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Syringe Pump

Submitted By:
Hamza Ali BSMET- 70106881
Arooj Fatima BSMET-70108200
Muhyu Din Afzal BSMET-70108375

Supervised By:
Supervisor Hassan Sohail Butt


Fall, 2024
Syringe Pump

A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of

the Degree of Degree Name at

The University of Lahore, Lahore

Supervisor Evaluator 1

Name: Name:

Signature: Signature:

Evaluator 2 Convener, Project Cell

Name: Name:

Signature: Signature:

Head, Department of Technology:



Fall, 2024

The research presented in this thesis is done completely by me, with the exception of instances
where it is conducted in cooperation with or with support from others, in which case my part in it
is acknowledged that follow, as confirmed by our group members Muhyu Din Afzal, Hamza Ali,
and Arooj Fatima. The content that is currently published is also acknowledged below.
Furthermore, we certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the work is original, complies with
any other party's copyright or other proprietary rights, and is free of any confidential content. I
used reasonable precautions to assure this.
We acknowledge that the University may check the electronic version of the thesis for plagiarism
using tools.
In addition, we confirm that this thesis is the first to be submitted for credit toward a degree by
this university or any other. The Author owns the copyright to it, and no information or reference
from it may be published without the creator's approval in writing.

Student Name: Hamza Ali

Student Name: Arooj Fatima

Student Name: Muhyu Din Afzal

Signature: .....................................................................

Date: ..................................................................................

The work for this thesis completed at The University of Lahore, Lahore, at the Department of
Technology, from October 2023 to February 2024. However, with the exception of a few cases
when it is made clear in the text, all of the work that went into this thesis originated completely
by me and my group members.

The Thesis, or any part of it, is the first to be submitted for credit toward a degree to this
university or any other. This dissertation's main text, which comprises sections one through
eight, a supplement that includes a list of resources, tables, and numbers, is roughly 53,400
words long. Therefore, there are also 92 figures, 10 tables, and 100 equations.
Several of the pieces included in this dissertation are now released

In the name of Allah Ta'ala, the Most Gracious and Forgiving. We are appreciative to Allah
Ta'ala, the Almighty, who supplies all resources in all kinds, so that we can utilize them
effectively for the good of humankind. May He continue to provide me what I need and the
direction I need to keep serving humanity!

We sincerely thank our parents and siblings for their unwavering support during both the good
and difficult periods of our lives, on a financial and moral level. We repeatedly demonstrated to
be quite useful to us when debating the finer points of this thesis. we helpful comments and
guidance on my work certainly raised my motivation and inspired us to put in a lot of effort.

We also express our gratitude to the University of Lahore staff for their cooperation and friendly
conduct during the project.

The task assigned to our group is to create a syringe pump that could deliver liquids at a
controlled flow rate to cells in a microfluidic device. The design process of our syringe
pump proved to be a very dynamic one. The beginning research of both microfluidic gadgets and
already-existing syringe pumps gave our team ideas about how we approach
implement existing aspects that work into our design. There were many existing devices
that's quite similar to the one we received instructions to create; however, given our limited
means as students, we need to get a little more clever to figure out how to cost and
assemble each component to the best of our abilities. Developing customer
requirements was a huge step in the process of understanding what exactly you as our
customer wanted to see delivered in our syringe pump.
Chapter 1.






Chapter 2.........................................................................................................................................ix


Chapter 3..........................................................................................................................................x


 Accurate Fluid Delivery.......................................................................................................x

 Customizability and Openness.............................................................................................x

 Cost-Effectiveness:...............................................................................................................x

 User-Friendly Interface.........................................................................................................x

 Compatibility and Versatility...............................................................................................x

 Integration with Other Systems:..........................................................................................xi

 Educational Tool..................................................................................................................xi

Chapter 4.......................................................................................................................................xii


 Arduino Microcontroller:...................................................................................................xii

 Stepper Motor.....................................................................................................................xii

 Motor Driver.......................................................................................................................xii

 Syringe Holder....................................................................................................................xii

 Syringe................................................................................................................................xii

 Power Supply......................................................................................................................xii
 Connectors and Wiring.......................................................................................................xii

 Mechanical Structure.........................................................................................................xiii

 User Interface....................................................................................................................xiii

 Assembly and Testing.......................................................................................................xiii

Chapter 5.......................................................................................................................................xiv

Software Development:................................................................................................................xiv

 Arduino IDE......................................................................................................................xiv

 Libraries.............................................................................................................................xiv

 Define Pins........................................................................................................................xiv

 Initialization.......................................................................................................................xiv

 User Interface.....................................................................................................................xiv

 Motor Control....................................................................................................................xiv

 Calibration.........................................................................................................................xiv

 Uploading Code.................................................................................................................xiv

 Testing and Iteration...........................................................................................................xv

 Documentation....................................................................................................................xv

Chapter 6.......................................................................................................................................xvi

Project Timeline............................................................................................................................xvi

Chapter 7......................................................................................................................................xvii

Expected Outcomes.....................................................................................................................xvii

 Accurate Fluid Delivery...................................................................................................xvii

Customizability and Openness:...............................................................................................xvii

 Versatility in Syringe Compatibility.................................................................................xvii

 User-Friendly Interface.....................................................................................................xvii

 Cost-Effective Solution....................................................................................................xvii
 Integration with Other Systems.......................................................................................xviii

 Educational Tool.............................................................................................................xviii

 Documentation and Knowledge Sharing.........................................................................xviii

Chapter 8.......................................................................................................................................xix

Chapter 2.


 An Arduino-based open syringe pump is a versatile and customizable device

designed to deliver fluids accurately and precisely. By leveraging the
Arduino platform, this syringe pump provides an open-source solution that
promotes customization, affordability, and ease of use. It serves as a valuable
tool in variousfields such as research, medical applications, laboratory
automation, andeducational settings.
 This syringe pump utilizes an Arduino microcontroller, stepper motor, motor
driver, and a mechanical structure that securely holds the syringe. It offers a
user- friendly interface that allows users to set parameters such as flow rate,
volume, and timing with ease. The open nature of the system enables users to
modify and adapt it to their specific requirements, making it a flexible
solution for a wide range of applications.
 One of the key objectives of the Arduino-based open syringe pump is
accurate fluid delivery. By employing precise control over the stepper motor,
it ensures consistent and reliable flow rates, meeting the desired
specifications. The compatibility with various syringe sizes allows users to
work with different volumes and materials, enhancing versatility in
 The affordability of the Arduino platform makes the syringe pump accessible
to a broader audience, eliminating the need for expensive proprietary
systems. It also fosters collaborative development and knowledge sharing, as
users can contribute to the improvement and customization of the system.
 Furthermore, the Arduino-based open syringe pump can be easily integrated
with other systems, such as laboratory automation setups or data acquisition
systems. This seamless integration enhances its functionality and expands its
Chapter 3.


The objectives of an Arduino-based open syringe pump can vary depending on the
specific application and requirements. However, here are some common objectives
for such a system:

 Accurate Fluid Delivery: The primary objective of a syringe pump is to

deliver fluids accurately and precisely. The Arduino-based syringe pump
aims to provide reliable and consistent flow rates to meet the desired

 Customizability and Openness: By using Arduino, the syringe pump can be

designed as an open-source platform, allowing customization and
modification by users. This objective promotes collaborative development
and enables users to adapt the syringe pump to their specific needs.

 Cost-Effectiveness: Another objective is to create an affordable solution for

fluid delivery. Arduino boards and components are generally cost-effective
comparedto proprietary systems, making the syringe pump more accessible to
a wider rangeof users.

 User-Friendly Interface: The syringe pump should have a user-friendly

interface that allows users to easily set parameters such as flow rate, volume,
and timing. This objective ensures that the syringe pump is intuitive and easy
to operate, even for users without extensive technical knowledge.

 Compatibility and Versatility: The Arduino-based syringe pump should be

compatible with various syringe sizes and types, allowing users to work with
different volumes and materials. This objective ensures versatility in
applications and enables users to adapt the syringe pump to their specific
experimental or medical needs.
 Integration with Other Systems: The syringe pump may have the objective
of being easily integrated with other systems or equipment, such as
laboratory automation setups or data acquisition systems. This objective
promotes seamless integration and enhances the overall functionality and
efficiency of the system.

 Educational Tool: The Arduino-based syringe pump can also serve as an

educational tool to learn about electronics, programming, and control
Chapter 4.


The hardware development of an Arduino-based open syringe pump involves

selecting and assembling the necessary components to create a functional system.
Here are the key steps involved:

 Arduino Microcontroller: We choose Arduino Uno which has factors like

the number of digital and analog pins, memory capacity, and compatibility
withnecessary libraries.

 Stepper Motor: We use NEMA 17 stepper motor based on specifications,

such astorque and step resolution. Stepper motor produce torque to drive the
syringe plunger. It has 200 steps/revolution.

 Motor Driver: We choose A4988 motor driver that can handle the 1.2
current and12 voltage of stepper motor.

 Syringe Holder: 3D-printed part is use to holds the syringe in place. It

provides a stable platform for accurate fluid delivery.

 Syringe: We select 12ml syringe to deliver the fluid to patient with tube.

 Power Supply: We choose 12V, 1A power supply that can provide voltage
and current to operate the Arduino board, stepper motor, and motor driver.

 Connectors and Wiring: Connectors and wires is use to connect the

Arduino, motor driver, stepper motor, and power supply. Connectors are
compatible withthe components and provide secure connections.
 Mechanical Structure: We use acrylic (Fiber Glass) Sheet that holds all the
components together. Acrylic structure which is fastened by silicon tube that
securely hold the Arduino, motor driver, stepper motor, syringe holder, and

 User Interface: We use incorporate additional components for user

interaction, such as buttons, an LCD display, or a graphical interface on a
computer. Connect these components to the Arduino board and design a user-
friendly interface to set parameters and display relevant information.

 Assembly and Testing: Assemble all the components together by silicon

tube andthen we ensure that proper wiring connections, secure mounting, and
alignment ofthe syringe holder and motor. Test the hardware functionality by
running basic control tests and verifying the interaction between the Arduino,
motor driver, and stepper motor.
Chapter 5.

Software Development:

The software development for an Arduino UNO-based open syringe pump involves
programming the Arduino UNO microcontroller to control the stepper motor and
handle user interactions. Here is a general outline of the steps involved:

 Arduino IDE: We Install the Arduino Integrated Development Environment

(IDE) on laptop. The IDE provides user-friendly interface for writing and
uploading code to the Arduino UNO.

 Libraries: We identify and install Accel Stepper library or the Stepper library.
Refer to the library documentation for installation instructions.

 Define Pins: We define the pins on the Arduino UNO board that is used to
connect to the motor driver. Digital pins is for step, direction, and enable signals.

 Initialization: In the setup () function of our Arduino code, we initialize the

necessarypins and configure them as input or output.

 User Interface: We use user interface, to implement code to interact with the
user and set parameters such as flow rate and volume. This can be done using
buttons, oran LCD display.

 Motor Control: Implement code to control the stepper motor. Use the library
functions to set the 200 step speed, direction, and acceleration/deceleration profiles.
 Calibration: We implement calibration routines to fine-tune the syringe pump's
accuracy. This may involve measuring the actual flow rate for different settings
and adjusting the code accordingly.

 Uploading Code: After the software development is complete, connect the

Arduino UNO board to our laptop and upload the code using the Arduino IDE.
ensure the correct board is selected in the IDE (Arduino UNO) and check for any
error messages during the upload process.

 Testing and Iteration: Test the software functionality by running different

scenarios and verifying the accuracy of flow rates, response to user inputs, and
overall system behavior.

 Documentation: We documentation our software code, including comments and

explanations for different sections. This documentation will be helpful for
troubleshooting, sharing our project with others, or further development in the
Chapter 6.

Project Timeline

The proposed timeline for the project is as follows:

 Phase 1: Hardware Development (3 weeks)

 Phase 2: Software Development (5 weeks)

 Phase 3: Testing and Validation (2

weeks) Final Documentation and
Presentation (2 weeks)
Chapter 7.

Expected Outcomes

The expected outcomes of an Arduino UNO-based open syringe pump are:

 Accurate Fluid Delivery: The syringe pump is designed to deliver fluids

accurately and precisely. With the precise control provided by the Arduino
UNO, the syringe pump can achieve consistent and reliable flow rates,
ensuring accurate fluid delivery for various applications.

Customizability and Openness: By using the Arduino UNO platform, the

syringe pump can be customized and modified to meet specific requirements.
It serves as an open-source solution, allowing users to adapt and enhance the
system based on their needs. This promotes collaboration and knowledge
sharing among the community.

 Versatility in Syringe Compatibility: The syringe pump is compatible with

various syringe sizes, allowing users to work with different volumes and
materials.This versatility enables a wide range of applications and allows for
experimentation and adaptation to different scenarios.

 User-Friendly Interface: The Arduino UNO-based syringe pump can

incorporatea user-friendly interface, such as buttons or an LCD display, to
facilitate easy parameter adjustment and monitoring. This ensures that users
can interact with thesystem intuitively and set the desired flow rate, volume,
and other parameters effortlessly.

 Cost-Effective Solution: Utilizing the Arduino UNO platform makes the

syringe pump an affordable solution compared to proprietary systems. The
availability and affordability of Arduino UNO boards and components
contribute to making the syringe pump accessible to a broader user base.
 Integration with Other Systems: The Arduino UNO-based syringe pump
can be easily integrated with other systems or equipment, such as laboratory
automation setups or data acquisition systems. This integration expands the
functionality and versatility of the syringe pump and allows for seamless
integration into existing workflows.

 Educational Tool: The Arduino UNO-based syringe pump can serve as an

educational tool for learning about electronics, programming, and control
systems. It provides a platform for students, hobbyists, and researchers to
explore fluid dynamics, automation principles, and interdisciplinary concepts.

 Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: With an open-source approach,

the Arduino UNO-based syringe pump encourages documentation and
knowledge sharing within the community. Users can share their designs,
code, and experiences, contributing to the collective understanding and
improvement of the syringe pump.
Chapter 8.


 During the making of this project, we have learned the importance of the
different materials and their specific properties. We have understood the
importance of planning and distribution of work among team members and it
developed and mutual understanding between us.
 We got a good expose of practical work for making an Open syringe pump and
learned so many things how to make it physically.
 The project gave the knowledge of how to apply theoretical part in to the
practical work or in real life example. Also we were able to develop problem
solving skills through brainstorming or teamwork so to successfully complete our
 And we got some idea about computer programming for Arduino circuit.

 And in this growing world accuracy is given more value than precision and our
project is totally based on Accuracy.
 We know that it would be very beneficial for our future life.

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