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Gaia and the Colonization of Mars

Article in GSA Today · December 1993

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4612-2284-2_17 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Oona Snoeyenbos-West
Swedish Museum of Natural History


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NOV 02 199?
Vol. 3, No. 11 November 1993


• GSA Grant Opportunities, p. 282
• North-Central Section
1994 Meeting, p. 284
A Publication of the Geological Society of America • Book Reviews, p. 286

Gaia and the Colonization of Mars Lovelock, 1974) has opted for physiol­
ogy over metaphysics.
More than 25 years worth of
Lynn Margulis, Department ofBiology, University ofMassachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 scientific contribution is listed in
Oona West, Department of Geology and Geography, University ofMassachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 Appendixes 1 and 2; many scientists
are unaware of the extent of the serious
Dedicated to the memory ofHeinz A. Lowenstam (1913-1993) literature and the potential contribu­
tion of the Gaia idea for integrating
evolutionary, meteorological, sedimen­
tological, and climatological data.
ABSTRACT Unfortunately, nonsdentific Gaia liter­
ature (which tends to be anti-intellec­
The Gaia hypothesis states that
tual and hysterically toned "New-Age"
the atmosphere, hydrosphere, surface
commentary) has received so much
sediments, and life of Earth behave
press attention and contentious com­
dynamically as a single integrated
physiological system. What has been
ment that much of the primary science
traditionally viewed as the passive remains unknown.
Despite the fact that an "Earth
environment is a highly active, inte­
system science" approach is vigorously
gralpart ofthegaian system. Aspects
encouraged for the solid-earth sciences,
of the surface temperature and chem­
mention of the G-word (Gaia) still
istry are regulated by the sum of
life, the biota. Formulated first by causes apoplexy in some scientific
James E. Lovelock, in the late 1960s, circles. This is remarkable, considering
the broad parallelism of these ap­
the Gaia hypothesis has been in the
scientific literature for more than proaches to understanding Earth proc­
esses. The U.S. National Academy of
25 years. Because of its properties
Sciences (NAS) (1993) report on future
of exponential growth and propaga­
tion, life is a powerful geologic force.
directions of research in the solid-earth
sciences advocates "A new approach
A useful aspect of the Gaia idea is
that it requires integration of scien­ to studying Earth processes, in which
the Earth is viewed as an integrated,
tific disciplines for the study of
Earth. The recently touted Earth
dynamic system, rather than a collec­
system science is broadly parallel tion of isolated components" (state­
with the gaian concept of the phys­ ment by Frank Press in his introductory
iochemical regulation of Earth's letter). This report calls for an under­
surface. We discuss here, in a gaian standing through integrated study of
context, the colonization of Mars by physical and biological processes and
Earth organisms. Although coloniz­ sees as desirable a process-oriented
ing Mars may be impossible, its global approach to understanding
accomplishment would be exactly Earth. Despite avoidance of the term,
equivalent to "the reproduction of a gaian approach is advocated by the
Gaia by budding." NAS.
The Gaia hypothesis, rejected by
Figure 1. View of the
INTRODUCTION Martian regolith from
some as the fantasy of New Age crystal
the Viking lander (in
swingers, has been largely misunder­
The Gaia hypothesis of James E. foreground). The surface stood by the scientific community. For
Lovelock holds that the surface temper­ is thought to be red from example, George C. Williams (1992)
ature, chemistry of the reactive gases, ferric iron. perpetuates confusion by unconscion­
redox state, and pH of Earth's atmo­ ably maligning Gaia: "It [the idea that
sphere and surface sediments are the universe is especially designed to be
homeorrhetically maintained by the a suitable abode for life in general and
metabolism, behavior, growth, and for human life in particular] had to be
reproduction of living organisms. abandoned in its earlier forms with the
(Homeostasis is physiological regula­ triumph of Copernican astronomy ...
tion around a fixed set point, like Gaian environmental regulation actively maintained within limits tol­ but some scholars still find it possible
control of adult mammalian body is achieved largely by the origin, expo­ erable to life. to argue that the Earth, at least, can be
temperature around 37 °C, whereas nential growth, and extinction of or­ Within this conceptual framework, regarded as especially suited for human
homeorrhesis, a parallel concept, refers ganisms, all related by ancestry and biological as well as physical sciences life.... [The] main modem manifesta­
to regulation around a changing set physically connected by proximity become appropriate to the analysis of tion [of this idea] is in the gaia concept
point, like temperature regulation in a to the fluid phases (water and air) at Earth's atmosphere and geologic his­ of Lovelock and Margulis (1974)."
developing mammalian embryo.) The Earth's surface. Organisms in commu­ tory. Especially pertinent is the role of The Gaia hypothesis demonstrates
term "Gaia," the name of a daunting nities form changing ecosystems that the microbiota (bacteria, protoctista, how life sciences are essential to under­
Greek goddess, is, in Lovelock's view, have persisted since the Archean. The fungi) in Earth surface gaseous ex­ standing Earth, while revealing the
simply "a good four-letter word refer­ interactions of organisms, driven by change that involves the recycling of inadequacy of evolutionary theory
ring to the Earth." She is also "Ge" or solar energy, produce and remove gases those chemical elements (e.g., H, C, O, developed in the absence of climatol­
"Gaea" (e.g., the Geos satellite, geology, such that chemistry of non-noble N, P, S) absolutely required by life. ogical and geological knowledge. The
geography, or in Pangea). gases, temperature, and alkalinity are gaian viewpoint is not popular because
THE GAIA IDEA so many scientists, wishing to continue
business as usual, are loath to venture
Product of the lively imagination
TABLE 1. PLANETARY ATMOSPHERES outside of their respective disciplines.
of a British atmospheric chemist and
At least a generation or so may be
Venus Earth Mars the international space program, the
required before an understanding of
Gaia idea has come of age. The atmo­
Carbon dioxide (%) 98 0.03 95 the Gaia hypothesis leads to appropri­
spheric composition of Earth signals
Nitrogen (%) 1.7 (ve) 79 2.7 (vi) ate research.
unmistakably that the third planet is
Oxygen (%) Tr (ve) 21 0.13 (vi) living: flanked by the dry, carbon diox­
Methane (%) none 0.0000015 none ide-rich worlds of Mars and Venus, one
Water (m*) 0.003 3000 0.00001 invokes either physiological science or When the Viking mission to Mars
Pressure (atm) 90 1 0.0064 magic to explain Earth's wildly improb­ returned its data, some members of the
Temperature (K) 750 290 220 able, combustive, thoroughly drenched scientific community thought that
troposphere (Table 1). The Gaia hy­ "planetary biology" or "exobiology"
* Depth of water in metres over the planet if all water vapor precipitated out of the pothesis, in acknowledging this atmo­
spheric disequilibrium (Margulis and Gaia continued on p. 278
Gaia continued from p. 277 We reject the analogy that Gaia is cations of the idea for the study of
IN THIS ISSUE a single organism, primarily because no Earth.
were doomed because the absence of single being feeds on its own waste nor,
Gaia and the Colonization Martian life rendered them sciences by itself, recycles its own food. Much EXTRATERRESTRIAL
of Mars ............................................ 277 with no object of study. Lovelock and more appropriate is the claim that Gaia GERMS
Washington Report ............................ 281 his colleagues thought just the oppo­ is an interacting system the components
To prevent both lunar and Martian
Grants Support Research ................... 282 site: now that data from Mars were of which are organisms. Nowhere is this
spacecraft from carrying microbes,
available, speculations comparing the more evident than in examples of biotic
About People.......................................283 "clean-room" techniques were applied.
planets could be replaced with knowl­ influence on important geological pro­
Even sterilization of the outside and
Jahns Lecturer Named ....................... 283 edge. It became certain that the bleak cesses (Table 2; Westbroek, 1991).
much of the inside of the Viking space­
Martian landscape is devoid of life The two landers and orbiters of
Smithsonian Research Fellowships .. 283 craft was undertaken. Ethylene oxide
(Fig. 1), whereas life is not only a the 1975-1976 Viking missions to Mars
Preliminary Announcement gas flooded the accessible components
planet-wide phenomenon but in yielded data that complemented earlier
North-Central Section ............... 284 to assure microbial cleanliness; this
today's Solar System living beings Earth-based observations of that planet.
Rocky Mountain Section.............. 285 increased the total cost of the Viking
are limited to Earth's biosphere. Organic compounds were absent: the
mission by about 10%. During the U.S.
Call for Nominations—GSA .............. 285 Gaia has been called "Goddess concentration of total organics if pre­
Apollo missions to the moon in the
of the Earth," or the "Earth as a single sent must be less than one part per bil­
Book Reviews.......................................286 1960s and 1970s, fears of possible
living being." These are misleading lion. The gas-chromatographic detec­ "back-contamination" were rampant:
GSAF Update.......................................290 phrases. Since much scientific work tion of oxygen was not due to life but
extraterrestrial "germs" might "con­
In Memoriam.......................................290 mentioning Gaia suffers from problems to the release of O2 frpm moistened taminate" Earth. This issue is sure to
of misunderstood terminology, we offer peroxides, and the incorporation of
Meetings Calendar.............................. 292 arise again if there is any future return
this physiologically oriented statement radioactive CO2 was due to cosmic of materials from Mars. Such fears seem
Memorial Preprints Available ............ 294 of the Gaia hypothesis: radiation, including UV photochemis­
silly, more a manifestation of pulp sci­
Division News ..................................... 294 try, and not to
ence fiction than a well-reasoned treat­
Bulletin and Geology Contents ........... 295 ment of scientific probabilities.
GAIAAS Once the reac­
Although investigators such as
GSA Meetings ..................................... 296 EARTH'S ECOSYSTEM PHYSIOLOGY tants were spent,
Rothschild (1990) have suggested that
no new change
GeoVentures 1993 ............................ 297 The Gaia hypothesis states that the chemical com­ Martian life may still be found in oases,
was detected by
Classifieds............................................ 298 position of the reactive gases and the temperature of perhaps as permafrost bacteria or even
these experi­
Earth's atmosphere are biologically controlled. Certain as "endoevaporites" in isolated salt
Call for Nominations—Frye Award .. 300 ments. The
features, e.g., the salinity and alkalinity of the hydro­ crystals, the chances of finding isolated
conclusion is
sphere, are moderated by the biota (flora, fauna, and life there are vanishingly small.
inescapable: no
microbiota) in that their range of variation is kept The Gaia hypothesis provided a
evidence exists
GSA TODAY November within tolerable limits. Over 30 million types of live for present life on
framework for evaluation of Martian
results. Life maintains its immediate
Vol. 3, No. 11 1993 beings, descendants from common ancestors and mem­ Mars. The same is
bers of five kingdoms, produce and remove gases, ions, environment and appears on Earth
true of Venus.
GSA TODAY (ISSN 1052-5173) is published and organic compounds. Their collective activity results only as a planet-wide phenomenon.
As far as we Life may have been sparse when it first
monthly by the Geological Society of America, Inc., with in regulation of Earth's temperature and aspects of its know, the Gaia
offices at 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado. Mailing
surface composition: pH, oxidation state, etc. The chem­ appeared or may be sparse when it is
address: P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, phenomenon is
ical reactions of a physiology (unlike those of a strictly dying out, as Lovelock emphasizes, but
U.S.A. Second class postage paid at Boulder, Colorado, limited to Earth. between these two end points life must
and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster Send physicochemical system) are moderated by metabolism Can it be ex­
address changes to GSA Today, Membership Services,
and growth. Without life, surface properties of Mars, be luxuriant. Why? Because of life's
P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140. tended by colo­
Earth, and Venus would be extremely similar: abundant intrinsic tendency to grow, expand,
nization of Mars?
Copyright © 1993, The Geological Society of America, in carbon-dioxide with a small proportion of gaseous and populate at exponential rates and
Comparison of
Inc. (GSA). All rights reserved. Copyright not claimed on
nitrogen and very dry, reflecting their history, bulk com­ its ability to travel. Therefore, a ques­
content prepared wholly by U.S. Government employees Earth with Mars
position, surface materials, proximity to the Sun, and tion of the 1990s is, Can life expand to
within the scope of their employment. GSA grants per­ helps highlight
mission to individual scientists to make unlimited photo­ interaction with solar radiation. both the nature
copies of the refereed science artide(s) in this publication
for noncommercial purposes advancing science or edu­ of Gaia and impli­ continued on p. 279
cation, including classroom use, and permission is
granted to individuals to make photocopies of those sci­
ence articles for other noncommercial, nonprofit pur­
poses upon payment of the appropriate fee (SI.00 per TABLE 2. BIOLOGICALLY MEDIATED GEOLOGIC PHENOMENA
article plus SO.25 per page) directly to the Copyright
Clearance Center, 27 Congress Street, Salem, Massachu­
setts 01970, phone (508) 744-3350 (include title and Example Importance* Lithospheric Reservoirs and Examples
ISSN when paying). Permission is granted to individuals
to photocopy freely the informational items in this publi­ 1. Phosphorus cycle Essential for all life: component of DNA and Earth's crust (inaccessible to life) and deep-sea
cation. Written permission is required from GSA for all
other forms of capture or reproduction of any item in RNA nucleic acids and ATP and NADPH sediments; guano islands
this publication including, but not limited to, all types of nucleotides; phospholipid membranes and Atmospheric phosphine (PH3) is negligible.
electronic or digital scanning or other digital or manual the calcium phosphate of bones. Because
transformation of articles or any portion thereof, such as
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phosphate is a major growth-limiting nutri­
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this and other forums for the presentation of diverse
opinions and positions by scientists worldwide, regard­
Delaney, 1992)
less of their race, citizenship, gender, religion, or political 2. Calcium-carbonate deposition Essential for formation of hard parts in shelled Stromatolites
viewpoint. Opinions presented in this publication do not
reflect official positions of the Society. marine animals and many testate protoc- Coral reefs
tists, e.g., foraminrfera. Helps maintain pH Deep-sea carbonate ooze (foraminifera and
SUBSCRIPTIONS for 1993 calendar year: balance in the oceans. As limestone, it is an coccoliths)
Society Members: GSA Today is provided as part of
membership dues. Contact Membership Services at important sink for CO2.
(800) 472-1988 or (303) 447-2020 for membership Oil shale and other organic-rich shales
information. Nonmembers & Institutions: Free with
3. Organic matter deposition Leads to development of anoxic conditions
paid subscription to both GSA Bulletin and Geology, oth­ and CH4 production, so that carbon is Coal, peat, oil, tar sands
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nonreceipt or for damaged copies, members contact 4. Methanogenesis Atmospheric composition of Earth (e.g., pres­ Trapped natural gas, swamp and marsh gas
Membership Services; all others contact Subscription Ser­ ence of methane, ozone) is inexplicable in Arthropod intestines
vices. Claims are honored for one year; please allow suffi­ Vertebrate rumen
cient delivery time for overseas copies.
the absence of life. (Watson et al., 1978;
Table 1)
STAFF Unconsolidated sediments are bound by Mud
Prepared from contributions from the GSA staff and 5. Regolith consolidation
membership. biotic communities, e.g., mucilage coating Unlithified sediment
Executive Director: F. Michael Wahl, Ph.D. of bacterial mats. (Margulis and Stolz,
Science Editor: Eldridge M. Moores
Department of Geology, University of California,
Davis, CA 95616 6. Erosion acceleration Weathering rates increased by biologically Lithosphere-atmosphere-hydrosphere
Forum Editor: Bruce F. Molnia
U.S. Geological Survey, MS 917, National Center, mediated erosion, bacterial endoliths, fun­ interfaces
Reston, VA 22092 gal hyphae, plant roots, and lichens.
Managing Editor: Faith Rogers
Production & Marketing Manager: James R. Clark 7. Microbially mediated mineral Genesis of important mineral deposits. Inter­ Banded iron formation
Production Editor and Coordinator: Joan E. Manly formation (biomineralization) pretation of modem and ancient environ­ Witswatersrand gold deposits
Graphics Production: Joan E. Manly ments. Bog iron
ADVERTISING Rock varnish
Classifieds and display: contact Ann Crawford Manganese nodules
(303) 447-2020; fax 303^47-1133
*For references not in References Cited list, see Appendix 1 or 2.
Printed with pure soy inks in the U.S.A.

278 GSA TODAY, November 1993

Gaia continued Although the new science of geo­
physiology and the success of biotech­
nology with microorganisms may have
Mars? This question, Can Mars be colo­
incited us to fantasies of planetary de­
nized?, is identical to that of, Can Gaia
sign, colonizing Mars so that humans
Position Available
might walk in the open along its can­
All organisms are connected
yons remains a distant fantasy. One
through the atmosphere, and life as we
should distinguish here between eco­
know it on Earth is a global phenom­
enon, utterly dependent on sunshine.
poiesis (Haynes, 1990,1992; the inun­ will need an
dation of a formerly uninhabited sur­
Hardy terrestrial forms such as halo­
face with viable living systems) and Executive Director
philes or sulfur-loving acidophilic
archaebacteria, ammonia-oxidizing
terraformation (McKay, 1987; the re­ in 1994
creation of Earth on another planetary
chemolithotrophs or carbonate-precipi­
surface). For the foreseeable future, eco­
tating stromatolite-forming cyanobac­
poiesis but not wholesale terraforma­ The Geological Society of America is seeking an earth
teria, are extremes connected to, and
tion seems a possibility for Mars; the
tolerated by, a ubiquitous planetary scientist with proven managerial experience and achievements, general
former is, however, a prerequisite for
biota. There are no virtuoso individual­ familiarity with GSA programs, and a working knowledge of the publication
the latter (McKay et al., 1991).
ists. Martian life, if present, would by business to assume the position of Executive Director in June 1994 when
Ecopoiesis would not make Mars into
analogy to Earth most likely be found Dr. F. Michael Wahl will retire.
an extraterrestrial paradise, so much
in communities.
as it would transform it into a global
Although it is theoretically possible THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR...
cesspool—colorful, perhaps, but rich in
that subvisible life will be found in the
mephitic vapors. The early history of in charge of GSA headquarters, with its staff of more than
nether reaches of Martian deserts, it
Earth, after all, and the present state of 50 people in the Membership Services, Meetings, Publications,
remains far more likely that the Mar­
the gas giants in the outer Solar System Marketing, Accounting, and Computer Services departments, and the
tian wasteland is as dead as it appears.
are characterized by a chemistry that
If so, one scientific challenge is to enact Product Sales and Mail Service units.
more resembles sewer gas than food.
in reverse the very process that was ...coordinates (1) publications of GSA,
Though alien and inhospitable to
once so feared: to deliberately contami­ (2) annual GSA meetings arrangements,
mammals, these reduced sulfurous
nate or, as is now said, to "seed" Mars
carbon-rich volatile compounds were (3) activities of all GSA committees, sections, and
with life from Earth.
crucial to the origin and early evolu­ divisions, and relations with associated societies,
tion of life. (4) programs in education including SAGE and IEE,
ECOPOIESIS The only dependable way to make and the Penrose Conference and GeoVenture
The quest for life on Mars began a planetary surface livable may be to programs.
(by telescope) long before the Viking repeat the evolutionary colonization
missions, and it will not likely end with process that occurred on Earth, which responsible for implementing the directives and policies
the deployment of rovers on the planet began with hydrogen, methane, am­ of the Council and the Executive Committee of GSA; also coordinates
early in the next century. After accept­ monia, formaldehyde, sulfides, nitriles, headquarters work with the president of the GSA Foundation and
able confirmation that Mars is unin­ and simple sugars. Shortly after life executives of other societies.
habited, the next task might be to appeared, noxious gas exchanges at the modem and recently expanded GSA headquarters build­
"seed" the red neighbor with propa­ among anoxygenic phototrophic
ing in Boulder, Colorado, a beautiful university and research town at
gules from Earth. (Many will justifiably bacteria and their dependents ensued.
the foot of the Rocky Mountains, 28 miles northwest of Denver Inter­
argue that the resolution of more press­ Sped up on Mars, the outcome of a
ing Earth-based problems should be a rushed and deliberate Martian colo­ national Airport.
far greater priority: curbing the human nization process is likely to be highly ...holds a position with attractive compensation and comprehensive
tendency to convert the surface of unpredictable—possibly even tragic. benefits.
Earth to urban ecosystem or fostering Will we humans, Godlike, wave
If you are a mature, broadly trained earth scientist and if
and documenting the diversity of life.) our wand? Do we really think, in our
you are intrigued by this opportunity, mail your resume, including the
The first and perhaps most crucial naivete, that strewing our scientific in­
task in making Mars habitable is to strumentation over the red surface of names and addresses of three references to
increase its surface temperature. Pro­ Mars via robots in a geological wink of Executive Director Search Committee
posals for heating Mars have ranged an eye will produce a New Blue Earth? Geological Society of America
from engineering dreams of melting Far more probably, Mars will be colo­ P.O. Box 9140
the ice caps with giant orbiting mirrors nized slowly and gradually, and not by Boulder, CO 80301
or covering the surface with black humanity but through humanity, facil­
lichens, to schemes of rocketing green­ itated by robots. For the foreseeable Nominations and applications must be received by
house chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) into future it seems likely that the only hu­ November 15, 1993.
the atmosphere. Recent proposals tend man presence on Mars will be via the
to be more detailed and slightly more developing technology of telepresence.
feasible, yet share with their forerun­ The landing of the two remote-sensing,
ners a profound, simultaneous strength remote-controlled, human-connected
and weakness: although such schemes Viking landers in 1976 proves that the
are ambitious enough to excite the process of colonization has already
imagination, making captivating lay­ begun. Unlike Neil Armstrong's epoch­
outs in popular science magazines, they al "one step for man, one giant leap for
Cole Memorial Research Awards in
are too grandiose and vague to be prac­ mankind," the ecopoiesis of Mars's sur­ Geomorphology and Micropaleontology
tical (Kluger, 1992). face has no instantly recognizable
For example, even if several mil­ moment. The launch of human-built
Through the generosity of W. Storrs Cole, two awards for support of
lions of tons of new, UV-resistant CFCs life detectors to Mars, the "telepresent"
research are offered through GSA. The Gladys W. Cole Memorial Research
could be produced annually in situ sensory cameras that radio their signals
Award provides research support for the investigation of the geomorphology
from the surface of Mars, leading to a back to eager humans at mission con­
of semiarid and arid terrains in the United States and Mexico. It is to be given
release of carbon dioxide and to plane­ trol, space-crew first landings, early
to a GSA Member or Fellow between 30 and 65 years of age who has pub­
tary temperatures of 22 °C, then what? orbiting Mars stations, and the even­ lished one or more significant papers on geomorphology. Funds cannot be
Even if oceans appeared from ice tual habitation of the red surface by
used for work already accomplished, but recipients of a previous award may
trapped in the lower latitudes because emigrants of a variety of species—all
reapply if additional support is needed to complete their work. The amount
a way had been found to return to the are part of a gradual process of eco­
of this award in 1994 will be $7000.
atmosphere the CO2 now trapped in poiesis. All would be likely to occur
surface carbonates, what now? The haphazardly, with very little conscious
The second award, the W. Storrs Cole Memorial Research Award, has
density (and therefore livability) of a planetary bioengineering.
been established to support research in invertebrate micropaleontology. This
Martian atmosphere is probably intrin­ The distinction between altering award will also carry a stipend of $7000 and will be given each year to a GSA
sically limited by the weakness of one's body to "adapt" to any inhos­
Member or Fellow between 30 and 65 years of age who has published one or
Mars's magnetic field. In the absence pitable environment and altering the
more significant papers on micropaleontology.
of magnetic deflection of solar wind a environment itself is largely specious
Martian atmosphere would quickly be from a gaian viewpoint. As organisms
Additional information and application forms may be obtained from
ablated. Even if genetically engineered evolve, both their bodies and the envi­
June R. Forstrom, Research Grants Administrator, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder,
plants and microbes were created to ronment change irreversibly. Such
CO 80301.
produce oxygen and other gases at change occurs through technology,
hitherto miraculous rates, it still could which is not a uniquely human phe­ All applications must be postmarked on or before February 15, 1994. Actions
take, as Christopher McKay (NASA nomenon. Animate and inanimate
taken by the Committee on Research Grants will be reported to each applicant
Ames Research Center) estimates, nonhuman technologies abound, in early April.
about a thousand years to build an e.g., wasp nests, humidified and air-
atmosphere to stable levels of oxygen conditioned termite mounds, or the
These are two of CSA's most prestigious awards; all qualified applicants are urged
in carrier gases breathable by eukary­
to apply.
otic microbes, let alone humans. Gaia continued on p. 280

GSA TODAY, November 1993 279

Gaia continued from p. 279 would be involved in planetary colo­
nization, although at first multispecies
immense lithified limestone reefs fring­ bases will need to be constructed in an
ing tropical islands. effort planned by exceedingly few,
highly select, and passionately dedi­
GAIA'S PROPAGULES cated humans. Such bases are necessary
to protect their inhabitants from an
Life packages its precious contents:
initially hostile external Martian world.
production of heat-proof bacterial
Food plants must be grown and all
endospores, dinomastigote cysts, for­
wastes internally recycled.
mation by trees of seeds and hardened
That such enclosures of metal,
fruits, rubbery eggs of snakes, or the
glass, and plastic might be built by sci­
tough eggcases of rays. Among the
entists, engineers, and other working
most remarkable of such propagules
people is hardly an argument for their
are the "tuns" of tardigrades or the salt-
absolute uniqueness: all previous tech­
tolerant dust-like eggs of brine shrimp
nological advances in the evolution of
(Fig. 2). life (e.g., silica fretwork of diatoms, cal­
To enable any Earthlings to dwell
cium phosphate bone and teeth in ver­
on the surface of Mars, bubblelike
tebrates, lignification leading to great
enclosures probably will be required
height in plants, and the chitinous
that house a complexity of species in
exoskeletons of insects and crusta­
self-supporting recycling systems, in
ceans) involved more than a single
principle like the stated goals of the
type of life and were prerequisite to
exorbitant Biosphere II project in Ari­
the adaptive radiation of their inven­
zona's Sonoran desert. This incipient
tors into new and formerly hazardous
Earth-propagule (which "germinated"
and released its contents in September
Humans by no means have an
1993) contained eight "biospherians."
"exclusive" on technology. Magnetite
If you’ll send $20 or more to the SAGE Fund, we ll send you
The 17-acre facility allegedly was this full-color poster... and by return mail!
teeth in molluscs and wax synthesis by
"materially closed" in the autumn of
hymenopterans are technologies that
September 1991 to all but its enormous
preceded those of Homo sapiens by
intake of external electrical power. It is
millions of years. Calcium phosphate
clear that at present we are far from
teeth, barium sulfate gravitational sen­ Yes — I want to support SAGE — Science Awareness through
establishing any biospheres on Mars.
sors, and temperature- and humidity- Geoscience Education. Here is my $-------------------- Contribution.
The energy needed for the mere suste­
controlled termite mounds were as Please send the poster right away to:
nance of any biospheres let alone their
much a prerequisite for cosmopolitan
use as bases for any bio-industrial mod­
Cenozoic distribution of, say, rodents,
ification of the planet, will require on­
charalean algae, and fungi-gardening NAME________________________________________________________________
site nuclear power. However, as soon as
termites as telephones and electric
adequately closed artificial biospheres ADDRESS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
power are to human urban expansion.
are established—e.g., to serve as base
Silurian-Devonian emigration of life to CITY/STATE/ZIP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
camps for CFC factories—global, terres­
the land, with its attendant problems
trial, biospheric Earth life will have de PHONE________________________________________________________________
of lack of support by water, depleted
facto, if inconspicuously, colonized the
nutritional substrates, and its exposure
surface of Mars.
to continuous solar UV radiation, Clip and mail to: GSA Foundation
Such an artificial biosphere, a radi­ P.O. Box 9140
demanded a dramatic repackaging of
ation and desiccation-resistant form, is Boulder, CO 80301
life's resources—an incorporation into
highly reminiscent of large-scale non­
bodies of what at one time could be
human evolutionary innovations far
found only "outside"—in the mineral
more continuous with the past than it
environment (Sagan, 1992).
seems at first glance. By packaging and
Such repackaging of living beings
miniaturizing the essentials for sur­
and their accoutrements might begin
vival, fife ventures out upon and ulti­ objection of Doolittle (1981) that Gaia
within recycling enclaves, "artificial Such "artificial biospheres" might be
mately makes a home for itself in for­
biospheres." Above and beyond any­ recognizable not merely as a human cannot be a life form because it is inca­
merly hostile terrain.
thing done later, the first of these bases technology but as an expansion and pable of reproduction. Seen from afar,
The ecopoiesis of Mars would
on Martian terrain would already be metamorphosis of Earth's original bio­ the settling of Mars would be akin to
likely be accomplished by interaction
colonization of Mars. Cosmic histori­ sphere by members of all of the five budding, a space-bome planting of a
of many types of Earth organisms:
ans, in retrospect, might use establish­ kingdoms of life (Fig. 3). Gaia would
bacteria, protoctists (mainly as algae), Gaia continued on p. 291
ment of such Martian base camps to have reproduced, challenging the
plants, and fungi will certainly play
date the reproduction of planetary life.
their roles. Indirectly, all life forms

Figure 3. Five
kingdom hand
representing the
major forms of
life all connected
through nearly
four billion years
of "Darwinian
time" at Earth's
surface ("Ver-
space"). In order
of appearance
years ago) in the
fossil record:
Monera (Bacte­
ria or prokary-
otae, 3.9 Ga),
(algae, slime
molds, ciliates
and other micro­
scopic eukary­
otes and their
larger descen­
dants, 2 Ga),
Animalia (egg-sperm embryo forming diploids, 0.75 Ga), Fungi (zygo-, asco-, basidiomycota,
fungi imperfecti, and lichens that grow from fungal spores, 0.45 Ga), Plantae (bryophytic or tra-
cheophytic haplodiploids that develop from maternally retained embryos, 0.45 Ga). This illustra­
tion is from the cover of Five Kingdoms: An Illustrated Cuide to the Phyla of Life (second edition) by
Margulis and Schwartz, 1988. (Available as a teaching unit from Ward's Natural History Estab­
lishment, Rochester, New York.)

280 GSA TODAY, November 1993

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p. 167-181. cesses in global change (Dahlem Confer­ medicine for the planet: United Kingdom,
1976 Margulis, L„ Walker, J. C. G., and Rambler, ence): London, John Wiley & Sons, Gaia Books Ltd. (and New York, Harmony
"sporulated" form of biospheric life— M., Reassessment of roles of oxygen and p. 419—431. Books), 192 p.
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1977 Margulis, L., and Lovelock, J. E., The view tal sciences, in Schneider S. H., and Boston, Karlin, E. F., and McConnell, P., eds., Tech­
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CONCLUSIONS March-April, v. 10-13. Massachusetts, MIT Press, p. 11-18. ronment: Ramapo College, Mahwah, New
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1978 Watson, A., Lovelock, J. E., and Margulis, L., 1992 Lovelock, J. E., Geophysical aspects of biodi­ Press, p. 50-67.
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or geochemistry: Journal of Planetary Sci­ spective of ecology: Ecologist, v. 13, McKay, C. P., 1987, Terraforming: Making an
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1982 Lovelock, J. E., and Whitfield, M., The life 1984 Sagan, D., and Margulis, L., Gaia and philos­ p. 26-27.
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NASA life sciences symposium at 1982 Margulis, L., The biological point of view: 489-496.
The effect of life on the planet, in Brahic, A., 1985 Lovelock, J. E., and Allaby, J., The greening
COSPAR (August 1991); we are grateful of Mars: London, Allan and Unwin.
ed., Formation of planetary systems: Rothschild, L., 1990, Earth analogs for Martian
to Dorion Sagan for co-authorship of Toulouse, France, Centre d'Etudes Spatiales, 1986 Lovelock, J. E., Gaia: The world as a living life: Microbes in evaporites, a new model system
its first draft. We thank E. Moores and Capaude-Editions, p. 891-893. organism: New Scientist, December 18, for life on Mars: Icarus, v. 88, p. 246-260.
David Snoeyenbos for encouragement, 1983 Lovelock, J. E., Gaia as seen through the p. 25-28.
atmosphere, in Westbroek, P., and de Jong, 1986 Margulis, L., and Sagan, D., Microcosmos: Sagan, D., 1992, Metametazoa: Biology and multi­
editorial assistance, and useful discus­ Four billion years of evolution from our plicity: Incorporations, zone: Cambndge, Mas­
E., eds., Biomineralization and biological
sion. Donna Reppard and Landi Stone metal accumulation: Dordrecht, Nether­ microbial ancestors: New York, Summit sachusetts, MIT Press.
helped with manuscript preparation. lands, Reidel, p. 15-25. Books, ix + 301 p. (French translation: Albin
Michel, Paris, 1989; Italian translation: National Research Council, 1993, Solid-earth sci­
NASA Life Sciences, the Richard Louns- 1983 Margulis, L., and Stolz, J., Microbial system­ ences and society—Summary of global overview:
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the College of Natural Sciences and eralization and biological metal accumula­ 1989; Danish translation: Nysyn, Munks- Williams, G. C., 1992, Gaia, nature worship and
Mathematics at the University of Mas­ tion: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Reidel, gaard, 1990; Portugese translation: Fdicoes biocentric fallacies: Quarterly Review of Biology,
p. 27-53. 70, Rio de Janeiro, 1990; paperback: Simon v. 67, p. 479—486.
sachusetts—Amherst provided financial & Schuster, New York, 1991).
1983 Watson, A., and Lovelock, J. E., Biological
support. homeostasis of the global environment: 1986 Margulis, L., Lopez Baluja, L., Awramik, Manuscript received March 15, 1993; revision received
The parable of Daisyworld: Tellus, v. 35, S. M., and Sagan, D., Community living June 3,1993; accepted July 12, 1993 ■
long before man, in Botkin, D., and Orio,
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A. A., eds., Man's effect on the global envi­
1985 Sagan, D., editor, Planetary biology and
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LITERATURE ON GAIA NASA Technical Memorandum (summer v. 56, p. 379-397. THE FIVE
1965 Lovelock, J. E., A physical basis for life
program research report, June-August 1988 Lovelock, J. E., The ages of Gaia: A biogra­
phy of our living Earth: New York, W. W.
detection experiments: Nature, v. 207,
1986 Lovelock, J. E., Geophysiology: A new look Norton. SWEAT SHIRT
p. 568-569 1988 Margulis, L., Jim Lovelock's Gaia, in Bun­ • This elegant “Five Kingdom
at Earth science: American Meteorological
1967 Hitchcock, D. R., and Lovelock, J. E., Life yard, P., and Goldsmith, E., eds., Gaia, the Hands” design pictorially
Society Bulletin, v. 67, p. 392-397.
detection by atmospheric analysis: Icarus, thesis, the mechanisms and the implica­
1987 Charlson, R. J., Lovelock, J. E., Andreae, ‘ reflects the most current think-
v. 7, p. 149-159. tions: Cornwall, England, Wadebridge Eco­ ■, ■ ■ c ■. i ing on the evolution of life and
M. O., and Warren, S. G., Oceanic phyto­
1967 Lovelock, J. E., and Hitchcock, D. R., Detect­ logical Centre, p. 50-65. “ — “ the relationships among organ­
plankton, atmospheric sulphur, cloud
ing planetary life from Earth: Sciencejour­ 1988 Sagan, D., What Narcissus saw: The oceanic
albedo and climate: Nature, v. 326, isms. The five fingers, representing five kingdoms of life
nal, April, p. 2-4. "I"/eye, in The reality club 1: New York,
p. 655-661. — bacteria, protoctists, fungi, plants, and animals —
1968 Lovelock, J. E„ and Griffen, C. E„ Planetary Prentice Hall.
1987 Lovelock, J. E., Ecopoiesis of Daisy World, in together hold the turquoise orb of earth against a glitter­
atmospheres: Compositional and other 1988 Sagan, D., and Margulis, L., Gaia and bio­
Robson, J. M., ed., Origin and evolution of ing background of stars. The profiles of a man and
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the Universe—Evidence for design?: Royal woman interwoven into the palm represent humanity’s
in Tiffany, D. L., and Galtzeff, E., eds. eds., Gaia, the thesis, the mechanisms and
Society of Canada, p. 153-166. effort to grasp planetary greatness.
Advanced space experiments, Volume 25: the implications: Cornwall, England, Wade­
1987 Lovelock, J. E., Gaia: A new look at life on
Washington, D.C., American Astronomical bridge Ecological Centre, p. 237-242. T's: $12.75 ea; Sweats: $18.75 ea. (white on black)
Earth (second edition): Oxford and New
Society. 1990 Joseph, L. E., Gaia, the growth of an idea:
York, Oxford University Press. sizes: Large & X-Large
1972 Holland, H. D. The geologic history of sea­ New York, St. Martin's Press, (paperback:
1987 Margulis, L., Early life: The microbes have Order from: New Combinations, do Science Writers,
water--An attempt to solve the problem: 1991, Arkana).
priority, in Thompson, W. L, ed., Gaia: A P.O. Box 671, Amherst, MA 01004-0671
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 36, 1990 Lovelock, J. E., Hands up for the Gaia
way of knowing: Political implications of
p. 637-651. hypothesis: Nature, v. 344, p. 100-102. Include payment, quantity & size of each, and complete
the new biology: Great Barrington, Mas­
1972 Lovelock, J. E., and Lodge, J. P., Oxygen— 1991 Barlow, C., ed., From Gaia to selfish genes; shipping Information with your order.
sachusetts, Lindisfarne Press, p. 98-109.
The contemporary atmosphere: Atmo­ selected writings in the life sciences: Cam­ Postage and handling included in cost
1988 Lovelock, J. E., The ages of Gaia: New York,
spheric Environment, v. 6, p. 575-578. bridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 271 p. NOTAVAILABLE FROM THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OFAMERICA
W. W. Norton.
1972 Lovelock, J. E., Gaia as seen through the
1989 Lovelock, J. E., Geophysiology: Royal Soci­
atmosphere: Atmospheric Environment,
ety of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences, v. 80,
v. 6, p. 579-580.
p. 169-175.
1974 Lovelock, J. E., and Margulis, L., Atmo­
1989 Lovelock, J. E., Geophysiology, the science
spheric homeostasis by and for the bio­
sphere: The Gaia hypothesis: Tellus, v. 26,
p. 2 -10.
of Gaia: Reviews of Geophysics, v. 27,
p. 215-222.
1989 Lovelock, J. E., The First Leslie Cooper
GSA’s Publications Catalog
1974 Margulis, L., and Lovelock, J. E., Biological
modulation of the Earth's atmosphere:
Icarus, v. 21, p. 471-489.
Memorial Lecture: Gaia: Journal of Marine
Biology v. 69, p. 746-758. It’s New
1989 Margulis, L., and Lovelock, J. E., Gaia and
1974 Lovelock, J. E., and Margulis, L., Homeo­
geognosy, in Rambler, M. B., Margulis, L.,
static tendencies of the Earth's atmosphere:
Origins of Life, v. 5, p. 93-103.
1975 Margulis, L., and Lovelock, J. E., The atmo­
and Fester, R., eds., Global ecology: Towards
a science of the biosphere: Boston, Aca­
Its FR€€!
demic Press, p. 1-30.
sphere as circulatory system of the bio­
1990 Hinkle, G., and Margulis, L., Global ecology
sphere—The Gaia hypothesis: CoEvolution
and the Gaia hypothesis: Physiology and
Quarterly, v. 6, p. 30-41.
Ecology Japan, v. 27 (special issue: Ecology
1975 Lovelock, J. E., Thermodynamics and the
recognition of alien biospheres: Royal Soci­
for Tomorrow), p. 53-62.
1991 Lovelock, J. E., Geophysiology of the
GSA Marketing • 1-800-492-1988
oceans, in Mantoura, R. F. C., Martin, J.-M.,

GSA TODAY, November 1993 291

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