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From: Peta
To: Alex, Gilly, Seydou, Carter
Subj: Tablet rollout for bar area

Hello everyone,

Hope this email finds you well! Thank you everyone for all the input in the meeting.

After further evaluation and putting all the information together, I wanted to double check with
your possibilities regarding what action to take to the tablet rollout implementation is
incremental to ensure that any risk that affects operations and customer satisfaction is
minimized and that we can successfully adopt it in the future on a larger scale.

Omar has notified to us the desire to expand the rollout to include all the dining areas and not
just the bar area, however, we could present this to him together to ensure that this change is
done over time after we have successfully adopted it with no problem at the bar area. This
would ensure that we can assess in a lower scale what we can do to prepare once this has
been adopted in all the dining areas.

Seydou has recommended us that piloting at a bar would be of lower risk to start.
Furthermore, Alex and Larissa mentioned the risk this could pose on maintain staff morale
since more staff would be needed and the quality of customer service could dropped if not
implemented properly, we could bring these points to explain why it’s better to start only with
the pilot at the bar before expanding to all the dining areas.

As we all understand the risk this could pose, as pointed out by Gilly in our meeting, I believe
that if we the five of us together reach out to Omar and Deanna and we bring out these points,
we could deliver our concern and point across better to stick with the original plan and limiting
the rollout to the bar area first, before expanding to other sections.

Please let me know your thoughts regarding this initiative. Looking forward to hearing from
you. Thank you in advance for your support regarding this matter.

Best regards,


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