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January 25, 2024

Dear Parents:

Greetings of Peace!

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. As we gear up for the upcoming Third Quarter,
we are excited to share with you the policies and guidelines for the Xavier Ateneo Junior High School's
swimming and yoga classes.

Attached in your child/ward’s MS Teams, Physical Education Channel, you will find the detailed policies
and schedule that outline the structure of the classes. The curriculum for the Third Quarter proposes 3 to
4 sessions in swimming and 2 sessions in yoga for each section. Some sections, scheduled on a Monday,
will have 3 sessions due to the anticipated declared holiday on Feb. 9 and the University President's Day
on February 12.

We kindly request your careful review of the attached document. We also would like to ask your assistance
in providing the required attire for swimming as stipulated in the policies and a yoga mat. We also request
that you provide us with a letter of request and a medical certificate and letter should your child/ward be
unable to join these activities. The approval of this request will be subject to the decision of our

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child/ward’s PE teacher via
the MS Teams. To confirm that you have thoroughly reviewed the provisions, we have attached a reply
slip at the bottom of this email. Kindly fill it out and return it at your earliest convenience via an assignment
tab that their teacher will be preparing.

We look forward for your usual cordial support on the implementation of this exciting PE Class for the
Third Quarter. May God continue to bless your families and guide all your endeavors for the greater glory
of God.

In Christ, Noted by: Approved by:

Ms. Jocelyn L. Bangquiao Ms. Lea Lilibeth B. Emata Ms. Pamela Q. Pajente, PhD
MAPEH Chairperson Assistant Principal for Academics Principal

-----------------------------------------------------------REPLY SLIP------------------------------------------------------

I have thoroughly reviewed the policies and guidelines for the Xavier Ateneo Junior High School
swimming classes for the Third Quarter. I understand and acknowledge the details outlined in the attached

_________________________________ _________________________________________

Name of Child and Section Parent/Guardian’s Signature over Printed Name

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