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Goleman (2016: 56-57) states that there are five components of emotional intelligence,

1) Recognizing one's emotions is self-awareness in recognizing feelings when they
occur. The ability to pay attention to feelings is a high level of sensitivity for
oneself so that one can use this sensitivity to make decisions easier.
2) Managing emotions means handling feelings so that feelings can be expressed
appropriately. This can happen if you have the skills to recognize emotions.
3) Motivating yourself means managing your emotions to move and guide you in
achieving your goals, helping you take initiative and persevere in the face of
4) Recognizing other people's emotions or empathy, namely the ability to feel what
other people feel, being able to understand other people's points of view, building
relationships with mutual trust and harmonizing with other people or society.
5) Building relationships, namely the ability to control and manage one's emotions
well when dealing with other people, being able to understand and act wisely in
relationships between people.
No Indicator
1 Self-awareness a. Recognize and feel your own emotions
b. Recognize the causes of feelings that arise
c. Recognize feelings that influence actions
2 Recognizing Emotions a. Able to manage anger well and be tolerant of
b. Able to express anger without fighting
c. Able to control aggressive behavior that is
destructive to self and others
d. Have positive feelings
e. Has the ability to overcome mental tension
f. Able to overcome feelings of loneliness and
anxiety in relationships
3 Utilise a. Have a sense of responsibility
emotionally b. Able to focus attention on the task at hand
productive c. Able to control yourself and not be impulsive.
4 Empathy a. Able to accept other people's points of view
b. Have sensitivity to other people's feelings
c. Able to listen to others
5 Building relationships a. Can resolve conflicts with others
b. Have the ability to communicate
c. Have a friendly or sociable attitude
d. Pay attention to social interests (like to help
others) and be able to live in harmony with the
e. Be happy to share feelings and work together
f. Be democratic in interacting with other
Source: Yusuf (2006: 113)

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