Ielts Speaking 2

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Tuần Nội dung Hoạt động dạy và học Kiểm tra

Tuần Unit 1: People and  GV giới thiệu đề cương chi tiết học phần.  Part 2:
1 Describe a close friend.
relationships  GV dẫn dắt và hướng dẫn SV phát triển
You should say:
Unit 2: A healthy body từ vựng về chủ đề.  How long you have known this person?
 SV thực hành phát âm và nói về các  How you met
Get started: Family, Free time  What kind of person he/she is?
mối quan hệ/các vấn đề sức khỏe
And explain why you like him/her
trong cuộc sống và trải nghiệm của
bản thân. Describe an exciting competition or sporting event you have witnessed.
 SV tự nghiên cứu các tiêu chí của bài You should say:
thi IELTS Academic kỹ năng nói và áp  What the competition or sporting event was
 When and where it took place
dụng đánh giá và sửa lỗi cho chính
 Who won
mình. And explain why it was exciting
 Part 1: Studies, Work, where you live,
family, hobies. Describe a newspaper or magazine you engjoy reading.
 You should say:
 What kind of newspaper or magazine you enjoy reading
 Part 3: Discussion more abstract  Which parts of it you read
issues and ideas  When and where you read it
 And explainwhy you enjoy reading

Tuần Unit 3: Studies and work 1. GV dẫn dắt và hướng dẫn SV phát triển  Part 2: Describe your dream job.
2 từ vựng về chủ đề.  You should say:
 What qulifications or experience you would need
2. SV thực hành phát âm và nói về công  What the job would involve
việc và học tập từ trải nghiệm của bản  What you think the most difficult thing about the job would be
thân.  And explain why it is your dream job.
3. SB tự nghiên cứu cách đọc từ điển và
học từ vựng dưới sự hướng dẫn của
giáo viên (register/dialect/tone/formality/
domain/ style/ attitude
Review 1/ Soft skill 1. GV hướng dẫn ôn tập.
2. GV hướng dẫn sinh viên áp dụng kiến
thức sử dụng từ đúng ngữ cảnh
(register/dialect/tone/formality/ domain/
style/ attitude ...) vào bài nói

Tuần Unit 4: The world 1. GV dẫn dắt và hướng dẫn SV phát triển KT vấn đáp
3 around us từ vựng về chủ
Unit 5: 2. SV thực hành phát âm và nói về các vấn đề liên quan
Communication đến môi trường và truyền thông.
3. SV tự nghiên cứu và xây dựng thói quen đọc, tóm tắt bản tin.
4. Project (Tùy chọn): Presentation

Tuần 4 Unit 6: 1. GV dẫn dắt và hướng dẫn SVphát triển từ vựng về chủ đề. KT vấn đáp
Technology 2. SV thực hành phát âm và nói về các vấn đề liên quan
đến công nghệ.
3. SV tự nghiên cứu và áp dụng các phương pháp khác nhau trong việc phát triển câu trả lời dưới sự hướng dẫn của


Review 2/ - GV hướng dẫn ôn tập.

Progressive test 2

Tuần 5 Unit 7: Hobbies 1. GV dẫn dắt và hướng dẫn SVphát triển từ vựng về chủ đề. KT vấn đáp
2. SV thực hành phát âm và nói về các vấn đề liên quan
đến sở thích và thời niên thiếu.
3. SV tự nghiên cứu và áp dụng các phương pháp để
paraphrase câu trả lời.

Unit 8: Youth
Tuần 6 Unit 9: Home 1. GV dẫn dắt và hướng dẫn SVphát triển từ vựng về chủ đề. KT vấn đáp

2. SV thực hành phát âm và nói về các vấn đề liên quan

đến công nghệ.
3. SV tự nghiên cứu và áp dụng discourse markers and connectives dưới sự hướng dẫn của GV.

Review 3/ 1. GV hướng dẫn ôn tập.

Progressive test 3 2. SV tự nghiên cứu và áp dụng discourse markers and connectives dưới sự hướng dẫn của GV.

Tuần 7 Unit 10: Culture 1. GV dẫn dắt và hướng dẫn SVphát triển từ vựng về chủ đề. KT vấn đáp
Unit 11: On the move 2. SV thực hành phát âm và nói về các vấn đề liên quan
đến văn hóa và du lịch.
3. SV tự nghiên cứu và áp dụng các pronunciation patterns khác nhau để cải thiện phát âm (comparative pronunciation)
dưới sự hướng dẫn của GV.

Tuần 8 Uni 12: Practice - GV hướng dẫn ôn tập. KT vấn đáp


Review 4/
Progressive test 4

Tuần 9 End of Module - SV ôn tập theo format bài thi

Review 1

End of Module Review 2 - SV ôn tập theo format bài thi

1. Four criteria:

2. How to answer

 Part 1: Introduction an interview (4-5 minutes)

o Không tính điểm
o Trả lời ngắn, đơn giản (3 câu)
o 3 topic quen thuộc hay được hỏi: Studies, Work or Where you live.

 Part 2: Individual long turn (3-4 minutes)

o Một phút chuẩn bị
o Trả lời đúng ngữ pháp, cấu trúc đa dạng (15 câu)
o Follow task card point

 Part 3: Two-way discussion (4-5 minutes)

o Connect with topic of Part 2

o Discuss more abstract issues & ideas💡

Unit 1: People and relationships

Part 1:

Tell me sth about your family?

What do you like doing most with your family?
Who are close to in your family?
In what way is your family important to you?

Part 2:
Describe a close friend
You should say:
How long you have known this person
How you met
What kind of person he/she is
And explain why you like him/her.

Part 3:
What do you expect from a good friend?
Are friends as important to you as family?
Do you think friendships change as we get older? How?

1. Topic: Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event

You should say:

 Who he/she is
 What you know about him/her
 What he/she is like in real life
 What achievement he/she has made
And explain why you admire him/her. 6

One sports personality from my country that I deeply admire Tôi vô cùng ngưỡng mộ is Lionel Messi, widely regarded as coi như one of the greatest football, or soccer, players in
history. Messi's remarkable journey from a young boy in Rosario, Argentina, to a global football icon is nothing short of không có gì khác ngoài inspirational .

What sets Messi apart khiến cho Messi trở nên khác biệt is his unparalleled vô song, không ai sánh bằng skill, precision độ chính xác , and consistency Tính nhất quán on the
field trên sân bóng . His dribbling rê bóng abilities , close ball control kiểm soát bóng , and ability to score goals from almost any position are awe-inspiring ấn tượng lâu dài . But
it's not just his talent that I admire; it's his humility khiêm tốn and sportsmanship tinh thần thể thao . Despite his immense cừ khôi fame and success,
Messi remains grounded khiêm tốn , rarely seen in controversies gây tranh cãi or boasting tự hào, khoe khoang about his achievements .

Moreover, Messi's dedication sự tận tâm to his craft is evident in được thể hiện trong his work ethic đạo đức and perseverance kiên trì . He
has faced numerous challenges , including health issues, yet continues to excel giỏi trong lĩnh vực . His commitment sự cam kết to improvement and his ability to adapt to different
playing styles and teams are truly commendable đáng khen ngợi .

Off the field ngoài sân bóng , Messi is involved in philanthropy lòng nhân ái , contributing to various charitable causes mục đích , particularly those related to children's healthcare
and education. His efforts to make a positive impact on society demonstrate a well-rounded toàn diện personality beyond football.

In conclusion, Lionel Messi's exceptional đặc biệt football skills , combined with his humility khiêm tốn , work ethic, and philanthropic endeavors nỗ lực , make him a sports person I
greatly admire.

2. Topic: Describe an athlete that you admire

You should say:

 Who the person is

 What his/her achievement is
 Why you admire him/her

And explain how you feel about this person

I must admit that I'm a sports fanatic as it is the biggest source of entertainment for me. I would like to take the opportunity to talk about Tôi muốn nhân cơ hội để nói về an athlete
whom I really admire.

The name of this sports star is Novak Djokovic, and he is a Serbian tennis player. Oftentimes, I read articles in newspapers and magazines about him.
He is such a talented sportsman vận động viên that he has long been regarded as one of the best tennis quần vợt players in the world. He is only 35 years old, but his
achievements are something that we cannot fail to acknowledge một cái gì đó mà chúng ta không thể không thừa nhận . At such a young age, he has been ranked world Number 1
for a record of total 373 weeks, and has finished as the year-end Number 1 for a record of seven times.

In addition, he is extremely athletic lực lưỡng, khỏe mạnh and flexible linh hoạt , which makes him a worthy adversary for một người đối đầu xứng đáng cho any tennis players,
especially in a physically demanding đòi hỏi thể chất, sức khỏe sport like tennis. I remember once watching him competing against Rafel Nadal, who is also a top ranking tennis
player, in a 5-hour match and won, which was very impressive.

To maintain duy trì his stamina thể lực and extremely high energy level on the court, he spends hours in the gym doing the workout. I can never forget the incident when
he got injured while playing đang chơi , but rather than leaving the court, he played till the end and still managed to win the match.

In fact, I follow him on social media as well, where he often shares photographs with his wife, who is also very athletic working-out tập luyện at the gym. Novak is my role model,
and I wish to be a famous
3. Topic: Describe your favourite famous person

You should say:

 Who this person is.

 How you know about this person.
 What this person is famous for.

And explain why you are interested in this person.

I'm going to talk about a musician that I admire, called... He's a singer who also plays the guitar and writes his own songs . I think he recorded thu âm his first album about 10 years
ago, and he's released đã phát hành several other CDs since then.

He became successful after many years of writing songs and performing live biểu diễn trực tiếp in small venues địa điểm all over the country. Gradually he built a following of
people who liked his music. I think the key to his success was one of his songs that was used on a TV advertisement. This meant that more people became aware of biết đến his

I found out about... because one of my friends got tickets to see him in concert. I hadn't heard any of his music before, but I went along to the gig tham gia buổi biểu diễn and really
enjoyed it. After that I bought the first CD, and now I've got all of them.

The reason I admire... is that he has worked hard for his success: it takes years of practice mất nhiều năm luyện tập to become a good singer and guitarist, and he spent several
years playing to very small audiences một lượng ít khán giả before he became successful. I also like the fact that he writes his own music. I look up to ngưỡng mộ people who
have worked hard to get where they are.
athlete like him. 8

4. Topic: Describe a person who just moved into your community and brought positive influence

You should say:

 Who this person is

 When and where this person moved to your community
 How you know this person

And explain how you feel about this person

One person who recently moved into my community and brought a positive influence is Vy. She relocated di dời here about six months ago from a neighboring city Thành phố lân
cận and quickly became an integral Tích hợp part of our community.

I first met Vy at a neighborhood gathering buổi tụ tập shortly after she moved in. She introduced herself with a warm smile and an eagerness sự háo hức to connect with her
new neighbors . Her friendly and outgoing nature made it easy for people to approach her, and she soon started forming bonds within the community.

Vy's positive influence is felt in various ways. For example, she initiated bắt đầu a neighborhood clean-up project, encouraging everyone to take part in maintaining
our shared spaces không gian chung . Her enthusiasm sự nhiệt tình inspired many of us to get involved tham gia , and the neighborhood has become tidier and more beautiful as a

Personally Cá nhân , I feel grateful for Vy's presence in our community. Her efforts have not only improved our physical surroundings but have also created a stronger sense of
community spirit. Her warmth and willingness sự tự nguyện to contribute to the betterment of our neighborhood have been truly uplifting nâng cấp .

In summary, Vy is a wonderful addition to our community. Her positive energy, community involvement, and friendly demeanor thái độ have made a significant and positive impact
on our neighborhood, and I'm genuinely chân thật glad to have her as a neighbor and friend.

5. Topic: Describe a popular person (who) you know.

You should say:

 Who this person is

 What this person does
 How you know them (= him or her)
And explain why (you think) they are popular. 9

One of the most popular individuals I know is my friend, Minh. Minh is a talented musician and songwriter nhạc sĩ . I first met him in college when we were both studying
music. Since then, we've become close friends bạn thân .

Minh's popularity phổ biến is well-deserved for several reasons. Firstly, his musical talent is exceptional đặc biệt . He has a beautiful singing voice and is a skilled thuần thục, điêu
luyện multi-instrumentalist người nghệ sĩ chơi được nhiều nhạc cụ . His original songs are both melodically một cách du dương, có giai điệu captivating and
emotionally profound thâm thúy , often exploring universal themes Chủ đề phổ quát like love, loss sự mất mát , and personal growth. His music has a broad appeal độ nhận
diện , resonating with cộng hưởng với people from diverse backgrounds .

Secondly, Minh is a passionate say đắm and dedicated tận tụy performer người biểu diễn . He regularly plays at local venues Địa điểm địa phương and maintains a robust mạnh
mẽ online presence sự hiện diện , sharing music on platforms Nền tảng like YouTube and social media. His live performances Biểu diễn trực tiếp are captivating quyến
rũ , drawing in bị cuốn vào large and enthusiastic nhiệt tình audiences Khán giả .

Moreover, Minh's authenticity sự chân thực sets him apart khiến anh ấy trở nên khác biệt . He is down-to-earth thực tế and connects with his fans Người hâm mộ on a personal
level, which fosters a loyal trung thành following. Minh also uses his music to address important social issues, making him not only an entertainer người giải trí but also a source of
inspiration một nguồn cảm hứng for many.

In a world where authenticity sự chân thực , talent, and relatability đáng tin cậy are valued, Minh's authenticity, musical talent, and relatability have catapulted nâng tầm him to
popularity in the music scene bối cảnh nền âm nhạc . His rising success promises an even brighter future.

6. Topic: Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions

You should say:

 Who this person is

 How you know this person
 What interesting ideas/opinions he/she

And explain you think why his/her ideas are interesting.

My best friend, An, is a remarkable individual who never ceases to Không bao giờ ngừng amaze me with her intriguing hấp dẫn ideas and opinions . She has an uncanny kỳ
lạ ability to see the world from unique angles góc nhìn , and her perspective cách nhìn is a constant source of inspiration and intellectual stimulation sự khích lệ tinh thần .
What sets An apart khiến cho An trở nên khác biệt is her fearlessness in expressing her opinions , even if they challenge conventional thông thường wisdom trí tuệ, sự thông
thái . She has a remarkable talent for articulating kết nối her thoughts persuasively một cách thuyết phục and respectfully, fostering insightful sâu sắc debates and
discussions. She's not one to conform to tuân theo popular beliefs ; instead, she delves deep into đào sâu vào research and analysis to form her own well-founded có cơ
sở conclusions .

Whether it's discussing politics, social issues, or art, An's ideas are thought-provoking kích thích tư duy and always come from a place of genuine concern quan ngại sâu sắc for
the world's well-being. She is not content with hài lòng với mere đơn giản surface-level understanding sự hiểu biết ở cấp độ bề mặt ; she delves into đào sâu
vào the nuances sắc thái and complexities of any topic she tackles gỉai quyết .

Moreover, An's interesting ideas extend beyond conversations. She actively engages in projects that reflect her innovative thinking suy nghĩ có tính đổi mới . Whether it's developing
eco-friendly solutions or organizing community events , her ideas are translated into chuyển hóa thành tangible actions hành động hữu hình that make a positive impact.

In conclusion, An’s insatiable vô độ curiosity, intellectual courage, and commitment to making a difference in the world inspire me daily, and I consider myself fortunate may mắn to
have such a thought-provoking and remarkable friend in my life.

7. Topic: Describe a person you know who you think is successful

You should say:

 Who the person is

 How did you know the person
 What he/she has achieved

And explain why do you think the person is successful.

I'd like to talk about Tôi muốn nói về my cousin, Minh, who I consider to be a highly successful individual. Minh is a remarkable đáng chú ý woman in her early thirties Ở tuổi ba
mươi của cô ấy who has achieved great success thành công lớn in both her personal and professional life.

In her career, Minh is a senior người lớn tuổi software engineer kỹ sư phần mềm at a leading Dẫn đầu tech công nghệ company. She pursued theo đuổi her passion for
technology from an early age từ khi còn rất trẻ and earned a degree bằng cấp in computer science with honors danh dự . Over the years , she has worked on numerous innovative
projects, including the development of cutting-edge tiến bộ, hiện đại applications and software phần mềm solutions . Her dedication sự cống hiến and expertise chuyên
môn have led to her being recognized as a valuable asset tài sản in her company, and she continues to make significant contributions to the field lĩnh vực .
Beyond her career, Minh has also achieved success in maintaining a healthy work-life balance sự cân bằng giữa cuộc sống và công việc . She is a loving wife and a devoted tận
tâm mother to two wonderful children. Her ability to excel in giỏi, chuyên nghiệp trong một lĩnh vực nào đó her career while nurturing nuôi dưỡng a happy and harmonious hài
hòa family life is truly inspiring truyền cảm hứng .

Overall, Minh's success is not merely defined by được quyết định bởi her professional accomplishments thành tích , but also by her ability to lead a fulfilling and balanced life while
positively impacting others. She serves as an inspiration to me and many others, showcasing that success can be achieved through hard work, dedication, and
a compassionate giàu tình yêu thương heart.

8. Topic: Describe someone you don’t know but would like to know more about

You should say

 Who this person is

 What interesting things he/she has done

Why you want to know more about him/her.

I'd like to tell you about tôi muốn nói với bạn về my new neighbor, a person I don't yet know but am quite curious to learn more about. She recently moved into the house next
door nhà bên , and from the little I've observed, she seems to have an intriguing hấp dẫn personality.

I first noticed her when she was tending to her garden. Unlike the other neighbors , she has transformed her front yard sân trước into a vibrant oasis ốc đảo of colorful flowers
and exotic đẹp 1 cách kì lạ plants . It's clear that she possesses sở hữu a green thumb người có năng lực làm vườn and a passion for gardening, which I find fascinating as I've
always wanted to develop my own gardening skills .

Another aspect that piques my curiosity khơi gợi sự tò mò của tôi is her frequent late-night visits to her small observatory Đài quan sát in the backyard sân sau . She often
spends hours gazing ngắm nghía at the night sky through a telescope Kính viễn vọng . I've always had a mild nhẹ interest in astronomy Thiên văn học , and her dedication sự
cống hiến to stargazing ngắm sao suggests a profound thâm thúy, sâu sắc fascination with the cosmos Vũ trụ . I would love to Tôi rất thích strike up a conversation bắt
chuyện with her about her celestial thiên thể discoveries and perhaps even join her in exploring the mysteries of the night sky.

Moreover, her bookshelves , visible through an open window, are filled with an eclectic chiết trung mix of novels , scientific journals , and philosophical triết học classics tác phẩm
kinh điển . It's a reflection sự phản chiếu of her intellectual trí tuệ depth, and I'm eager to Tôi háo hức learn about her favorite books and engage in discussions about literature
and philosophy.
In conclusion, my new neighbor's gardening skills , passion for stargazing, and diverse1 reading interests make her a person I'm genuinely eager to know better. I look forward
to striking up a conversation and forging rèn luyện, hình thành a neighborly friendship2with her.

9. Topic: Describe a foreigner you know who speaks your language (Vietnamese) well

You should say:

 Who this person is

 Where he/she is from
 How he/she learns Vietnamese

And explain why he/she can speak Vietnamese well.

I'd like to talk about Tôi muốn nói về my English teacher, Mr. Smith, who is a remarkable đáng nể foreigner proficient in thành thạo trong speaking Vietnamese. Mr.
Smith hails đến từ from the United States , but his dedication to cống hiến cho learning Vietnamese has been truly impressive.

I first met Mr. Smith when he joined our language institute trung tâm ngôn ngữ as an English instructor người hướng dẫn . His passion for languages was evident hiển nhiên from
the start từ lúc bắt đầu . He not only excelled in giỏi, chuyên nghiệp trong một lĩnh vực nào đó teaching English but also displayed hiển thị a deep interest in Vietnamese culture
and language. Intrigued by Bị hấp dẫn bởi the linguistic ngôn ngữ diversity of Vietnam, he decided to learn Vietnamese himself.

What sets Mr. Smith apart khiến cho thầy Smith khác biệt is his unwavering commitment Cam kết bền vững to becoming fluent in trôi chảy Vietnamese. He diligently siêng
năng attends Vietnamese language classes , practices with native speakers người bản xứ , and immerses himself in đắm mình vào Vietnamese literature and media. His
pronunciation is remarkably accurate, and he effortlessly một cách dễ dàng, không cần cố gắng engages in conversations on various topics , from daily life to complex
cultural discussions .

In conclusion, Mr. Smith's dedication to mastering làm chủ Vietnamese is not only impressive but also inspirational truyền cảm hứng . He demonstrates that language is a bridge
between khoảng cách, sự khác biệt giữa cultures, and his proficiency sự tài giỏi, thành thạo in Vietnamese has had a positive impact not only on his students but also on the
community as a whole.

10. Topic: Describe a person who likes to cook for others

You should say:

 Who this person is

 What he/she likes to cook
 Why he/she likes to cook 3

And explain how do you feel about the cooking.

I'd like to Tôi muốn talk about my beloved Người yêu dấu grandmother, who is a remarkable đáng nể person when it comes to cooking for others . She's an embodiment hiện
thân of love and care through her culinary skills Kỹ năng ẩm thực , and her kitchen has always been the heart of our family gatherings các cuộc tụ họp gia đình .

My grandmother is a petite nhỏ nhắn , silver-haired tóc bạc lady with a warm smile that instantly puts you at ease khiến cho bạn cảm thấy thoải mái . She has spent a lifetime cả
một đời perfecting her culinary talents , and her passion for cooking shines through in every dish she prepares .

What makes her special is Điều làm cho cô ấy đặc biệt là her unwavering không ngừng nghỉ desire to cook for others . She firmly chắc chắn believes that food is a way to bring
people together and show affection thể hiện cảm xúc . Whenever there's a family event or a visit from relatives, my grandmother takes charge of Chịu trách nhiệm the kitchen. She
skillfully blends generations-old nhiều thế hệ lâu đời family recipes with her own creative touches điểm nhấn , ensuring that every meal is a masterpiece.

Her meals are not just about flavors but also about creating memories . She remembers each family member's favorite dishes and always prepares them with love. When we gather
around quây quần xung quanh the dining table, the aroma mùi hương of her dishes fills the room, and the food is not just delicious but a testament to her love and dedication.

In conclusion, my grandmother's passion for cooking and her genuine chân thật desire to feed and nurture nuôi dưỡng our family have made her not just a fantastic cook but also a
symbol of love, unity đoàn kết , and cherished memories for our family. She truly embodies hiện thân the idea that food is a universal language ngôn ngữ quốc tế of love.

11. Topic: Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with

You should say:

 What party it was

 Who this person is
 What you talked about

I remember going to a party a few months ago where I met this incredible đáng kinh ngạc, tuyệt vời person who I enjoyed talking with. Her name was Minh Anh, and she was
such a breath of fresh air một làn gió mới . Minh Anh was a friend of a friend, so we had never met before that night.

What really stood out nổi bật about Minh Anh was her energy and enthusiasm sự nhiệt tình . She had a big smile on her face from the moment we were introduced, and
she was genuinely thật lòng interested in getting to muốn know me. I could tell tôi có thể thấy she was the kind of person who loved meeting new people and hearing their stories.
As we talked, I learned that Minh Anh was a freelance journalist nhà báo tự do who had traveled all over the world khắp thế giới for her work. She had such fascinating lôi
cuốn stories to share about her experiences, and I was in awe kinh ngạc of her bravery sự dũng cảm and adventurous tinh thần phiêu lưu, tinh thần mạo hiểm spirit. I
remember feeling like I could talk to her for hours.

Another thing that impressed me about Minh Anh was her passion for social justice công bằng trong xã hội issues. She was involved in tham gia vào a number of local activist nhà
hoạt động groups and was working on a project tham gia dự án to raise awareness nâng cao nhận thức about climate change biến đổi khí hậu . I found her dedication to cống
hiến making a positive impact tầm ảnh hưởng in the world incredibly vô cùng inspiring truyền cảm hứng .

Overall nói chung , Minh Anh was one of the most interesting and engaging duyên dáng people I've met at a party. I felt like I learned so much from our conversation, and I
was grateful biết ơn to have had the opportunity to get to know her. I hope to run into gặp her again at another event sự kiện someday.

12. Topic: Describe a person you have met who you want to work or study with

You should say:

 Who this person is

 How you met this person
 How long you have known him/her

One person that I have met who I would like to tôi muốn work or study with is my former cũ professor giáo sư , Dr. Thanh. Dr. Thanh is an expert chuyên gia in the field lĩnh
vực of environmental science khoa học môi trường , which is a subject that I am very interested in .

During my undergraduate studies thời đại học , I had the opportunity to take Dr. Thanh's course on environmental policy chính sách môi trường and was impressed by
his knowledge , passion niềm đam mê , and teaching style phong cách giảng dạy . He made the subject come alive sống động and encouraged students to think critically một cách
nghiêm túc about environmental issues and solutions.

In addition to bên cạnh, ngoài his expertise kiến thức chuyên môn in the field, Dr. Thanh is also a very approachable dễ gần and supportive hay giúp đỡ person. He was
always willing to sẵn sàng answer questions and provide feedback nhận xét on assignments, and he encouraged students to participate in tham gia vào discussions
and collaborate with hợp tác với one another.
If given the opportunity nếu có cơ hội , I would love to tôi rất muốn work or study with Dr. Thanh again. I believe that his mentorship cố vấn and guidance hướng dẫn would
be invaluable vô giá in helping me achieve my academic học thuật and professional chuyên nghiệp goals in the field of environmental science. His passion for the subject
and commitment sự cam kết to making a positive impact ảnh hưởng on the world is truly inspiring tạo cảm hứng and I would be honored vinh hạnh, vinh dự to have the chance to
work alongside cùng với him.

13. Topic: Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably/well

You should say:

 Who he/she is
 What kind of work or study he/she does
 What he/she wears

And explain why he/she dresses fashionably/well

I'd like to tell you about someone in my life who is very fashionable hợp thời trang . That person is my dad. He is a lawyer luật sư , so he is required yêu cầu to wear suits bộ com
lê and fancy sành điệu clothes all the time for his work. He has been a lawyer for over thirty years . He really loves his job, he specialises chuyên về in family law so he works
with a lot of families and tries to help them with their problems, like housing problems vấn đề nhà ở or financial difficulties khó khăn về tài chính .

As I said Như tôi đã nói , he wears a lot of suits. He is quite a flashy hào nhoáng person, so these suits come from big fashion houses thương hiệu thời trang . For example Ví dụ ,
he has a lot of clothes from Armani, Prada and Hugo Boss. His clothes are very expensive đắt , but he earns a good salary mức lương tốt so he can afford đủ khả năng chi
trả them. Sometimes Thỉnh thoảng , he wears different clothes to work, maybe on ‘dress down' days ngày không cần mặc đồng phục like Fridays. Still Vẫn , he wears very
expensive brands like Gucci or Versace. He also likes to wear expensive jewellery trang sức , like Tom Ford glasses and gold rings.

I think my dad dresses fashionably for a number of reasons. One reason is because of his job. He needs to dress smartly for his work or his boss will become upset buồn bã with
him. Whenever he meets clients khách hàng , he represents đại diện his law firm, so he has to make a good first impression ấn tượng đầu tiên tốt . Also Cùng với đó , I think he
likes wearing fancy clothes. He likes to dress up ăn diện and I think he feels confident tự tin and happy when he is stylish hợp thời trang . I feel happy for him!

14. Topic: Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants (vegetables, fruits, flowers)

You should say:

 Who this person is
 What he/she grows 6
 Where he/she grows them

And explain why he/she enjoys growing plants

I'd like to tell you about someone in my family who loves to grow plants. That person is my grandma. She is a real nature lover người yêu thiên nhiên . She grows all sorts of
plants: flowers những bông hoa , vegetables rau , fruits trái cây , trees cây and so on.

She grows all her plants in her house. She has citrus trees cây thuộc họ cam quýt in her house which produce oranges quả cam and limes chanh xanh . These are great because
they will not only produce great tasting hương vị tuyệt vời fruit, but they also look great in the house. She also has a lot of house plants cây trồng trong nhà , like orchids cây hoa
lan and cacti xương rồng . Her house is like the Amazon rainforest rừng nhiệt đới ! She also has a small allotment mảnh đất được thuê để trồng hoa hoặc rau củ near her
house. This works like a community garden khu vườn cộng đồng , so she grows her vegetables here like potatoes quả khoai tây , cabbages bắp cải , carrots cà rốt and so on. The
community garden is really friendly.

I think my grandma enjoys growing plants for a number of reasons . First of all đầu tiên , she loves nature. She grew up in the countryside, so I think she enjoys
being surrounded được bao quanh by nature. Secondly Thứ hai , I think she enjoys living a sustainable lifestyle lối sống bền vững . Because she loves nature, she doesn't
want to hurt it by polluting gây ô nhiễm the atmosphere bầu không khí . Growing her own vegetables means that she can help nature and not hurt it. Finally Cuối cùng , I think she
enjoys the community aspect khía cạnh cộng đồng . She has many friends who also grow plants and they meet up gặp gỡ regularly. She is a pensioner người đã về hưu so I think
this makes her feel less lonely cô đơn .

15. Topic: Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future

You should say:

 Who he/she is
 Whether you worked together before
 What kind of work you would like to do with him/her

And explain how you feel about this family member

I’d like to tell you about Tôi muốn nói với bạn về someone in my family whom I would like to work with in the future. A few years ago, I worked with my uncle at
his printing company. I did an internship đi thực tập there as part of a school programme. At his company, he works with a lot of high-profile businesses các doanh nghiệp cấp
cao and prints advertisements in quảng cáo for them, as well as leaflets tờ rơi , posters áp phích , business cards danh thiếp and so on. His business is very lucrative sinh lời .

When I worked with him a few years ago, it was my role to simply learn the ropes of the company. He showed me the ins and outs tất cả phần thông dụng of the printing
process. He also let me sit in tham gia on some very important meetings with clients khách hàng . In the future trong tương lai . I want to work with him and his company more
because it is a great business that has many opportunities for me. It is also a stable ổn định company because businesses always need to print things out, even in this digital
age thời đại kỹ thuật số . So, my uncle will always have customers.

My uncle is a very inspiring truyền cảm hứng person. He built his way up from nothing xây dựng sự nghiệp từ con số 0 . He was born in a very poor area but he worked hard and
he attended university. He worked at many financial companies when he was young, but he took the leap đã có bước nhảy vọt about a decade ago and started his own
company. He is a very enterprising dám nghĩ dám làm man and I really look up to ngưỡng mộ him. Hopefully Hy vọng , I will /be/ able to work with him in the future because he
has a lot to teach me.

16. Topic: Describe an interesting neighbour

You should say:

 Who he/she is
 How you knew him/her
 What you do together

And explain why he/she is interesting

I’d like to tell you about a fascinating lôi cuốn neighbour. When I was younger, my family and I stayed in the countryside. The area was very isolated bị cô lập , but we had a
neighbour who lived in the other field from us. He was an old man in his seventies trong những năm tuổi 70 . He lived alone with his two dogs. I knew him because he and my
parents were very close, so he used to come over ghé chơi to our place for dinner from time to time thỉnh thoảng .

I would also play in his field when the weather was nice. He played games with me, like football. He was the goalkeeper thủ môn and I would try and score goals. I also played with
his dogs and I took them on walks when he was feeling tired. My dad and I also helped him with repairs giúp anh ấy sửa chữa around his house. For example Ví dụ , we helped him
repair a leak in his roof.

He was a very interesting character because he had a unique backstory câu chuyện đằng sau độc đáo . He was a war veteran cựu chiến binh , and when he left the army he bought
that piece of land and started a farm with his wife. They grew organic vegetables rau hữu cơ and they were pioneers người tiên phong of their trade in the local
area. Everyone knew who they were. However Tuy nhiên , his wife died shortly after they started the farm, but he continued it in her memory. I found him very interesting, but I also
felt sorry for him. But Nhưng mà , despite all of the sadness sự sầu não and loneliness sự cô đơn in his life, he was still a very joyful niềm hân hoan man and I had a lot
of respect kính trọng for him.

17. Topic: Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about

You should say:

 Who he/she is
 When you met him/her
 Why you want to know more about him/her

And explain how you feel about him/her

I’d like to tell you about Tôi muốn nói với bạn về an incredibly vô cùng interesting person I met once in the past. A few years ago, I was travelling across Europe with
my coursemates . Because we didn't have a lot of money, we stayed in hostels nhà tập thể . Hostels are great nests nơi trú ẩn for quirky mưu mô, kỳ quặc people, so it's common
to thông thường ... meet some interesting characters there. In a hostel in Paris in the middle of our trip, I met a man who was around forty years old. He had long white hair
and a black, bushy mọc rậm rạp beard. He was from Australia and had a thick Aussie thuộc nước Úc accent.

I was immediately ngay lập tức taken by him because of his image and also his crazy stories . He told us about his adventures from all around the world. He
had visited every continent lục địa on the globe. I want to know more about him because he was so fascinating lôi cuốn . It’s rare quý hiếm to find an older person travelling, so this
was quite a special occasion dịp and I wish we could have spent more time together, but unfortunately Không may , I had to leave shortly trong thời gian ngắn after meeting him.

I think the man had quite an effect on me. Tôi nghĩ rằng người đàn ông có ảnh hưởng khá lớn đến tôi. Prior to Trước meeting him, I always thought that when you get older, that’s
when your life ends. You become boring, you start to slow down and you get more obsessed bị ám ảnh with material things vật chất like houses and cars . But this man showed me
that this isn’t always true. Your older years can also be full of life and enjoyment tràn đầy sự sống và sự thích thú if you want them to be. I feel so glad to have met him because he
taught me so many life lessons which I will carry with me into my future.

18. Topic: Describe a person you follow regularly on social media

You should say:

 Who he/she is
 How you knew him/her
 What he/she posts on social media 9

And explain why you follow him/her on social media

Well, social media plays a vital quan trọng role in everyone's life. It gives the opportunity to connect with fans and followers. It is also possible to grow the business with social
media. Here, I would like to speak about Jeff Bezos, who is the founder người sáng lập of a well-known eCommerce company named Amazon. He is one of the richest people in
the world. I have followed him on Instagram and Twitter for the last five years. When I was in my first year of engineering kỹ sư at that time, I saw a video on my friend's phone
regarding Jeff Bezos telling about how to achieve success in our life. After watching this video, I was really impressed and then started to follow him on Instagram. There are many
reasons why I follow this person. Firstly, he is a motivational có sức thuyết phục speaker, and l learn different types of life lessons from his videos.

Talking about his success story, I must say that he worked very hard at the beginning of the Amazon company. I have seen many videos of Jeff Bezos on Instagram and
Facebook. He says that the keys to success are patience sự kiên nhẫn , persistence sự bền bỉ and obsessive ám ảnh attention sự chú ý to detail. I have been trying
to implement thực hiện, áp dụng it in my life. Moreover, there is no doubt that he has gained mass đại chúng income without losing his passion for helping others and improving the
world. Lastly, I would say, if I had a chance to meet someone, I would definitely choose to meet Jeff Bezos because I love his personality, thoughts and helping nature tính cách
thích giúp đỡ .

19. Topic: Describe a person you know who does a job which is useful to society

You should say:

 Who this person is

 How you knew him/her
 What type of work he/she does

And explain why you think his/her work is useful to the society

Every honest job is noble đáng khâm phục in my opinion if it somehow helps others. While police officers risk their lives to protect the people and ensure đảm bảo the law and
order, lawyers defend bào chữa the innocents những người vô tội or prove a criminal guilty có tội . Likewise tương tự như vậy , politicians devote their time and life to the greater
good điều tốt đpẹ hơn of the country, doctors heal our illness, scientists and researchers put our civilization nền văn minh one step forward and this list goes on and on. However,
for this cue card topic, I would like to talk about a person who is a teacher and in my opinion, her job is quite important to society as well as to the country.

The name of this teacher is Mary Margaret and she is an English teacher in a high school located in our area. She is in fact, a much-revered rất được kính trọng teacher among her
students and colleagues and I like the invaluable vô giá contribution sự đóng góp she has for teaching in an excellent way. Besides, she is an honest person with many other
excellent qualities that make her an exemplary tấm gương person in our society.
Teaching, in my opinion, is a very noble profession and makes society a better place by eradicating xóa bỏ our ignorance sự ngu dốt and by creating an enlightened giác
ngộ generation. This profoundly sâu sắc important job is done by teachers who are doing a really great job for all of us. In this present era, formal chính
quy educational institutes học viện help us to enhance nâng cao our knowledge and prepare us for the future. Creating an illuminated được soi sáng society is the main purpose
of education and teachers are helping us to acquire the wisdom and knowledge we need to lead a better life. This is why I personally think that a teacher's job is one of the most
important jobs in our society.

Speaking of Mary Margaret, I was one of her favourite students and her teaching style was quite unique. Her excellent teaching style helped me learn many grammatical rules and
use English more fluently. As a teacher, she was quite devoted tận tâm and punctual đúng giờ . She must be very proud that some of her students are in
important positions nationwide trên toàn quốc and some of them still visit her.

20. Topic: Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school

You should say:

 Who he/she is
 How you knew him/her
 Why he/she impressed you most

And how you feel about him/he

Well, when I was in primary school, art class was always my favorite. So the art teacher, Mrs. Li, really left a mark đã để lại dấu ấn on me.

In my eyes she was like a superhero siêu anh hùng . She could do anything! I still remember clearly the day that she taught us to draw stick figures, make paper lanterns đèn lồng
giấy and even make paper cuttings. I have to say she's pretty skilled in paper-cutting. I remember that during one class, she took just a few minutes to cut two butterflies. It seemed
like she had magic hands. But I couldn't keep up with her at all.

My fingers were clumsy vụng về and I could never cut the papers well. But Mrs. Li didn't look down on coi thường me. She personally came to my side and helped me fold gấp
lại a piece of paper in half several times. Then she asked me to draw an image on it and cut it along the lines. When I unfolded the paper, it really looked like a butterfly. I
remember I was over the moon rất vui sướng and thanked her a lot.

Actually I learned many art skills from Mrs. Li. She was patient kiên nhẫn and kind to every student and was always smiling, so I was very fond of her. After so many years, my
memory of primary school is fading, but I still remember tons of moments from art class and with Mrs. Li clearly. I really miss those days in primary school. It was the happiest and
most carefree vô tư period of my life.

21. Topic: Describe a businessman you admire

You should say: 2
 Who this person is
 How you knew this person
 What kinds of business this person does

And explain why you admire this person

I'm going to talk about Rihanna, a singer, actress, creative director giám đốc sáng tạo and above all an entrepreneur doanh nhân that I hold in high regard coi trọng, ngưỡng
mộ . Recently, Rihanna has officially chính thức become a billionaire tỷ phú and she derives thu được most of her wealth from her two businesses, namely a lingerie line, Savage
X Fenty, which is valued at $1 billion, and Fenty Beauty, a makeup brand worth $2.8 billion.

These two businesses have been launched ra mắt , one after another, and expanded mở rộng in the fashion world in the past 5 years.

Although Rihanna makes it all sound so easy , running a handful of một số businesses isn't the easiest thing in the world, obviously. Unlike other celebrities, this beauty boss
doesn't just lend her name and face to dùng tên tuổi và gương mặt của mình để hỗ trợ/trợ giúp (cái gì đó) her brands. She actually runs điều hành them, all the way down to đến
tận /đến cả những the littlest details. For example Ví dụ , she still has a hand in tham gia literally trạng từ này được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh số lượng lớn hoặc lớn như thế
nào every step of the process when it comes to khi nhắc đến releasing pieces for her fashion collection and she refuses to release anything that is not up to par with ngang bằng
(cụm từ này dùng để chỉ việc đạt tới một tiêu chuẩn nào đó) her quality level. from the angle of a hem, the size of a sleeve to the stitch. (That means Rihanna's in the thick of giữ
vai trò chính/trung tâm/quan trọng product development in all of her brands)

Another interesting fact which proves her a remarkable xuất sắc businesswoman is that despite having a huge team, she herself writes all the copy on Fenty Beauty labels. It's
that dedication sự cống hiến to her brand's truth that makes Rihanna a true businesswoman rather than a celeb who lends her likeness to some products.

And for all the talents, hardwork and great business sense tài năng kinh doanh she possesses, I think Rihanna totally deserves xứng đáng the status địa vị of being the richest
female musician in the world.

22. Topic: Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting

You should say:

 Who the person is

 How you knew him/her
 What kind of person he/she is

And explain why you think he/she is interesting

I'm going to talk about Rihanna, a singer, actress, creative director giám đốc sáng tạo and above all an entrepreneur doanh nhân that I hold in high regard coi trọng, ngưỡng
mộ . Recently, Rihanna has officially chính thức become a billionaire tỷ phú and she derives thu được most of her wealth from her two businesses, namely a lingerie line, Savage
X Fenty, which is valued at $1 billion, and Fenty Beauty, a makeup brand worth $2.8 billion.

These two businesses have been launched ra mắt , one after another, and expanded mở rộng in the fashion world in the past 5 years.

Although Rihanna makes it all sound so easy , running a handful of một số businesses isn't the easiest thing in the world, obviously. Unlike other celebrities, this beauty boss
doesn't just lend her name and face to dùng tên tuổi và gương mặt của mình để hỗ trợ/trợ giúp (cái gì đó) her brands. She actually runs điều hành them, all the way down to đến
tận /đến cả những the littlest details. For example Ví dụ , she still has a hand in tham gia literally trạng từ này được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh số lượng lớn hoặc lớn như thế
nào every step of the process when it comes to khi nhắc đến releasing pieces for her fashion collection and she refuses to release anything that is not up to par with ngang bằng
(cụm từ này dùng để chỉ việc đạt tới một tiêu chuẩn nào đó) her quality level. from the angle of a hem, the size of a sleeve to the stitch. (That means Rihanna's in the thick of giữ
vai trò chính/trung tâm/quan trọng product development in all of her brands)

Another interesting fact which proves her a remarkable xuất sắc businesswoman is that despite having a huge team, she herself writes all the copy on Fenty Beauty labels. It's
that dedication sự cống hiến to her brand's truth that makes Rihanna a true businesswoman rather than a celeb who lends her likeness to some products.

And for all the talents, hardwork and great business sense tài năng kinh doanh she possesses, I think Rihanna totally deserves xứng đáng the status địa vị of being the richest
female musician in the world.

23. Topic: Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way

You should say;

 Who this person is

 What the problem was
 How he/she solved it

And explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way

When it comes to khi nhắc tới, khi nói đến someone who solves problems in a clever way, the first one that comes to mind is an 80-year-old lady I saw on social media.

I watched a video of a reporter phóng viên interviewing the lady. She said she has had a great liking for paper-cutting nghệ thuật cắt giấy since she was a kid. And she still goes to
a senior college for a paper-cutting course. But as she gets older, she finds that there are fewer and fewer young people who take an interest in this art form, and we are losing the
culture of paper-cutting.
In order to change the situation, she came up with the idea of promoting quảng bá folk art nghệ thuật dân gian on social media. She cuts paper into comics truyện tranh that tell
traditional Chinese stories and creates videos of them. 3

You can see how she has presented many storylines cốt truyện through paper cuttings. She even bound them into buộc chúng thành a book form and got them published xuất
bản . Most importantly, she really made it work thực hiện được điều đó ! Her story and artwork tác phẩm nghệ thuật have already been covered by foreign media and now she is
an authentic đích thực internet celebrity nhân vật nổi tiếng trên mạng in China. Since her videos went viral phổ biến , tons of young people have become interested in the art of

It's definitely a brilliant idea. She successfully took advantage of the media trend. I was amazed by how creative she is for her age. Actually, although she's in her 80s, she's still
learning new things and improving her skills every day. She is such a great role model hình mẫu, tấm gương tiêu biểu to young people like me and definitely gains my admiration.

24. Topic: Describe a creative person(an artist/musician/...) whose work you admire

You should say:

 Who he/she is
 How you knew him/her
 What creative things he/she has done

And explain why you think he/she is creative

The American songwriter, artist, writer and singer, Bob Dylan, whose original name is Robert Allen Zimmerman is a very creative person I know about. I also admire his
creative songwriting sáng tác nhạc and noteworthy đáng chú ý songs. He is, in fact, one of the most influential có ảnh hưởng songwriters and singers of all time and I respect him

He was born in 1941 in the USA and due to his remarkable nổi bật contributions sự đóng góp to literature, he was awarded the Nobel Prize recently. The Nobel Prize for literature
is awarded both for lasting literary thuộc về văn học merit công lao and for evidence of consistent kiên địch idealism chr nghĩa duy tâm to a great extent trong phạm vi
lớn . Dylan's songs have such creativity, consistent idealism chr nghĩa duy tâm and universal phổ biến appeal sức lôi cuốn and without any doubt, he is a very talented and
creative person.

He is such a powerful and influential singer that his songs like 'The times they are a-changing' and 'Blowing in the wind' became anthems quốc ca for the American civil
rights quyền công dân and anti-war chống chiến tranh movements.

His creative and dazzling sáng chói lyrics incorporate kết hợp a vast range of social, political thuộc về chính trị , psychological thuộc về tâm lý , philosophical thuộc về triết học ,
and literary influences . As a musician, he has sold more than 10 million records. Besides, he is also a talented painter.
I knew him first when I heard his song 'Slow Train' from his album 'Slow Train Coming'2in my early college days. I have explored his music and heard most of the songs sung by
him. I have also read several articles online about him and his works. I know him as a4revered kính trọng songwriter and he is one of my favourite singers of all time.

I admire ngưỡng mộ him mostly because of his talent and outstanding contribution to the music, lyrics, and literary works through his songwriting. There were times when his music
personally inspired truyền cảm hứng me, motivated me and helped me forget my pain. I have never met him in person but he seems like someone I know for a long time and very
closely. I respect tôn trọng him as a great musician, admire him as a songwriter and consider him one of the greatest minds of the present era.

25. Topic: Describe something that you did with someone or a group of people

You should say:

 What it was
 Who you did it with
 How long it took you to do this

And explain why you did it together.

Recently, I went on a camping trip chuyến cắm trại with a group of friends. We had been planning the trip for weeks and were all excited to get away from tránh xa the city and
enjoy the great outdoors không gian ngoài trời . We chose a picturesque đẹp như tranh vẽ campsite khu cắm trại near a lake that was surrounded by được bao quanh bởi dense
forest rừng rậm and rolling hills vùng đồi thoải .

On the first day vào ngày đầu tiên , we set up dựng our tents lều and started a campfire lửa trại . We cooked dinner over the fire and shared stories and jokes late into the night tối
khuya . The next day ngày hôm sau , we went hiking đi bộ đường dài through the woods rừng and saw some breathtaking ngoạn mục views of the landscape phong cảnh . We
also did some fishing and swimming in the lake, which was crystal clear trong vắt and refreshing mát lành .

In the evenings, we played card games (trò chơi) bài and sang songs around the campfire. It was wonderful to spend quality time khoảng thời gian có ý nghĩa with my friends
without any distractions phiền nhiễu from technology or work . We also shared responsibilities trách nhiệm , such as cooking and cleaning , which brought us closer together đưa
chúng tôi lại gần nhau hơn as a group.

Overall tổng thể , the camping trip was an incredible tuyệt vời experience that allowed us to connect with nature and each other . It was a great reminder lời nhắc nhở of
the importance of taking time to dành thời gian để unwind thư giãn and enjoy the simple pleasures thú vui of life. I hope to plan more trips like this in the future with the same
group of people, as it was truly a memorable đáng nhớ and rewarding bổ ích experience.

26. Topic: Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire

You should say:

 Who he/she is
 What he/she looks like 5
 What kind of movies she/he appears in

And explain why you admire this person.

One of my favorite film characters is một trong những nhân vật phim yêu thích của tôi là Miranda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep in the movie "The Devil Wears Prada". Meryl
Streep is a highly respected rất được kính trọng actress , and her portrayal of sự thể hiện, vai diễn Miranda Priestly was exceptional xuất sắc . Miranda Priestly is the editor-in-
chief tổng biên tập of a fashion magazine tạp chí thời trang and is known for nổi tiếng là being ruthless tàn nhẫn and demanding đòi hỏi cao, khắt khe . Despite
her reputation tiếng xấu , I found her character to be intriguing hấp dẫn and captivating thú vị .

The first thing điều đầu tiên that stood out to me thu hút tôi, làm tôi ấn tượng about Miranda Priestly was her impeccable hoàn hảo sense of style phong cách . Her wardrobe tủ
quần áo was always flawless hoàn mỹ, không khuyết điểm , and her signature đặc trưng silver hair and sunglasses added to làm tăng thêm her mysterious bí ẩn persona tính
cách . She was always in control of nắm quyền kiểm soát the situation, and her confidence sự tự tin and poise sự đĩnh đạc were inspiring truyền cảm hứng .

Furthermore hơn nữa , Miranda's character was complex phức tạp and nuanced nhiều sắc thái . She was not just a one-dimensional nhạt nhẽo, hời hợt boss; there were hints
of dấu hiệu của vulnerability sự yếu đuối and humanity tình người beneath bên dưới her tough exterior vẻ ngoài cứng rắn . For example ví dụ , there was a scene phân
cảnh where she opened up to tâm sự, bộc bạch với her assistant about her personal life cuộc sống cá nhân , and this showed a different side một khía cạnh khác to her

Meryl Streep's performance was truly exceptional. She captured nắm bắt the essence bản chất of Miranda Priestly perfectly, from her commanding presence to her subtle tinh
tế facial expressions biểu cảm khuôn mặt . Her acting was so convincing đầy thuyết phục that I was completely immersed in đắm mình trong the story.

In conclusion tóm lại là , Miranda Priestly is a fascinating lôi cuốn film character, and Meryl Streep's portrayal of her was nothing short of brilliant cực kì tuyệt vời . She is a character
that I admire for ngưỡng mộ her strength, complexity, and style, and I think that Meryl Streep's performance was a testament minh chứng, bằng chứng to her talent as an actress.


Part 1.
What do you do to keep fit?
Do you like playing sports?
What sports do you like to try in the future?
Are you good at sport?
What sports do you play? 2
What sports are popular in your country? What is the most popular sport in your country?

Part 2.
Topic: Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in
You should say:
 What the contest/competition is about
 Where the contest/competition will take place

 When it will be held And explain why you would like to participate in it

Part 3.
What are the best ways to keep fit?
Do you think most people consider exercise a chore or do they find it fun?
What is the most popular form of exercise in your country?

Do you think people in your country are less healthy than they used to be?
How can we encourage young people to stay healthy?
Should governments intervene to force people to be healthier?

1. Topic: Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate in

You should say:

 What the contest/competition is about

 Where the contest/competition will take place

 When it will be held And explain why you would like to participate in it

I’d like to tell you about a competition cuộc đua, cuộc thi I would like to participate in. At my university, they are currently offering scholarships học bổng for fully-funded tài trợ toàn
phần PhDs to candidates ứng cử viên in my subject. There are only two places available, but I think there will be over one hundred applicants người nộp đơn . The competition
will take place diễn ra in a few weeks and it will be held in various locations around the university.
The competition is very long and demanding yêu cầu cao . We first have to write an academic essay of four thousand words which answers one of three questions in my area
of expertise chuyên môn . If we pass that, we then have to defend bảo vệ our Masters thesis luận án in an interview. If we make it to vượt qua the final stage, we then have to take
part in tham gia an hour long interview. The process will last around a month and it will be very gruelling mệt mỏi because it requires a lot of hard work .

Despite the amount of work, I still think the competition is absolutely [worth it. It has always been my dream to complete a PhD and become a doctor in my specialism chuyên
môn . Also Cũng thế , having a PhD will really improve my future job prospects thăng tiến, nở rộ . I hope one day to be a lecturer at a university, so a PhD is crucial for this
role. Moreover Hơn thế nữa , I can’t currently afford đủ khả năng to do a PhD with my own money, so I need funding kinh phí and this competition is one way to secure đảm
bảo this. I hope that I’m successful!

2. Topic: Describe a popular place for sports

You should say:

 Where it is
 When you went there
 What you did there
And explain how you felt about this place

I'd like to tell you about the time I visited Barcelona Football Club's stadium sân vận động . I visited it last year with my family. My brother surprised ngạc nhiên me
with tickets to tour chuyến du lịch the stadium for Christmas. I was over the moon rất sung sướng when he gave me them because I absolutely love football, and my favourite team
in Barcelona. The stadium is in the heart of Barcelona city in Spain and it's one of the main tourist attractions địa điểm thu hút khách du lịch of the city because Barcelona is one of
the most successful football teams in the world.

My family and I did a tour of the stadium. We saw everything, for example Ví dụ , the changing rooms phòng thay đồ of the players, the boardrooms phòng họp of
the executives ban điều hành , the seating areas khu vực khán đài where the fans sit and of course, the picture cảnh tượng . The pitch sân bóng đá was amazing tuyệt vời . It was
so green and luscious mơn mởn . It was perfectly treated all year round by the best gardeners Người làm vườn in Barcelona. We also had dinner in the restaurant in the stadium
and the food was incredible đáng kinh ngạc .

Looking back on Nhìn lại the experience, I had an amazing tuyệt vời time. It was great to spend time with dành thời gian với my family in such an amazing place. Even my mum,
who doesn't like football at all, thought it was great. It was quite surreal siêu thực to see the place where my hero, Messi, played for years . I also walked on the pitch where he
walked and this was incredible. I can't wait to go back one day.

3. Topic: Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy

You should say:

 What it is
 When you do it
 Who you do it with 2
And explain why you think this method is important 8

I’d like to tell you about an activity I do to keep fit giữ dáng and healthy. I love to run. This involves at least a thirty minute jog chạy bộ around my estate khu nhà ở . I do this almost
everyday, sometimes I miss a day if I’m busy or if I’m travelling , but I’m quite consistent kiên trì with it. I do it alone, but sometimes I run with my friends or my brother. It can be
quite a solitary activity hoạt động chỉ làm một mình because it’s not a team sport, so it’s nice to run with company với bạn đồng hành from time to time thỉnh thoảng .

I started running when I was quite young, from the age of an early teenager Từ khi ở độ tuổi thiếu niên . I started because I wanted to get fit trở nên cân đối and lose weight giảm
cân . Running is so important because it not only increases your cardiovascular health sức khỏe tim mạch , but it also strengthens tăng cường your leg muscles . So Vì thế , it
makes you extremely fit and strong at the same time. It also releases endorphins chất hóoc môn Endorphin in your brain which makes you feel better, especially if you’re stressed .

However Tuy nhiên , running can have some disadvantages . Because it’s a high contact sport môn thể thao có mức độ tiếp xúc cao , it can wear your muscles làm căng
cơ and joints down xuống cấp over time. This is why it’s important to stretch giãn cơ after every run and wear /the/ correct shoes. Also Cũng thế , running can be dangerous,
especially if you’re running up large hills or in busy areas . You can accidentally run into cars vô tình đâm vào xe or people on the road, so you need to take care when doing it.

4. Topic: Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

You should say:

 What it is
 Where and when you do it
 Who you do it with
And explain why you enjoy it.

I would like to talk about my morning routine thói quen buổi sáng , which I really thực sự enjoy and find beneficial to thấy có ích cho my day. Typically tiêu biểu , I wake up
at around khoảng 6:00 am and immediately do some light stretching exercises bài tập dãn cơ to get my body warmed up làm nóng and ready for sẵn sàng cho the day . After
that sau đó , I take a quick shower tắm nhanh to freshen up làm tỉnh táo and feel energized đầy năng lượng .

Once một lần I'm dressed, I usually make myself a cup of coffee and enjoy it while reading the news or browsing my favorite websites lướt các trang web yêu thích của tôi . I find
this time to be very relaxing, as I have the chance có cơ hội to ease into bắt đầu dễ dàng my day while keeping up with cập nhật current events . This helps me feel more
prepared and focused for the day ahead cho ngày tới .

Next kế tiếp , I spend a few minutes meditating thiền định or doing some deep breathing exercises bài tập thở sâu to help me stay calm and centered. This really helps me start my
day on a positive note trong một trạng thái tích cực , and it sets the tone for tạo cảm hứng cho the rest of my day.
After that sau đó , I prepare a healthy breakfast, which usually consists of bao gồm some fruits, yogurt, and whole-grain ngũ cốc nguyên hạt toast. I really enjoy cooking, so I take
my time dành thời gian preparing the meal, and I find the process to be quite therapeutic chữa lành .

In summary tóm tắt , my morning routine is something I really enjoy, as it helps me to feel energized, focused, and positive for the day ahead. The combination sự kết hợp of
stretching, showering, enjoying coffee, reading, and meditating thiền định , followed by a healthy breakfast, creates a sense of cảm giác về balance and harmony sự hài hoà that I
find invaluable for vô giá đối với my physical and mental well-being sức khoẻ .

5. Topic: Describe an activity that made you feel tired

You should say:

 When it happened
 Where it took place
 What the activity was

And explain why it made you feel tired.

One activity that invariably luôn luôn leaves me feeling tired yet strangely fulfilled is long-distance running. I recall nhớ lại a particularly exhausting but rewarding bổ ích experience
during a half-marathon race.

The race started on a crisp sáng tinh mơ , early morning, with thousands of runners gathered at the starting line điểm xuất phát . As the signal sounded, we set off lên đường , and
the initial excitement propelled me forward đẩy tôi về phía trước . However, as the kilometers piled up trở nên ngày càng nhiều (chạy càng ngày càng xa) ,
exhaustion began to creep in mò vào .

The course was challenging, with undulating nhấp nhô hills and stretches sự kéo dài liên tục of open road under the scorching thiêu đốt sun. My legs ached, my breath was heavy,
and doubt occasionally crept into my mind. But the determination sự quyết tâm to finish and the support of fellow runners kept me going.

By the time Vào lúc I reached the final kilometers , fatigue Mệt mỏi was overwhelming, but the sight of the finish line motivated me to push harder Đẩy mạnh hơn . Crossing that
finish line brought an incredible sense of accomplishment, even though my body was drained mệt đến rã rời .

Although running the half-marathon made me profoundly tired physically and mentally, it also left me with để lại cho tôi một cảm giác a profound sense of achievement and a
reminder of the remarkable things the human body can accomplish with perseverance kiên trì and determination. The exhaustion was a testament to một minh chứng cho the effort
invested, and it made the finish line all the more càng trở nên satisfying.
6. Topic: Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently 3
You should say:

 Where and when you went there

 What the activity was
 Whether you asked for help in the activity

And explain why you attended the activity

I'd like to tell you about an outdoor activity that I did in a new location recently. A few weeks ago, I went for a walk in a park that I had never been to before. It was just a walk, which I
did nice and slowly . I went after work one night. It's summer right now so the weather was glorious vinh quang . I think I went about seven o'clock in the evening, but it was still light
outside. I remember the sky was a lovely shade of blue.

I walked alone. I didn't need any help - walking is pretty easy! I prefer to walk alone because I find it more relaxing thư giãn . Also Cùng với đó , I like to listen to music when I
walk. Sometimes, I walk with people, but I'm more focused on talking to them than walking. When I walk alone, it's like a meditation thiền : I focus on my footsteps bước chân ,
my breathing thở and the beautiful nature around me. When I walk with people, I become too distracted mất tập trung .

I went for a walk that night because I was quite stressed out căng thẳng . Walking helps calm me down giúp tôi bình tĩnh lại . Also Cùng với đó , I wanted to go to the new park. The
park is located next to the woods, so there are a lot of trees around and there is a lovely nature trail lối mòn được hình thành một cách tự nhiên that yanks lôi kéo (nghĩa tích
cực) you through the woods and away from the traffic. This was a very relaxing walk and I'm looking forward to doing a lot more in the future.

7. Topic: Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go

You should say:

 Who you would like to go with

 Where you would like to go
 When you would like to go

And explain why you would like to go by bicycle/motorcycle/car

I live in Vietnam where taking a car trip is certainly a matter of là chủ đề của great adventure cuộc phiêu lưu and enjoyment sự tận hưởng . So far, I have managed to have such
car trips only to a few places, but today, I would like to talk about hôm nay, tôi muốn nói về a car trip which I am really looking forward to mong đợi .

I want to take this car trip from Hanoi (my home town) to Halong Bay which is a 170-kilometer journey. Now, I must say that I have never taken such a long car trip before, so it is
going to become challenging thách thức as well as thrilling ly kỳ .
3 take a couple of friends with me, who are not only good drivers, but also have experience
Of course, I wouldn't take that car trip alone since traveling alone is no fun. So, I would
already taken a road trip to Halong Bay a couple of times, and it is them who actually 1 convinced thuyết phục me to take this car trip.

Anyway, before I hit the road, I am planning to buy a road map so that I know what my itineraries hành trình are exactly going to be. By the way, I would take the Haiphong
Expressway for my car trip as it would cut the drive from Hanoi to Halong Bay from four hours to little more than two. Of course, I would need to pay some toll money lệ phí cầu
đường to ride on this highway đường cao tốc , but it is certainly worth the cost since it would allow me to have a speedier and shorter drive from Hanoi to Halong Bay.

Well, I want to take this trip to Halong Bay by car because I have never really driven on a highway for a long time. Besides, this car trip would allow me the flexibility sự kinh hoạt to
travel to places of our choices at our own pace tốc độ . I want to travel to that place in a car also because it would allow us to reach our destination điểm đến more quickly and take
breaks on the highway whenever we want.

Topic: Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy

1. Wh-question: How do children and old people keep fit and healthy?
2. Wh-question: What do people normally do to keep fit and healthy in your country?
3. Wh-question: How can parents help and guide their kids to keep healthy?
4. Yes/ No: Do you think it is a good way for governments to use the power of idols to help people to build health awareness?

Hiện nghĩa
Highlight nội dung
Lưu/khôi phục highlight

1. Nghe cả đoạn

I think they keep fit and healthy in different ways . It’s common for children to play games with each other, so they might run around or play sports. This allows them to keep fit without even
trying. Old people, on the other hand, do not play with their friends . So, they have to put a more conscious effort into exercise . It’s common to see old people go swimming or go running. They are
very slow , but these activities are still beneficial for their health.

2. Nghe cả đoạn

People do a large mix of different sports and exercises to keep fit and healthy in my country. A common sport people play is football. This is especially popular amongst the younger generation,
like teenagers . It’s a good exercise because it’s fun, so even people who don’t like exercise find it enjoyable. A lot of people also go swimming, although this is less common due to the lack of
availability of pools . However, if you have a swimming pool in your local area, it’s great to utilise it because swimming is a fantastic all-round exercise.

3. Nghe cả đoạn
Well, I think parents can do a lot of things . First of all, parents can encourage their kids to join3a sports club. For example, my dad motivated me to join a football team when I was younger which was
really beneficial for my health. Parents can also take their kids on days out. Kids these days spend 2 more time inside on their phones than they do outside, so parents can force them to put their phone
away and go on an outdoor excursion, like a hike or a long walk. My parents also did this with me and I’m very thankful for them!

4. Nghe cả đoạn

I think so, yes. It’s also good to have someone to look up to so you can aspire to be like them. For example, the government may use a sports celebrity to encourage the public to work out. The sports
celebrity works as a great example for the public to work towards . However, it needs to be the right person. An idol who is too arrogant or unpleasant could have the opposite effect, meaning that
people do not want to follow in their footsteps.
UNIT 3: 3
Part 1.
Do you work or are you a student?
Why did you choose that course or job?
What is the most difficult thing about your studies or job?

Part 2.
Describe your dream job
You should:
 What qualifications or experience you would need
 What the job would involve
 What you think the most difficult thing about the job would be
And explain why it is your dream job.

Part 3.
Do you think science are more useful than arts subjects?
Are students mature enough to choose what to study themselves or should their parents decide for them?
In your country, does having a university education help you into better career?
Do you think older or younger workers are more motivated?
How can managers increase motivation among their workforce?
Are people more motivated if their jobs involves helping others?

1. Describe your dream job

You should:
 What qualifications or experience you would need
 What the job would involve
 What you think the most difficult thing about the job would be
And explain why it is your dream job.
2. Topic: Describe a job you think interests people 4
You should say:

 What it is
 When you started concerning about this job
 How you can find this job

And explain why it is an interesting job

In recent years, the job of an "influencer" has piqued considerable interest khơi gợi sự quan tâm đáng kể . Influencers utilize tận dụng social media to amass tích lũy a dedicated
following and wield vận dụng their influence for various purposes, including promoting products, services, causes mục đích , or sharing personal experiences and opinions.

I started becoming intrigued by Tôi bắt đầu bị cuốn hút bởi this job when I noticed the growing impact of social media on our daily lives, particularly among
younger generations . The rise of influencers seemed like a natural progression sự tăng trưởng as social media became a powerful tool công cụ for communication and marketing.

Becoming an influencer often begins with crafting content chế tạo nội dung on platforms Nền tảng like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok. As your content nội dung gains popularity
and your following lượt theo dõi grows, opportunities for brand partnerships Quan hệ đối tác thương hiệu and sponsored được tài trợ posts emerge.

The job's allure lôi kéo sự hấp dẫn lies in its blend of creativity, entrepreneurship Doanh nhân , and communication. Influencers express themselves, pursue passions, and
potentially earn well. They connect with a global audience, advocate biện hộ for causes, and adapt to evolving trends and tech, ensuring excitement and dynamism sự năng động .

Yet, being an influencer poses challenges đặt ra những thách thức like preserving authenticity, handling public scrutiny sự giám sát của công chúng , and staying relevant có sự
gắn bó, cập nhật với sự thay đổi của môi trường xung quanh in a competitive field lĩnh vực . Still Mặc dù vậy , the allure of digital influencing attracts those valuing creativity, self-
expression, and the chance to make a digital-age impact.

3. Topic: Describe a science subject that you are interested in (Biology, Robotics, etc.)

You should say

 Which subject it is?

 How and where did you know this subject?
 How do you usually get information about this subject?

And explain why you are interested in this subject.

One science subject that has always captivated my interest is Biology. Biology, the study of life, explores the incredible diversity and complexity sự phức tạp of living organisms các
sinh vật sống on our planet, from the tiniest microorganisms Vi sinh vật to the grandeur sự vĩ đại of entire ecosystems Hệ sinh thái .

What I find most intriguing about biology is its relevance to liên quan đến our daily lives. It explains the fundamental cơ bản processes that sustain duy trì life, from genetics Di
truyền học and evolution to ecology sinh thái and physiology Sinh lý học . Learning about DNA and genetics, for instance, unveils tiết lộ the secrets of inheritance di
sản and hereditary di truyền diseases bệnh tật . Studying ecology deepens our understanding of the delicate balance of ecosystems and the impact of human activities on our

Biology also fosters a sense of wonder about the natural world. Observing the intricacies phức tạp of plant growth, animal behavior, and the marvels Kỳ diệu of biodiversity sự đa
dạng sinh học in nature is both humbling khiêm tốn and awe-inspiring truyền cảm hứng .

Overall, my interest in biology stems from bắt nguồn từ its capacity to unravel the mysteries of life, enhance our quality of life through medical advancements , and raise
awareness nâng cao nhận thức about the importance of conserving bảo tồn our planet's fragile dễ vỡ ecosystems .

It's a subject that not only educates but also instills thấm nhuần a deep appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.

4. Topic: Describe your first day at school that you remember

You should say:

 Where the school was

 How you went there
 What happened that day

And how you felt on that day.

The first day of school is a memory that many people hold dear trân trọng , and I am no exception tôi không phải là ngoại lệ . I vividly một cách sinh động recall my first
day of primary school, which was a mix of sự kết hợp của excitement, nervousness sự hồi hộp , and wonder sự bỡ ngỡ . It was a sunny day in September, and I was five years old
at the time. I woke up early in the morning, feeling a little anxious lo lắng about starting school. My mother helped me put on my brand new mới uniform and gave me a
kiss hôn on the cheek before I left for rời để đi tới school with my father.

As bằng I entered the school gate, I was struck by bị choáng ngợp bởi the sight of cảnh tượng so many children in uniform. I had never seen so many people my age in one place
before, and it was both exhilarating phấn khích and intimidating đáng sợ . My father walked me dẫn tôi to my classroom, where I met my teacher and some of
my classmates . We played games and sang songs hát những bài hát to get to know làm quen each other . I made friends with kết bạn với a boy named Tuan, who was sitting
next to me.
During the day trong ngày , we had lessons in different subjects các môn học such as English, Math, and Science. I remember being excited to learn new things but also
feeling overwhelmed choáng ngợp by all the new information.

As the day went on trôi qua , I grew more comfortable with ngày càng thoải mái hơn với my new surroundings môi trường xung quanh , and my nerves sự lo lắng began to fade
away biến mất . By the time school ended, I was happy to have made some new friends đã kết bạn với một số người bạn mới and to have learned so many new things. I couldn't
wait to go back the next day and continue my journey of hành trình của tôi learning. That day marked đánh dấu the beginning of my educational journey, and it's a memory that I
will always cherish trân trọng .

5. Topic: Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed

You should say:

 What it was about

 When you had it
 What the teacher did

Anh why you enjoyed the lesson

I'd like to tell you about a very interesting English lesson that I experienced trải nghiệm recently. A few years ago, I went on a cultural exchange trao đổi văn hoá to London with my
high school English class. My English teacher was from London and the lesson was about exploring and learning about the city and interacting tương tác with locals Người dân địa
phương .

We were only there for a week, but we explored the major sights Điểm tham quan chính in London, like Westminster, Buckingham Palace, the London Eye and Camden Market. My
teacher asked us to speak English the entire time, which was challenging thách thức but it really helped me improve cải thiện . For example Ví dụ , at Camden Market, I ordered
food in English and I spoke with some locals in the area. The teacher helped me with this - he was really helpful thích giúp đỡ and motivating thích khuyến khích, động viên .

What I enjoyed the most about this was that I could practise luyện tập English in real life. When I learn a language in class, I don't feel confident tự tin using the language in real life
with real people. However Tuy nhiên , on this trip, it was learning in a real environment, so my language skills improved massively một cách mạnh mẽ, ồ ạt . I really want to do a trip
like this again!

6. Topic: Describe a course that impressed you a lot

You should say:

 What the course was about

 Where you took the course
 What you did during the course
I’d like to tell you about Tôi muốn nói với bạn về a course I did recently gần đây which made a big impression on me. It was a food hygiene vệ sinh thực phẩm and safety sự an
toàn course I carried out online. It was only a short course, it was only a couple of hours long Một vài giờ , but its purpose was to inform thông báo me about the several
safety rules surrounding food and hygiene in the kitchen. It was structured into four parts, where each part contained different information, like how to cook foods correctly chính
xác , how to clean up dọn dẹp and so on và cứ như thế .

The course was really interesting because I never knew how important food safety was before doing the course. In the past Trong quá khứ , I would just make food and clean
up without không có really thinking about it. But now Nhưng bây giờ , I’m much more aware of nhận thức được how to be safe in the kitchen by being clean and
avoiding harmful có hại bacteria. For example Ví dụ , one piece of information I learned was that if food isn’t stored in the fridge correctly, bacteria can grow on it which can
cause food poisoning ngộ độc thực phẩm .

This course will really benefit lợi ích me in the future. To supplement bổ sung my income, I am looking for work in kitchens and cafés, so this course can hopefully qualify me for a
job in one of these areas . Not only Không chỉ will the course help my career, but also nhưng cũng in my personal life. For instance, I can now cook for my friends and family with
much more confidence.

7. Topic: Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time

You should say:

 What it is
 When you usually do it
 Why you do it

And explain why you think it wastes your time

Life has become extremely fast and busy, and people often complain that they are short on time, yet we waste a lot of time intentionally một cách có chủ đích or
unintentionally. Here I would like to talk about bây giờ, tôi muốn nói về an activity that I do regularly, and it wastes my hours easily.

The fact is that I am quite active hoạt động tích cực on social media, which is more like a weed cần sa, thuốc lá (ý chỉ sự gây nghiện) these days. It is a more practical thiết
thực way to remain in touch giữ liên lạc with friends and relatives as it saves a lot of time and energy when compared to meeting others personally.

But sometimes, I feel I waste too much time on this. Firstly, I have a huge network mạng lưới of friends who are active in different apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter,
and others, and for their sake vì lợi ích của họ , I always have to remain active on these platforms nền tảng . In addition, people sometimes share posts unduly quá mức and always
expect from others to comment, and a few of my friends are so obsessed ám ảnh that they get angry with me if I don't comment in time.
Similarly, every second day is someone's birthday, and I have to spare time to wish them. Moreover, these platforms are bombarded with tấn công bởi extremely tempting cám
dỗ advertisements , and once I get on these sites to check anything, I end up wasting a lot of time. I feel very bad because now I am kind of addicted to nghiện using these
platforms. I can utilize tận dụng this time more productively có hiệu quả than I waste here unduly.

So, this is an activity that I do regularly, which wastes a lot of my time

8. Topic: Describe a lesson that you remember well

You should say:

 What the course was about

 Where you had it
 Why you remember it

And explain why it impressed you a lot

I have enrolled đăng ký, ghi danh in many English courses over the years, only a few of which were actually high-quality and helpful. One of the lessons I remember the most, was
the one during my senior year in high school which was delivered giảng dạy by Ms. Alex – our substitute thay thế teacher who was incredibly inspiring truyền cảm
hứng and humorous hài hước .

Since our main teacher was on holiday leave, Ms. Alex attended our class for only one day but it was enough for her to leave a profound sâu sắc impression on us. She was
younger than other teachers , but definitely wasn't less experienced. Though she hadn't been teaching for more than a few years, her confidence and wide breadth bề dày (ví dụ: bề
dày kiến thức, bề dày kinh nghiệm,..) of knowledge blew our mind làm ấn tượng . We didn't have a new lesson on that day but a revision ôn tập instead; therefore, Ms. Alex had
prepared lots of interesting activities for us, which created a cheerful vui vẻ and energetic đầy năng lượng atmosphere within the classroom. We were able to participate in many
games such as charades câu đố and bingos, revising old vocab and grammar as well as learning new things through her stories. She didn't do all the speaking but encouraged us
to voice nói, đưa ra our ideas and thinking, which made most of us feel uncomfortable at first since that was not how we were used to. However, in the end, everyone actively một
cách tích cực engaged tham gia in the games. Thanks to Ms. Alex, we had an opportunity to experience a very unconventional độc đáo, trái với thông
thường teaching method phương pháp that didn't make us bored out of our mind but actually was enticing, which I was so thankful for.

9. Topic: Describe a rule (in school or work) that you don't like

You should say:

 What it is
 Why you don't like it
 How others feel about the rule
And explain whether you've followed the rule

Every school enacts ban hành hundreds of rules to discipline the students and my school was not an exception. Though most rules were defined định rõ to benefit us in some way
yet I found one rule extremely unfair không công bằng and that was of no half-day nửa ngày and no color dress on Saturday.

The fact is that in almost every school in my city Saturday is always a half-day at school and students wait for this day very eagerly háo hức as they get released from school
around 12 instead of 3 pm. But, It was not the case at my school. We had to attend school on Saturday too.

On top of it, there was an additional bổ sung fine hình phạt for not attending the school on Saturday as teachers used to take surprise làm bất ngờ on this day. As a result, I could
never go out on a weekend break with my family. In addition, we had to wear school uniforms all 6 days of the week. Where other school children could wear clothes of their choice
on this day we again had to wear uniform only which always gave them a reason to laugh at us and annoy us. I was in uniform all the time and for that reason my parents rarely got
me new clothes.

I can never forget that sometimes, after school on Saturdays, my parents used to pick me up to watch movies in the cinema and I used to be the only person at the cinema in
uniform which used to be quite embarrassing but for movies I could manage that.

Overall, like most other students I was not happy at all with this rule at my school.

10. Topic: Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn

You should say:

 When you learned it

 Why you learned it
 How you learned it

And explain how you felt when you learned it

Well, some skills are quite essential quan trọng to learn but can be quite difficult to acquire . Today I am going to talk about Hôm nay tôi sẽ nói về one of such skills: driving, which I
learned but found very difficult.

Actually, I had a great deal of fear in my mind towards có nỗi sợ lớn đối với driving. So that I could gain confidence đạt được sự tự tin , my father got me enrolled at a driving
school. Mr. Singh was my driving instructor who was quite confident, friendly, and soft-spoken nói năng nhẹ nhàng .
On my first day, he helped me to gain control over the steering tay lái . Though we were driving on the ground with no vehicle around, I was still scared and trembling run rẩy , but
my instructor người hướng dẫn motivated thúc đẩy me to boost my confidence nâng cao sự tự tin .

Once I got on the highway đường cao tốc , frankly speaking, every time a truck was coming from the other side, I was getting off the road in fear. This time my trainer got a little
angry with me and said, you must keep your courage giữ vững can đảm if you want to learn this skill.

Slowly and steadily một cách vững vàng , I got more and more comfortable with driving on the road in different conditions điều kiện . I was feeling like I had learnt to drive but then
the most challenging thử thách part came which was to drive in the city center, the area with heavy traffic. I got goosebumps nổi da gà driving in this busy area. The car was hardly
moving because of traffic, and my engine động cơ was going off again and again, but I kept the courage this time. Though I had a minor nho nhỏ accident with an auto-
rickshaw xe kéo tự động .

I learned a lot from my mistakes and the experience of Mr. Singh, and today, I can confidently drive a car, but it was not an easy skill to acquire for me.

11. Topic: Describe an ambition that you haven't achieved

You should say:

 What it is
 Why you haven't achieved it
 What you did
 And how you felt about it

I’d like to tell you about Tôi muốn nói với bạn về an ambition I haven’t yet achieved . I have always wanted to become fluent in a language. I love language and culture nền văn
hóa , so I want to be able to speak another language very comfortably một cách thoải mái so I can use it to travel and work abroad. However, I haven’t achieved this goal mục
tiêu yet. This is for many reasons Đây là vì nhiều lý do . One is that I haven’t committed enough time to it. Learning languages can take years , so this has been an obstacle trở
ngại . Also Cũng , I can’t decide which language is best to learn because there are so many! I’m caught between French and Spanish, but I can barely vừa đủ speak either of
them một trong số họ .

I have tried to learn languages in the past. For example Ví dụ , during the COVID-19 lockdown cách ly , I committed myself to learning French. I managed to progress with it well,
but when lockdown ended, I started doing other activities so eventually I forgot all the French I learned and didn’t pick it up nhặt nó lên again.

I feel quite down about Tôi cảm thấy khá thất vọng not achieving đạt được my goals . I hate being unproductive không hiệu quả , so when I am unsuccessful không thành công at
something, it makes me feel quite sad and lazy. However Tuy nhiên , I’m going to change it. I am going to focus more and try to improve my discipline kỷ luật so I do some
language learning everyday. By doing little bits Bằng cách làm những thứ nhỏ at a time over a long period, I should be able to có thể become quite proficient thành thạo in the
near future
Part 1.

Tell me about your country’s climate?

What is your favourite kind of weather?
Does the weather influence your mood?
Is it worse to feel too hot or too cold?

Part 2.
1. Describe your favourite season.
You should say:
What the season is and when it occurs
What the weather is like during this season
What your typical activities are during this season
And explain why it is your favourite season.
Part 3.
The environment
Are people in your country concerned about protecting the environment?
Does the responsibility for protecting the environment lie with government or with individuals?
Does it helps to educate young people on being green?
What effects does pollution have on the environment?
Do you think we pollute more now than we did 50 years ago?
What do you think will happen if we do not reduce current levels of pollution?
Part 1:
1) What’s your mother tongue?
2) What other languages do you speak?
3) What do you think is the best way to keep in touch with friends?
4) Do people keep in touch differently now compared to fifty years ago?

1. Topic: Describe something you did that helped you to learn another language

You should say:

 What it is
 What language you learned
 How it helped you learn the language

And how you felt about it.

In this contemporary epoch kỷ nguyên đương đại , technology has made inroads cuộc xâm nhập in our lives. Due to this reason, the world has become a global village. In such a scenario viễn
cảnh learning another language is a massive advantage, and it could lead our career towards an impressive growth trajectory quỹ đạo .

I want to pursue theo đuổi my further education from Quebec city in Canada. A large section bộ phận of society speaks French in that region. Due to this reason, I decided to learn the French

Due to the corona pandemic, my city was in a state of lockdown tình trạng phong tỏa . I decided to learn French from the comfort sự thoải mái of my home. To learn the French language effectively ,
I made full use of the technology available at my disposal sẵn lòng giúp đỡ mình nếu đề nghị, có sẵn để mình sử dụng . Firstly I made a list of the top 100 words in this language. Then I started
watching a French web series with English subtitles.

Initially ban đầu , I found it challenging to understand the content. However, with time I started understanding the grammatical thuộc về ngữ pháp patterns mẫu, quy tắc . After six weeks, my
vocabulary knowledge of the French language improved considerably một cách đáng kể , and with the help of a mobile phone application, I started communicating with French people.

This initiative sáng kiến brought a paradigm shift chuyển đổi mô hình in my life. Now I have immense sâu rộng knowledge of both the French language and French culture, and
after shifting chuyển đến to Quebec, I won't have much problem finding a plum tốt nhất job.
Apart from this, I have realized that by working hard with determination sự quyết tâm , dedication sự tận tâm , and discipline kỷ luật , I can learn any language. Learning a new language is not at all
a daunting nản chí task. And everyone should learn a new language.

1. Describe a language other than English that you would like to learn.

 What the language is

 Where it is spoken
 What you think would be difficult and what would be easy about learning the language

Explain why you would like to learn it

 I'd like to tôi muốn talk about another language besides English that wanna learn is Chinese .

 As I know, this language is used widely in the world. Actually, Chinese is spoken not only in China but also in many other countries such as US or the UK by overseas China. It is anticipated that
Chinese is spoken by more than 1 billion people all over the world. Therefore, I think that learning this language could assist me to brighten my career path. You know, because the geographical
location of Vietnam is next to China, so China has affected Vietnam’s economy remarkably. As a resuld, recruiters in Vietnam tend to prioritise candidates who have a good command of
 I started learning Chinese by attending an elementary course on Chinese since I was a first-year student at university. There are also several challenging things for me when I choose to pursue this
language. I spent at least 2 hours practising writing in Chinese because its alphabet is 100% different from Vietnamese. Fortunately, with a long-term memory, I can remember everything
 I have a durable passion for China showbiz since I was a little girl, so this reason prompt me to learn Chinese to follow my favourite idols favourably and to watch films without vietsub.
Part 3: 4
Learning language

1) Is it considered important in your country to learn foreing languages?

2) What, in your opinion, is the best way to learn a language?
3) Why are some people seemingly better at learning languages than others?

English as a global language

1) How do people in your country feek about English being the world language?
2) Do you think the culture of English- speaking countries, as well as the English language, dominate the world?
3) Why do you think people feel it is important it is important to continue speaking their local language?

Topic: Describe something you did that helped you to learn another language

1. Basic description: What difficulties do people face when learning a language?

2. Advantages/ Disadvantages: Do you think language learning is important? Why?

2. Nghe cả đoạn

There are some difficulties learners may face when learning a language. The grammar and other rules need to be understood and learned. Vocabulary and pronunciation may also be difficult to
learn. Some other challenges could be comparisons sự so sánh with one's own language which causes an hindrance sự cản trở in learning the new language.

3. Nghe cả đoạn

Yes, because not only speaking more than one language can open up mở ra a world of employment opportunities những cơ hội việc làm for job seekers người tìm kiếm việc làm , but also helps to
establish deep connections and cross-cultural đa văn hóa friendships with foreign co-workers đồng nghiệp or local people while traveling. In addition, our brain will benefit greatly from the learning
activity itself. Research has shown that studying another language will alter thay đổi our gray matter chất xám which helps to increase our brainpower năng lực trí tuệ, trí thông minh .

UNIT 6. 6
Part 1:
1) What do you use internet for?
2) Does everyone have access to the internet in your country?
3) Do you think older people are scared of new technology?
4) Do you think young children should have mobile phones?
1. Topic: Describe a thing you cannot live without (not cell phone or computer) Describe a piece of electronic equipment that you find useful

You should say:

 What it is What the piece of equipment is

When and where you got it
 What you use for Why you find it useful
 Why you can't manage without it
 How long you have had it for

And explain how you felt when you were without it

Well, different people are obsessed mê đắm by different things and often feel they cannot live without those and one such thing which is very important for me is my wristwatch đồng hồ đeo tay . I'd like
to tôi muốn talk about my wristwatch, which is a useful electronic equipment to me.

I received this watch from my uncle when I was in Grade 10. I still remember it was my birthday and my uncle took me to a shop from where he got me a very expensive branded thương hiệu wristwatch with a
beautiful dial mặt đồng hồ and a leather dây da band dây đeo .

From that day it has become a part and parcel phần quan trọng of my life. This watch is the first present quà lưu niệm of my uncle that I have. I wear it all the time as I am a very punctual đúng giờ person and make sure
that I do everything on time and this wristwatch helps me to be on time.

This watch is pretty old but has basic features like I can set an alarm báo thức on it which was quite unique in those days, so this watch helps me to get up on time to get ready for school. Every morning I make a schedule of
things to do so that I do not miss anything important and I regularly check time on my watch to do things promptly đúng giờ, không chậm trễ .

In fact, after school, I have to attend a couple of extra classes and because of this watch, I never get late. Unfortunately, once It stopped working and I had to get it fixed which took a couple of days and at that time I realized
how dependent phụ thuộc I am on this thing.

Overall, it is one that I possess sở hữu and cannot live without.

2. Topic: Describe a website you use regularly 4
You should say:

 What type of website it is

 How you found out about it
 What it allows you to do

And why you find it useful.

1. Nghe cả đoạn

The website that I often use is called YouTube. It is a video-sharing chia sẻ video website that allows users to upload đăng tải , share, and view xem videos on a wide range of đa dạng, phong phú topics. I use it almost
every day to watch videos, listen to music, and learn new things.

The reason why lý do tại sao I use YouTube so frequently thường xuyên is that it offers a wide variety of nhiều loại, đa dạng content. I can find videos on almost any topic that interests me, from cooking to sports
to educational giáo dục content. I particularly đặc biệt enjoy watching music videos and live performances biểu diễn trực tiếp of my favorite artists, as well as tutorials hướng dẫn on how to play musical instruments nhạc
cụ .

One of the things I like about một trong những điều tôi thích về YouTube is the recommendation đề xuất feature tính năng , which suggests gợi ý videos that I might be interested in based on dựa trên my viewing
history lịch sử xem . This has helped me discover phát hiện new content and channels kênh that I might not have found otherwise bằng cách khác .

Another great thing about một điều tuyệt vời khác về YouTube is the community cộng đồng aspect khía cạnh . I can comment bình luận on videos, share them with friends, and even subscribe đăng ký theo dõi to
channels that I like. This allows me to interact tương tác with others who share my interests and to learn from their experiences.

Overall tổng thể , I think YouTube is a fantastic tuyệt vời website that has something for everyone. It's easy to use, offers ưu đãi a vast amount of một lượng lớn content, and provides cung cấp a platform nền tảng for
people to connect and share their ideas. That's why it's my go-to ưa thích website for entertainment, education, and social interaction tương tác xã hội .

3. Topic: Describe a piece of technology you own that you feel is difficult to use

You should say:

 When you got it

 What you got it for
 How often you use it

And explain how you feel about it

I'd like to tôi muốn talk about my laptop, which I often find difficult to use. It's a fairly old model mẫu mã , and although it still works well, I struggle chật vật, khó khăn to operate sử dụng some of its features tính năng .
Firstly trước hết , I find the touchpad bàn di chuột difficult to control điều khiển . It's overly sensitive nhạy cảm and often moves the cursor con trỏ around the screen when I don't want it to. This can be frustrating gây
khó chịu , especially when I'm trying to select text or move files around.

Secondly thứ hai , I struggle with the laptop's battery life tuổi thọ pin . It doesn't hold a charge sử dụng pin for very long, which means I'm constantly liên tục having to plug it in cắm sạc and charge it up sạc điện . This
can be inconvenient bất tiện when I'm working in a place where there are no power outlets ổ cắm available có sẵn .

Lastly cuối cùng , I find the laptop's operating system hệ điều hành confusing khó dùng . It's an older version of Windows , and some of the menus and options are not intuitive dễ sử dụng to me. For example ví dụ , I often
struggle to find the right settings to adjust điều chỉnh the volume or screen brightness độ sáng màn hình .

Despite these difficulties bất chấp những khó khăn này , I still use my laptop on a regular basis một cách thường xuyên . It's an important tool for my work, and I've learned to work around khắc phục tạm
thời its limitations hạn chế, nhược điểm . For example, I often use an external mouse chuột bên ngoài instead of the touchpad, and I try to conserve tiết kiệm the battery life by using low-power modes chế độ năng lượng
thấp when I'm not using the laptop actively.

Overall nói chung , I think it's important to be able to adapt to thích nghi với the technology we own, even if it's not always easy to use. As we rely more and more ngày càng nhiều on technology in our daily lives cuộc
sống hằng ngày , it's important to learn how to make the most of tận dụng tối đa the tools we have available to us.

4. Topic: Describe an invention that changed people's lives.

You should say:

 What it is
 What it does (or, how it is used)
 How popular it is among people of different ages

And explain why (or how) you think it changed people's lives.

One invention that has profoundly changed people's lives is the smartphone. The smartphone has become ubiquitous phổ cập across the globe Trên toàn cầu , with people of all ages relying on it for various purposes. From
young children playing games to seniors người lớn tuổi using it for communication and everything in between những thứ tương tự như vậy , smartphones have transcended chuyển biến generational boundaries ranh giới .

The impact sức ảnh hưởng of the smartphone on people's lives is multifaceted nhiều mặt . Firstly, it revolutionized cách mạng hóa communication by making it easier than ever to stay in touch giữ liên lạc with family,
friends, and colleagues through calls, text messages, and social media apps. Secondly, it brought the internet to our fingertips dễ dàng tiếp cận với Internet , enabling us to access information, shop online, and connect with
the world in ways that were previously unimaginable không thể tưởng tượng được .
Additionally, smartphones have changed the way we work, allowing for increased productivity and flexibility through email, video conferencing họp qua video trực tuyến , and productivity apps . They have
also transformed the entertainment industry ngành công nghiệp giải trí , with streaming services Dịch vụ phát trực tuyến , gaming apps Ứng dụng chơi game , and e-books Sách điện tử providing endless bất tận forms of
digital entertainment.

Furthermore, smartphones have become essential tools for navigation dẫn đường , photography, and health monitoring theo dõi sức khỏe , among many other purposes .

In conclusion, the smartphone has had a profound and positive impact on people's lives by enhancing Nâng cao communication, providing access to information and entertainment, and facilitating productivity.

5. Topic: Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way

You should say:

 What it is
 What benefits it has brought
 How it influences people of different ages
 And explain how it changed people's lives

1. Nghe cả đoạn

I’d like to tell you about Tôi muốn nói với bạn về a crucial invention phát minh quan trọng that has positively impacted tác động tích cực the world. I believe the mobile phone is one of the most groundbreaking
inventions phát minh đột phá of the 21st century. What I mean by a mobile phone is a modern day phone which allows you to call and text anyone from all over the world. It also allows you to access the internet. Everyone
has a phone, which shows how ubiquitous phổ cập and helpful they are.

There are a myriad of benefits vô số lợi ích mobile phones have brought to society. The biggest is the ability to call people from anywhere in the world. In the past Trong quá khứ , it was very difficult to contact people from
far away. Now, you can call them instantly ngay lập tức . This has done so much for business and society. Another benefit is the ability to access the internet from anywhere. The internet contains a wealth sự giàu có of
information on every topic, so it’s very easy to learn new things which can improve society’s function.

On the other hand Mặt khác , mobile phones also have a number of disadvantages , especially for young people. Social media can negatively affect ảnh hưởng tiêu cực the mental wellbeing sức khỏe tinh thần of young
people by reducing giảm their self-esteem lòng tự trọng . Also, mobile phones can also harm older people who may feel confused bối rối by them.

Despite Cho dù these disadvantages, I truly believe that Tôi thực sự tin rằng mobile phones are revolutionary mang tính cách mạng . They have changed people's lives so much. It’s now impossible to live without a
phone. It may also be dangerous. What if Chuyện gì xảy ra nếu you need to be contacted by an ill family member? Everyone needs a phone!

Part 3
Technological developments 5
1) What have been the most significant technological developments of recent year?
2) In what ways have these developments changed society for the better and for the worse?
3) Are people in your country nostalgic about life before technology?

Science and ethics

1) Why do think some people claim scientists interfere with too much with nature?
2) Do you have anything against animal testing?
3) In scientific progress always for the greater good?
4) What do you think of online shopping?
5) What do people in your country think of new technology?

Topic: Describe a thing you cannot live without (not cell phone or computer)

1. Why: Why do you think teenagers always want to have the latest devices such as the


2. Why: Why do they often buy a new one even though they already have one?
3. Basic description: What do they do with the old one after buying a new one?
4. Basic description: How hard is it for parents to convince their children not to buy an expensive phone?

1. Nghe cả đoạn

I think it's quite natural. We live in a world that functions hoạt động / thực hiện chức năng and centers xoay xung quanh around technology nowadays and having the latest mới nhất, tân tiến nhất device allows you to make
the most of the advances tiến bộ and developments in the market. It's the same as older people who like to have the latest model of car or a new apartment. People like to have the best or the latest version of things. It's not
just teenagers.

2. Nghe cả đoạn

One reason could be that một lý do có thể là each new version normally has more functions or features tính năng than the older one and allows the user to do more or access truy cập more things. Some people also believe
that the newest version of something is always the better.

3. Nghe cả đoạn

Many of my friends give their old devices to their younger brothers or sisters or to another family member. I have one friend who is a real technology freak kỳ quặc and he always finds a way to use the old device for
something else, another project or purpose.

4. Nghe cả đoạn
I think it's very hard. Many parents grew up without the internet and such digital kỹ thuật số devices being a normal part of life. They are still relatively tương đối new, so parents might not really appreciate just how
important and interesting they are for young people. 1
Topic: Describe a website you use regularly

1. What effect has the Internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other?

2. How do you think communicating by email is different from communicating by text message?

3. Why do you think the Internet is being used more and more for communication?

1. Nghe cả đoạn

The Internet has had a significant đáng kể, lớn impact ảnh hưởng on the way people communicate giao tiếp with each other. In many ways theo nhiều cách , it has made communication faster, more convenient thuận lợi ,
and more accessible dễ dàng . For example ví dụ , people can now communicate with each other in real-time thời gian thực using instant messaging nhắn tin tức thời , video chat trò chuyện video , and social media
platforms nền tảng mạng xã hội . Moreover hơn thế nữa , with the rise of với sự phát triển của video conferencing họp qua video , for example, people can now have face-to-face conversations trò chuyện trực tiếp with
friends and family members who live in different parts of the world. This has helped to reduce giảm bớt feelings of isolation cô lập and has made it easier to maintain duy trì relationships over long distances khoảng cách
xa .

2. Nghe cả đoạn

When it comes to khi nói đến communication, there are many differences between communicating by email and by text message. In my opinion theo tôi , one of the main differences is the level of formality sự trang
trọng . Emails tend to có xu hướng be more formal trang trọng , while text messages are usually more casual giản dị, gần gũi . Another difference is the length độ dài of the message. Emails tend to be longer and
more detailed chi tiết , as they are often used for business việc kinh doanh or professional chuyên nghiệp communication giao tiếp . Text messages, on the other hand mặt khác , are typically shorter and more to the
point đi vào trọng tâm .

3. Nghe cả đoạn

In my opinion, there are several reasons why có nhiều lý do tại sao the internet is being used more and more for communication. Firstly trước hết , the internet offers unparalleled vô song convenience and accessibility khả
năng tiếp cận . With the rise of smartphones and other mobile devices, people can now access the internet and communicate with others from almost anywhere in the world. Secondly thứ hai , the internet offers a wide range
of một loạt các communication tools, such as email, instant messaging, social media, and video conferencing. Each of these tools offers its own unique độc đáo benefits and can be used to communicate in different ways.

Topic: Describe a piece of technology you own that you feel is difficult to use

1. What technology do people currently use?

2. Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?

3. Why are people so keen on buying iPhones even though they haven't changed much from one iPhone to the next? 5
4. Why do technology companies keep upgrading their products?

5. What changes has the development of technology brought about in our lives?

6. Does the development of technology affect the way we study? How?

1. Nghe cả đoạn

People use a wide variety of đa dạng, rất nhiều technology in their daily lives, from smartphones and laptops to smart home devices thiết bị trong nhà thông minh and wearable tech thiết bị đeo lên người được . Many
people also use social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, to stay connected with giữ liên lạc với friends and family. In addition ngoài ra , online shopping has become increasingly ngày càng popular, and
people now use services like Amazon and eBay to buy goods online. More advanced technologies công nghệ tiên tiến , such as artificial intelligence trí tuệ nhân tạo and virtual reality thực tế ảo , are also becoming
more prevalent phổ biến in areas lĩnh vực like healthcare chăm sóc sức khỏe , education, and entertainment.

2. Nghe cả đoạn

Big companies introduce new products frequently for a variety of reasons nhiều lý do . One reason is một lý do là to keep up with theo kịp với changes in technology and consumer preferences. Another reason is một lý do
khác là to increase their market share thị phần and stay competitive cạnh tranh in their industry ngành công nghiệp . New products can also help to generate tạo ra buzz cảm giác thú vị and excitement among customers,
which can lead to dẫn đến increased sales doanh số and brand loyalty lòng trung thành thương hiệu . Additionally ngoài ra , companies may introduce new products as a way to diversify đa dạng hóa their product
line dòng sản phẩm and reduce giảm bớt their dependence sự phụ thuộc on a single product or market segment phân khúc thị trường .

3. Nghe cả đoạn

People are often keen on buying iPhones because they perceive cho rằng, coi là them as high-quality chất lượng cao , reliable đáng tin cậy , and fashionable hợp thời trang devices. Apple has cultivated xây dựng a
strong brand identity bộ nhận diện thương hiệu around their products, which helps to create a sense of cảm giác exclusivity độc quyền and desirability mong muốn, thèm khát . Additionally, Apple has a
strong ecosystem hệ sinh thái of apps ứng dụng and accessories phụ kiện that are designed to work seamlessly trơn tru with their devices, which further increases its appeal sức hấp dẫn . Even if the changes from one
iPhone to the next are relatively minor nhỏ nhặt , people are often willing to sẵn sàng upgrade nâng cấp in order to stay current bắt kịp xu hướng and to be part of the Apple community.

4. Nghe cả đoạn

Technology companies upgrade their products for a number of reasons một số lý do . Firstly trước hết , to stay competitive in the market and maintain duy trì their customer base cơ sở khách hàng . Secondly thứ hai ,
to improve cải thiện functionality chức năng and fix bugs sửa lỗi in earlier đời trước versions. Thirdly thứ ba , to introduce new features tính năng and innovations sự đổi mới that meet changing consumer needs and
preferences. Finally cuối cùng , upgrading products can also be a way for companies to generate revenue doanh thu by encouraging customers to purchase the latest mới nhất version. In today's fast-paced phát triển
nhanh technology industry, companies must continue to innovate đổi mới and improve their products to stay ahead of thành công the competition and meet the ever-changing luôn luôn thay đổi demands of consumers.
5. Nghe cả đoạn
The development of technology has brought about mang lại significant changes in our lives . It has made communication faster and easier, allowing us to connect with people across the globe trên toàn cầu . It has
also revolutionized thay đổi đáng kể the way we work, making many tasks more efficient có hiệu quả and automated tự động . However tuy nhiên , it has also led to concerns mối lo ngại about privacy and its impact ảnh
hưởng on our mental health sức khỏe tinh thần . Overall nói chung , technology has both positive and negative effects on our lives, and it's important to strike a balance cân bằng between utilizing tận dụng its benefits
and mitigating giảm thiểu its drawbacks hạn chế .

6. Nghe cả đoạn

Yes, the development of technology has had a significant impact on the way we study. With the rise of sự phát triển của e-learning học trực tuyến platforms nền tảng , online courses các khóa học trực tuyến ,
and educational apps ứng dụng giáo dục , students now have access to a wealth of phong phú, đa dạng information and resources that were previously unavailable không có sẵn . This has made studying more
convenient, flexible linh hoạt , and personalized cá nhân hóa , allowing students to learn at their own pace theo tốc độ của riêng họ and on their own schedule. However, technology also presents cho thấy some challenges,
such as the potential khả năng for distractions mất tập trung and the need for digital literacy skills kỹ năng sử dụng kĩ thuật số .

Topic: Describe an invention that changed people's lives.

1. Can you name any other inventions that have made a big impact on human society?

2. What do you think makes an invention "useful"?

3. What new invention(s) would you like to be available in the future?

4. What are some examples of inventions that are used in the home?

5. Do you think these inventions tend to make people lazy?

6. What are some examples of electronic or electrical equipment that are used in schools (in classrooms)?

7. What kinds of new technology connected to health do you think might appear in the future?

1. Nghe cả đoạn

Certainly chắc chắn rồi , besides smartphones, the internet has had a profound sâu sắc impact on human society. It has revolutionized cách mạng hóa communication, information access Truy cập thông tin , and
business. Innovations like the automobile transformed transportation phương tiện giao thông tự động , and the invention of antibiotics kháng sinh revolutionized healthcare. These inventions have reshaped định hình lại the
way we live, work, and connect with one another, leaving a lasting imprint dấu ấn on society.
2. Nghe cả đoạn
An invention is deemed được coi là useful when it fulfills a practical thực tế need or solves a problem efficiently. Its utility tính thiết thực lies in improving people's lives, increasing efficiency, or addressing specific
challenges. A useful invention often enhances convenience, safety, or productivity, making it valuable to society. The key is its ability to address real-world problems effectively and offer tangible hữu hình benefits
to individuals or communities.

3. Nghe cả đoạn

I would like to see advancements in clean and sustainable bền vững energy sources nguồn năng lượng , such as affordable and efficient solar power năng lượng mặt trời technology. Furthermore, innovations in healthcare,
like personalized Cá nhân hóa medicine and non-invasive không xâm lấn treatments , would greatly benefit society. Lastly, I hope for Tôi hy vọng developments in transportation, like widespread phổ biến rộng
rãi electric and autonomous tự chủ vehicles , to reduce emissions khí thải and enhance mobility tính di động . These inventions could lead to a more sustainable and healthier future.

4. Nghe cả đoạn

Common home inventions include appliances thiết bị like refrigerators, washing machines, and microwaves. Additionally, smart devices such as thermostats Bộ điều nhiệt , voice assistants Trợ lý giọng nói , and security
cameras are becoming increasingly popular. These inventions enhance convenience, efficiency, and comfort in daily life, reflecting advances in technology and the desire for a connected and automated home environment.

5. Nghe cả đoạn

Some inventions can contribute to laziness if used excessively or inappropriately. For example, over-reliance sự phụ thuộc quá mức on automation may reduce physical activity. However, it largely depends on
how individuals choose to use these inventions . When used wisely, inventions can enhance productivity and convenience, but misuse lạm dụng or excessive dependence can lead to laziness and reduced motivation for
physical or mental effort.

6. Nghe cả đoạn

In modern classrooms , electronic and electrical equipment is essential. Common examples include projectors máy chiếu for visual presentations Trình bày trực quan , computers for research and assignments , interactive
whiteboards bảng có sự tương tác for interactive learning Học tập tương tác , and tablets máy tính bảng for educational apps. These tools enhance the teaching and learning experience, making lessons more engaging and

7. Nghe cả đoạn

In the future, we can expect advanced health technologies such as personalized medicine based on genetic profiles Hồ sơ di truyền , more effective and non-invasive diagnostic tools Công cụ chẩn đoán , telemedicine chữa
trị bệnh từ xa with virtual reality Thực tế ảo interfaces tương tác for remote consultations tư vấn từ xa , and innovative wearable devices for real-time health monitoring theo dõi sức khỏe . Additionally, AI-driven
healthcare solutions, like predictive có tính dự đoán analytics for disease prevention, and regenerative tái sinh, tái tạo medicine techniques may revolutionize the field lĩnh vực , improving healthcare outcomes Kết quả and
overall well-being.

Topic: Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way
1. Wh-question: What is the most helpful innovation at home? 5
Wh-question: What household appliances make us lazy?
Wh-question: What kind of invention can be used at school?
4. Opinion: Do you think AI will replace human teachers? Why?

1. Nghe cả đoạn

I think the most useful invention in the household hộ gia đình is the refrigerator tủ lạnh . Before its invention sự phát minh , it was very difficult to rất khó để store food. It was also very dangerous. If you ate food that had
harmful bacteria on it, you could have died. This is why diseases bệnh tật were so common in the past. The refrigerator makes it easier and safer to store food because they slow down chậm lại bacterial growth sự phát
triển .

2. Nghe cả đoạn

I think the microwave makes us lazy. This is because it can cook things very quickly that used to đã từng take a long time mất nhiều thời gian . Now, you can buy ‘microwavable meals’. These are quick and convenient tiện
lợi , but they’re also incredibly unhealthy cực kì không lành mạnh . These meals make us lazy because they don’t require any effort cố gắng . Many people these days don’t know how to cook for themselves because they
depend on these meals .

3. Nghe cả đoạn

What comes to mind Những gì đến với tâm trí is the digital calculator máy tính kỹ thuật số . I used this a lot at school, especially in maths class. This is because it can calculate large sums tổng very quickly without the need
for manual work công việc thủ công . Before the invention of the calculator, mathematicians used to spend hours and hours working out their calculations. Now, it’s incredibly easy cực kỳ dễ dàng . But I don’t think it makes
us lazy or more stupid, because you still need mathematical knowledge to know how to use it.

4. Nghe cả đoạn

I don’t think so, no Tôi không nghĩ như vậy, không . I think AI contains chứa a lot of knowledge which it can deliver very quickly and efficiently, but they have no human qualities phẩm chất của con người which are
crucial for being a teacher. Qualities like empathy sự đồng cảm , confidence and friendliness encourage students to learn. With AI, students will not feel motivated in the same way. This could have a negative impact tác
động tiêu cực on their learning, so I think AI should stay out of Tránh xa the classroom.

Part 1.
1) What are your hobbies?
2) What is your favourite musical instrument? 5
3) Do you prefer action films or comedies? Why? 6
4) Do you think it is important to read novels and poetry? Why?

Part 2.
1) Describe a hobby you enjoy!
You should say:
 How long you have been doing it.
 How often you do it.
 What benefits you get from it.
And explain why you enjoy it.

As a young girl in her early twenties, I must say that I have a plethora of hobbies. The list of my own hobbies is endless, I think it even gets to a point where I am struggling to choose one to describe to
you today. However, considering what springs to my mind at the moment, I would describe traveling, as it is one of my priorities when I have enough free time, and a sufficient amount of money, of
course. To be honest, I have been travelling for 8 years, maybe more than that, since I was a secondary student. At that time, I dreamed of becoming a tour guide, so It urged me to go everywhere to
discover and pursue my dream.
I guess that I was born a travel lover cuz I have an enormous passion for travelling, and I have a particular interest in coastal cities. This can be explained by the fact that I was born and raised in Hai
Phong city, and I have developed an affection for the beach, the mountain in general, since then. Therefore, every months or everytime when holiday comes, a brand-new coastal city is something I
would always go for. I always spend 2-3 days visiting places where I really like.
The thing I love most about traveling is that it offers us an escape from office deadlines, work-related stress and any kind of pressure we are being put under. Being close to the ocean, particularly, gives
me a sense of comfort and refreshment that nothing else can offer. When we travel, we are able to immerse ourselves in different cultures and costumes, which is an extremely valuable experience for
the young like me.
Moreover, there is also plenty of time for self-reflection during traveling. I feel that our mind would spend time wandering, freely and comfortably thanks to it. I can understand myself better, think more
thoroughly about what is happening around me and learn to appreciate what I am having at the moment.
Overall, traveling indeed brings us a lot of benefits, and I think my life would be so tedious without it.

Part 3:
1. Do you think men and women tend to have different types of hobbies?
2. Why do some people get obsessed with their body?
3. Do you think hobbies that keep you fit are better than hobbies that you can do sitting down?
Free time
4. Do you think it can be disadvantage to have much free time?
5. Should people feel a duty to do something constructive in their free time?
6. Do people have more free time now than in the past?

Unit 8. YOUTH
Part 1:
1. What is the most vivid childhood memory?
2. Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?
3. What was your favorite toy when you were a child?
4. Is it important for children to have fun and why?

Part 2:
1. Describe a happy childhood memory
you should say:
when and where the incident you remember happened
who you were with
what happened exactly
and explain why it is a happy memory.

Part 3:
1. Do you think people often idealize their childhoods?
Yes, it is common for people to idealize their childhoods. Childhood is often seen as a time of innocence, joy, and carefree living. As we grow older and face the
challenges and responsibilities of adulthood, we may look back on our childhood with nostalgia and longing for simpler times. I don’t think it does any harm to
idealize a bit if it makes us happy to remember things in a more positive way.
2. How does a person's childhood influence what kind of adult they become? 5
Well, it probably influences them in many ways, some of which are subtle and some obvious. For one example, if you have a happy, healthy childhood, you are
probably more likely to become a well-adjusted adult. However, if you were subjected to bullying and abuse, you may replicate that behaviour when you grow up.
3. When does a giant become an adult in the view?
I don’t really think there is, or should be, a definite answer to this question. I mean, of course, people are generally recognized by the law as adults when they turn
18, but, in my opinion, I think growing into adulthood is more obscure and inexact process. Some people mature very early and others very late, and there is
probably no point at which any person could be said to have switched from childhood to adulthood.

1. Do you agree with the saying cheering should be seen and not heard?

2. Is this good for children to be exposed to frightening and sad experiences or should they be protected from these as far as possible?

I don’t think they should experience too many sad or terrifying experiences, if it can be helped. Nevertheless, what is very useful for
teaching children about these darker sides of life without scarring them is stories. In stories they can learn about evil and the dangers in the
world around them, but in a controlled way where the ‘baddies’ are punished and everyone ends up happy. This gives them a focus for the
fears that all children have but it is a fictional one so doesn’t upset their peace of mind.
3. Are children in the country generally well brought up?
In my opinion, I would say that children in my country are well brought up when the economy develop significantly, and teaching method is more advanced than
before. Children have a variety of opportunities to expose to good education, modern technologies, and they are supported by their family not only mental health
but also physical health. Parents nowadays, for example, have a tendency to teach their children comprehensively and willing to encourage every children’s
Unit 9.

Part 1:
1. Tell me about your hometown?
2. In what ways has your town or city changed since you were a child?
3. How could your town or city be improved?
4. Are there any traffic problems where you live?
Part 2:
1. Describe a place that you enjoy visiting.
you should say:
where the place is
what you can see and do there
How has changed since you first visited it?
and explain why you enjoy visiting this place.
Part 3:
1. Is it only children who experience homesickness?

 Homesickness is a normal feeling. It is a strong longing for the comforts of home or a person associated with home.
 Younger children are the most prone to feeling homesick, as well as children who have never been away from home.

They cannot appreciate the cultural insights of a new place or the time off work. However, not only children but also many adults experience homesickness like
culture shock when they visit a new place,’. We find a place unfamiliar and even slightly disturbing and this is because it is different to what we are used to. So, in a
sense, we miss our familiar surroundings and are indeed homesick.

2. Do you think it's better for children to grow up in the city or country?
I reckon the perfect solution is to live in the countryside close to a major cultural centre, by which I mean a big city. This means that the child can enjoy all the
pleasures of country life – the farm animals. the fresh air. the relative safety – whilst at the same time not being too far from all the fun that can be had in the city –
musicals. kids’ museums. zoos. Kids need to be exposed to a wide range of situations and settings instead of choosing the one.

3. Why do some people retire to the countryside?

I suppose they crave the peace and quiet after a lifetime of hard work in the hustle and bustle of the city. In fact, the countryside offers people serenity life, cheaper
cost of living, proximity to nature and more space, so they can enjoy the remains of life. That’s the reason why country live is the most ideal option and described
as a paradise.
1. Are people from the country patriotric?
On the whole, I would say yes they are. I think most people in the world are patriotic. You can see this at the Olympics where thousands of people go to support
their countries’ sportspeople and millions if not billions more watch from the comfort of their own homes. In my country, whenevever national football team win an
International award, the citizens are always wiiling to flock into the streets to cheer our victory. It’s a very powerful force, patriotism, and has been responsible for
much good and bad. 6
That’s the reason why country life is the most ideal
option. It’s quiet, silent,
and described as a paradise.
2. Why do people often feel proud of where they come from?
People feel the need to belong, to a club, to a family, to a group of friends, to a region, and to a country. Where you come from is tied up with so many
other things that it says an awful lot about you, and so is of the utmost importance in defining who you are. For example, it affects what you eat or wear,
what language you speak, and how you behave towards others. Being proud of where you are from is therefore an extension of being proud of who you

3. Does intense patriotism have any disadvantages?

Oh, undoubtedly. The flipside of patriotism is xenophobia, people disliking others who are from another country and associating all kinds of negative
characteristics with them. People are likely to believe that everyone from ‘that country over there’ is mean, rude, dirty et cetera. It’s quite frightening,
really, because it could be argued that xenophobia has made it easier for governments to justify going to war with other nations over the centuries.

Unit 10. CULTURE

Part 1:
1. What is the most important festival in the country?
2. Do you think this festival will still be as important in the future?
3. Tell me how weddings are celebrated in the country?
4. What are some forms of traditional dancing in the country?
Part 2:
1. Describe a festival that you enjoy
you should say:
when the festival occurs
where it occurs
what happens during it
and explain why you enjoy the festival
Part 3:
Historical sites
1. Are historical sites in the country popular with visitors?
6 of the future?
2. Is it more important to preserve historical sites or make way for the developments
3. What do you think will happen to the country's historical sites in the future? 1
Culture-past, present and future
1. What is culture for you?
2. Do you think that it is important for a society or culture to have a sense of continuity with the past?
3. How will your country's culture have changed in 50 years’ time?

Unit 11. ON THE MOVE

Part 1.
1. Is your country popular with tourists?
2. What sights and activities would you recommend to a tourist visiting your town or region?
3. Do you enjoy active holidays?
4. Tell me what your ideal holiday would be?
Part 2.
1. Describe a memorable holiday

you should say

when you went on this holiday
where you went
what you did
and explain why it is memorable

Part 3.
The benefits of travel
1. Do you think it's true that travel broadens your mind?
2. Do young people or older people benefit differently from travelling?
3. How can make sure you get the most from your travels?
The impact of tourism
1. What are the positive impacts of tourism?
2. What about the negative impacts of tourism?
3. How has tourism impacted tourist sites in your country?

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