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Statement of the Problem

Write your statement of the problem in the space provided.
1. What is the profile of the respondents when grouped according to:
1.1 Their type of club

1.2 The average hours of sleep they receive per night

2. What are the students’ perspective on time management in terms of

2.1 Academic performance
2.2 Club performance
2.3 Personal affairs

3. What are the students’ perspective on time management in terms of academic performance, club
performance, and personal affairs when grouped according to:
3.1 Their type of club
3.2 The average hours of sleep they receive per night

RP ACTIVITY 4. Introduction
Directions: Answer the required questions in the boxes provided.

The start of the introduction is the presentation of the problem that is. What is the problem about? Is
there an unsatisfactory condition, a felt problem that needs a solution? What made you say that there is
an existing problem like this?

Time is the most significant construct to every human being – it dictates every single aspect of our
lives, and we are presented with the challenging obligation to utilize it properly. In our academic lives,
we often struggle with it from experiencing difficulty with submitting exceptional outputs on their
designated deadlines, to being unable to thoroughly study for several upcoming tests due to our hectic
schedules and our poorly-adjusted mental conditions. Both students and faculty alike often find that it
is far too insufficient for accomplishing our tasks due to several factors which will eventually be
discussed within this paper, and thus, we begin to exhibit poor and unsatisfactory performance in our

Rationale of the study. Why is it necessary to conduct the study? Is it a need in your community?
Why do we need to study this or find ways to solve this problem?

The researchers find this study necessary due to the fact that it involves a crucial and prevalent issue
within the XUJHS community, which is actively affecting the vast majority’s academic performance
and mental and physical well-being. This study may assist in formulating viable solutions or
alternatives to the community’s current struggle with achieving a realistic approach to correct time
management, and improve their quality of life here in XUJHS.

Establish the conditions of your locale. What is happening in your community which makes you say
the problem exists? What is happening in your community which leads you to this research? What are
the current issues the population you’re studying is facing?

The XUJHS community, most especially the students of this institute, are still experiencing a period
of adjustment due to the temporary halt in onsite learning due to the almost-three-year-long lockdown,
which served as a precautionary measure against the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, the students
are currently still in the process of adapting to the regular pre-pandemic schedule; especially due to the
fact that the onsite classes during the previous school year utilized a far less exhausting schedule with
only an amount of approximately four hours per school-day with only two subjects, which rotated
every two weeks, in comparison to the current schedule, which now uses a seven-hour school-day with
seven periods per day. Additionally, this hectic new schedule, presents us with several tasks everyday,
including during the weekends, due to the fact that it is nearly unattainable to accomplish all of our
tasks within the designated school hours due to the heavy workload, coupled with the fact that several
individuals within the XUJHS community often return to their respective residences quite late, which
contributes to giving them inadequate time to comply with all their schoolwork and manage their
personal affairs at home.

Has this topic been studied before? What gaps do you see in other researches? What are things you
want to know about the topic

Across the decades, several studies regarding the success which is produced by effective and efficient
management of time have been conducted. It has also been defined as a form of self-management with
a clear emphasis on time in understanding which set of activities to perform during a certain timeframe,
when the most suitable time to accomplish each of them is, and regarding how to do them more
efficiently. It has also been associated with reducing anxiety and contributing to the success of
academic achievements. In addition to its physical benefits, it can also strongly affect our mental
health. This is due to the fact that with the assistance of proper time management, we are less likely to
make a habit of delaying our most urgent activities, avoid superficial distractions, and refrain from
prioritizing unnecessary activities. We hope that we will be able to gain significant insight on how this
will affect each individual involved, and regarding how they will use their skills in planning,
organizing, and delegating in creating an ideal routine.

Have there been similar problems in other areas aside from your own? What happened in these areas?
Include the sources.

According to a report by Barnaby Lashbrooke, Time etc’s CEO, time is often mismanaged in most
businesses. During the course of a survey conducted over several weeks, the majority of business
owners reported that, despite working for approximately more than 40 hours, which is significantly
more than the average worker, they discovered that their efforts failed to provide the desired results and
that their workload only continued to increase on a daily basis due to the fact that they were unable to
correctly manage their time. Poor time management often leads to several nuisances in performing our
daily activities, which can hinder us from accomplishing our goals.

Are there experts who have opinions or findings about your study? What do they say? Include the

According to Brad Aeon, a Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business graduate
researcher, who is well-versed regarding the topic, time management has the ability to structure,
defend, and optimize your time so that your schedule becomes a reflection of your values, beliefs, and
philosophy. It is essentially about aligning the way you use your time with your ideals. Time
management greatly enhances productivity, and results suggest that it also provides a positive impact
on our personal well-beings, mental health, and having a sense of purpose in life. (Bronnor, 2021)
What are your assumptions about the problem? What do you want to prove at the end of the paper?
Write your thesis statement.

Only having recently returned from a 2-year-long lockdown and a medium of learning which involved
a heavily-abridged curriculum with scarcely any form of social interaction, the students are currently
still adapting to XUJHS’s hectic new schedule, and are struggling with managing it correctly due to the
heavy workload. A vast majority of the students receive less than eight hours of sleep, which is highly
encouraged for growing children within their age range, and they essentially become unable to actively
participate in any class or correctly comply with all their academic responsibilities. Our group sincerely
hopes that at the end of this paper is that we must always value time as it is essential to humans
because it keeps us organized in activities. Most students are taught how to manage their time during
their undergraduate studies, but in graduate school, the emphasis on this ability tends to fade. Time
management is a skill that must be followed in order to be more responsible and to be able to make the
right decisions.

RP Activity 5. Significance of the Study

● Students — Our research will attempt to uncover some factors that majorly affect a student’s
time management on school. With that being said, our research aims to deduce and spread
awareness regarding what students should perform in order to have a balanced and healthy time
schedule. This will assist in improving each student’s school environment, and also allow them to
efficiently manage their everyday tasks, especially considering that it will assist in reducing stress
and enable them to clearly evaluate what their priorities are in order to refrain from
procrastinating, which is a major force in creating stress.
● School faculty — In addition to the students, our research also aims to assist the faculty members
and improve their job conditions. They will be able to avoid the stress which usually arrives when
they constantly have to adjust or compensate for the projects which the students are unable to
accomplish. This applies to a wide range of problems, including academic shortcomings to
environmental problems that involve every single member of the faculty. This will enable them to
have a more solid work routine, which, in turn, reduces the stress that majorly affects their critical
thinking and overall health.
● AP For Formation — Our research will benefit this office by giving them more concepts for
concrete programs that will allow the to implement their time management better as they handle
the LCLCs and other formation-related offices such as Duaw, Lihok, Mugna, and the Guidance
● The Prefect of Students’ Office — Once we find ideal solutions to the issues related to time
management, students will be allotted more time to focus on other essential elements rather than
simply diverting their entire focus towards completing their activities, and hopefully reduce
problems such as repeatedly experiencing dress code violations, being late for school and late

RP ACTIVITY 6. Scope and Limitations

Directions: Answer the required questions in the boxes provided.

What is the general purpose of the study?

This study is limited to…

This study will be conducted at Xavier University Junior High School, S.Y. 2023-2024. This study
will only ask for the participation of selected sections within each of the institutions’s grade levels. We
are conducting this study for the purpose of learning about how each of the students utilize their time
management capabilities amidst this tasking new schedule, which the children of our generation are
currently still adapting to after a two-year quarantine period, which compelled the school to resort to
online learning, how it affects various different aspects of their lives and how we can correctly respond
to these possible issues issues, in turn.

What is the subject matter and or the topics studied and discussed?
These are following areas and their sub-categories included in the study.

The study aims to discover the issues related to the students’ perspective on time management, unravel
their roots, and seek ways to improve the current conditions, and in doing so, we will cover the
following areas of academic performance, club performance, and personal affairs in relation to how
they are affected by the students’ perspective on time management.

Where will you gather the data? Which place/ institution? When do you plan to collect the data?

The data will be gathered at/ in… The data will be collected during…
The data will be gathered via online surveys, which will be forwarded to each of our demographic’s
respective groups in certain messaging applications. We are currently still unsure about when we will
officially be permitted to begin conducting our surveys.

Talk about your population. Who are included in your study? What is the purpose of including them?
How many sections are you going to study?
The researchers have decided to include…

The people directly involved in this study are the students and faculty of XUJHS. However, this
study primarily focuses on how it specifically affects the students. Both the students and teachers were
included as teachers are the ones instructed to carry out the schedule of the student, they are also the
ones responsible about the student’s education and workload given to properly ensure students
understand, thus they are the ones mainly in charge of making sure the schedule is followed properly.
The students on the other had the ones the schedules are made for, these schedules which were made
for have begun to negatively affect the students and the students are the ones meant to gain benefit
from these schedules in the form of new information. The number of sections we will be using for this
study will be four sections that have a different sets of teachers and varying schedules, we decided to
do this because the difference in teachers and schedules could give us a wide range of insights on how
each section feels about their designated schedule and teacher. (Jannah)

What are the possible weaknesses of the study? What is not included in the study? What is beyond the
of the researcher?
The limitations of this study include… This study does not include/ cover…

Due to the fact that the school’s current schedule is in strict compliance with DepEd’s designated
schedule, this study will likely be unable to implement any authentic changes on how the school
practices its time management and provides schedules. This research paper simply aims to shed light
on how the students respond to it, how it affects them, and what we can do to alleviate existing
conflicts related to it using other methods.
RP ACTIVITY 7. Definition of Terms
Directions: Identify important words which will be used in your study. Give the literal meaning of the
word and what they stand for in your study.

Word Used in the Study Literal meaning/s Meaning in the study

Students refer to people

Someone learning in school and enrolled In XUJHS for SY 2023-
Ex. Students who attends classes. 2024.

A study schedule is a plan that

outlines specific times for
studying various subjects or
topics. It helps to stay organized
A study schedule, in this
and focused on their academic
context, refers to each student’s
routine in relation to preparing
Study Schedule for their academic activities.

Self-Discipline The ability to control one’s Possessing the willpower adhere

feelings and weaknesses; the to a schedule and make choices
ability to pursue what one thinks that prioritize sleep and time
is right despite temptations to management over distractions.
abandon it.

Club commitment
Club: An association or The level of dedication toward
organization dedicated to a their clubs and their ability to
particular interest or activity. allocate time for club activities
without neglecting their other
Commitment: The state or responsibilities.
quality of being dedicated to a
cause or activity.

Balancing Priorities Balance: A condition in which Balancing academic priorities

different elements are equal or refers to the practice of
in the correct proportions. prioritizing assignments and
tasks based on importance and
Priority: The fact or condition
of being regarded or treated as deadline urgency to maintain
more important than others. good grades.

Academic performance Academic: Relating to education

and scholarship. Academic peformance, in this
context, refers to the
interconnection between a
Performance: The action or student's scholastic
process of carrying out or achievements and their ability to
accomplishing a task, action, or efficiently allocate and manage
function. their time.

Personal affairs Personal: Of concerning one’s Personal affairs, in this context,

private life, relationships and refers to the systematic approach
emotions, rather than matters of efficiently managing one's
connected with one’s public or own life, outside of work or
professional career. formal obligations, by allocating
time effectively to various
Affairs: Matters of public personal activities,
interest and importance. responsibilities, and interests.

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