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Louis Berger S.A.


Romania – Motorway Bucharest – Constanta, Subsections Drajna – Fetesti and Fetesti – Cernavoda
Detailed Engineering Study, Procurement Services and Supervision of Civil Works
Technical Specifications Page 704 - 1
Louis Berger S.A.

Section Description Page number
704.1. General 704 - 2
704.1.1. Description 704 - 2
704.1.2. Reference documents 704 - 2
704.2. Materials 704 - 2
704.2.1. Portland Cement Concrete 704 - 2
704.2.2. Welded Wire Fabric 704 - 2
704.2.3. Anchor Bolts 704 - 2
704.2.4. Preformed Closed Cell Plastic Joint Filler 704 - 3
704.3. Equipment 704 - 4
704.4. Construction method 704 - 4
704.4.1. Slipforming 704 - 5
704.4.2. Finishing 704 - 5
704.4.3. Securing Barrier to Base 704 - 5
704.4.4. Joints 704 - 6
704.5. Quality control for acceptance 704 - 6

704.1. General

704.1.1. Description

This work shall consist of constructing a concrete barrier of the type mentioned by the
working drawings to the lines, grades and details shown on the working drawings.

704.1.2. Reference documents

1 SR 1948/1, 2 – 1991, 1995 Road works. Guardrails and guide posts
2 Manufacturer’s recommendations
3 Law no.10/1995 Law regarding quality in constructions
4 All in-force standards and norms mentioned further by these specifications

704.2. Materials

704.2.1. Portland Cement Concrete

Portland cement concrete shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 503.

704.2.2. Welded Wire Fabric

Welded wire fabric shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 504. Fabric shall be
150 mm x 150 mm - 6 mm weighing approximately 2.83 kg/m2.

704.2.3. Anchor Bolts

All anchors shall be bolts and nuts, with a maximum tensile strength of 655 MPa.
Romania – Motorway Bucharest – Constanta, Subsections Drajna – Fetesti and Fetesti – Cernavoda
Detailed Engineering Study, Procurement Services and Supervision of Civil Works
Technical Specifications Page 704 - 2
Louis Berger S.A.

All anchor bolts shall be of the type and dimensions as shown on the working drawings. If not
shown on the working drawings, a minimum radius of bend approximately 4 times the nominal
diameter shall be used. Expansion hook bolts, which are to be used as dowels, shall contain
an approved anchoring device providing the following minimum certified proof load:
M16 22 kN
M20 33 kN
M22 35 kN
Anchor bolts, nuts and washers requiring galvanizing shall be completely coated by either
the hot-dipped process or the mechanical plating method. The thickness of the mechanical
galvanizing shall not exceed 150 µm.

Non-headed anchor bolts shall be galvanized for a minimum length of 250 mm from the
threaded end.

704.2.4. Preformed Closed Cell Plastic Joint Filler

Preformed closed cell plastic joint filler shall consist of an extruded, low-density, expanded
polyethylene plastic foam. It shall have a closed cell structure that is chemically inert and
has no food value that would attract or support plant or animal life. The plastic foam shall
be odourless and non-toxic, remaining flexible over a wide range of temperatures, and be
resistant to chemicals and solvents.

In addition to the above, the filler shall comply with the following requirements:

(a) Physical Properties and Test Methods.

Physical Properties and Methods of Tests ASTM

Compression, kPa D 1056
at 10% deflection, not less than 5
at 80% deflection, not greater than 125
Moisture Vapour Permeability E 96
Permeability mm, less than 0.4
Water Absorption C 272*
% by volume, less than 0.5
*Use conditioning procedure 4.1.1 at 50° ± 3 °C.
Density D 1564
kg/m3, not less than 38.4
(b) Dimensions and Tolerances. Measurements for conformance to dimensional
specifications must be made on a unit of stock which has been allowed to condition for one
hour or longer at a temperature of 23 °C ± 6 °C. If the unit of stock is packaged or is a part
of a pallet, it must be removed from the package or pallet and allowed to condition free
from the insulating effect of the package or pallet.
(1) The thickness shall have a tolerance of 13 mm and minus 0.
Romania – Motorway Bucharest – Constanta, Subsections Drajna – Fetesti and Fetesti – Cernavoda
Detailed Engineering Study, Procurement Services and Supervision of Civil Works
Technical Specifications Page 704 - 3
Louis Berger S.A.

(2) The width shall have a tolerance of 13 mm and minus 0.

(3) The length shall be such that both ends can be squared and the joint filler cut to
the required length.
(c) Appearance
(1) Each piece of plank shall not contain more than 3% voids or hard spots.
(2) The surface shall be smooth and reasonably free of dents or appendages. All
packaged products shall be free of surface dirt and packaging damages.
(3) The planks shall have no kinks or other deformities affecting straightness.

704.3. Equipment

All equipment, tools and machinery used for handling materials and executing any part of the
work shall be subject to approval of the Engineer before the work is started, and whenever
found unsatisfactory, shall be changed or improved as required. All equipment, tools,
machinery and containers used shall be kept clean and maintained in a satisfactory condition.

704.4. Construction method

Concrete Barrier shall be constructed according to the applicable provisions of

Subsections 503 and 606.

The Contractor shall have the option of using precast or cast-in-place barrier, except that
cast-in-place barrier shall be used when the slope of the surface in front of the barrier
exceeds 4 percent.

When the slope of the surface in front of the barrier exceeds 4 percent, the axis of
symmetry for the face of the barrier shall be vertical on the side where the surface slopes
toward the barrier and shall be perpendicular to the surface on the side where the surface
slopes away from the barrier.

When median lighting is specified, the lighting support section shall be cast-in-place. If
precast units are being used, the precast units shall be placed prior to casting the lighting
support section.

Where the horizontal alignment of the concrete barrier is curved, the barrier shall be
constructed either on the curved alignment or on cords not more than 3 m in length.

In lieu of welded wire fabric reinforcement in the concrete barrier, the Contractor may elect
to use deformed horizontal reinforcement bars, of the dimension prescribed by the working
drawings, on 225-mm centres and deformed vertical reinforcement bars, of the dimension
prescribed by the working drawings, on 750-mm centres. (The vertical bars may be
omitted if the wall is slip formed).

The reinforcement bars shall be lapped a minimum of 325 mm.

Precast units shall not be removed from the casting beds until a flexural strength of not
less than 2 MPa or a compressive strength of not less than 10 MPa is attained.
Transportation of precast sections to the jobsite will not be allowed until a flexural strength
of not less than 4.5 MPa or a compressive strength of not less than 24 MPa is attained. In
no case may precast units be loaded, shipped and used prior to 4 days after casting.

Romania – Motorway Bucharest – Constanta, Subsections Drajna – Fetesti and Fetesti – Cernavoda
Detailed Engineering Study, Procurement Services and Supervision of Civil Works
Technical Specifications Page 704 - 4
Louis Berger S.A.

All precast units shall be firmly butted together in a smooth continuous line.

In the transition section of the precast median barriers, the space between the two single
faced sections shall be filled with concrete or subbase granular material. The cost of the fill
shall be included in the pay items for the barrier.

When the transition section between single face and double face barrier is used, the shear
groove shall be completely filled with grout as directed by the Engineer after the barrier is in

704.4.1. Slipforming

When slip form methods are used, the machine shall be approved by the Engineer. The
dimensions of the barrier shall be within the tolerances shown on the working drawings.
Barriers having dimensions outside the tolerance limits will be rejected and shall be
removed and replaced. The vertical centreline of the barrier shall not vary from the
proposed centreline alignment by more than 75 mm nor by more than 13 mm in 3 m. In
addition, all surfaces shall be checked with a 3-m straightedge furnished and used by the
Contractor as the concrete is extended from the slipform paver.

Barriers having surface irregularities greater than 10 mm in 3 m shall be corrected

immediately at the Contractor's expense. Continued variations in the barrier surface
exceeding 6 mm in 3 m will not be permitted and remedial action shall immediately be
taken to correct the problem. Any deformations or bulges remaining after the initial set
shall be removed by grinding after the concrete has hardened. The vertical surface at the
base of the barrier shall be trowelled true after passage of the slip form machine. All holes
and honeycomb shall be patched immediately. The entire surface shall receive a light
brush finish before final set.

704.4.2. Finishing

The surface of concrete barriers shall be finished as specified in Subsection 503.

704.4.3. Securing Barrier to Base

Dowel bars used to secure concrete barrier to the base shall be deformed reinforcement
bars of the diameter shown on the working drawings and of a length necessary to obtain
the minimum embedment shown on the working drawings. Dowel bars placed in existing
Portland cement concrete pavement or existing paved median surface shall be set in
mortar in drilled holes to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Precast barrier shall be either dowelled in place or placed on a grout bed. When dowel
bars are used, the barrier shall be placed on a bed of dry cement not exceeding 13 mm in
thickness to achieve proper alignment and seating. Three dowels shall be placed in each
precast barrier section. For double face barrier, the dowels shall be staggered side to side.
All dowel holes and lifting holes or slots shall be grouted closed to the satisfaction of the
Engineer unless otherwise required for drainage of backfill material for single face barrier.
When a grout bed is used, the grout shall be placed such that after seating the barrier the
grout thickness will be approximately 10 mm thick and the continuous shear key will be
Romania – Motorway Bucharest – Constanta, Subsections Drajna – Fetesti and Fetesti – Cernavoda
Detailed Engineering Study, Procurement Services and Supervision of Civil Works
Technical Specifications Page 704 - 5
Louis Berger S.A.

completely filled. Excess grout shall be cleaned up and removed. Grout shall be composed
of 1 part Portland cement to 2 parts fine aggregate.

For cast-in-place barriers, dowel bars shall be on 1.2-m centres and staggered side to side
except when a polyethylene bond breaker is used. Dowel bars may be eliminated for new
rigid base when the barrier is cast integrally with the base.

A 50 mm × 150 mm keyway may be cast into new rigid base and used in lieu of dowels.

704.4.4. Joints

Expansion joints shall be installed in the concrete barrier in prolongation with expansion
joints in the adjacent concrete pavement or shoulder and shall be similar in opening to the
type of joint adjoining it.

At locations where precast or cast-in-place concrete barrier abuts a rigid structure, a 50-
mm thick preformed expansion joint filler conforming to the shape of the barrier shall be
installed between the barrier and the structure. Concrete nails or other suitable methods
shall be used to hold the expansion joint filler in place.

For cast-in-place barriers, construction joints shall be formed with the use of a smooth
header and the reinforcement shall be continuous through the joint.

Contraction joints shall be installed at existing contraction or hinge joints in the concrete
pavement or shoulder and at uniform intervals with a maximum spacing of 6 m.
Contraction joints shall be formed by a groove 3 mm wide by 50 mm deep either formed in
the plastic concrete or sawed after the concrete has set. The reinforcement shall be
continuous through all contraction joints.

704.5. Quality control for acceptance

Tolerances shall be prescribed in the working drawings.

The quality of the works shall be evaluated by visual inspection and by examination of quality
certificates issued by the manufacturer for the materials included in the permanent works.

Romania – Motorway Bucharest – Constanta, Subsections Drajna – Fetesti and Fetesti – Cernavoda
Detailed Engineering Study, Procurement Services and Supervision of Civil Works
Technical Specifications Page 704 - 6

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