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Use the vocabulary below to create your own mind map and add more words if necessary!

Nouns Adjectives
• border • afraid • imposing
• boundary • ashamed /əˈʃeɪmd/ • impressive
• bridge • dangerous • majestic
• conflict zone • frightened • scared
• difference • higher • thick /θɪk/
• diversity • huge
• fear
• frontier Verbs & expressions
• ideology
• ignorance • be cut off from • keep apart
• menace /ˈmenɪs/ • be discriminated against • label people
• natural border • be the centre • pigeonhole sb
• opportunity • cast sb out /ˈpɪdʒənhəʊl/
• out of reach • close the borders • prejudiced against
• unknown • control sth / sb
• wall • defend oneself against • promote isolationism
sth / sb • protect against sb / sth
• draw a border • save lives
• dream of a better life • shut relationships with
• embrace difference • step over
• feel threatened by sth • stop immigration
• fit in • stop people from
• hope for trespassing

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