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Unit 6 - Be a Sport!

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1. football pitch: the surface on which you play football (as opposed to a stadium,
which is the building)
2. tackle: If you tackle someone in a game such as hockey or football, you try to take
the ball away from them. If you tackle someone in rugby or American football, you
knock them to the ground.
3. opposing team: When things are opposed, they're against each other. Two teams
playing against each other are opposed; so are two sides in a war. If you're opposed,
you're usually up against an opponent or opposing side.
4. strike: to hit
5. to score a goal: to get a point in a game by sending a ball into a special object
or area
6. researcher: a person who studies a subject in detail in order to discover new
information about it
7. analyse: If you analyse something, you consider it carefully or use statistical
methods in order to fully understand it.
8. data: Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
9. be held: to take place; to happen
10. arrange: to put in a certain order
11. fixture: A sports event which takes place on a particular date.
12. take into account: to consider; to take into consideration
13. recreation: anything a person does to relax or have fun; play
14. gear: equipment
15. sportsmanship: playing fair and showing respect for opponents
16. facilities: places designed or built to serve a special function
17. cheer on: to encourage; to support someone
18. reigning champion: the most recent winner of a competition
19. round: In sport, a series of games in a competition. The winners of these games
go on to play in the next round, and so on, until only one player or team is left.
20. take part in: to participate (in)
21. replay: Also called: "action replay television". A showing again of a sequence of
action, part of a sporting contest immediately after it happens, either in slow motion
(a slow-motion replay) or at normal speed
22. lap: In a race, a competitor completes a lap when they have gone round a course
23. lead: to go with or in front of a person or an animal to show the way or to make
them go in the right direction
24. tie: (in game/competition) to have the same number of points
25. defeat: to win against somebody in a war, competition, sports game, etc.

Unit 6 - Be a Sport!
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26. tournament: A sports competition involving a number of teams or players who
take part in different games and must leave the competition if they lose. The
competition continues until there is only the winner left.
27. court: The place where legal trials take place and where crimes, etc. are judged.
28. athletic performance: the ability to respond effectively to the various physical
demands of the specific sport or event
29. spectator sports: a sport that attracts large numbers of fans
30. foul: Done against the rules of a sport.
31. penalty: (in sports and games) a disadvantage given to a player or a team when
they break a rule
32. referee: The official who controls a sports event such as a football game or a
boxing match.
33. umpire: A person whose job is to make sure that a sports match or contest is
played fairly and that the rules are not broken.
34. knock out: To defeat somebody so that they cannot continue competing.
35. save a goal: (in football, water polo, etc.) to prevent an opponent's shot from
going in the goal
36. set a record: To achieve the best result in a sport.
37. hold the record: To maintain the highest or best in an activity
38. left out: To be excluded
39. get ahead: To make progress
40. stand a chance: To have the possibility of doing something, of success
41. slow down: A decrease in speed.
42. qualify for: To be successful in one part of a competition and go on to the next
43. an edge over: To have an advantage over one.
44. brainwave: A sudden clear idea or thought.
45. ingenious: clever; resourceful
46. prompted: Quick to act; on time; to urge to action; to remind; a reminder
47. calculate: To work out by using arithmetic.
48. visible: That can be seen or perceived.
49. install: To fix equipment or furniture into position so that it can be used.
50. conceal: To hide somebody/something.
51. point out: To stretch your finger out towards somebody/something in order to
show somebody which person or thing you are referring to.
52. set about: To start or begin.
53. obtain: To get; come into possession of.
54. coach: Someone who trains a person or team of people in a particular sport.
55. apparent: Clearly visible or understood; obvious.
Unit 6 - Be a Sport!
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56. responsible for: Having the job or duty of doing something or taking care of
somebody/something, so that you may be blamed if something goes wrong.
57. determine: To decide
58. take off: To become successful or popular very quickly or suddenly.
59. six-figure salary: Used to describe a number that is 100,000 or more in some-
one's salary.
60. top priority: The most important thing.
61. repeatedly: many times
62. efficient: Doing something in a good, careful and complete way with no waste
of time, money or energy.
63. strengths and weaknesses: These terms refer to a person's character. Often
a strength can be a weakness, and vice versa, a weakness can be a strength.
64. back and forth: Moving from one place to another and back again.
65. sooner or later: Eventually, after a period of time.
66. sick and tired: Angry or bored with sth that has been happening for a long time.
67. now and again: From time to time
68. heads or tails: Two sides of a coin
69. far and wide: A long distance away. Used when you are asking or talking about
the distance between two places or the distance that has been travelled or is to be
70. safe and sound: Not hurt or damaged.


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