Compliance Checklist Against The Govt of Sindh SOPs On COVID-19

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NO.SO(Jud-I) HD/8-1(04)/2020-Corona.

Objective: To ensure that a formal process exists to comprehensively identify regulatory requirements for control of COVID-19 at all of our workplaces, through systematic way. This will also give assurance that UEP is operating its business very
consciously in such challenging times while respecting and complying all legal requirements.

Field/ Location
Team Leader :
Audited by: Team Member 1:
Team Member 2:
Executive Summary:

Clause Inspection / Audit Check Item Yes/No Remarks Action SPA Target

A. General Directions

A.1 Are activities/operations of your Company in Permitted Business?

A.2 No person is presents at facility without any valid reason?

A.3 Is a distance of 3 feet maintained between individuals in groups? Site specific audit required

A.4 Is compliance observed for travelling in car by only 2 Persons?

Is there compliance of wearing mask by every one all the time. Is this compliance is
A.5 also duly verified? Further, check what audits or documented requirements are in place
for using the Mask in public area?
Verify the Process and check compliance
A.6 Does there any assurance process exist?
Are there Adequate arrangements for hand disinfection by use of hand sanitizers (that
meet minimum standard of containing at least 70% alcohol).

Is there mechanism available for the thorough Hand washing with soap and water for
A.8 Site specific audit required
20 seconds?

B. Factory/ Workplace Measures

1. General

Are workers and staff properly briefed on the Covid- 1 9?

B.1.1 This awareness is expected to include spread of disease, required precautions,
symptoms of COVID-19 and required steps of self-isolation. Interview
B.1.2 Are instructions and awareness posters displayed at prominent places and at entrance
Site specific audit required
for the visitors in Urdu, Sindhi and English?
B.1.3 Greeting without handshake and physical contact in any manner is actively

B.1.4 Are Thermal guns provided and used at the entrance to screen the entrants? Persons
Site specific audit required
with high temperature or flue like symptoms and cough should not be allowed

Are Entry & Exit points properly managed with sufficient staff?
B.1.6 Is there sufficient availability of hand-sanitizers or ideally hand washing facility at the
Site specific audit required
entrance/ exit gates and at office/workplace?
Is there trained medical staff/doctor for screening? Site specific audit required

B.1.8 Is there record/register maintained of ALL the personnel engaged in any form of
Site specific audit required
activity at that premises?

2.Distancing Measures:

The worksite is being operated with minimum workforce required to sustain the
B.2.1 operation and by releasing rest of the people for work at home strategy?

Are all employees or workers engaged for the activities at worksite less than age of 55
Have you reduced congestion by implementing staggered I phased arrival, departure,
and break times, where required?
There are strict arrangement of maintaing social distancing of >3ft, by ensuring ques at
B.2.4 all places of entry or exit and common gathering by defined floor markings and
dedicated staff?

3.Workplace Cleanliness: Site specific audit required

Is there sufficient availability and compliance of masks and hand gloves by

B.3.1 Site specific audit required
Are the items that are touched/ used by multiple users properly disinfected by dedicated
staff, after every use? The examples of such items are door handles, copy
B.3.2 Site specific audit required
machines/printers, break rooms, remotes, light switches, telephones, keyboards and
equipment etc?

B.3.3 Is floor cleaned on regular basis with disinfectant before and after every shift? Site specific audit required

B.3.4 Is there proper ventilation of workplaces ensured? Site specific audit required

B.3.5 Is there established mechanism for waste disposal? Site specific audit required

4.Other areas/ workplaces: Site specific audit required

Is there enough space and floor markings provided during lunch or other breaks for
Is it ensured that Prayer area have no mats/rugs, and only limited persons pray at one

B.4.3 Are same measures of distancing adopted at Cooking places/mess as applicable?

The measures include floor markings for those serving as well as those being served
and use of disposable gloves, masks and head cover by the cook & serving persons.

Are similar measures of awareness, compliance, cleanliness, disinfection ensured in

living camps?
Are there arrangements of isolation for symptomatic/ suspected individuals for further
screening/testing and/or transfer to a health facility?

B.4.7 Are the floors wiped & cleaned before and after every prayer?

5. Visitors Control: Site specific audit required

For unavoidable visitors, is there any designated visitor office which is also disinfected
after every use? Verify the Process and check compliance

B.5.2 Have significant measures been taken to reduce the unnecessary visitors?

Does the Proper screening /disinfection process exists and complied for unavoidable

B.5.4 Are visitors restricted to the concerned plave/work only?

6.Responsibility: Verify the record and Site specific audit

B.6.1 Does the company ensures the compliance of government Company stated guidelines
thru regular inspection of premises?
Are staff/ persons at the facility properly briefed? Do theycomply the precautions of
Covid-19 spread, preventive steps/ measures against the spread?

Are there Necessary instructions/ protocols prepared in the light of these SOPs for
ensuring compliance by all concerned?

C. Transportation of Human Resource

For Vehicle engaged/hired/contracted by Company: Verify the Process and check compliance

Is there intimation at the office of the DC, SSP and Labour Department for the vehicle
used for company business including its Make, reg. no., model, capacity and color.

Are vehicles for workers/staff approved by DC in coordination with the SSP(s) who shall
maintain such list?
Does boarding and disembarking a vehicle maintains well-spaced queue for distance of
over 3 feet / 1 meter all the time

On the vehicle, is there any banner pasted/ displayed at a visible place describing the
name of company/office/ industry with its location including rental/company owned?

For Company Vehicles including rental vans???On the vehicle, is there any banner
C.5 pasted/ displayed at a visible place describing the name of company/office/ industry
with its location including rental/company owned?
Does the vehicle carry specific instructions related to preventive measures for COVID-
19 infection.?
Do all persons inside the vehicle wear protective face masks all the time while
C.8 Is vehicle properly ventilated While travelling to and from the worksite?
Is the vehicle disinfected by using recommended disinfectant spray and washed clean
at­least once daily?

D. Goods Transportation into a workplace

Verify the Process and check compliance
Are the material delivery vehicles completely sanitized and disinfected at the entry
D.1 Site specific audit required
Is there a mechanism for health screening (temp,flu, cough and muscular pain) of
drivers and other staff of material transfer vehicle?
The ppl pinvoled in the manual handling are using the required gears including Proper
head gear, gloves gown and masks ?

FIFO is used by ensuring the minimum time of isolation for proper disinfection of the

E. Further Instructions

Has the undertaking of compliance by President (Owner/CEO) of company submitted to

concerned DC with with copies, thereof, to Home, Labour and Industries department?
The undertaking will include detailed particulars of all the persons who will be
working/present at any time of the operation.

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