MBA Project

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Industry Profile


An aggregate is an assembling Manufacturing industry organization i.e., a blend of various business

substances working in totally various enterprises under one corporate gathering, for the most part
including a parent organization and auxiliary. These are frequently huge and global. A company runs
a few unique and apparently random Manufacturing organizations. One major organization controls
numerous more modest organizations which lead organizations independently. Be that as it may, it is
finished by holding a controlling stake in these Manufacturing. Parent organization can anyway
decrease the dangers by partaking in various organizations as opposed to being in a singular
assembling. There are different kinds of aggregates across the globe going from assembling to media
to food. During the 1960's, the US was up to speed in a "combination trend" which ended up being
an aftereffect of speculative insanity.
Distinguishes and eliminates deformity causing components alongside diminishing the alterability of
the business and assembling cycles to work on the nature of results from an assembling interaction.
In this procedure, an association follows a characterized set of steps to evaluate the designated worth
of the venture. Distinguishes and eliminates deformity causing components alongside diminishing
the alterability of the business and assembling cycles to work on the nature of results from an
assembling interaction. In this procedure, an association follows a characterized set of steps to
evaluate the designated worth of the venture. A use of Six Sigma in assembling can assist an
association with diminishing contamination, decrease the time pattern of at least one cycles, and
lessen the expense of creation for expanding benefits and fulfillment level of its clients.

Macro scenario

Today, in cutting edge economies like the U.S., the bartering force of aggregate corporate
organizations is surpassed by headways in capital business sectors. For e.g., numerous monoline,
privately owned businesses gained admittance to the equivalent, while possibly not more, levels of
capital as even the greatest combinations of days gone by. Over the long haul, as a business or
development procedure, turning into an aggregate doesn't give similar economies of scale as it once
did. Notwithstanding, it's normal for individuals to called private market as the new open market
which raise huge capital, an organization which never again should be public.
The ascent of investment and private value has along these lines assumed a major part in this.
Moreover, numerous organizations these days like to work in what the future held, renting,
Authorizing, or collaborating with other reciprocal organizations which will cut into the once
hallowed functional economies of scale which accepted to pervade all through aggregates. Danaher
bested the 2021 positioning of the aggregates with the most elevated market esteem around the
world, prevailing over central parts, for example, Honeywell International, Siemens and so forth
Combination organizations take marginally various structures in various nations. Japan's type of
combination is called keiretsu, where organizations own little offers in each other and are fixated on
a center bank. This business structure is here and there a guarded one, shielding organizations from
wild ascents and falls in the securities exchange and threatening takeovers. Mitsubishi is an
incredible illustration of an organization which is occupied with a Keiretsu model. Korea's
culmination with regards to aggregates is called chaebol, a sort of family-claimed organization where
the place of president is acquired by relatives, who at last have more command over the organization
as contrast with investors or individuals from the board. Notable chaebol organizations incorporate
3M, GE and Siemens.

Current scenario

Six Sigma has become a popular technique that applies to a wide range of Manufacture industries,
besides manufacturing. Considering today's complex processes and the advances in the latest
technology, Six Sigma is still a relevant approach for process improvement We are amidst a public
assessment of things to come of Big Tech. A developing section of the general population and
specialists accept that these organizations are too huge. This investigation has as of late started and,
albeit improbable, could prompt the end of these behemoths well before they had the chance to
bother objective scorers as long as GE.
In the event that the law doesn't confine their development, these organizations will keep on
developing, maybe to the place of normal breakdown. Accordingly, there is a decent opportunity that
ABB and Siemens will willfully detach if/when they become old and unmanageable. "Move rapidly
and break things" and "don't be terrible" don't find a place with organizations with under 15
organizations or market restricts that make them 40th biggest on the planet.
It is possible that this size and weight are as of now not comparable with the new plan and
magnificence, in any case, there are a couple of signs that a break, except if approved, is inevitable.
Some contend that these behemoths are only new, with new elements, for example, Facebook
progress to Meta and metaverse, declaring another time of advancement, progress and, to put it
gruffly, adaptability.
Future scenario

Six Sigma has gone through a huge evolution, and it's likely going to grow even more in the next
few years. It's an enormous field full of opportunities for those who want to optimize the workflow
of their organizations and reduce waste as much as possible and modern technology has made it even
better in many ways.

Market size

Aggregates Industry's speed of income development in 2021 decelerated to 4.31% year on year,
however stayed above industry normal. In the end, income developed by 0.19%. In this way, inside
aggregates area only one industry accomplishes higher income development. Henceforth, income
builds the general positioning which disintegrated contrasted with past quarter from to 95. On the
following a year premise combination industry confronted constriction in total a year income by -
0.93% in long term on year. Successively the income developed by 1.04%.

Growth rate

Kept in the 2021 better than expected income development of 9.35% year on year. Complete
positioning #40 and positioning inside area #1. Consecutively incomes for aggregates industry fell
by - 5.55%. In the 2021, accomplished total compensation contrasted with total deficit
acknowledged in a similar quarter a year prior. Overall gain increase by 73.36% when contrasted
with past quarter.

Profit margin

The industrial average net margins are below all industries except for energy in 2020. The average of
5% net margin is half of the overall industrial sector’s net margin.


The Composted set of opponents which incorporates single-section firms with a similar 3-digit SIC
code. Then, Text-Based Network Industry Classification (TNIC) which have a high item word cosine
similitude score comparative with the combination firm and are probable firms.
External environmental factors

The subsidiaries of conglomerates were found to exhibit higher pollution levels for direct emissions
than those of firms pursuing more related diversification strategies.

Micro scenario

The earliest combinations in India were and generally remain, organizations constrained by
families. Some Indian combinations, particularly the more seasoned faction claimed ones, have
proceeded with an antiquated and heavenly custom of making huge commitments to noble cause,
schooling, clinics and numerous different fields. In the present time, Indian aggregates close to
their objectives, execution against their own benchmark is ending up being a hodgepodge. Toward
the beginning of the current ten years, aggregates like Adani, Aditya Birla bunch and so on had
chalked out their drawn-out procedure as well as their objectives. Most development and vital
targets were worked under the supposition that development will speed up in the final part of the
ten years, which sadly didn't emerge. Combinations like L&T have been on target with the
organization level system plan. India's combinations need to thin down to sensible sizes and
spotlight on a couple of center organizations so the feasible parts can become quicker. Today, a
similar construction is dialing back the advancement of bigger gatherings which have become
excessively intricate and caught with each other to oversee proficiently. Obligations in one non-
achievable substance are hauling down the exhibitions of numerous productive elements. India's
combinations were manufacturing fitting for another period, when organizations were little and
there was wellbeing in amassing the dangers in one bigger substance which is known as the
business gathering will vouch for the financial soundness of the part manufacturing industries.
One related issue in combinations is the cross-possessions between bunch organizations.
Combinations face harder predicaments in this today world in view of the sheer variety of the
business portfolios they holding. Whenever business open doors were not open to any and all
individuals, when admittance to capital relied upon the innovative parentage and when multi-point
charge structures were stylish, it checked out to hold all organizations under one. Nonetheless,
Indian aggregates were molded by their political and financial climate.
Current Scenario

In different cases, combinations are framed for certified interests of enhancement as opposed to
control of paper profit from venture. Organizations with this direction would just make
acquisitions or begin new branches in different areas when they accepted this would increment
productivity or strength by sharing dangers. Loaded during the 1980s, General Electric likewise
moved into financing and monetary administrations, which in 2005 represented about 45% of the
organization's net profit. GE previously possessed a minority interest in NBC Universal, which
claims the NBC TV station and a few other link organizations. Joined together Advances was
additionally an effective combination until it was destroyed in the late 2021

Future Scenario

In the present unique reality where buyer's inclinations develop quickly, how might organizations
adjust and plan for what's to come? This question duplicates in significance when we talk about a
combination with expanded interests across metals, foundation, design and money. Preceding our
commitment, the client had directed client/buyer driven pattern gauges throughout a long-term
time skyline, affecting existing organizations and distinguishing quick open doors.

Theoretical background

Six Sigma is focused, information driven approach and technique for killing the imperfections in
any cycle from assembling to conditional and from item to the administrations. Six sigma in
numerous associations just called as a proportion of value which takes a stab at close flawlessly.
Likewise, it is called by different names in various associations like "Functional Excellence",
"Zero Defects" and others.
A six sigma is the interaction wherein 99.99966% of all potential chances to deliver a few
elements of a section are relied upon to be liberated from deserts.

It comprises five data-driven stages which standardizes an organization’s problem-solving

 Define: This stage seeks to identify all the pertinent information necessary to break down a
project, problem or process into tangible, actionable terms.
 Measure: It measures the current process or activity. It uses those current data sets to
establish a process capability baseline, which process improvement data will be compared
 Analyze: This phase examines the data amassed during the measure stage to isolate the
exact root causes of process inefficiencies, defects & discrepancies.
 Improve: It initiates formal action plans meant to solve the target root problems gleaned
from analyzations.
 Control: In this phase, Six Sigma teams create a control plan & deploy the new
standardized process. It outlines improved daily workflows, which result in critical
business process variables abiding by accepted quality control variances.


Six sigma adds value & ensures quality to the output of a business in the Form of incremental
improvements to a product or a service. It optimizes supply chain processes & increase customer
satisfaction. It is a proactive methodology that identifies & provides recommendations for
potential problems before the company incurs any form of loss. All the companies which are
under the conglomerates can access to the internal capital market which enables in an acceleration
in the company’s growth. A conglomerate can mark capital of companies in case the external
capital markets are not offering the terms that company wants. Having wide array of companies in
different industries, this may prove to be beneficial for the main company as poorly performing
companies & industries can be offset by other sectors or companies which are performing better &
are achieving huge profits.

It inspects the business processes minute-by-minute & generates large amounts of empirical data,
leading to time consuming & complicated procedures. Sometimes, when a company implements
this rule, problems arise as the company focuses on Six Sigma endorsed policies only & forget
about its own mission statement & policies. Small & large companies must provide a lot of
training for employees to grasp the system. However, the total market value of the companies in a
conglomerate is higher than the stock value of the conglomerate itself by 13% to 15%. There are
also some issues related to the financial transparency & management which makes the
conglomerate stock valued at a discount.


Implementing Six Sigma is important as it will help organizations in following ways: -

 Flowcharting of processes: Enables documentation of a specific business process.

Flowcharts are often used for making improvements & suggestions.
 Elimination of variation & waste: Waste is anything that doesn’t help in producing the
service or product that is required to be delivered to a customer.
 Reduced defects: Employees are able to identify problem areas as well as recurring Issues
which affect the overall quality expectation of a service/product from a customer’s

Company profile


Inception and Background

Founded: 1988 through merger of ASEA (1883) of Sweden and Brown, Boveri & Cie (1891) of
Switzerland and Headquarters is Zurich, Switzerland

ABB India Ltd (Formerly Known as ABB Ltd) is one of the world's driving designing
organizations, which assists clients with involving electrical power actually and to increment
modern usefulness in a practical manner. The organization is a forerunner in power and
computerization innovations that empower utility and industry clients to further develop execution
while bringing down natural effect. They have served utility and industry clients for more than 50
years with the total scope of designing, items, arrangements and administrations in regions in
Automation and Power innovation. They are having their activities in 14 assembling offices in
India and serving their clients through a broad countrywide presence with in excess of 18
advertising workplaces, 8 assistance habitats, 3logistics stockrooms and an organization of more
than 800 channel accomplices.
The organization fragments incorporates: power frameworks, which offers turnkey frameworks
and administrations for transmission and appropriations for power lattice and power plants,
instrumentation, control and overall influence plants; power items, which fabricates, engineers,
supplies key parts to communicate and circulate power and furthermore creates transformers, high
and medium voltage switchgears, circuit breakers, capacitors, conveyance transfers; process
mechanization, which gives coordinated arrangements and served oil and gas, power, synthetics
and drugs, pulps and paper, metal sand minerals, marine and super charging enterprises;
computerization items, which gives engines, variable speed drives, low voltage items,
instrumentation and power hardware; Others comprises of advanced mechanics frameworks. ABB
Ltd was consolidated on December 24, 1949 as Hindustan Electric Company Ltd. In September
24, 1965, the name of the organization was changed to Hindustan Brown Boveri Ltd. In the year

ABB being a worldwide innovator in Power and Automation advances empower utility and
exchange clients to improve execution while bringing down natural effect. Mechanization is
arising as a center region for huge incorporated assembling ventures as well as in any event, for
medium and little units, the Rs.4000/ - crore Indian computerization enterprises is confident of
developing at 20-25 percent for every annum. While huge new businesses are completely centered
around computerization, existing enormous ventures and downstream units are beginning to get
up to speed. These units are sloping up their robotization drives on a level 1, level 2 and level 3
bases. Large numbers of the historic mechanical achievements of the two associations arose
around 120 years.

ABB formerly known as ASEA BROWN BOVERI is a multinational corporation, centralized in

Zurich, Switzerland working in most parts of the countries. ABB is one of the biggest building
organizations and also one of the biggest joint organizations in the world. ABB is traded in United
States on Swiss exchange, the Stockholm stock exchange and New York stock exchange. ABB
India serves utility and industry customers with the complete range of its benefits.

The historical background of ABB aroused from the late 19 th century, having long and renowned
record of advancement and mechanical administration in numerous enterprises. Everywhere
throughout the world, ABB helps to assemble, create and keep up their foundations. ABB as in
lately gone over from large scale solutions to alternative energy and the advanced products and
technologies in power and automation that constitute its industrial IT advertising.

The organization has a tremendous introduced base, broad nearby assembling at 8 units and
presence of nationwide showcasing and administration. As an essential trust to standard item
business, ABB has a public test accomplice organization, which guarantees openness of its items
and administrations in all districts of a country
To use India's natural innovation assets and the huge pool of exceptionally qualified programming
experts, ABB have set up a worldwide R&D focus in Bangalore which centers around modern IT
improvement. It additionally keeps up with and support a scope of programming Intensive items
and goes about as an accomplice for the ABB R&D focuses as well as business regions inside the

Nature of the business:

ABB India Limited undertakes engineering and construction projects and manufactures heavy
engineering and industrial equipment. The Company embraces projects in the field of energy
creation, power transmission, transportation, and contamination control.
We give clients the total scope of electrical engines, generators, drives and administrations, as
well as mechanical power transmission items and incorporated computerized powertrain
arrangements. We serve a wide scope of mechanization applications in transportation, foundation
and the discrete and process businesses.
ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enables utility and industry customers
to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact.
 A strong solution paves way for manufacturers to improve productivity and quality of
product and worker safety.
 The company has served customers with the complete range of engineering products,
solutions and services in areas of automation and power technologies.
 Company has extensive installed base for manufacturing and presence of countrywide
 The company also plays an increasing role in the global marketing.

Ownership Pattern:

The Shareholding Pattern page of ABB India Ltd. presents the

 Promoter's holding

 FII's holding

 DII's Holding

 Shareholding by general public.

Area of operations:

The ABB Group is a publicly listed company that operates in approximately 100 countries and
employs around 135,000 people. Head quartered in Zurich, Switzerland. ABB has 561 offices in
88 countries around the world

ABB Company has its operation in more than 100 countries around the world. There are 2
regional branches in Bangalore.
 Peenya

 Nelamangala

Products and Service Profile

Power products

The division primarily serves electric utilities as well as gas and water utilities for customers in
utilities, industry, transport and infrastructure with a wide range of products and services to
facilitate power generation, transmission and distribution. Key technologies includes high and
medium voltage switch gears, circuit breakers for a range of current rating and voltage level
power, distribution and other special transformers, as well as product to help transmit and
distribute electricity facility effectively and reliably, maintain power quality as well as control and
manage electrical networks.
Power Systems

The division delivers solutions across the power value chain. This includes system solution for
power generation, transmission technologies like HVDC and FACTS, substations and distribution
technologies for network management. The scope of the typical turnkey project includes designs,
system engineering and supply, installation, commissioning, and testing. Integrate products from
our own power products division and external suppliers, adding value through domain expertise,
engineering, product, management, and life cycle support services.
Discrete Automation and Motion

This division provides products, solution and related services that increase industrial productivity
and energy efficiency. Its motors, generators, drives, programmable logic controller (PLC’s)
power electronics and robotics provide power, motion and control foe a wide range of automation
The leading position in wind generator and growing offering in solar complement the

 Industrial focus

 Leveraging joint technology

 Channels and operation platforms.

 Drives and controls

 Motors and generators

 Power conversion

 Robotics
Process Automation

The main focus of the ABB business is to provide customers with production and services for
instrumentation, automation and optimization of industrial processes. The industry service
includes oil and gas, power, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, pulps and paper, metal and material,
marine turbo charging. Key customers benefits include improve asset productivity and energy
 Control technologies

 Full services

 Industry solutions

 Measurement products

 Service
Low Voltage Products

The low voltage products division manufactures low voltage circuit breakers, switches and control
products, wiring accessories, enclosures and cable system to protect people, installation and
electronic equipment’s from electrical overloads. This division further makes KNX systems that
integrate and automate buildings electrical installations, ventilation systems, security and data
communication network.

 Breakers and switches

 Control products

 Enclosures and DIN- rail products

 LV systems
Robotics and Motion

The robotics and motion segment manufactures and sells motors, generators, variable speed drives,
robots and robotics, wide convertors, rectifiers, excitation system, components and subsystem for
railways, and related services for a range of applications in discrete automation, process industries,
transportation and utilities. The robotics business offers robots, controllers, software systems, as
well as complete robot automation solutions and a range of services for automotive, as well as for
general industry. The motors and generators business supplies a range of electrical motors,
generators, and mechanical power transmission products. The drives and controls business provides
low voltage and medium voltage drives and system for industrial, commercial and residential
applications. Drives provide speed, torque and motion control for equipment, such as fans, pumps,
compressors, conveyors, centrifuges, mixers, hoists, cranes, extruders, printing and textile machine

It also manufactures solar inverters, wind turbine converters, uninterruptible power supply
systems and convertors for power protection, as well as rail traction converters, dc wayside power
solutions and a range of solution for charging of electric vehicles.
It also offers services, including design and project management, engineering, installation, training
and life cycle care, energy efficiency appraisals and preventive maintenance. Its customers include
machinery manufactures, process industries, such as pulp and paper, oil and gas, metals and
mining companies, hybrid and batch manufactures, such as food and beverage companies, rail
equipment manufactures and discrete manufacturing companies.

As one of the world’s leading engineering companies, we help our customers to use electrical
power efficiently, to increase industrial productivity and to lower environmental impact in a
sustainable process.


 Performance improvement: ABB aims at improving/optimizing efficiency, reliability,

productivity and connectivity and lowering environmental impact.
 Drive innovation: innovation and quality are key characteristics of our product, system and
service offering.
 Attract talent: ABB is committed to inviting and retaining dedicated and skilled people and
offering employees an attractive, safe global work environment.
 Act responsibility: sustainability, lowering environmental impact and business ethics are at
the core of our market offering and our own operations.


 Develop action plans to reduce the environmental impact of business air travel.

 Maintain and improve crisis management, security and human right capability.

 Improve sustainability performance in the supply chain through the supplier’s

Sustainability development program.
 To retain those employees who really contribute to the company’s performance in terms of
improving the company’s quality and services or increasing the level of customer
 To deliver on time and on quality products, system and services that meets or exceeds the
customer’s expectation.

 Strengthen the motivation and skills of our people to add value to the customer’s and to
business through continual training and development.
 Enable and engage the people at all level in a relentless drive to improve operational
performance along with giving attention to the chain from suppliers to customers.
 Leverage the partners and suppliers’ strength to improve the products and the business
from product design through production installation and operation.
 Continually improve environmental health and safety performance through all products
operation, system and service.

Competitor’s profile:

There is a wide variety of equipment and systems required in the data center industry. As a result
there are numerous competitors as well as partnerships, overlaps and complex market
relationships. Some of the main players that ABB competes with are:
 Eaton

 Emerson

 Siemens

 General Electric


Eaton is a diversified power management company. It provides electrical components and system
for power, quality, distribution and control; hydraulics components, system and services for
industrial and mobile equipment; aerospace fuel, hydrolysis and pneumatic system for commercial
and military use and truck and automotive drive train and power train system.
It sells products to customers in approximately 150 countries.


Emerson supplies an uninterruptible AC and DC power system which provides conditioned power
to telecommunication networks, data centers and other critical equipment in the event of lockout
of line surges and spikes.

Emerson is a diversified global technology company operating through six business segments.

 Process management

 Industrial automation
 Climate technologies

 Tools

 Storage


Siemens is associated with engineering and Electronics Company concerned within the fields of
industry, energy, transportation, and healthcare. Siemens offer full service and support across date
center systems, from startup and commissioning to lifecycle management, local and national
technical support and predictive maintenance. Planning proposals, project management,
engineering manufacturing and services are provided through a single point of Contact. Siemens
offer “Active energy management that considers energy efficiency in all aspects of data center

General Electronics:

General Electronics (GE) delivers planning, design, installation, optimization, remote monitoring
and diagnostics for data centers across more than twenty industries in over 100 countries.
The GE services for data Centre power delivery infrastructure include conceptual design studies,
load flow and power factors studies, short circuit studies, flash hazards analysis and protective
device and coordination studies among others.

Market share:

ARC's report calculates that ABB's Distributed Control Systems (DCS) maintained a “leading
share” of around 20 percent in 2020 in a market worth more than $14 billion.
Company's competitiveness improved within Overall Company, with revenue growth of 10.76 %
and its market share increased to approx. 23.6 %.
Award and Achievements:

 ABB ranked No. 61 on Corporate Knights magazine’s list of World’s 100 Most
Sustainable Corporations
 ABB named Global E-mobility Leader 2019 by the Polish Presidency of COP24 and the
Polish Alternative Fuels Association
 ABB honored with an Electrical Review Excellence award for TXplore™, its free-
swimming ABB Ability™-enabled submersible transformer inspection robot
 The National Association of Electrical Distributors presented ABB with the Industry
Award of Merit
 International Forum Design GmbH recognized ABB’s innovative ABB-free @ home®
thermostat with a Technology Design Award

 ABB i-bus® KNX sensor PEONIA® and ABB tacteo® KNX sensor received two
prestigious Red Dot Awards for outstanding design
 Nine of ABB’s local companies placed on Electric Age’s China Top 100 Electric
Companies annual rankings.

The creative process to design a trophy for the ABB Research Award in Honor of Hubertus von
Grunberg was triggered by the idea that research and development is an always-on process, as
scientists continue tirelessly in their search for new and better solutions.
One of the inspirations was the “Mobius strip”, first described in 1858 by mathematician and
physicist Johann Benedict Listing from Gottingen, and the mathematician and astronomer August
Ferdinand Mobius, Leipzig. This strip has a single side and edge. It cannot be oriented, meaning
you cannot differentiate between the bottom and top or the inside and outside.
This unique strip fascinated mathematicians as well as artists for decades. Practical uses emerged
in the meantime. For instance, engineers began constructing conveyor and drive belts as Mobius
belts so that both sides of the belt are evenly worn. Scientists kept investigating the mathematical
riddle that this strip posed and finally, in 2007, two physicists cracked the code. They made it
possible to achieve the perfect length and width of the Mobius loop with numbers. The ABB
Research award recognizes such dedication to groundbreaking research.
Organization structure:

The different parts of manageability (ecological security, word related wellbeing and wellbeing,
wellbeing, and so forth) are executed on the line. "Manageability and Security" is a particular unit
answerable for carrying out natural and social strategy as per Swiss regulation.
Furthermore, ABB Switzerland orders free friendly and natural reviews to be led. It additionally
advances biologically viable advances and creates preparing programs for explicit nations.
Siemens Company in India

Inception and Background

Siemens was established in Berlin by Werner von Siemens in 1847. As an uncommon innovator,
architect and business visionary, Werner von Siemens made the world's first pointer transmit and
electric dynamo; developments that aided put the twist in the modern unrest. He was the man
behind one of the most interesting examples of overcoming adversity ever - by transforming a
modest little studio into one of the world's biggest ventures. As Werner had imagined, the
organization he began became stronger to strength in each field of electrical designing. From
developing the world's first electric railroad to laying the main message line connecting Britain
and India, Siemens was answerable for building a large part of the advanced world's foundation.
Siemens is today an innovation monster in excess of 190 nations, utilizing approximately 440,000
individuals around the world. Our work in the fields of energy, industry, interchanges, data,
transportation, medical care, parts and lighting has become fundamental pieces of regular daily
existence. While Werner was an energetic creator during his days, Siemens today stays a
persistent trend-setter. With advancements averaging 18 per day, it seems like the transformation
Werner began is as yet continuing forward.
Siemens Limited is an innovation organization zeroed in on industry, foundation, computerized
change, transport as well as transmission and age of electrical power. It is the leader recorded
organization of Siemens AG in India.
The primary Siemens Company, Telegraphen-Bau-Anstalt von Siemens and Halske ("Telegraph
Construction Firm of Siemens and Halske"), was established in Berlin in 1847 by Werner von
Siemens (1816-92), his cousin Johann Georg Siemens (1805-79), and Johann Georg Halske (1814-
90); its motivation was to assemble transmit establishments and other electrical gear.

It before long started spreading broadcast lines across Germany, laying out in 1855 a branch in St.
Petersburg for Russian lines and in 1858 a branch in London for English lines, the last option
headed by Werner's sibling William Siemens (1823-83). As the firm developed and presented
large scale manufacturing, Halske, who was less disposed toward extension, pulled out (1867),
passing on control of the organization to the four Siemens siblings and their relatives.
In the interim, the organization's exercises were broadening to incorporate dynamos, links,
phones, electric power, electric lighting, and different advances of the later Industrial Revolution.
In 1890 it turned into a restricted association, with Carl Siemens (Werner's sibling) and Arnold
and Wilhelm Siemens (Werner's children) as the senior accomplices; in 1897 it turned into a
restricted obligation organization, Siemens and Halske AG.
In 1903 Siemens and Halske moved its power-designing exercises to another organization,
Siemens-Schuckertwerke (having assimilated a nurnberg firm, Schuckert and Co.); from 1919 on,
the two organizations were generally led by a similar official, generally an individual from the
Siemens family. In 1932, following seven years of joint effort, an Erlander firm, Reiniger Gebbert
and Schall, converged with the Siemens interests to shape Siemens-Reiniger-Werke AG, which
occupied with the creation of clinical demonstrative and restorative hardware, particularly X-beam
machines and electron magnifying lens.
The House of Siemens, as the organizations were all in all called, extended incredibly during the
Third Reich (1933-45). All plants ran at full limit during World War II and were scattered all
through the country to stay away from air strikes in 1943-44. At the conflict's end, Hermann von
Siemens (1885-1986), the top of the gathering, was momentarily interned (1946-48), and Siemens
authorities were accused of selecting and utilizing slave work from hostage countries and partner
in the development and activity of the elimination camp at Auschwitz and the inhumane
imprisonment at Buchenwald. However the much 90% of the organization plants and hardware in
the Soviet-involved zone of Germany were seized.

The Western powers moreover wiped out and demolished a couple of workplaces until the Cold
War began Western interest in West Germany's financial multiplication and coordinated effort.
During the 1950s, from its base in West Germany, the House of Siemens bit by bit broadened its
part of the electrical market in Europe and abroad so that by the 1960s it was again one of the
world's greatest electrical associations.
Nature of the business:

Siemens Limited is an innovation organization zeroed in on industry, framework, advanced

change, transport as well as transmission and age of electrical power. Siemens is a worldwide
trailblazer zeroing in on digitalization, zap and robotization for the interaction and assembling
businesses, and is a forerunner in power age and dissemination, astute framework, and circulated
energy frameworks

Ownership pattern:

The Shareholding Pattern page of Siemens Ltd. presents the

 Promoter's holding

 FII's holding

 DII's Holding

 Shareholding by general public etc.

Area of operations:

A German company with global ambition. What started as a small workshop in a backyard in
Berlin has grown into a company with more than 200 locations around the globe. Siemens is
incorporated in Germany and has its corporate headquarters in Munich. It has operations in around
190 countries and approximately 285 production and manufacturing facilities.
Products and service profile:

Power generation technology:

Electricity generation technologies, such as coal-fired power plants, nuclear reactors, and wind
turbines, offer different advantages and disadvantages for energy generation companies and their

Industrial and buildings automation:

Bring Higher Productivity to the Factory-floor with Mitsubishi Electric India. We provide
products and solutions that help increase our customer’s productivity. Programmable Controllers.
Drive Products. Computerized Controllers, Switchgears, Industrial Robots. Building automation is
the automatic centralized control of a building's HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning),
electrical, lighting, shading, Access Control, Security Systems, and other interrelated systems
through a Building Management System (BMS) or Building Automation System (BAS). The
objectives of building automation are improved occupant comfort, efficient operation of building
systems, reduction in energy consumption, reduced operating and maintaining costs, increased
security, historical performance documentation, remote access/control/operation, and improved
life cycle of equipment and related utilities.

Medical technology:
Siemens has played a central role in shaping medical technology. Today, some five million
patients around the world benefit from our groundbreaking products and services on a daily basis.
Building on this foundation, Siemens Healthiness will continue to enable healthcare providers to
increase value by empowering them on their journey towards expanding precision medicine,
transforming care delivery, and improving patient experience, all enabled by digitalizing
Railway vehicles:

Ingenuity drives us from digitalization & IoT to energy efficient production. With innovativeness
& entrepreneurship for the benefit of our customers
 Future of Manufacturing

 Moving Societies

 Shape the Future

 Optimizing infrastructure

 Sustainable development
Water treatment systems:

Water is the most valuable resource on our planet. Whether desalination, water or waste water
treatment: With comprehensive industry experience and digital solutions, we help realize
innovative business solutions that work to secure a sustainable drinking water supply and
reliable waste water disposal.

Fire alarms:

Fire protection systems from Siemens provide unbeatable accuracy and ease of use for building
personnel, installers, and firefighters. At the first sign of danger, our reliable fire protection
systems trigger a coordinated alarm and extinguishing systems are activated.

PLM software:

Product lifecycle management (PLM) is an information management system that integrates data,
processes, business systems, and, people in an extended enterprise.


The company aspires to have a future where they want to utilize its creativity, talent, skills,
resources, knowledge, and people to introduce innovative products and services which will be
breakthroughs in the respective markets.
The company wants to move in the right direction by following the best practices for its short-
term goals like enhancing performance, medium-term goals like strengthening what it knows the
best i.e. electrification, and long-term goals like scaling up. Siemens Vision 2021 is direct towards
a bright and successful future that is driven by a clear mission statement, ownership culture, and a
well-known strategy.
Here are the key highlights.

 Having a strategic framework including concrete financial targets

 Having an ownership culture to encourage employees to do their best

 Streamlining internal processes and structure to improve performance

 Improving customer and business focus

 Working on one Siemens management model to attain targets


Siemens mission statement says that “We make real what matters. That’s our aspiration. That’s
what we stand for. That’s what sets us apart. A reflection of our strong brand, it’s the mission that
inspires us to succeed”. The mission statement clearly indicates the strong brand message of
Siemens that talk about its dream and keenness to create something original. The key highlights of
Siemens mission statement are discussed below.
Here are the key highlights.

 Technological Advancement Driven by Innovation

 Setting new standards or benchmark

 Belief in working as a team

 Attaining long-term success


Every day, Siemens creates impact by providing innovative solutions tackling challenges in the
areas of environmental protection, decarburization, health and safety.
Innovative solutions that have one clear goal:

 Making the world a more livable

 Sustainable and inclusive world.

We are a technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, transport, and healthcare. From
more resource-efficient factories, resilient supply chains, and smarter buildings and grids, to
cleaner and more comfortable transportation as well as advanced healthcare, we create technology
with purpose adding real value for customers. By combining the real and the digital worlds, we
empower our customers to transform their industries and markets, helping them to transform the
everyday for billions of people
Our goal is to reduce absolute scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions from use of sold products 28% by
2030 from a 2019 base year [SBTi4 approved].
 Our Energy of Tomorrow program ensures we achieve this goal by:

 Transforming energy markets with our products, services, and solutions along the
energy value chain
 Accompanying our customers in their transition

 Step-by-step approach to decarbonize our portfolio

Competitor’s Profile:

The leading automation vendor globally. However, it also faces stiff competition from a couple of
household brands. The top 5 Siemens competitors include the following
 General Electric

 Alstom

 3M

 Schneider Electric

 Hitachi

General Electric:

General Electric is a US-based technology company that specializes in offering some machinery
including consumer and industrial appliances, aircraft engines, wind turbines, weapons and
Electric motors among others. It is headquartered in Boston although it was incorporated in New
York. US offer the biggest market for most of the GE’s products then followed by European
countries. Its industrial finance’s share capital revenue is 11%. GE currently employs close to
300,000 employees worldwide making it one of the fiercest competitors in this industry.
It also generates income worth $124 billion making it among the highly ranked valuable brands in
the world. Due to its unique business model, GE is considered amongst the top Siemens


Alstom is a French-based multinational company that deals with a variety of rail transport
products. It was founded in 1928, and most of its products and services revolve around railway
vehicles and signaling. Alstom recently merged with Siemens in a bid to solidify its operations
across Europe. Until then, it has more than 20,700 employees in the European region. The value
of its total assets is estimated to be more than $38 billion. It continues to provide products and
services aligned to railways transportation industry in many parts of the world making it a worthy
competitor that Siemens ideally need to look out for.


3M is an American based multinational company that specializes in the manufacturing of

industrial, consumer and safety goods. It was founded in 1902 and was initially referred to as
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing industry before rebranding. As of the 3rd quarter of 2017,
3M was ranked as the second largest conglomerate after General Electric.
Although it keeps cycling between number 2 and number 3, it is considered as one of the
evergreen Siemens Competitors. As of the end of 2016, 3M had estimated sales revenue of over
$30 billion. It currently has more than 92000 workers all over the world and with total assets value
of $33 billion. It is also presently ranked as the leading company that produces sealants and
adhesives in the world. It is also the leading vendor of household tape in the United States.

Schneider Electric:

Schneider Electric is also a French-based multinational company that deals with automation
solutions, energy management, software and spanning service among others. It has established its
offices in various parts of the world as a way of enhancing its service delivery to the customers in
the respective areas. It employs more than 145,000 employees worldwide.
As of the end of 2016 financial year, it was able to have a total equity of £41.85, which was a
slight reduction from what it had recorded in the previous year. Schneider has grown to become
one of the renown companies in the world that produce high quality industrial and consumer
technology products sold all over the world hence making it a worthy Siemens’ competitor.

Hitachi is a Japanese-based multinational company that specializes in engineering and electronics

goods and services. This particular Asian Industrial giant is offering a wide range of products and
services including, construction equipment, transportation materials, nuclear reactors, MRI
systems and thermal power generation systems among others. It is also expected that Hitachi will
be able to ship at least 495 million hard drive units for the year 2017.
Hitachi’s revenue is worth $89.3 billion making it one of the leading Japanese non-automotive
brand. This company also invests handsomely in research and development with an annual
expenditure of $3 million. Considering that it has established its service and distribution centers
all over the world, it has equally employed more than 337,000 employees in all of these centers to
facilitate service delivery to the customers with the respective areas. Because it is a known brand
and a brand liked by people, Hitachi is ranked 5th amongst all Siemens Competitors.

Market share:

Siemens owns 23 per cent of the market share. The company has 18 per cent market share in the
US$ 252 million domestic motor and drives segment.
Siemens has 22 per cent market share in the US$ 250 million domestic automation market.

Awards and Achievement’s:

Siemens wins corporate innovation awards, Siemens received the “2017 Best Innovative Practices
Award” honored by Yicai media group. The company convinced the jury with its advanced
research and development models and the achievement of China's corporate innovation in its
global network.
Siemens received the “More than a Market Award 2021” at the awards gala held by the German
Chamber of Commerce in China on September 16, 2021, in recognition of Siemens’ leadership in
building a sustainable supply chain. Siemens has previously made a commitment – it intends to
achieve a 20 percent emissions reduction in its global supply chain by 2030 and establish a
carbon-neutral supply chain by 2050. To this end, Siemens actively integrates its sustainability
approach into its supply chain management, initiates special projects and invests dedicated
resources to promote a sustainable supply chain, and eventually fulfills its carbon-neutral supply
chain commitment
Organization Structure:

As a German stock corporation with registered offices in Berlin and Munich, Siemens is subject to
German corporate law. Consequently, the Company has a two-tier management and oversight
structure consisting of a (two-tier board structure).
 Managing Board

 Supervisory Board
Key functional areas:

Six Sigma is a method that provides organizations tools to improve the capability of their business
processes. This increase in performance and decrease in process variation helps lead to defect
reduction and improvement in profits, employee morale, and quality of products or services
As a human being we have various parts in our body, like this type even company also have
specialized division. Without this departments company can’t reach its goals.
Department will seek to make that the company has focus in everything that it does. It will work
very closely with production to make sure new and existing product development is tied in closely
with needs and expectation of customers. Some of the key functional areas are;

Production Department

Systematic approach to reduce or eliminate activities that do not add value to the process. It
highlights removing wasteful steps in a process and taking the only value-added steps. The lean
six sigma method ensures high quality and customer satisfaction in the manufacturing.

Quality Department

Quality management methodology used to help businesses improve current processes, products or
services by discovering and eliminating defects. The goal is to streamline quality control in
manufacturing or business processes so there is little to no variance throughout.

Human Resource Department

Six Sigma is a data-driven framework for improving the quality of HR processes, a process being
any repetitive business function pertaining to HR. Six Sigma accomplishes this by reducing the
variation around the mean of the process.
Finance Department

Six Sigma helps in determining the financial positioning, investment opportunities, and
exponential business growth. Six Sigma helps to reduce the time in closure of finance books, and
brings accuracy in preparing various statements. Moreover, it also assists in proper control and
measurement of dashboards.

Supply Chain Department

Six Sigma methodologies can effectively be employed in SCM to measure, monitor and improve
the performance of the whole supply chain network. With six sigma deployment in SCM,
organizations reduce cost and enhance customer satisfaction.

Research Methodology
Research design
Statement of the problem:

The main aim of the project is to know the application/benefits of six sigma rule in company ABB
ltd and Siemens & study the performance level of both, so comparing between these two.
Six Sigma is a method that provides organizations tools to improve the capability of the business
processes. This increase in performance & decrease in process variation helps lead to defect
reduction & improvement in profits, employee morale & quality of products or services. Hence,
my study is on comparative study on six sigma rules on special reference to ABB ltd & Siemens

Objectives of the study:

 To study six sigma techniques adopted by the ABB Ltd and Siemens in India.

 To discuss the six sigma tools practiced in both the companies.

 To study organization structure and key functional areas of the both the company.

 To suggest both the company for the better improvements in quality of the products.

Scope of the Study:

This project study is conducted at ABB Ltd and Siemens in India. Six Sigma Consulting revolves
around four key aspects of production- assess, plan, enable and sustain. Six Sigma experts help the
clients to address the most complex challenges; whether, these are related to reduce the production
costs, achieve the long-term sustainable growth rate, improve the revenues and/or increase the
profitability. Strategic customized Six Sigma consultancy guides the concerned stakeholders/key
decision makers.
Implementation of Six Sigma is like adhering to a scientific culture for the ultimate yield; it needs
patience and commitment. The prominent Six Sigma Consulting Firms provide on the site training
and consultancy in customized module to help the businesses achieve the dream-like target

Limitations of the study:

 The non-availability of secondary source of data affects on effective results.

 This study on six sigma limited only with two companies.

 Findings of the study are based on the secondary source of data so the result of the study
may not be much effective.
 Time allotted for the study not sufficient to conduct efficient study.

Research Methodology:

Qualitative research method adopted for the study purpose to know the six sigma of the
company in depth and to examine the functioning and performance of the company.

Tools of Data collection:

Secondary source of data: The data collected through company website, newspaper, articles,
review of literature, company magazines etc.

SWOT Analysis

SWOC analysis is a strategic planning tool that can be used by ABB Ltd managers to do a
situational analysis of the organization. It is a useful technique to evaluate the present
 Strengths (S)

 Weakness (W)

 Opportunities (O)

 Threats (T)

SWOT Analysis of ABB Ltd

SWOT analysis of ABB Ltd analyses the brand by its strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities & threats. In ABB Ltd SWOT Analysis, the strengths and weaknesses are
the internal factors whereas opportunities and threats are the external factors.

SWOT Analysis is a proven management framework which enables a brand like ABB Ltd
to benchmark its business & performance as compared to the competitors. ABB Ltd is
one of the leading brands in the energy & power sector.


 Huge installed customer base with long term contracts

 superior brand value has helped it in cross selling and gave a lot of aftermarket
sale opportunities

 ABB has resources all over the world and is geographically well spread

 Significant portion of its revenue is from emerging markets which have a

increasing demand for infrastructure

 Well known for manufacturing consistent top-quality products around the globe

 The management has a history of overpaying for acquisitions and not delivering
synergies on previous deals

 On the back of shortage of liquidity, the margin is not improving in the shorter

 Bad debts and financial difficulties with customers have increased the debtor's
provisions affecting profit


 Government initiatives in the infrastructure space will augment overall demand for
power industry

 It is financially strong with huge cash flows which will help in acquisitions,
buybacks and dividends

 Increase in demand for smart grids increase demand for any companies that
manufacture, supply or build smart grid infrastructure

 Additional regulation will increase the demand for companies in the

environmental services industry


 A bad outlook of the economy will affect the cash flows and growth of the

 Governments are under pressure for cutting down the costs, which may slow down
replacement sales and put overall sales at risk
SWOT analysis of Siemens

SWOT analysis of Siemens analyses the brand by its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
& threats. In Siemens SWOT Analysis, the strengths and weaknesses are the internal
factors whereas opportunities and threats are the external factors. SWOT Analysis is a
proven management framework which enables a brand like Siemens to benchmark its
business & performance as compared to the competitors. Siemens is one of the leading
brands in the conglomerates sector.

The table below lists the Siemens SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
Threats), top Siemen’s competitors and includes its target market, segmentation,
positioning & Unique Selling Proposition (USP).


 Pioneer of technology driven services

 Market leadership through innovation and has presence in industry, Energy,

Healthcare, Infrastructure and Cities

 Financial excellence and stability

 Over 400,000 employees worldwide show its commanding global position

 Operates in about 180 companies

 It has operations in over 190 countries

 Joint ventures with many internationally renowned companies and acquisitions

have made it a powerful brand Strong advertising and marketing through sports and
lifestyle events, sponsorships online media, TVCs etc. make it a high recall brand


 Dependence on third party providers can affect operational efficiency

 Few allegations of corruption in the corporate environment by individuals hit the

 Expanding market share in emerging markets

 Strategic acquisitions, partnerships and collaborations

 Setting up of institutions worldwide for in-house solution

 Increase in demand for electricity and related services and products


 Strict govt policies and environmental regulation affect operations

 Economic fluctuations and currency devaluations affect the financial performance

as it is an international company

 Heavy dependence on few suppliers



The two companies ABB Ltd & Siemens have various differences which affect their style
of operations & the way they are running. From the project, we can find that the ABB Ltd
is a group of companies running different businesses independent of each other. Siemens
on the other hand is run as a single company, controlled by its promoter despite having
interests in several businesses. However, ABB ltd is considered a global manufacturing
product but Siemens is much more concentrated in India despite some of its companies
having interests around the world.
When it comes to revenues the Abb ltd earns greater as they made $2,890 Crores in
comparison to Siemens $8,684.90 Crores. Even though ABB Ltd may have exceeded
Siemens in some other fields but they have miles to go before they catch up.

 ABB ltd and Siemens Indian Company to adopt Six Sigma.

 Today, ABB Ltd and Siemens company has one of the most mature Six Sigma
programs in the industry ensuring

 91% of the projects are completed on schedule, mush above the industry average
of 55%

 Six Sigma at ABB ltd and Siemens simply means a measure of quality that strives
for near perfection.

 It is an umbrella initiative covering all business units and divisions so that it could
transform itself in a world class organization.

ABB Ltd and Siemens, it means:

 Have products and services meet global benchmarks Ensure robust processes
within the organization

 Consistently meet and exceed customer expectations

 Make Quality a culture within

 Integrating Six Sigma concepts was also intended to bring rigor in effective

 Processes of the software development life cycle.

 Implementation of Six Sigma methodologies brought in quantitative

understanding, cost

 savings, and performance improvement towards product quality.

ABB Ltd and Siemens is the world’s certified Manufacturing Company. Earlier it was a
Manufacturing the products and tools and converted itself into global IT services giant
after liberalization. Now as they changed its field of operations. They faced a lot of
problems. Managers felt that there was a need of aligning business operations with
customer needs and continuous improvement. Therefore, Siemens began moving towards
a focus on Quality, thereby creating a learning environment that lead to the
implementation of Six sigma.

Problems of ABB ltd and Siemens before implementing six sigma:

 Reduce the data transfer time.

 Reduce the risk

 Reduce the risk Avoid interruption due to LAN/WAN downtime

 Parallel availability of the switch for the other administrative tasks during the
same period.

ABB Ltd and Siemens did face challenges while implementing six sigma and they were as

 Permission for high level managers was required.

 Restructuring of organization to provide infrastructure, training and confidence in

process was required.

 The project on the basis of high probability of their success and targeted to
complete them in short period to assess the success.
 In order to select the project, the field data was collected, and the process map was

 First step of implementation was to build a team of professionals and train them
for various stages of six sigma.

Challenges of ABB Ltd

 To find right kind of people and train them was a difficult job. This motivated to
start their own consultancy to train people.

 It was difficult to identify Manufacture resources that were required for short term
and long term basis.

 Experts were appointed to see the timelines, find out the gap, weak areas and to
check the outcome as per the plan.

 ABB ltd has evolved the following six sigma methodologies: For developing new

 Developing six sigma software (DSSS methodology) for software development

that ensures defect free delivery and lower customer cost of application

 Designing six sigma process and product (DS methodology) used for Designing
new products and processes.

 Design for customer satisfaction and manufacturability (DCAM method)




On the basis of cases discussed above,

 ABB ltd and Siemens as support is extremely essential for having a successful
implementation of Lean Six Sigma in an enterprise.
 The organizations which are in search of continuous improvement programs always
welcome transformations and good governance.

 ABB Ltd & Siemens are among the most popular companies around the world.

 From the study found about six sigma rule application, their importance in both the
company, their benefits & disadvantages.

 From the discussion of the study found year by year both companies received awards for their
performance all over the world.

 Companies having different key functional areas in which every staff member is having its
own responsibility.

 Both the companies have many competitors therefore they bring variety manufacturing of
products in the market.

 Both the companies have international area of operation.


This investigation and wide examination considering the execution of six sigma in ABB ltd and
Siemens associations have given a framework. In light of this course other similar associations can
in like manner participate in this race and examination one more gadgets and methodology in
business. Six Sigma has recently drawn closer as maybe the most sufficient business methods in
the tremendous affiliation, universally. From the hour of its start at Motorola and GE, various
instances of conquering misfortune were enlisted by different multinationals.


 Both ABB Ltd and Siemens should check the temperature of the organization before
bringing any major change.
 Clear distinction must be made between leaders and managers and upgrade their
communication plan with employees working at various levels.
 Both the company should motivate their employees in working environment.

 Company should not produce goods of low quality which is same as China products.

 There should be training facilities for HR people so that proper management of people will
be there.
 ABB ltd and Siemens Company should focus more on customer service.

 It should separate the public companies from the private.

 There should be transparency in financial statements in both the company.

 Both the company should provide good working condition to the employees for doing the work.

 Both the company management should try to improve the working efficiency and productivity
of employees

 Both ABB Ltd and Siemens should provide more amenities which may result in the
consummation to further extent.

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