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Mistral Large: Mistral AI’s Multilingual AI Transforming Coding

and Math


Mistral Large is the latest flagship Large Language Model (LLM)

developed by Mistral AI, a Paris-based AI startup that is gradually
building an alternative to OpenAI and Anthropic. The model was first
made available on Azure and the Mistral AI platform in February 2024,
attracting thousands of developers and researchers to try it out. The
development of Mistral Large marks a significant milestone in the
expansion of Mistral AI, propelling its innovative research and practical
applications to new customers everywhere.

Key Features of Mistral Large

Mistral Large is a marvel in the realm of AI, a state-of-the-art reasoning

and knowledge model that stands out in the crowd. It employs a unique
architecture and an innovative training methodology, pushing the
boundaries of what AI can achieve. With the capacity to handle up to

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32K tokens, it is a powerhouse in generating, reviewing, and

commenting on code, providing support for all mainstream programming
languages. This makes it an invaluable tool for developers across the

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But that’s not all. Mistral Large is designed with a multilingual approach,
offering unparalleled performance (as shown in figure above) in English,
French, German, Spanish, and Italian. It doesn’t stop there, though. It
also extends its linguistic prowess to dozens of other languages,
delivering high accuracy and fluency. This makes Mistral Large a truly
global AI model, breaking down language barriers and fostering global

Benefits of Using Mistral Large

The benefits of using Mistral Large are manifold. For developers and
researchers, it can be a game-changer, enhancing productivity and
sparking creativity. By offering relevant suggestions, feedback, and
solutions, it can help speed up workflows and generate new ideas. It
also bolsters accuracy and reliability by scrutinizing inputs and outputs to
ensure they meet the desired specifications and standards. This can
help users avoid errors and inconsistencies, ensuring high-quality

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results. Furthermore, Mistral Large can help users craft engaging and
personalized content for their audiences. By adapting their tone, style,
and language to suit their preferences and needs, it can help create
content that truly resonates with the audience. This can lead to
increased customer satisfaction and engagement, making Mistral Large
a valuable asset for any organization.

Performance Evaluation with other models

Mistral Large, the crown jewel of Mistral AI, has made waves in the AI
industry with its advanced capabilities. It has been put to the test on
numerous benchmarks, demonstrating robust performance, especially in
coding and mathematical tasks. For example, it outperformed its
competitors on standardized evaluation sets for coding tasks like
HumanEval (second only to GPT-4) and MBPP. It also topped the charts
on Mathematics benchmarks like GSM8K.

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When compared to other models, Mistral Large has been hailed as a

formidable contender, rubbing shoulders with giants like OpenAI’s
GPT-4, Anthropic’s Claude 2, and Google’s Gemini Pro. It has also been
juxtaposed with ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude. Despite the intense
competition, Mistral Large has managed to carve a unique space for

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itself with its distinctive features and capabilities.

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Please refer to the link provided at the end of the article to learn more
about various benchmarks and it's corresponding results.

Model Variations

Mistral AI’s OSS models, Mixtral-8x7B and Mistral-7B, were added to the
Azure AI model catalog in December 2023. These models are
open-source and free to use for anyone who wants to explore the
capabilities of Mistral AI. Mixtral-8x7B is a hybrid model that combines
eight different experts, each specialized in a different domain, such as
code, math, science, or literature. Mistral-7B is a general-purpose model
that can handle a wide range of tasks and domains. The addition of
Mistral Large to the Mistral AI collection of models in the Azure AI model
catalog marks the expansion of the company’s offerings. Mistral Large is
a premium model that requires a subscription to access and use. It is the

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most advanced and powerful model in the Mistral AI portfolio, offering

superior performance and functionality.

Architectural Brilliance of Mistral Models

Mistral models, such as the flagship Mistral Large and its sibling Mistral
7B, demonstrate the power of innovative architecture and training
methodology to achieve remarkable performance in natural language
processing. They use a decoder-only Transformer, a design choice that
empowers them to master various tasks and domains. This architecture
cleverly balances high performance with memory optimization, using
attention mechanisms and caching strategies that make them faster and
better than larger models.

One of the key architectural breakthroughs in Mistral models is the

Grouped Query Attention (GQA), which boosts the inference time by
lowering the number of attention computations compared to standard full
attention. Another impressive feature is the Sliding Window Attention
(SWA), which enables Mistral models to handle longer text sequences
with minimal memory usage. These architectural breakthroughs make
Mistral models highly efficient and powerful.

Improvements over Predecessors

Mistral Large is an innovator and trailblazer in the AI industry. It bridges

the gap between pioneering research and real-world solutions. Mistral
Large improves upon its predecessors, Mistral Small, Mistral of experts,
and size-wise Mistral 7B, Mistral 8B, in terms of reasoning capabilities
and multilingual proficiency. It excels in understanding and processing
complex information, such as long documents, multiple sources, or
ambiguous queries. It also adapts to different languages and contexts,
such as formal or informal, technical or conversational, or
domain-specific or general.

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Some of the improvements that Mistral Large offers are:

● Enhanced reasoning and knowledge: Mistral Large can perform

complex reasoning and inference tasks, such as answering
questions, solving problems, or explaining concepts. It can also
access and integrate a large and diverse knowledge base, such as
Wikipedia, news articles, or scientific papers.
● Improved code and math: Mistral Large can generate, review,
and comment on code and math with high accuracy and quality. It
can also handle various coding and math languages.
● Expanded multilingualism and translation: Mistral Large can
handle more languages and dialects than its predecessors. It can
also translate between any pair of languages with high accuracy
and fluency.

Novel Use Cases

Mistral Large enables novel use cases that were not possible or feasible
before. Its precise information recall from large documents allows users
to find the exact information they need from a vast amount of text. Its
precise instruction-following enables developers to design their
moderation policies and rules for their content or platforms. Some of the
novel use cases that Mistral Large enables are:

● Document analysis and summarization: Mistral Large can

analyze and summarize long and complex documents, such as
legal contracts, research papers, or business reports. It can extract
the key points, insights, and conclusions from the text and present
them in a concise and clear way.
● Content moderation and filtering: Mistral Large can moderate
and filter content based on user-defined criteria, such as
keywords, topics, or sentiments. It can also flag or remove

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inappropriate or harmful content, such as spam, hate speech, or

fake news.
● Content generation and personalization: Mistral Large can
generate and personalize content for different purposes and
audiences, such as blogs, newsletters, or social media posts. It
can also adapt its tone, style, and language to the user’s
preferences and needs.

Model Use

Mistral Large is available through Models-as-a-Service (MaaS) that

offers API-based access and token-based billing for LLMs. Developers
can provision an API endpoint in a matter of seconds and try out the
model in the Azure AI Studio playground or use it with popular LLM app
development tools like Azure AI prompt flow and LangChain.

Some of the steps to use Mistral Large are:

1. Sign up for a Mistral AI account and subscribe to Mistral Large.

2. Create an API key and endpoint for Mistral Large.
3. Send requests to the endpoint with your inputs and parameters.
4. Receive responses from the endpoint with your outputs and


Mistral Large is a significant advancement in the field of AI. Its unique

features and capabilities make it a valuable asset for a wide range of
applications. As we look forward to future developments, Mistral Large
stands as a testament to the potential of AI to transform our world.
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