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Physical Principles of
Ultrasonography, Part 1:
Basics of Ultrasound
Transducers and Image
Part of our series on ultrasound evaluation of specific abdominal
organs/systems, this article provides an understanding of the basics
of acquiring and optimizing the ultrasound image.

December 19, 2014 | Issue: January/February 2015

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Clifford R. Berry

Danielle Mauragis
bdominal ultrasonography is a noninvasive technique that provides cross
sectional anatomy of the organs of the abdomen based on differences in
acoustic impedance.

Welcome to our new series of articles on abdominal ultrasonography. The first 3 articles
in the series will provide an overview of the basic principles of:

Image acquisition, artifact creation, and interpretation

Optimizing the ultrasound image for interpretation (how to drive the ultrasound

The next part of the series will review a basic approach to the abdomen, using both
lateral and ventral scanning techniques, while the final section will address the basic
scanning principles for each organ/system in the abdomen, including the:

Approach to scanning the given organ

Review of normal sonographic appearance
Identification of abnormalities commonly seen during routine ultrasound

Basics of Ultrasound Waves

Ultrasound (US) is defined as sound waves with frequencies that exceed the normal
hearing range (> 20,000 Hz). Using noninvasive, nonionizing waves of sound
propagated into tissues, US creates images of structures in the body that have both
static (such as the liver) and dynamic (such as the heart or blood flow in the vessels)

Two-dimensional US scanning is a real-time event, with updates of the abdominal

images averaging 40 frames per second.

Transduction of US Waves
US waves are produced within the transducer of an US machine (Figure 1). The
transducer is used to interrogate the area of interest after a coupling gel has been applied
to the skin, and typically, the hair in this area is clipped before the gel is applied.

Figure 1. Ultrasound machine, with patient adjacent to sonographer, who is

adjusting the machine in order to optimize image quality.

Within the piezoelectric crystals or ceramic of the transducer, energy is converted from
electrical to mechanical energy. Piezoelectricity is the electric charge that accumulates in
certain solid materials, such as crystals and certain ceramics, in response to applied
mechanical stress, which results in short bursts of mechanical energy in the form of US

This pulse—echo principle forms the basis for image acquisition. The transducer sends US
waves into the area of interest approximately 1% of the time and listens for returning
echoes 99% of the time. The returning reflected US waves are the basis for image

Parameters of US Waves
The US wave can be drawn as a sine wave—a mathematical curve that describes smooth
repetitive oscillation—and is described by the following physical parameter equation:

c = (f )(l)

Speed of sound in the tissue (c) varies between different tissues but is averaged at 1540
m/sec or 1.54 mm/mcsec.

Frequency (f) is the number of times (cycles/sec or Hz) the wave oscillates through the
complete sine cycle in 1 second; medical US transducers typically have a frequency
between 2 and 20 MHz (1 × 106 cycles/sec).

Wavelength (l) is the distance (mm or mcm) between the peak heights of 2 subsequent
sine waves.
Tissue Interactions of US Waves
There are 5 basic interactions of US waves with tissues.

1. Reflection occurs at acoustic boundaries, which correspond with anatomic

boundaries, based on differences in the acoustic impedance of the bordering
The acoustic impedance (defined in Rayls or Z) is equal to the physical density
of the tissue × the speed of sound in the tissue.
There are large differences in acoustic impedance between air (0.0004 × 106
Rayls), soft tissues (1.65 × 106 Rayls), and bone (7.8 × 106 Rayls).
These differences result in the reflection of a majority of US waves at acoustic
interfaces, such as gas—soft tissue, soft tissue—bone, and gas—bone, and
these interactions are best observed at perpendicular interfaces with the

5. Refraction describes the difference between the incident angle of the US wave and
the reflected angle, particularly when the interface is not perpendicular to the
transmitting transducer.
Refracted US waves are not directly transmitted back to the transducer and,
therefore, are not “interpreted” by the machine as a returning echo.
Refracted US waves can “bounce” around in tissues and ultimately be
recorded as a reflected US wave by the transducer. However, the transducer
assumes straight out and back; therefore, artifactual information will be
placed in the image at depth.

8. Scatter, or diffusion of the US beam in many directions, results when small

particles (structures in the tissues that are less than the wavelength of the US wave)
cause reflection and refraction of the US beam within the tissues.
These reflectors give rise to a characteristic echo signature or pattern for a
given organ.
Specular (linear) and nonspecular (nonlinear) reflectors are boundary
interactions that determine the definition of specific areas within a given
organ and the organ boundaries themselves; for example, hepatic veins within
the liver.

11. Attenuation is the loss of acoustic energy or number of US waves traveling at

The attenuation coefficient—expressed in decibels (dB)/cm—is the relative loss
of intensity of the US beam per cm of depth traveled.
. Typically, the attenuation coefficient is 0.5 (dB/cm)/MHz frequency of the
transducer, which implies that there is more attenuation of US waves per cm
of tissue when using higher frequency transducers compared with lower
frequency transducers.
This means that higher frequency transducers have better resolution (small
wavelength) but decreased penetration in the tissue. The opposite is true for
low frequency transducers.
15. Transmission describes the fact that some US waves continue to depth and,
therefore, have no interaction with tissues or the transducer.

Concepts Pertaining to Transducers

The US transducers currently used are called broad bandwidth or multifrequency
transducers. These transducers support movement of the center frequency among a
multitude of different frequencies. For example, a transducer with a range between 6
and 10 MHz may allow central frequency placement at 10, 8, and 6 MHz.

Low Versus High Frequencies

As explained in the section about attenuation, higher frequencies result in decreased
capability for penetration; however, higher frequencies allow better resolution due to
the smaller wavelength of the US waves. Smaller waves and smaller pulses allow for
better discrimination between small objects that are a short distance apart on the path
of the US beam.

Transducer Crystal Arrays

There are 3 different crystal arrays for US transducers (Figure 2): curved, linear, and
microconvex-curved arrays.
Figure 2. Ultrasound transducers: linear array transducer (right) and microconvex-
curved array transducer (left); these 2 transducers are the most commonly used
transducers for the abdomen.

Curved, microconvex-curved, and linear array transducers differ in the configuration

of their crystals: the crystals in a linear transducer are arranged in a line whereas the
crystals in a curved array transducer are arranged in a convex array.

With a curved or microconvex -curved array, as the US beam travels deeper into
tissue, more distance is noted between the lines of US waves going into the tissue,
resulting in information gaps (lack of returning echoes) at depth. To fill these gaps
at depth, the machine extrapolates and inserts the average gray scale value between
the 2 adjacent beams of US waves.
This effect does not occur with a linear array, in which the lines of crystals are
oriented perpendicular to the probe interface.

While discussion of all the physical aspects of US transducers is beyond the scope of
this article, further information can be found in the Suggested Reading.

US Image Creation
US image creation is based on the pulse—echo principle, discussed under
Transduction of US Waves. Since the speed of sound in the tissue is known, and the
time for an US wave to traverse out and back is known, the distance from the
transducer can then be calculated.
Gray Scale Values
Once the number of reflected US waves returned from a given area is calculated, a
relative gray scale value is then assigned based on the intensity of the returning signal:

The higher the number of returning echoes, the brighter (whiter) the area of the
image will be; this result is termed hyperechoic.
If there is a relatively small number of returning echoes from a location, then a
blacker or darker gray scale value will be assigned and the area termed hypoechoic
or anechoic.

Image Zones & Fields

Each US image has a near field, focal zone, and far field (Figure 3):

The near field is the area closest to the skin surface/transducer interface or
The focal zone is the area where the US beam is thinnest (several mm) and has the
best resolution; this zone is marked by small triangles along the right side of the
image, typically adjacent to the depth markers (cm).
The far field includes tissues deep to the focal zone. In this area, the beam will
start to broaden, diminishing resolution.
Figure 3. Ultrasound image of the liver: the near field is the area of the image
closest to the transducer skin interference, the focal zone (white triangle) is the area
of best elevational resolution (decreased thickness around the beam), and the far
field is the area deepest or farthest form the skin/transducer interface.
This article has presented the basics of image formation related to the US machine:

1. The transducer contains piezoelectric crystals that deform physically when

electrically stimulated, thereby creating an oscillating mechanical pulse that is
transmitted into tissues.
2. The US waves interact with tissues and return as reflected echoes that are detected
by the probe and then converted back from mechanical energy into an electrical
3. The intensity of the signal is based on the number of US waves reflected, and this
intensity is then assigned a relative gray scale value that is depicted on the image.

US = ultrasound

References 

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