found the remains of the others you left in your wake. you vow to finish this
god-forsaken mission at all costs. this pansy rest session, and its "warm"
memories are over. time to kick ass again -- but your face takes on an evil
smile as you remember how you left the unconscious sergeant, hanging from his
ass in his own flag base, his face bruised and body broken. the time in the
base brig had been worth it. just to shut his mouth once and for all....

the rules

two areas of the map are designated as base encampments.

when you connect to the server, you will either be automatically assigned to a
team or you will be in an invisible spectator mode where you can select your
team. you can change teams later on by using the "team" command and selecting
red or blue in the console - for example, "team red" will change to red team.
you spawn at your team's base. if you die, you are not spawned at the base, but
at one of the deathmatch start spots randomly placed in the level.

if you pick up the enemy flag, you must return to base and touch your flag in
order to score. note that if you get back to the base, your flag might not be
there if the other team has it! get the rest of your team to go frag the enemy
player and get your flag back!

when a player carrying the enemy flag touches his flag he completes a
successful capture. he gets a bonus of 15 points, and everyone on his team gets
10 points.

if you kill an opposing team player who has your flag he drops it, earning
yourself 2 points. if you touch your flag, it will teleport back to your base,
giving you 1 point as a recovery bonus. this gives base defenders a reward for
guarding their flag.

since everyone starts at their base after level change or joining the game, the
team will have to work out who is going to go on offense to try to get the
enemy flag, and who will play defense by staying at base and guarding their own

server configuration

quake ii capture the flag is a simple addon to the server. all of the normal
server deathmatch options apply, with the following additional options:

df_ctf_forcejoin 131072
df_armor_protect 262144
df_ctf_no_tech 524288

the df_ctf_forcejoin option will cause players joining the server to

automatically be assigned to a team (no menu or spectator mode is available).
df_armor_protect may be set to cause your attacks to not harm teammates' armor
(health protect is always on). df_ctf_no_tech turns off the tech powerups.

df_no_health 1
df_no_items 2
df_weapons_stay 4
df_no_falling 8
df_instant_items 16
df_same_level 32
df_skinteams 64
df_modelteams 128
df_no_friendly_fire 256
df_spawn_farthest 512
df_force_respawn 1024
df_no_armor 2048
df_allow_exit 4096
df_infinite_ammo 8192
df_quad_drop 16384
df_fixed_fov 32768
df_ctf_forcejoin 131072
df_armor_protect 262144
df_ctf_no_tech 524288

for example, say you wish to configure a server with weapons stay, instant
items, spawn farthest, force respawn, quad drop, and armor protect, you would

4 + 16 + 512 + 1024 + 16384 + 262144 = 280084

then you would run the server as:

quake2 +set game ctf +set dmflags 935444 +map ctf1

(add a +set dedicated 1 for dedicated servers).

a sample server.cfg file is included for server operators that set default
modes. server operators and just run:

quake2 +set game ctf +exec server.cfg

add a "+set dedicated 1" to the command line for dedicated servers.

quake ii threewave ctf levels


there are 5 new levels in this release, with some rewards for those of you
familiar with the older ctf maps.

they are as follows:

q2ctf1 - mckinley revival

q2ctf2 - stronghold opposition
q2ctf3 - the smelter
q2ctf4 - outlands
q2ctf5 - capture showdown

tech powerups

there are four tech powerups, spinning rings with symbols inside them - you'll
spot them right away. they are:

the power amplifier, which is signified by the large nail, increases your
attack power.

the disruptor shield, which is signified by the large gear. it increases your
resistance to enemy attacks.
the time accelerator. it has wings spinning inside of it, and greatly increases
your speed.

the auto doc, which bears a spinning red cross. this tech regenerates your
health constantly.

the command "drop tech" in the console will cause you to drop the tech you are
currently carrying, to pass it to a teammate or to pick up another one. you
cannot pick up the tech that you have just dropped.

the grapple

included in ctf is a new weapon, the grapple. this tool is not effective as an
attack weapon, but is excellent in increasing your mobility. in order to use
it, you must bind a key or mouse button to "use grapple". it works like any
other weapon--just point and shoot. the difference is, as long as you hold the
fire button down, you will be pulled to the point where the grapple connected
to. release the fire button to let go and disengage from the grapple.

changes to 1.02

- new 'id' command that enables player indentification display. type 'id'
in the console to turn it on. then whoever you are looking at will be
displayed on the hud. the display is <name>\<model>/<skin>.
- integrated various changes from main game 3.14 release

changes to 1.01

- switching from grapple to other weapon results in a grapple release if

the attack button is let go at any time before the new weapon is
switched to. this makes scripts that use grapple;weaplast work much
- integrated various changes from main game 3.13 release


john cash
dave 'zoid' kirsch

level design
christian antkow
dave 'zoid' kirsch
tim willits

adrian carmack
kevin cloud
paul steed

tom 'bjorn' klok
original ctf art design
brian 'whaleboy' cozzens

ctf story
heath 'coldsun' brown

jack 'morbid' mathews

special thanks to all the q2 ctf beta testers

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