z1 AdministrativeLawApr2022 100edited

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111111 11111 1 1111111 11111 1 11 1111 11111 lll l 11111 111 1 1 11111 1 1111 0204/2049/0623

II Semester 3 Year LLB.NI Semester 5 Year B.Com. LLBJB.A. LLB.

(Maj-Min.-System)/B.A. LLB./B.B.A. LLB. Examination, April/May 2022
(Dec. 2021)
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer Q. No. 9 and any five of the remaining

2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions
carry 16 marks each.
3. Answers should be written either in English or in
Kannada completely.

Q. No. 1. What is administrative law? Explain the objectives and sources

of administrative law. Marks : 16
era�3d u.)�ct, cwodoecti ? era�3 Uc)�;)� � eai:lT'ltj) �31
�e,)11�� ;)�0�.

Q. No. 2. Discuss the grounds of judicial control over delegated

legislation. Marks : 16
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Q. No. 3. Explain the applicability of the Doctrine of Rule of Law in

Administrative Law. Marks : 16
e?:;3�3d Uc)�;)��M 'av�;)� era�ad 3�c;::Id e�c;::Io:b�ci)c{

Q. No. 4. Narrate the different stages of Fair hearing with decided

cases. Marks: 16
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a. No. 5. Examine the scope of judicial review over Administrative

Discretion. Marks : 16
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Q. No. 6. 'Writ of Certiorari and Prohibition overlap each other' -
Explain. Marks : 16
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a. No. 7. Examine critically the scope of Judicial and Public control over
Public undertakings. Marks: 16
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Q. No. 8. Write note on any two of the following: Marks : 2x8= 16

� '6Q1'� ��CT;)dd.r.) �dtZ!it eJedrc3
w 2-JdcruD.
(a) Ombudsman in India.
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(b) Role of Central Vigilance Commission.

ieo�eo:b 2Z;)7"1ei� �00Jcle7id e:Jv� .
(c) Legislative control over delegated legislation.
��6 00Jcle�3 �cYzj�d �ee)� ��cvvt� N®O�t'@.

Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems: Marks : 2x 10=20

'6Q1'� ��CT;)dM �d� ;rjc:5J1i1Q� edOcEON :
(a) The Government of Karunadu framed a regulation to
restrain the restaurants in the 'A' grade cities working
beyond 9 pm everyday of the week. The objective of the
regulation is the maintenance of law and orders. The
restaurants owners association challenged the regulation.
5dJcvv� CT.)z;;:,6 d ;rjdu,)d� z....odJ d:JQvo:b5�� o5.r.ld�AJ
'A' dZ3F" cm �7id7iQ e)M o5.r.leeJeru7"1<1,,U �dd cwOvM lJ�7"1QQ[c)M
CT.)� 9 7ioeJcm �o3d Uc)CIDF" r);5F&im�o�� cwOWCT;)l1

�'lZ;) �m�d. � d:J�o:b5d erodp

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(b) 'A' applied to the Police Commissioner for a license to
construct the Cinema Theatre - As per the Relevant Act,
the Commissioner of Police before granting the licence
shall comply with the related procedure. The Commissioner
of Police was asked by the Home Minister not to grant
licence to Mr. 'A'. Hence the license was refused. The
action of the Commissioner was challenged. Decide giving
valid reasons.
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(c) According to the Panchayat Raj Act of a State the
Sub-divisional Magistrate was empowered to modify the
order of Panchayat Adalat or cancel its jurisdiction. The
Sub-division Magistrate cancelled the order of the
Panchayat Adalat but maintained the order on some other
violation. The action of the Sub-divisional Magistrate was
questioned. Decide on its validity.
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