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Treasure is an animated film about a man on a quest to find his missing friend through a treasure

map. There were many difficult obstacles in his path, but he kept going until he located his friend.
This animation is aimed to build a spirit of friendship that is very important for everyone. The value
to which we love our friends determines the willingness we are to devote our life and every moment
to be with them. We developed upon the notion of making adventurous and friendship genre that
would have a lasting impact on the audience. To produce this animation, we will work with Toon
Boom Harmony and Clip Studio Paint for 2D animation and Adobe Photoshop for backdrop scenery.
We believe that through the production of this animated film, we will be able to fulfil our goal of
educating people about the importance of friendship in everyone's life.

One disturbing issue that is common in today's society is the lower priority that is given to the value
of true friendships. The issue at hand is not primarily the lack of friendships but rather is the general
lack of regard for the worth that they have in themselves. Friends are more than just companions;
they are closest to us after our families and will support and encourage us throughout our lives. They
are also our comfort zone and the people we will turn to in times of need. The aim is to encourage a
greater understanding and admiration for the unique value of true friendships in our community.


1. To create educational initiative through animated film that emphasize the value of true
2. to encourage people, especially those who do not have or value friends, that a friend can
truly be important.
3. To promote a way of life that values friendships for their lasting value and sincerity rather
than just for friendship's sake.
4. To showcase and entertain the audience with the 2D animation we produced during our final

Mood Board Colour Pallet

Artwork Style

Place Setting

The story begins with Erin, who is overcome with grief over Mark's disappearance. A twist occurs
when she comes across a clue that is sensibly disguised as a treasure map. She has an intuitive
feeling that this newfound guide will lead her to Mark's location.

Thus began his journey to reunite with his friend, which was marked by a series of formidable
challenges that tested his endurance. A chance encounter with a stray cat along the way blossomed
into an unexpected friendship, with the feline becoming a loyal companion throughout his tough
mission. He kept going, overcoming each obstacle in his path, until he arrived at the desired location
of the treasure. However, the journey was far from over, as menacing monsters stood guard.
Unafraid, he engaged in a fierce battle, and despite the overwhelming odds, he skillfully defeated the
creatures, emerging victorious in the end.

With the battle over, a shadowy figure emerged from the shadows, revealing himself to be none
other than Mark. Erin rushed towards him, embracing him tightly, overcome with joy and relief. The
reunion was a touching moment that marked the end of their separation and the start of their
shared triumph. Mark and Erin, united once more, unlocked the long-awaited treasure.

Act 1:

Two weeks have already passed. Erin was devastated by Mark's disappearance. Erin returned to his
cluttered residence after answering the police's questions while investigating. Erin put on a coat
because it was cold at night. As he moved through the living room, he noticed a photo of himself and
Mark from the time when they enjoyed exploring and searching for treasure. Erin smiled slightly as
he remembered. He examined the back of the image and discovered a piece of paper with a treasure
map on it. The treasure was previously in their plans but was never found. Erin had the impression
that Mark had gone seeking the treasure without him. He eventually chose to set out to the treasure
location in the hopes of locating Mark.

Act 2:

Erin started his expedition by making his way through the thick woodland. He quickly reopened the
map to confirm that he was headed in the correct direction. The sound of leaves rustling suddenly
reached his ears. Erin follows the sound and discovers a cat. After giving the cat some food, Erin
ignored it and carried on. The cat trailed after him. Erin had numerous difficulties and challenges
along the route. Among these include crossing a flimsy log bridge, leaping between dangerously far-
off places, escaping from wild creatures, running out of food and water, and so forth. After arriving
near the treasure area, Erin was confronted by a large, wicked creature that guarded the treasure
location as soon as he got close to it. The monster was extremely strong, and Erin was initially unable
to defeat it. He hit the floor. The cat came over to him. Nevertheless, He found strength in the
memories of Mark and their time spent together. He stood up and continued to battle the creature
until He was victorious.

Act 3:

He caught a glimpse of a man approaching him. Erin raced to him and hugged him when Mark’s face
became clearer. They eventually reunited and opened the treasure together.

Title: Treasure

An enticing animated film capturing the journey of a determined man
on a quest to find his lost friend, guided by mysterious clue hidden
within a treasure map.
Key characters:
•25 years old
•An explorer who is brave and resilience

•25 years old
•Disappeared weeks ago

Plot Summary:


Erin is dealing with grief because of Mark's disappearance. She come across a clue disguised as a
treasure map. She embarks on a journey filled with hope and determination to find Mark.


Erin began his journey through a dense forest, double-checking the map for the right direction. He
heard rustling leaves and found a cat. After feeding it, Erin continued, and the cat followed him. On
his route, Eren came across a flimsy log bridge hanging over a raging river. He carefully navigated
each step, the tension heightened by the knowledge that a misstep could send him plunging into the
raging waters below.


Eren found himself in dangerous circumstances as a relentless pack of wolves pursued him, forcing
him to use every ounce of his physical prowess in a chaotic sprint, desperately attempting to
overcome and escape them.


In the valley, he discovered a gap between two cliffs. In his imagination, he attempted to jump and
use a rope to reach the other side, but he soon realized there was a bridge right next to it and
crossed it instead.


Facing menacing monsters guarding the treasure, he fearlessly battled against overwhelming odds
and emerged victorious. As the battle concluded, a shadowy figure emerged, revealing himself to be
Mark. Erin, overwhelmed with joy and relief, rushed to embrace him. The heartfelt reunion marked
the end of their separation and the beginning of their shared triumph. United once more, Mark and
Erin unlocked the long-awaited treasure.

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