Re: Year 7 To 9 AGS Progress Reports

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20 January 2023

Dear Parent/Carer’s

Re: Year 7 to 9 AGS Progress reports

Your child’s AGS Progress Report will be posted home early next week and a copy will
also be emailed to you. The report is very important as it informs you of your child’s
progress and their behaviour for learning in the classroom.

For Year 8 and 9 parent/carers you will notice a difference in the way the information on
the report is presented. From this academic year we will be presenting the information
cumulatively so that you can see progress across the year. The other big change is how
we report on behaviour for learning in the classroom. Previously we had 2 grades, one for
effort and one for behaviour and they were graded 1 to 4, this has been replaced with one
grade that is for behaviour for learning and is graded 1 to 3. The grading is below, and
more information is also included in the report.

 1 - Student consistently demonstrates the AGS classroom expectations

 2- Some improvement is needed as the student does not consistently
demonstrate the AGS classroom expectations.
 3 -Student significantly fails to demonstrate the AGS classroom expectations
and improvement is required.

Yours sincerely

Mrs S King
Assistant head teacher

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