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Halang, Naic, Cavite

Strand Competence and Work Immersion Preparedness of Accountancy Business and

Management Students in Naic Integrated National High School

Authors : Perias, John Aries S.

Ducon, Irene C.

Gumban, Sean F.

Macapanas, John Adrian A.

Canlas, Akeisha A.

Ilao, Jackylyn

Pangilinan, Jasmin E.

Yuzon, Angel P.


Background of the Study

According to Llego (2022) The term "Work Immersion" is a course or subject in the

Senior High School Curriculum that allows students to apply their knowledge and skills

related to their track through practical experience or work simulation. Students in grade 12

must complete Work Immersion in order to graduate from senior high school. Through work

immersion, learners will acquire skills and competencies including work ethics and values,

social interactions and hand on experiences. According to the study of Garcia & Yazon

(2020) students who are performing well throughout their work immersion, are the students

who have good work ethics and adequate qualities for employment in the future. It can also

be described as a way wherein you can identify students' work ethics, employability skills

and strong moral principles.

Strand competence typically refers to the level of skill in a particular area, often

within a specific field. Strand competence can significantly affect students' educational

experiences and outcomes. It consists of the particular knowledge and skills needed for

success in a given strand. According to the Department of Education (2014), strand

competence is "the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes required to perform

specific tasks within the chosen strand of specialization". It entails the ability to apply

subject-specific concepts, principles, and methodologies to real-world scenarios related to a

particular field of interest.

Work immersion preparedness refers to the state of being ready to the necessary

skills, knowledge, and mindset to effectively engage in a work immersion program or

experience. This prepares the learners to handle the demands and difficulties of employment

in their future careers. If this program is carried out, learners will be competent in their fields

of interest. They will be skilled and knowledgeable enough to contribute to the Philippines'

economic needs, particularly in the field of human resources (Magno, 2018). Being prepared

for the problems and opportunities that may present themselves throughout the immersion

usually entails knowing what is expected of oneself in the real job, possessing livelihood

skills, and being mentally prepared. Through work immersion, students get a firsthand look

and familiarization with the work-related environment related to their field of specialization.

Specifically, the students are able to use facility, services, and professional expertise in

providing this work experience, Lee (2016).

Strand competence refers to the skills and knowledge that students acquire in their

chosen strand. Work Immersion, on the other hand, refers to a Senior High School

Curriculum subject where students can apply their knowledge and skills from school to real-

world situations or work simulations related to their track or strand. (Llego, 2022). Students

can use what they have learned in school and develop technical knowledge and skills through

work immersion, which can enhance their competency and better prepare them for future

careers. (Jeane, 2023) Students who excel in their strand are often more prepared for work

immersion. Therefore, students who have built strong competencies in a particular strand are

better able to demonstrate their skills in a work setting, which improves their success during

work immersion.
This study is conducted to know on how they will use their skill that they got in their

respective strand in preparing for their upcoming work immersion. The researcher also

intends on how strand competence affects their preparedness in work immersion. With this

and the related studies presented, the researchers have seen the significance of strand

competence in their preparedness in work immersion.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between Strand

Competence and Work Immersion Preparedness of Accountancy, Business and Management

Students in Naic Integrated National High School.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following question:

1. What is the overall level of strand competence of Accountancy, Business and Management


2. What is the overall level of work immersion preparedness of Accountancy, Business and

Management students?

3. Is there a significant relationship between respondents' level of strand competence and

work immersion preparedness?

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Strand Competence Work Immersion


Figure 1: Research Paradigm

According to Echtelt (2023) competence is the set of behaviors, attitudes, knowledge,

and/or personal qualities that enable an individual to accomplish specific goals in a work-

related environment. Furthermore, the adequate knowledge, judgment, skills, or strength that

they acquired from their particular strand is referred to as Strand Competence.

The research study of Bebida et,al (2019) quote "Work Immersion refers to the part of

the Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum consisting of 80 hours of hands on experience or

work stimulation which the Grades 11 and 12 will undergo to expose them to the actual

workplace setting and to enrich the competencies provided by the school under the

Supervision of the School Head and designated personnel of the Partner''. Students prepare in

this Work Immersion so they are prepared in a field that is directly related to their post

secondary goal.
Work immersion, according to the Department of Education (2017), is a portion of the

senior high school curriculum that gives students real-world experience or simulated work

scenarios and allows them to use the skills and knowledge they have learned about their

chosen track. So the strand competence of the student is important because they can apply

these in preparing for their work immersion, so they are confident enough to do the task when

they start their on the job training in work immersion.

With those related studies, researchers assume that there is a significant relationship

existing between Strand Competence and Work Immersion preparedness of Accountancy

Business and Management Students in Naic Integrated National High School.

Research Hypotheses

The researchers proposed null hypothesis (H₀) and alternative hypothesis (H₁) in this


1. Is there any significant relationship between Strand Competence and Work Immersion

Preparedness of Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students in Naic Integrated

National High School.

H₀: There is no significant relationship between strand competence and Work

Immersion preparedness of Accountancy Business and Management Students in Naic

Integrated National High School.

H₁: There is a significant relationship between strand competence and work

immersion preparedness of Accountancy Business and Management Students in Naic

Integrated National High School.

Significance of the Study

The study will be beneficial to the following:

Community. This research can help create a trained and productive workforce that

can boost economic growth and development through creation of strand competence and

work immersion preparedness. By creating jobs and fostering economic growth, this can

benefit the economy and society in general.

School. This research will be beneficial to schools as well. They will be able to better

prepare students for the workforce by identifying areas where the ABM curriculum can be

improved with the help of the study. This can involve adding new courses or subjects,

changing the way that they are taught, or giving ABM students access to more resources in

order to improve their readiness in the workplace.

Teachers. As the students' second parents at school, this study can be useful for them

so they will be able to improve their teaching skill, so the competence of student's can

improve as well and they can be able to help the student's prepare for their work immersion.

ABM Students. This study will inform them that their skill in their respective strand

can help them prepare for their work immersion.

Researcher. The researchers will gain additional knowledge in the field of doing

research as well as stronger research techniques from this study.

Future Researcher. It will be important material for future researchers in that it will

provide results on how the strand competence of Accountancy Business and Management

students might have an impact on their preparedness in work immersion. This can also be a

useful reference for researchers who plan to make related studies.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to investigate how Naic Integrated National High School

Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) students' strand competency and readiness

for work immersion relate to each other. The respondents of this study are the Accountancy,

Business and Management students in Naic Integrated National High School who haven’t

participated in work immersion yet. Each respondent will be provided with a set of survey

questionnaires through Google Form. Gathering the data will be conducted in the third

quarter of a second semester at Naic Integrated National High school. However, the

delimitation of this study are the Accountancy Business and Management Student's (ABM)

who have not yet joined in work immersion since our study focuses on their preparedness in

work immersion.

Definition of Terms

To help the readers comprehend and better understand the terms used in the study,

technical terms are conceptually and operationally defined:

Accountancy Business Management (ABM). Strand that focuses on the

fundamental ideas of accounting, business management, corporate operations, and all other

things that are managed financially.

Competence. The ability to do something successfully or efficiently.

Immersion. State of being deeply engaged or involved; absorption.

Naic Integrated National High School (NINHS). The locale of the study.

Preparedness. The state of being ready for something.

Self efficacy. An individual's belief in their capacity to act in the ways necessary to

reach specific goals.

Strand. An area of study under an academic track that senior high school students

must take to prepare for their chosen degree in college.

Strand Competence. The evaluation of students' skills and abilities based on specific

learning competencies.

Strand Competence Level. The scale that the researcher uses to measure the level of

strand competence of the ABM student's is Excellent this means they extremely good on

those skill that mentioned in survey questionnaire, Good this means that they're good, but

they still need to improve their skill , Fair this means their skill is average neither very good

nor very bad, and lastly Poor this means they are weak or not good in the mentioned skills.

Teacher. Person who teaches or instructs, especially as a profession; instructor.

Work immersion. Is an educational program or activity that provides students with

an opportunity to gain practical experience and exposure to real-world work environments

related to their chosen field of study.

Work Immersion Preparedness. The scale that the researcher use to measure the

level of work preparedness of the ABM student's is Very Much Ready this means that they

are fully prepared once they do their on-the-job training (OJT) in work immersion, Ready

means they are prepared but not fully prepared, Sometimes Ready meaning they are not
always prepared for what they will face once they do work immersion, and lastly Not ready

this means they are not prepared in their upcoming work immersion.

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