Gateway B1+ Test 5A

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Unit 5 Test A
Name ............................................. Class ................................................

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form

Grammar of the verbs given.
1 Replace the words in italics using these words 1 If the test __________ (be) really difficult
and making other necessary changes. tomorrow, I know I __________ (fail) it.
2 If I __________ (be) you, I __________ (do)
don’t have to must can can’t should some research online.
1 I think it would be a good idea for you to take a 3 If Miss Grant __________ (leave), everyone
break. will miss her.
4 If I __________ (have) your brains, I
__________ (study) law.
2 Students are allowed to buy cheap meals in the 5 If you cheat in the exam, you __________ (be)
cafeteria. punished.

3 It’s not possible for students to use the library

after 4.30 because it’s closed.

4 It’s not necessary for us to hand in our
homework before Friday. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the words given.

5 It’s important that I remember to print out my 1 My dad is an __________ (electric).

essay. 2 I’m studying to be a __________ (physics).
3 Most __________ (direct) earn a high salary.
4 A __________ (journal) must be able to write
/5 well.
5 They’re looking for a new __________
2 Choose the correct alternative to complete the (technic) for the laboratory.
sentences. 6 I’m reading a book by a famous __________
1 You mustn’t/don’t have to bring a dog in here.
2 We can/should leave early to avoid the traffic. /6
3 We can/ought to contact the secretary by email
if necessary. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct school
4 They have to/should go to Toni’s restaurant for subjects.
a pizza. It’s great.
1 In __________, we do a lot of running.
5 I’m afraid you can’t/don’t have to wait for the
2 In __________, we study countries and their
doctor here. Please go into that room.
/5 3 In __________, we learn about past wars.
4 In __________, we put on plays.
5 In __________, we do experiments with
chemicals in the laboratory.
6 In __________, we read books by famous


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Name ............................................. Class ................................................

6 Complete the sentences with these words.

coursework resit term marks timetable
essay 7 Read the article about cheating and decide if
the statements are true (T), false (F) or not
1 I got some bad __________ in the tests last mentioned (NM).
All your own work?
2 We’ve got to write a long __________ for
homework this weekend. Several years ago, students used to cheat in
tests by hiding notes in books or writing things on
3 Our new __________ is horrible! Double maths their legs or hands. If they wanted good marks for
on Monday morning! their homework, they copied their friend’s or
4 The __________ finishes on the 17th of July asked their parents to help out. Today, cheating at
and then we’re free! school or university has become a lot more high
5 I much prefer doing __________ to taking tech! It seems that although the Internet has had an
exams. enormous benefit in giving students access to
6 Jenny has to __________ her exams in the unlimited supplies of information, it has also
autumn. She failed them this time. encouraged the development of a highly successful
industry for helping students to cheat very
/6 effectively indeed.
There are two main ways that students can use
the Internet to help them get better marks at
school. Firstly, they can access information and
simply copy whole chunks of articles or reports
into their own homework assignments and pretend
that it is their own work. Another very worrying
development is the existence of specialised
websites that supply original essays written
specifically on demand. This means that a student
pays a website to provide an essay with a certain
title. The website employs writers to write the
essay, and the lecturers believe that the student has
written it him or herself. It is actually possible to
say what grade you would like the essay to
achieve, so that the result is not too far from your
own abilities. Research has shown that some
university students are prepared to pay up to £300
for a good essay.
Lecturers have been aware of the problem for
quite a while now and most will use special
software to scan for ‘copied’ work from the
Internet. However, this only detects chunks that
are copied exactly from the web, not specially-
written work. Because these are originals, it is
almost impossible to detect that they are not the
students’ work. Lecturers are relying on their
knowledge of students’ abilities and have to be
alert to new types of phrases or style that suddenly
appear. What they can do is scan the web for their
essay titles and check whether any appear on
strange websites, but this is clumsy and not very

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Name ............................................. Class ................................................

Experts say that the answer is to start teaching

students from the early age of 11 the dangers of
Listening (Tests CD, Track 6)
copying work. Another suggestion has been to
give personalised essay titles such as; ‘Compare 8 You are going to hear four people talking about
the plot of ... with your own experiences.’ early education. Listen and match the speakers
However, it is probably inevitable that the lazier A–D with the statements in 1–5. There is one
student will always try to find an easy way around extra statement you do not need.
hard work, whereas the more conscientious student 1 Early learning can create later difficulties for
will do his own. some children.
1 Students cheating at school is quite a T/F/NM Speaker ___
new thing. 2 Early learning doesn’t necessarily benefit
children academically later.
2 All students cheat at some time in T/F/NM
Speaker ___
their lives.
3 Opportunities to interact with other children are
3 Students sometimes copy badly- T/F/NM very important.
written materials from the Internet. Speaker ___
4 Some people write essays for money. T/F/NM 4 Early reading can help children learn in other
5 It isn’t possible to check whether T/F/NM Speaker ___
something has been copied from the
Internet. 5 Children should start to learn when they are
Speaker ___

/5 /4

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Name ............................................. Class ................................................

Use of English Writing

9 Complete the second sentence so it means the 10 You see this advertisement at a leisure centre
same as the first, using the word given. Do not for a summer job.
change the word given. Use between two and
five words. Help run our summer playgroup for under-fives
and earn some money too! Write to Kate Smith to
1 It’s not necessary for you to arrive before 9.30. tell us why you would be good for the job.
_______________ arrive before 9.30. Write a letter to Kate Smith. Write 120–160

2 I can’t buy a new laptop because I haven’t got

enough money.
If I had enough money, I _______________
buy a new laptop.

3 It’s against the rules to bring food into the

Students _______________ into the

4 It’s not a good idea to drink coffee straight

before going to bed.
_______________ coffee straight before going
to bed.

5 Students who work hard get good jobs in the

If _______________ get a good job in the



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