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The Revenge of Death

Player name and role name :

1. Dariati as Dariati
2. La Ode Muhammad Rolan as Rolan
3. Cahyani Febrianty as Cahyani
4. Rahayu Maharani as Rahayu
5. Dian Mentari as Mentari
6. Siti Hafsyah Darma as Hafsyah
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This story takes place at a fairly well-known university. At the college, a close friendship was
formed, and they were quite famous for their arbitrary nature.

Scene 1

Location : Classroom
Time : Afternoon

In the classroom which contains chairs and desks, there was a commotion involving one of
the members of the friendship circle.

Cahyani: Don't just be quiet, can you really change?

Hearing their friend scream, Hafsyah, Rahayu, and Mentari, who were carrying out their
assignments, immediately ran towards the direction of the commotion.

Rahayu : Why the fuss?

Cahyani: Here people walk without eyes! Suddenly bumped into me, using spilled drink
everything, again.

Mentari: Do you do it on purpose?

Dariati, the bespectacled girl who had been lowering her head, was immediately shocked
when she heard this unreasonable accusation. How dare she find trouble with a group of
people like them.

Dariati : No, I really didn't do it on purpose. It was your friend who hit me anyway.

Cahyani: Dare you say that?!

Dariati: Sorry, I'll definitely change your clothes, but not now because I does not have any
money anymore.

Mentari: Even if you graduate, it's impossible for you to change.

Rahayu : You know, you can just talk.

Hafsyah : Well, maybe she did not do it on purpose. Why waste time with someone like her.

Hafsyah immediately pulled her friends back to their original seats before they made more
noise in the empty classroom. It was already time to go home, it's just that they are still busy
doing the task. Dariati is also their classmate, it's just that the difference in character between
them makes them never greet each other.

Cahyani: Just watch out, I'll teach you a lesson, loser.

Rahayu : Don't worry, we'll definitely help… Right, guys?

Mentari and Hafsyah smiled and nodded in agreement with their friend's crazy suggestion.
Who can stop them?
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Scene 2

Location : Classroom
Time : Midday

Cahyani, Hafsyah, Rahayu, and Dian were busy playing with their respective cellphones in
the classroom when Dariati suddenly passed them.

Mentari : Eh Dariati, buy us a drink please.

Dariati, who felt her name being called, immediately turned around and looked at their faces
one by one.

Cahyani : Me too. Buy anything, as long as it's cold.

Rahayu: Just keep it up, and what about you? (nudges Hafsyah's arm)

Hafsyah: I'm just following, just the same drink

Dariati, who didn't go away, made Cahyani and friends, who were already busy on their
respective cellphones, look back at Dariati.

Cahyani: How come you're still here? What are you doing?

Dariati: The money?

Rahayu : What??, you haven't changed the money to replace Cahyani's clothes yesterday, and
now you asking for money again.

Hafsyah was taking out money from her bag, when Mentari held her hand while shaking her
head. They intended to play a prank on the girl in front of them because of the spilled drink
problem a few days before.

Dariati nodded and then walked to the canteen to buy her friends' orders before they became
angry and demanded compensation for Cahyani's stained clothes. Even though it was actually
Cahyani fault, Dariati couldn't defend herself. She also doesn't have any money at the
moment, her family is not doing well, so her parents haven't sent her a month's money.

Hafsyah: Poor or not?

Mentari: What?

Hafsyah: Oh, you guys are like that...I think it's poor thing.

Rahayu : No, She just buying a drink.

Hasfyah : But sad to know... it seems like she doesn't have any money.

Rahayu : You don't have to be good girl

Mentari: The price of drinks is also not much..

Cahyani: Hmm, besides, the campus is really boring, we'd better work on that kid.
Incidentally, she seemed really afraid of the problem of clothes yesterday.

They all just laughed at that. That's true, on campus they don't have any activities, maybe
disturbing their heart can entertain them a little during their breaks.
Scene 3

Location : Outside Class

Time : Midday

Almost 15 minutes passed but Dariati never came back. Cahyani decided to go check out, as
well as throw away the trash she was holding. But the voice beside the door stopped her steps,
making her hide while listening to the conversation of the 2 people.

Rolan : If they go around with you, just tell me. Then let me tell them.

Dariati: Yes.. It's okay, they're not doing anything.

Rolan : You don't want to be ordered around like this all the time. People like them must be
fought so they don't continue.

Dariati: Yes, Rolan.. Well, I'll go back inside first, I'm afraid they'll be waiting too long.

Cahyani immediately continued walking outside, pretending not to hear anything. Cahyani
smiled at Rolan and went straight to them.

Cahyani: What are you guys discussing?

Rolan : Again asking for assignments

Cahyani: Oh, it's appropriate for us to wait a long time, Dariati come on in, the others are

Dariati was immediately dragged into the classroom, following Cahyani who pulled her hand.
Rolan wanted to rebuke Cahyani, only to be immediately arrested by Dariati. Dariati was
afraid that she would be bullied even more if Cahyani found out that Rolan was defending
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Scene 4

Location : Cahyani's room

Time : Night

Cahyani walked back and forth in her room. Not once did she bite her finger, a sign of
confusion. She turned on the cell phone, then turned it back off, before actually calling a
contact with a panicked face. She sat herself down on a chair in front of the dressing table.
Cahyani: Guys... do you find out about Dariati's relationship with Rolan!

She changed her position to standing, and resumed pacing

Cahyani : I heard them talking together. Dariati is like complaining about us often bothering

Cahyani: I will force Dariati to confess, you guys help me.

Without waiting for an answer from her friends, Cahyani turned off her phone on one side.
She went straight to bed, and decided to sleep while thinking about plans for tomorrow.
Scene 5

Location : Classroom
Time : Midday

Dariati, who was focused on carrying a tray of meatballs and iced tea, was very surprised
when suddenly her feet tripped, causing her to fall and spill over everything she was holding.

Dariari: Aw.. It's hot!!!

Cahyani : Oops.. Sorry, does it hurt? So walk with your eyes...

Mentari: we allready told, you did not hear. Why do you bother wearing glasses if you can't

Dariati tried to stand up while cleaning her clothes, her eyes were filled with tears. The
meatballs were still hot, and she swore, she had felt someone tripping on her leg to make her

Dariati: Y-you did it on purpose?

Rahayu : Don't you think you're crazy, you can't walk without your eyes, now you want to
accuse us of making you fall?

Mentari: You know, don't you feel sorry? Your parents have bought you expensive glasses,
but you don't use them.

Hafsyah, who had been silent, finally felt a nudge on her shoulder. She glanced at Cahyani
who told her to join in the conversation. Actually she doesn't really like bullying activities
like this, but if she doesn't participate she think that she might immediately become a victim.

Hafsyah : Do not talk too much, earlier I saw how come you fell alone.

Dariati only lowered her head, unsure of how to react. She wanted to follow Rolan's advice,
to fight them but she was afraid.

Rahayu : What are you doing here? Wait for us to compensate for the cost of your clothes
Cahyani : Okay, pay quickly the cost of my clothes yesterday, later after that I'll give you
money too.

Dariati, who was already very embarrassed, immediately quickly cleaned up the rest of the
mess she had made, and then ran out from class.

Mentari : Huu sucks

They all laugh…

Scene 6

Location : Cafetaria
Time : Midday

Rolan walked alone towards the cafeteria, until he felt someone was chasing him from

Cahyani : Hi.. are you going to the cafeteria? Can I come along?

Rolan just nodded silently. He doesn't like the type of girl like Cahyani and her friends, too
casual and doesn't care about the people around them.

Rolan just kept silent while Cahyani was busy chattering about one thing and another, until
they finished from the cafeteria. Rolan considered whether he should reprimand Cahyani or

Rolan: Cahyani, why do you like to bother Dariati?

Cahyani: Uh, not really. Does Dariati complain about all kinds of things?

Rolan: She never complains, but all the things you did to her, including the incident this
morning when you asked your friend to trip over Dariati's feet, that has never left my sight.

Cahyani: You seem to have misunderstood, this is not what you think.

Rolan : I'm not sure what the reason is, but if it's because of your clothes that you accidentally
spilled your drink at that time, just mention the price, let me change it.

Cahyani: I'm so confused, what's your relationship with her? Until you defended helping her
like this? You like her?

Roland : Yes. I like her. Actually, I wanted to say this for a long time, but Dariati always held
me back. That's why I emphasize once again, you guys stop bothering her.

Rolan immediately stepped quickly, leaving Cahyani who was already very emotional.

Cahyani: You're impudent, Dariati. Just watch out.

Today, Cahyani decided to carry out her plan.

Scene 7

Location : Classroom
Time : Afternoon

Cahyani: Dariatiiii…

When it was time to go home, after Cahyani and her friends confirmed that Rolan had
returned, they immediately chased Dariati and asked her to do something.

Cahyani: So it's like this... we have a plan to make a vlog, and we need your help.

Dariati: What help?

Cahyani: Please explain. (turn to Hafsyah)

Hafsyah, who was told, immediately complied. Explain the details according to their

Hafsyah: So, we intend to create a YouTube account, today we want to make a horror vlog.
The plan is in unused hospital, and we don't have a videographer yet, so would you like to
help us?

Dariati: Should I?

Cahyani: Well, there's nothing else we can ask for help. Like this, you help us later, I'll
consider all of your debts to be paid off.

Dariati who heard that immediately smiled, she confirmed again and when she got an answer
she immediately nodded in agreement.

Cahyani : Okay, now you come with us.

The 5 of them left the campus and headed to the place in question.
Scene 8

Location : Unused Hospital

Time : Afternoon

Dariati : Are you serious here?

Hafsyah : Yes, here…

They stood right on the top floor of an unused hospital. Even though she looked confused,
Dariati still reached for her cell phone intending to record them. But there was no movement,
so she put her phone back down and looked at each of their faces in turn.

Cahyani : What relationship do you have with Rolan?

Daria: Huh? What does it mean?

Mentari : Use pretending to be stupid, again.

Daria: I really doesn't know.

Cahyani: You complained to Rolan about our treatment to you, right?

Dariati was wide-eyed in shock at the accusation, she didn't feel like she had ever complained
about anything. Rolan often saw it himself and suddenly asked her. Dariati quickly shook her
head in denial.

Cahyani: I can still deny it.

Rahayu: Earlier it was Rolan himself who said that… You often complain to him, you also
talk about the compensation money for Cahyani's clothes.

Dariati: I really doesn't know… I swear, I didn't complain about anything to Rolan. He asked
me and ordered to fight you if you were still arbitrary.

Dariati accidentally raised her voice and leaked the contents of her conversation with Rolan
that morning. She was startled and immediately took a few steps back when Cahyani,
followed by her friends, drew closer to her. Dariati's steps were getting slower, when she saw
that she was getting to the end of the building that didn't have any boundaries.

Cahyani: So now you want to fight?

Hafsyah : Even though all the class already know that Cahyani likes Rolan, but you're even
rude to pay attention to him and make fun of us.

Mentari : I'm so sorry, even though all this time Hafsyah always thought you were good and
defended you in front of us. But it turns out you're really rotten.

Cahyani: I can't stop thinking. You are so confident in yourself that you dare to approach
Rolan with a model like this.

Rahayu : Never mind, people like this can't be repaired anymore. You have to teach a lesson
so you know the taste.

Cahyani pushed Dariati's shoulder many times while continuing to ask questions that Dariati
herself was confused about how to answer. When she felt herself being cornered, Dariati
reflexively threw Cahyani's hand away before she pushed her away again.

Dariati : I really don't know what you mean. I don't know about your feelings for Rolan.

Cahyani: Are you really fighting now? So brave because Rolan said he would protect you?
I'm warning you right now, stay away from Rolan.

Dariati: So far, I've just given up on you telling me what you want. But this time it's gone too
far, you have no right to forbid me from being close to anyone. I mean Rolan.

Cahyani: Insolent girl.

Cahyani, who had been provoked by emotion, unconsciously pushed Dariati as hard as she
could, causing Dariati to immediately fall from the floor of the unused hospital.

Rahayu : SHIT!!

Hafsyah: Are you crazy? Pushing her from a height like this could kill her instantly.

Cahyani panicked, they peeked down to see Dariati who was lying miserably.
Cahyani: I really accidentally…
Mentari : Hurry up and check it down, come on

The 4 of them run down the stairs to approach Dariati.

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Scene 9

Location : Unused hospital grounds

Time : Afternoon

Arriving downstairs, they were all silent to see Dariati's unconscious condition. Blood
splattered everywhere. They began to panic and blame each other for this incident.

Hafsyah : We will definitely be caught by the police… I don't want to!

Mentari: Cahyani! Why are you pushing her seriously? This is beyond our plans.

Cahyani: I didn't do it on purpose.. My intention was just to make her scared and promise not
to come near Rolan again.

Rahayu: If it's already like this, what should we do?????

Mentari : Instead of making a fuss like this, we better hide the body now. Before anyone saw
us like this.

They are frantically looking for ways how to hide this corpse so as not to be found out. None
of them want to go to jail.

Hafsyah : Here is a river.. We throw the bodies here.

Rahayu: Are you crazy?

Hafsyah : There is no other way. We can't take her body to another place.

Together they pulled Dariati's body and brought her to the river bank at the hospital.

Cahyani : Keep this secret. Pretend we never came here. Don't let anyone know, or we'll run

Rahayu : Well let's hurry up and go, I'm scared.

They left the place while running, hoping this incident would just end.
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Scene 10

Location : Classroom
Time : Morning

A few days after Dariati's disappearance, word began to spread. Some people started to
wonder, let alone Rolan. He often spreads missing persons news on his social media hoping to
find Dariati's news.
It was not uncommon for Rolan to ask Cahyani and friends where Dariati was. Because he
knew very well, Dariati was with them on the last day before he didn't reply to her messages

Rolan : I know you asked Dariati to go with you that day. Now do you choose to confess or
feel the consequences?

Cahyani: You accuse us of killing that girl?

Rolan : I never said you killed Dariati?

Mentari: Stupid!

Cahyani: What? I don't know what you're talking about, and we have nothing to do with
Dariati's where about now.

Cahyani, Mentari, Rahayu, and Hafsyah, who looked panicked, immediately left Rolan, who
was sure that they were the cause of Dariati's disappearance.
Scene 11

Location: Cahyani's bedroom

Time : Night

The notification ring made Cahyani stop reading her book and immediately open her cell
phone. Seeing a new number that sent a long message, she was immediately curious and
opened it.

:hi, killer.

: Choose to immediately admit all your mistakes to the police, or I'll take revenge myself?


Cahyani immediately quickly deleted the message and turned off her cell phone. She thinks
who might have sent that to her. Did anyone see them that day? or maybe Dariati?

Cahyani : Nope. Dariati's dead, I'm the one who disposed of she's body. She can't send this

Out of fear, Cahyani immediately called her friends and told them about this.
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Scene 12

Location : Campus
Time : Morning

Mentari rides her own motorcycle when going to campus.

Mentari: Gosh, why are these streets so quiet today? Not as usual. (While looking right and
left and increasing the speed of the motorbike)

Mentari looked ahead and 'someone' suddenly stood in the middle of the road.

Mentari lost control and finally fell from the motorbike. She was seriously injured and

Cahyani, Rahayu, and Hafsyah, who heard the news of the Mentari's accident, went straight to
see the Mentari.

Cahyani: Hey, why are you like this?

Hafsyah: Did you hit something?

Rahayu: Your injuries are quite serious, what happened to you?

Mentari was injured in several places. The worst thing was her head and hands, which had to
be put on casts. She was also told that she would not be able to walk for several months
because of a broken leg.

Mentari: I don't know, earlier I was concentrating on driving a motorbike and suddenly a
person was standing in the middle of the road, but she just looked down.

Hafsyah: Very strange.

Matahari: But after I think about it, she looks like Dariati.

Cahyani: DAMN IT! That's impossible. She's dead, there's no way she can terrorize us.

Rahayu : A few days ago, you got a strange message right? What if we are really terrorized?
(talk to Cahyani)

Hafsyah : I don't want to. I didn't interfere, you pushed her. (While pointing towards

Hafsyah then ran out of the room, followed by Rahayu. They started to get scared and made
things chaotic.
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Scene 13

Location : The road to the Cahyani's house, Unused hospital

Time : Afternoon

When things calmed down, Cahyani received another terror message saying that the sender
had proof that Cahyani had killed Dariati, and asked her to meet.

Cahyani invited the someone to meet in front of her house, with the thought that it would be
safer. But before knowing who the sender of the message was, she was suddenly hit in the
back by something hard, and instantly knocked her out.

When she awakens, she finds herself on the top floor of an unused hospital. The place where
she pushed Dariati.

"Are you awake?"

The voice woke Cahyani from her confusion.


Receiving no reply, Cahyani decided to scream as loud as she could. But not long enough for
her to scream, her mouth was immediately gagged by something that made her voice muffled.

"You've killed someone, and now you're asking to be released?"

Cahyani felt the person slowly getting closer to her.

"In your eyes, a person's life is not important right?"

Cahyani screamed when she felt a slap on her cheek. She wanted to cry but didn't want to
appear weak in front of this person.

"I'm sure you already know who I am"

That person called Cahyani's 3 friends, and told them to come to that place. At first they didn't
believe it, but hearing Cahyani's screams, they immediately decided to go there.

When Cahyani's feelings began to calm down knowing that soon her friends would be
arriving, she was suddenly pulled roughly towards the end of the building. Exactly like how
she pushed Dariati that day.

"You hope to be helped after making someone without the help of anyone?"

Cahyani shook her head, begging this person not to do anything to her. But it didn't work, she
was immediately pushed down. And you can already guess how she is now. Yes, she died.
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Scene 14

Location : Rahayu's bedroom

Time : Midday

Arriving at home, Rahayu was still in shock with what happened to Cahyani. Unable to think
straight, she kept imagining what would happen to her. Not long after, she heard a knock on
his door.

Rahayu : What I heard. Maybe it's just my hunch.

It wasn't long before there was another knock on the door, but now it was getting louder and
the doorknob was constantly moving. Rahayu was silent for a moment and said

Rahayu : Wait a minute, my sister is out of town, then who is knocking on my door?? I have
to check it myself.

The door began to open slowly by itself, but strangely no one was there. Rahayu, who was
confused, finally returned to the room. But how surprised was Rahayu to see his belongings
and books in a mess.

Rahayu : Oh my God, how come my things move by themselves???

Rahayu, who was confused, forgot to close the door tightly, without even a breeze, the door
closed very hard and made Rahayu very scared.

Rahayu : AAAHH, what happened, who is it???, show yourself! (asks frantically)
Rahayu, who was very scared, looked at the closed door, but she did not notice that a black
shadow was standing behind her in the darkness.

Rahayu turned around and saw a figure in the darkness, made her very scared and
immediately opened the door, but for some reason the door was locked and couldn't be
opened. The figure kept getting closer but Rahayu didn't even look back.

Rahayu : Please open it, God help me!! (panic)

The door opened, Rahayu rushed out of the room.

Rahayu : Damn!!!!!!!!, How could that person be here.

After this incident, Rahayu's terror intensified, as soon as she came home and found her room
had been broken into by someone and her belongings was scattered everywhere. And with a
threatening letter from someone, she decides to commit suicide.
Scene 15

Location : Hafsyah's bedroom

Time : Morning

After returning from Rahayu's house, Hafsyah entered her room with mixed feelings, she
immediately lay down on her bed. The past few days things are getting out of control. After
finding Cahyani who had died at the place when Dariati fell, Rahayu was also suddenly found
dead in her room.

Hafsyah : How about this… Is it my turn after this?

When she was almost asleep, suddenly Hafsyah's cellphone vibrated because of an incoming
call, Hafsyah took her cellphone and saw who was calling her.

Hafsyah : (looks at her cell phone screen) I am don't need to pick up an unknown number
(puts the phone back down).

Hafsyah got up and rushed to her bedroom dressing table which was not far from her bed, and
she took one of her skin care items, when she was about to apply skincare, her cell phone
vibrated again as a sign that there was a call back.

Hafsyah : The call was very annoying

When she looked in the mirror and was about to apply skincare to her face, Hafsyah was very
surprised to see a shadowy figure standing behind her window.

Hafsyah: Who is that?! (quickly looks back)

When she turned around, the figure that was seen earlier was not in first place.

Hafsyah : Wasn't there something there? Am I just hallucinating?

After saying that, Hafsyah heard a loud knock on her bedroom window, making her scream.

Hafsyah : I'm sorry. Whoever you are, I'm sorry. I don't want to die.
A message came in, Hafsyah read it and it contained orders for her to report herself and tell
Dariati's case so that it could be resolved properly.

For a moment she didn't want to, Hafsyah received another threatening message saying that if
she didn't report herself immediately, she would end up like her friends.

Immediately Hafsyah walked to get wallet and bag, she put her cell phone and wallet in her
bag then Hafsyah immediately left her room and went to the police station.
Scene 16

Location : Public cemetery

Time : Afternoon

After Hafsyah reported herself, she immediately received the harshest punishmen, and also
Mentari because she was also a part of the murder. And finally, Dariati's body has also been
found and properly buried.

Rolan walked over to one of the graves that looked very new.

Rolan : I'm sorry, I can't protect you.

Rolan crouched down holding the tombstone, he read a prayer for Dariati.

Rolan : But you can rest well, because I have answered all of their actions. They have been
severely punished, according to what they did to you.

Rolan stood up and left the tomb. So far, he has been terrorizing Cahyani and the others. He
caused Mentari's accident, he killed Cahyani, he terrorized Rahayu until she finally ended her
life, and he also ordered Hafsyah to report this case to the police.

Rolan is relieved now, even though he lost Dariati, but at least he has proven that he loves
that girl. So dear that he is willing to do anything. Meant to kill.


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