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Module 2

Pre-natal period

1. What is zygote?
A zygote is the fertilized egg through the union of the egg cell and sperm cell. This
occurs in the first week of fertilization and on the second week, it is implanted on the
uterine wall. When this happens, the zygote will now be an embryo.
2. How many sperm cells enter the woman’s uterus to fertilize a single cell?
There are millions of sperm cells that swims through a woman’s reproductive organ.
However, on their journey, not all sperm cells can successfully proceed and continue to
the uterus. In fact, from millions of sperm cells, the number of sperm cells will be
thousands or less. Then, those remaining sperm cells will race to be the one who will
fertilize a cell. Once single sperm cell enters the egg cell, even if the other sperm cells
try to enter, it can’t because the egg cell is now a zygote and is fertilized. Hence, even if
there are millions of sperm cells, only one can fertilize an egg cell.
3. In pre-natal development, which month do you think is the most crucial?
In my opinion, in pre-natal development, the month that I think that is most crucial is the
first three months or the first trimester. It is because in these months, the placenta,
umbilical cord and amniotic sac are developed that are important for the nutrition of the
embryo. These are also responsible for protecting the embryo. Hence, in this stage, the
embryo will get the nutrition it needs to continue develop and absence of these can
have a huge impact on its development. In addition, the first trimester is also crucial for
this is the time where major development occurs. This means that when something not
good happens in this stage, there is a possibility that there will be major defects of the
body and internal organs.
4. Which among the psychological hazards during pre-natal do you believe in or are
still being experienced by your parents or relatives?
The psychological hazard during pare-natal that I believe in including my parents is the
maternal stress. It is because we believe that the child is also feeling the emotions of
the mother. This means that the mother's reaction is the same as the child's reaction.
Hence, if the mother is feeling a negative emotion, there is a possibility that it will affect
the child’s development. In addition, we also believe that there is a child that “pinaglihi
sa sama ng loob” wherein if the mother is always angry or upset during her pregnancy,
when the child on her womb was born and already grow up, the child is also the same.
There are times that the child is always frowning or looks like he/she is holding all the
problems in the world. On the other hand, if the mother is always happy and laughing
then when the child was born he/she is always smiling too.
5. Why is hereditary a matter of chance? Explain.
Heredity endowment is a matter of chance because we can’t control it. We can’t control
the genes that carries our traits that we want to pass to our offsprings. Hence, in
heredity endowment the traits that will be passed on our offsprings doesn’t depend on
us instead it depends on the genes that are inside the chromosomes.
6. Explain: “Heredity it has been said what we can do, and the environment what
we do with what we can do”
Heredity determines what we can do because it is about the traits that we inherited from
our parents. This means our abilities, skills, and characteristics came from them and it
sets a limit on what we can do. On the other hand, environment is doing what we do
with what we can do. This refers to our actions that we do using the traits that we
inherited. In this, we are either nurturing the traits that are passed on us or just living it
as it is.
7. Can we educate the child in the mother’s womb. How? Explain.
Even if a child is not born yet, its body parts continue to develop including its brain.
Hence, we can educate on the mother’s womb through listening to nursery rhymes. It is
because the child will hear it and by repeating this, there is a higher chance that that
child will be easier to teach lessons. Aside from listening to music or nursery rhymes,
we can also educate the child through interacting with it such as talking on it. By doing
this, the child will hear it and somehow recognize your voice resulting for a higher
chance to communicate with your child at an early age. In addition, this way also helps
the child to experience a simple form of learning and nourish its congenital
Module 3
1. Why is infancy called the “Period of Radical Adjustment”.
The infancy stage is the period of radical adjustments because in this stage, major
adjustments are needed to be done by the infant. They are doing and experiencing
adjustments for them to learn how the outside world works for they are now an
independent individual. In this, they need to adjust on the temperature of the world since
the temperature inside the womb is different from the outside. Aside from this, in order
to live by themselves they also need to learn how to breath on their own since they are
breathing inside the womb through their mothers’. Another radical adjustments is
sucking, swallowing and breathing that helps the infant to know the proper way how to
feed through their mother’s breast. In this way, they are able to get the nourishment they
need to continue develop. After breastfeeding, they also need to know how to eliminate
the milk that they sucked. Lastly, they need to know reflexes to avoid sources of pain.
Hence, with all these adjustments, it can be said that in the infancy stage, just after
being born the infants are already doing through a lot of adjustments in order to live in
this world.
2. Explain: “An infant is now an independent individual and is no longer considered
as a parasite”.
A parasite is an organism that is living through the help of another organism as its host.
Hence, as a child is not yet born, it is depending on the mother to live. However, as the
child have been born and became an infant, it is no longer a parasite. An infant is no
longer a parasite because it is not depending on the mother as its host. It can now feed
through its mouth and live instead of feeding through the umbilical cord that connects it
to the food that their mother eats.
3. Why is Babyhood the “True Foundation Age”.
Babyhood is the true foundation age for this is the stage where a child is continuously
growing and developing. In this way, a child is learning different things and decreases
dependency. This means that a child is starting to learn how to do things on their own.
Hence, whatever a child learns at this stage has a huge impact when he/she grows old.
In fact, it can also have an impact on their abilities, self-confidence, self- concept and
other aspects that pertains to their self. Moreover, the child is also discovering new
things and starting to show signs of creativity that can result for them to know more
about different things and be creative. Hence, babyhood is called true foundation age
for whatever happens in this age can be a foundation for them as they grow old whether
if it is a good experience resulting to good and strong foundation or bad experiences
resulting to weak foundation of their self.
4. Explain: “Babyhood is the Age of Decreasing Dependency”. Cite an example.
As a child grows and reach the babyhood stage, he/she is curious to a lot of things
resulting for him/her to start discovering and doing things by themselves. Hence, it
decreases their dependency. For instance, instead of having their parents to feed them,
they want to touch their food and be the one who will feed themselves even though it is
a mess. Another example is denying assistance when it comes climbing a chair or
stairs. They don’t want if someone is holding to them and are avoiding the hand of their
parents. It is because they want to experience it by themselves and it gives them
satisfaction when they successfully done it. Hence, as their dependency decreases, we
must support it for the children to be more developed and independent. However, we
must be there for them to guide them at the same time.
5. Explain” Babyhood is the beginning of creativity”. Cite an example.
Babyhood is beginning of creativity because they are undergoing cognitive
development. In this, they are able to think and are curious on the things that they can
manipulate or colors that are bright for their eyes. When this happens, they start to be
creative such as drawing different kinds of shapes, flowers, etc and coloring it with
unusual colors. However, when this happens, we should not stop them because
coloring their drawings with unusual or different colors is a sign of their creativity.
Another example is playing on things such as clothespin where they can make another
object from it. In this activity, the child’s brain is active and is imagining the thing he/she
can create within the object he/she holds resulting for the brain to be more creative and
for them to be a creator or builder of things.
Module 4
1. If you are a mother of a child with congenital birth defect, whatever the conditions
is, what will motivate you to be more responsible and love your challenging child?
If I am a mother of a child with congenital birth defect, the thing that will motivate me to
be more responsible and love my child whatever his/her conditions is no other than my
love for him/her. It is because I am the one who decided to bring him/her in this world
and as my responsibility, I will protect and take care of my child even if he/she has
congenital birth defect. In addition, my love for my child will also motivate me because
through love we can do all things including impossible ones. As a mother, I will do
anything for my child and won’t give up for my love for him/her is greater than his/her
congenital birth defect. I will keep in mind that his/her condition doesn’t make him/her
less of a human nor it decreases his/her beauty for I believe that with or without this
kind of condition, every child deserves to be loved and be taken care of.
2. Did God created all human beings? Did He also create children with challenging
mental and health problems? Explain.
Yes, God indeed created all human beings including children with challenging mental
and health problems. With their condition, it doesn’t mean that they are not created by
God and are not loved. It is because their conditions have purpose. God didn’t create
them with it without any plans for them.
3. In your own opinion, what could be the possible reason why there are congenital
birth defects? Support your answer.
In my opinion, the possible reasons why there are congenital birth defect are lifestyle,
genetic abnormalities, consanguinity, socioeconomic and demographic factors, and
maternal infections. To begin with, the lifestyle of the mother affects the child on her
womb. There are circumstances where the mother is taking alcohol or using cigarettes
during their pregnancy resulting to a huge impact on the development of the unborn
child that sometimes leads to congenital birth defects. It is because the chemicals in
alcohol and cigarettes are toxic to the child. Another thing is consanguinity.
Consanguinity is when parents are related by blood that increases rare genetic
congenital disorders and double the risk for neonatal and childhood death, intellectual
disability and other anomalies. Aside from this, socioeconomic and demographic factors
is also one of the possible reasons of congenital birth defect. It is because due to lack of
money to buy the necessities including the sufficient nutritious food, pregnant women
aren’t getting the proper nutrition for the development of their child. Moreover, it also
affects them due to poor access to health services resulting for the child’s development
not to be monitored. Maternal infections also cause congenital birth defects such as
exposure to radiation, certain pollutants or illness.
4. Describe a person with Down Syndrome (physically, mentally, life span, etc.)
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. However, with down syndrome a person has
an extra full or partial chromosome 21. Down syndrome is a condition in which a person
has an extra chromosome. There are visible signs of down syndrome such as excess
skin in the back of the neck, extra skin of the inner eyelid which gives the eyes an
almond shape, slanting eyes, protruding tongue and a small heart that is somewhat
flattened in the back. While on their mental development, it is said that people with
down syndrome have an IQ that range to mild to moderately low. This means that
people with this condition have some degree of intellectual disability or development
delay resulting for them to learn slowly and may struggle with complex reasoning and
judgement. Due to this, they experience some challenges. In fact, most children with
down syndrome are having a delayed language comprehension that make them to be
slow to master sentence structure and grammar. Aside from this, they can also feel
frustration for they know what they want to say but have trouble speaking clearly and
once they are frustrated it can also lead to behavioral problems. In addition, they also
find if harder to master number skills and readding skills and they are typically about two
years behind compared to children of their age when it comes to these skills. With this,
people with down syndrome tend to do better with visual information compared to the
information that is stored in their verbal short-term memory. Moreover, down syndrome
also affects the motor skills. In fact, they are delayed in reaching milestones that allows
children to move, walks and use their hands and mouth resulting for them to have lower
opportunities to explore and learn about the world. Due to this, there are some
challenges that people with down syndrome experiences such as difficulty maintaining
posture and fatigue, decreased muscle strength that leads to decreased activity
tolerance and a rounded shoulder posture, and excessive flexibility in joints and range
of movement that limits them to have control over their movements. Aside from this,
many people with down syndrome have abnormalities in the bones of the inner ear that
is why up to 75% children will have some form of hearing loss and have an increased
risk of chronic ear infections that can contribute to hearing loss. Another thing is
problems with vision or eye health such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, crossed
eyes, cataracts, and blocked tear ducts where in some cases need vision correction.
With all these complications ad challenges that people with down syndrome
experiences, their life span is approximately 60 years.
5. If genes in the chromosomes are the carrier of traits, list down the traits that you
inherited from your:

Mother Father
Being creative Good in academics
Persevere Impatient
Loving Skin color
Voluptuous body Height
Nose Hair
Face Hot-headed
Module 5
1. Is the environment and adults with whom young children live with, play a
significant role in their development?
The environment and adults with whom young children live with has a huge impact and
plays a significant role in their development. It is because young children can easily
imitate what we do, say and think. In this way, whatever our action is, a child is imitating
it without us even realizing it. In fact, they are doing and learning based on what they
see whether if it will contribute to their development or become a hindrance for it. In
addition, they are also starting to be like us and adapt our traits including positive and
negative ones and our behaviors. Hence, when there is a child that is around us, we
should be aware of our actions because that certain action might have a huge impact on
their development. We must be avoid doing bad things, saying bad words and any other
actions that is negative instead we must set a good example for them. In doing this,
they can adapt on our positive traits and apply it to their selves and be a child with a
good character.
2. What should you do when you see a delay in the development in young children?
When we show signs of development in young children, we should consult to a
development pediatrician immediately. It is because we need to know the condition of
the child whether if there are reasons behind it. Another reason is for us to know what to
do when we are educating them for we know that children with delay development
needs more assistance and we need to have patience to do it. Hence, in order to do it,
we must be aware of their condition and think of learning strategies that suits them. In
addition, we must also not force the child to do the things he/she cannot do instead we
must facilitate learning based on their capability.
3. What are the six stages of play according to Theory of Mildred Parten
a. Unoccupied play
b. Solitary play
c. Onlooker play
d. Parallel play
e. Associative play
f. Cooperative play

4. Choose one among the factors that influence how much young children talk and
One of the factors that influence how much a children talk is intelligence. It is because
when a child is intelligent if he/she is curious to a lot of things. Hence, he/she has a lot
of answers that needs to be answered. In fact, most of the intelligent children asking
about a lot of things and are always “why” especially on their parents. In addition, they
are also eager to learn and wants to discover a lot of things resulting for him/her to read
books. Then, he/she will tell the older people about the things he/she learned from it.
The more he/she learned about a certain topic the more he/she will talk about it.
5. Give one example of scaffolding.
An example of scaffolding is when the teacher solves a math problem and explain it
step-by-step. Then, the teacher will give another problem for the students to solve on
their own but with supervision. In this way, the students are gaining knowledge about
the step-by-step process to solve a problem first. As they learn these steps, they gained
lesson resulting for them to gain another and level up their performance level. Now, they
will know think of ways on how to apply those steps on the given problem. As a result,
they are enhancing their cognitive development and are continue developing. They are
thinking on their own yet it still based on what they have learned that helps them to
learn based on their performance level but are still improving slowly.
6. How is moral concept being developed in young children? (research)
In moral concept, Kholberg proposed three levels with six stages. On the first level, the
preconventional, the child adopts ethics of obedience and punishment where the
rightness or wrongness of their actions depend on whether their actions are rewarded or
punished by authorities such as their parents or teachers. This means that if they are
scolded, they take their action as morally bad while if they are praise they take it as
morally good. On the second stage for this level, called the ethics of market exchange,
the children are taking their action as morally good or not if their actions are
reciprocated. For instance, they gave cookie to their friend and received something in
return, they will think that is a good action. However, if they gave cookie and didn’t
receive any, they will think that is a bad action. On the next level of Kholberg’s concept,
the conventional, the children are expanding the world where they interact with that
leads to conventional morality. In this level, the third stage happens, the ethics of peer
opinion. It is because as they interact with more people, they are more concern now on
other people’s reaction to their actions and think that their actions must be acceptable
for them. Hence, in this stage, the child is likely to categorize good or bad action based
on what other people say. The next stage is the ethics of law and order. In this stage,
the child increasingly frames moral beliefs that the majority in the society believes. This
means that an action is morally good if it is legal or approved by most of the people
even though not all the people know them personally. Then on the last level which is the
postconventional, the fifth stage is ethical of social contract. In ethical social contract,
ethical beliefs shift from acceptance of what the community does believe to the process
by which community beliefs are formed. This means that an action or belief is morally
good if it is created through democratic process that respects the right of every people.
On the last stage, the ethics of self-chosen, universal principles. At this final stage, the
morally good action is based on personally held principles that apply both to themselves
and are acceptable to the larger community and society.
7. What will you do when you see a child dismantling a toy car?
When I saw a child dismantling a toy, I won’t stop him/her. It is because dismantling a
toy is a sign that they are using their minds to think on how an object is constructed. In
addition, it is also a sign that a child is creative for he/she is thinking ways on how to
reconstruct an object. Another reason why I won’t stop the child because by doing this, I
will be a hindrance to his/her development. Instead, I must be there to supervise the
child and let him/her to do his/her thing with precaution. It is because letting them to do
things helps them to learn more, be independent and become a competent person.
8. What do you think is the effect when young children hear his/her parents quarrel
or argue over petty things?
When a child hears their parents quarreling and shouting to each other over a petty
thing, the first thing that may happen to them is be confused. They will be confused for
they don’t know and understand why they are doing that. However, if this situation
continued to prevail, there is a possibility that the child will think that shouting to each
other is normal. As a result, the child will adapt the parents’ behavior and might do the
same thing to other children. Aside from this, the child may also develop a trauma from
their loud voices. In fact, there is a possibility that if they hear loud noises, their initial
reaction is to be scared for they will remember the times when their parents are
shouting to each other.
9. What is the most memorable event that you can recall when you were in
An experience that I won’t forget happened when I was 5 years old during my first day
as a kinder student. That day, on the first day of school, my mom gave birth to my
brother. Due to this, my father took me to school and left me there. I was so afraid since
that is my first time on school and all the people there is unfamiliar to me. I cried and
didn’t understand why my parents let me there alone in an unfamiliar place. I felt that I
am abandoned just because i got a new sibling. Since then, I am afraid to have new
sibling again for I though that my parents are going to be taken away from me.
Module 6
1. Choose one from the characteristics of adolescence and explain.
One of the characteristics of adolescence is that it is an important period. Adolescence
is an important period for there are specific experiences that we will just experience in
this stage. Hence, without undergoing this stage, I can say that we've got a lot to lose. It
is because during this stage, we are exploring and are curious to a lot of things resulting
for us to do a lot of silly things. We are taking a journey that have no certainty that is
surely scary but at the same time, it is a wonderful journey that is full of life. With this,
we have wonderful experiences that we are going to made fun of when we get older. In
addition, adolescence also helps us to learn lessons that have a long-term effect on our
mindset, behavior and the way on how we view ourselves. Learning these lessons will
help us to continue develop our traits as we reach adulthood. With this, we are also able
to assess ourselves and evaluate our actions resulting for us to change our bad traits
and have the chance to build and improve ourselves. Another reason why it is an
important period is that it allows our body to continue develop and be mature as we
reach adulthood. Hence, adolescence is an important period for this stage have a huge
contribution on how we are going to be when we become adults.
2. What do you mean by reproductive capacity?
As we grow older, our body also develops including our reproductive organs. In fact,
when we reach the right age, it will develop and become mature for us to produce
offspring and that is reproductive capacity. Reproductive capacity refers to the ability of
a person to reproduce. This means that a person who has reproductive capacity are
those whose reproductive organs are fully mature and didn’t have underlying medical
conditions that makes them to be able to bear a child.
3. What do you mean by “Adolescence is a Time of Search for Identity”
Usually, when we reach puberty, we are shocked with the changes that we experience
be it physically, emotionally, socially and mentally. As we reach adolescence it is normal
to be lost and don’t have any idea of who we are. Hence, in adolescence stage we are
suffering from identity-lost and are searching about who really are. In addition, it is a
time of search for identity for there a lot of things that will happen during this stage. In
fact, we are doing to experiences varying things be it good, bad or silly ones. As we are
taking our journey on those experiences, we are slowly learning and becoming aware
about ourselves. In this time, we are discovering new things about us and be able to
evaluate our actions. With this, as we gain more experiences, we are also gaining and
discovering information about ourselves that makes our identity.

4. During late childhood, children are creative. They can become conformists or
producers of new and original work. Explain conformists and producers.
As a child reaches late childhood, he/she is interacting with other people resulting for
him/her to be a conformist. Being a conformist means that you are doing something that
you really don’t want to but is still doing it because it is acceptable to the people around
you. Being like this tend for us to do all things be it good or bad just because we don’t
want to be excluded. In addition, a conformist also didn’t have his/her own decision for
all of his/her actions depends on what his/her friends are doing. On the other hand,
producers are the ones who have creative minds. It is because they are able to think of
new objects and make a plan on how to create it. Being a producer means that a child is
creating a new object that came from his/her idea only and be able to make it. Hence,
conformist are the ones who are afraid to be different while producers are alright to be
different and are able to make and decide on their own without thinking the opinion of
other people.
Module 6 (ABC)
1. Explain and differentiate the three types of discipline
a. Authoritarian- In this type of discipline the parents are implementing rules to their
children without explaining why they are doing it. They are always saying the
things that they must not do but their children can see that they are doing it
instead. In addition, in this type of discipline, their children have no rights to
speak up regarding the rules they implement.
b. Permissive- In this type of discipline, the parents aren’t implementing any rules.
In fact, all the things that their children want to do is okay for them resulting for
the children to think that all of their actions are right. Aside from this, in this type
of discipline the children don’t have enough guidance and are hard to tell what to
do because they are not used to it.
c. Democratic- In democratic type of discipline, the parents are implementing rules
to their children while explaining why they are doing it. They also listen to their
children regarding their thoughts and opinions on the decision making. In this
way, the children will be confident to speak up for themselves. In addition, in this
type of discipline the parents are letting them do what they want but with
supervision and make sure that those actions won’t put them in danger.
2. Personally, what kind of upbringing or what type of discipline did you get from
your parents. Cite an example.
When I was a child, the type of discipline that I got from my parents is authoritarian type
of discipline. One example of this is when I want to play. Instead of telling me not to play
and let me know why they are prohibiting me to play, they shut me out and say
“sumunod ka na lang sa sinabi ko”. Fortunately, when I got older and my parents
learned about democratic type of discipline, they implemented it on our family. When
this happened, my parents are allowing me to do the things that I want. Example of this
is when I want to go out with my friends. They will allow me to go out but with conditions
such as my friends should pick up and bring me home or I won’t go home late.
3. Did the type of discipline that your parents applied when you were young affected
you or in some way or another had influenced your present behavior as an adult?
The type of discipline that my parent applied when I was young affected me. It is
because through them forbidding me to play and not explaining to me why I thought that
playing was a mistake because they are scolding me when I do it. Hence, I spent a lot
of my time as a child in studying instead of playing for me not be scolded again. On the
other hand, when my parents implemented democratic type of discipline, I became
confident on myself. I am able to express myself freely and enjoy my teenage years. In
addition, through them allowing me to decide and do things on my own when I want to, I
became independent and persevere. I can think of solutions to my problems and do my
school works without their help.
4. Choose two punitive forms of non-violent discipline and explain.
a. Isolation- Isolation is a method to discipline a child when if his/her behavior is
already out of control. With this method, we are going to have “naughty chair” so
that their emotions will go back to normal resulting for them to be more relax. In
addition, in this method we are helping them to calm themselves and be aware
that if they became naughty, they will receive a punishment and that is to be
b. Grounding- Grounding is a method of discipline that limits a person’s activity or
movements outside. In this way, they are forced to be stuck on their houses and
be able to think on what they have done. With this, they are able to reflect on the
things they did wrong and realize the importance of the things that they have.
5. Choose three non-violent, non-punitive form of discipline “positive discipline” and
a. Distraction- In distraction, we are diverting the attention of the child to other
things. Example of this is when a child is having tantrums for he/she wants to buy
a toy, we need to find things that can get their attention. When this happens, the
child forgets his/her emotions earlier and forget that he/she is having tantrums.
b. Keep a journal- In this form of discipline, we are jotting down the behavior of the
children. By doing this, we are able to know if their behavior have patterns and
we can determine the causes of those behaviors. Through this, we can come up
with a plan for their bad behavior to not happen again.
c. Time-out- Timeout is done when a child is feeling a lot of emotions such as being
super hyper or happy. When this happens, we should isolate the child for him/her
to be calm and be able to control his/her emotions.
6. Kids nowadays are hooked to gadgets and online gaming, what do you think is
the best form of discipline applicable to new generation kids?
The form of discipline that is applicable to new generation kids is setting limits and rules
on their screentime. In this way, they are able to know that playing gadgets needs to
have a schedule time and once it is finished, there is no more extensions. However, if
they still didn’t listen, we need to distraction such as reading books or playing outside
instead of using gadgets all day long. When this form of discipline isn’t effective, we
must now ground them. Put away all their gadgets for them to be forced to do other
things other than playing online games.
7. Explain, “Spare the rod. Spoil the child” (Prov 13:24). Are you in favor of this bible
verse? Why or why not?
I am favor of this bible verse because disciplining a child is very important. I believe that
if a child never got hit by a rod, there is a higher chance that he/she will be spoiled.
Hence, every mistake should have consequences for them to know that everything they
do have consequences and they need to face it. In addition, sparing a child with a rod
doesn’t mean that we don’t love them, instead it means that we love them enough that
we care for them. We want them to change for the better, improve their selves and be
able to learn on their mistakes.

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