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Favicon Steps
You’re ready to launch your sales funnel, have the copy, all the assets and know what you
want a customer to experience, but are you sure you built everything the right way in
Clickfunnels, on the back end? Setting up a successful funnel involves a lot of steps, but
when done correctly, will result in a seamless customer and affiliate experience… and save
you a lot of headaches, and abandonments. That frees you up to focus on fulfillment, and
maybe some A/B testing to really optimize how hard your funnel is working for you.

In this handy checklist, you’ll discover exactly what you have to do to ensure your sales
funnel is set up correctly in Clickfunnels and there are no surprises once you turn it on. We’ll
focus on the Funnel Setup, Product Area and Members Area. Follow each step we outline
here, and your funnel will be open for business.

Upload a favicon image that represents
the funnel.
To do this, upload a photo into your media
library in Clickfunnels. Then temporarily
place it on the page, and simply COPY
the URL that populates in the image field.

Then delete the photo

(don’t worry, the link will stay
active). Paste that link into
the favicon area.

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Make sure you have a pixel or
tracking code in the funnel if
you’re using paid advertising
(like Facebook or Google).

Reset the stats so that
your page views
(and anyone else
who’s testing)
aren’t counted.

Check that the funnel is on
the right domain, and set up
the root/404 of the domain
(if it’s a new domain you’ve
never used before).

The domain is chosen at

the FUNNEL wide level.
You can select it here.

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As for the root/404 domain, this is
where you set what happens when
someone goes to the root of the
domain (no permalink path on the
end) or if they mistype a URL and it
creates a 404. First go to your
account settings, choose domains….

then select
your domain…

and edit the

root/404 and tell
Clickfunnels what
funnel step you
want to send
people to if they
go to the root or
write the wrong
URL by mistake.

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Funnel Steps
Things to check on each individual page
or funnel step.

Double check that the
SEO and share data
is customized in the
general settings.

Look in the general settings “redirect”
area to make sure there isn’t a redirect
override that you don’t want (this
happens when you clone funnels or
templates and you forget!).

This feature is handy, but maddening if you

accidentally use it! When someone clicks
SUBMIT on a button, regardless of what
that action is on the button, the redirect
override setting makes it so they go to
THAT URL. Make sure there isn’t a URL
in there (unless you meant to do it).

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Check that the SET ACTION
on all your buttons are correct.

Speaking of buttons, check all your

buttons to make sure the set action
is correct. If you just have a sales
page and want the button to take
people to the next page, you
choose NEXT STEP. But, if you are
taking information from people
(email opt-ins or contact info), the
action must be set to SUBMIT
FORM. Then it will automatically
send them to the next step in the
funnel. There are also actions to
show/hide elements, take people
to certain spots on a page, and the
option to write in a custom link.

Check the integrations on your
opt-in forms so that they are
dumping into the right email list,
or segment.

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Check that the pop-up
has been customized.

Some templates have a

pop up and it’s easy to
forget to check it if you’re
not planning on using it.

If you have any sections
hidden, make sure there
are no videos set to
autoplay because they
will start playing when
traffic hits the page.

If you’re creating a
custom URL link on the
page and it manually links
to OTHER funnel steps,
make sure to include the
http(s) in the link. People
trying to make a payment
after clicking on a link
that doesn’t have the “s”
in the http might have
trouble placing an order
because the payment
button appears “stuck.”

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If you’re delivering a digital asset on the first step
of the funnel, check to make sure the asset gets
delivered and has a customizable message.

To have Clickfunnels set up the delivery on an asset,

go into your account settings, upload the asset, and
customize the message.

Then go into the

funnel step, and
set up the asset
delivery on the
squeeze page.

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Look at every step on
mobile to make sure it’s
easy to read and use.

Does each page have
a proper footer with
privacy policy, terms
and conditions, refund
policy, and contact info?

Notate all the
permalink paths
on the end of
your funnel steps
so you can quickly
go to any page in
the funnel.

Check the automations tab
and modify or delete any
emails you aren’t using.

This happens when you

purchase or download
templates – many come
with built in automation.

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Product Steps
Things to check on the products tab on your
order forms, OTO forms, and downsell forms.

If you are using the
affiliate center, make sure
all your products are
checked off correctly as
“commissionable” or not.

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Test the purchase using
Stripe’s test mode.

Be sure to switch it off when

you’re done! Also, if you’re
using Zapier for any third
party integrations or
communication, run a test
purchase so you can double
check those connections are
working properly (it can take
up to 15 minutes for Zapier
to fire if you’ve got the
basic plan).

Check fulfillment email on
the product tab to ensure
that the links to members
area or any other fulfillment
process are set up correctly.

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Check the product
settings where it asks you
to describe the product as
it will appear on the credit
card statement.

Things that can throw people

off are unclear Credit Card
memos (the last field in the
order form), or if you don’t
explain the payment plan!

Double check that you
have the number of
payment plans set to
the right quantity.

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Members Area
Things to check in the members area

Have you restricted
access to the products
using the restrict access
button on the lesson
section heading?

Link up the “support”
link in the top so people
can get in touch with you
for help.

Now that all the above

checklist has been gone
through and each have
been checked off in the
Clickup task we are almost
ready for launch. Please
follow the final checklist
and videos below to
make sure everything
is finalized. Once that
is complete you are
ready to move your
Clickup task, to

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