Tapestry of Duality

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The Tapestry of Duality Welcome Beloved Ones, this is your moment, your sacred moment in time.

This is your space that you have created for you. I would remind you that not only is this sacred moment your creation, but your entire life is your creation. All that you experience is not thrust upon you by some outer hand, be it a god, alien, or human. All you experience is your creation and yours alone, no one or nothing else has created your life for you. And until you see this, until you really see it, not in the mind, but see it in your heart and in your spirit you will resist accepting your responsibility for your life and all you experience. You will continue to see your circumstances as something inflicted upon you by some outside source, thereby giving your responsibility over to another until you really know that your circumstances and your life are your creation. I want to stress here that I do not mean a mental knowing, but the knowing of your divine intelligence, the soft voice of your inner being, the sound of your own Soul. It is easy indeed for these concepts to become mental where they become stuck and then they are just something else the mind can use to deceive you and keep playing its games. When you really hear your own Soul voice say that your life is truly your creation you can begin to accept that truth. As long as you give the responsibility for your circumstances to another being whether it be a god, angel, alien, human, or an organization such as a government or religion, you will have no control over your circumstances. I do not mean control here as in a form of manipulation and force, but this 'control' I speak of is you being in charge consciously of your circumstances and realizing that in the past you have let your 'charge' or control go to others. Why would that be you may ask, that you would give over your responsibility and 'control' to another? Why would you give charge of your life to another? That is indeed an appropriate question to ask, for responsibility for ones own circumstances and taking charge of one's own life is a large issue for humanity in these times. Many seem to want someone else to do things for them, many seem to look at their circumstances and tell themselves they would never create something like the circumstances they are living in. Why would you create a life of poverty, sickness, depression, addiction, loneliness, abuse, etc.? Why indeed! I will tell you that it is not until you accept the fact that you created it that you can change it. If you are always hiding from your responsibility and your true abilities you will never create anything different. So I would say to you Beloved Ones to rise up and take your responsibility for your own life. Is it your life, or is it another's? I would suggest that if the life you live is yours that you are in charge of it. You are in charge of your life because it is your life, it is your creation. Your life is indeed yours and is not another's that they have authority and charge over it and you. You alone have charge over your life. Take a deep and conscious breath with me Beloved Ones - deeply into your core - and honestly ask yourself the question. Why have I not taken charge of my life? Why and how have I given over my responsibility to another? We have all done this at one time or another, there is no judgment here, there is only loving support and acceptance. Breathe deeply and receive your answer. Breathe deeply and know that you are god, and there is no other that has authority over you. You are your own authority, your life is your responsibility and your creation alone. So whatever your reason for ignoring your responsibility, know in this moment you can release that with your eternal breath. Let go of the lies you have been told that you need someone to direct

your life. I will tell you this, that most often the belief that underlies and hypnotically overlays the lack of taking responsibility for your life is that you really don't believe you have the ability to take charge of your life. Therefore if you believe the lie that you are somehow lacking the ability to direct your life you will give your divine responsibility over to some outside source that you believe does have the ability. But do you see how this belief creates a state of dependence and disempowerment? If you are in fact god, and you are! Then why do you carry the belief that you do not have the ability to take charge of your life? You see the belief is merely an overlay in mass consciousness, and we all are implanted with it upon birth into this realm of Earth. Again there is no judgment here, this was merely a function of duality. Because it is such a heavy overlay we even carry it to the other realms when we cross over, which only strengthens the belief and allows the cycle to continue of keeping humans under the impression that they are not god and they must rely on some outside authority with greater abilities than they to run their life. I tell you this Beloved Ones, to live like this is slavery. You become a slave and a prisoner when you succumb to the belief that you do not have the ability to take charge of your life. To live by giving your divine authority over to another is no living at all, it is simply a meager existence, slavery, and totally unbecoming to the Divine One that you truly are. So I would ask you that if you know that you are god and the creator of your circumstances, does the belief that you don't have the ability to take charge of your life serve you at all? I would say that the only way it serves you is to keep you under someone else's control and to keep you dependent on another. I would ask you this also, is god dependent on another? Does god allow another to manipulate and control its divine self? If god does not, then why do you? You are god, remember! And here I use the word control as meaning manipulation and force with agenda. The difference in this control and the control I spoke of previously as in you being in charge is one of agenda. Control with agenda will be manipulative and forceful, even very subtle and sneaky at times in order to try to disguise the agenda. Control with no agenda is simply you being in charge of your life with no force or manipulation, only with the easy and graceful natural flow of Spirit. Agenda is a concept and tool of duality, it is not natural, as it takes force to direct it, and force is also a part of duality. When something has to be manipulated to get a desired result it is merely old energy duality in action and although it has had its place in the past, you are quickly coming to the point where you see that agenda and manipulative control are no longer needed. You are growing past that Beloved Ones, past the need for someone else to tell you which way to turn and what to do. You are coming to the point you no longer need anything, including any form of guidance from others. You are realizing and beginning to experience that you are your own guidance and you are truly all that you need. The time of reliance on others is over, it is time for you to accept being in charge of your own life and circumstances. Relying on another, whether they be in human form or angelic, is merely giving your divine authority over to them rather than you stepping up to live as who you truly are. Breathe that in Beloved Ones - breathe in all that you are for the only thing missing from your life is the fullness of you. Your divine Self sits ready to embody. There is no greater thing than the total embodiment of the Soul. Your reality truly is ready to manifest. Only breathe it in. Take a deep and eternal breath and allow the breath to carry you into realms long forgotten, into the magic place of your own Soul, into your own eternal realm. Expand with your breath within your eternal realm, let your breath saturate every cell of your body, let your Soul saturate within

you, drown in your own Soul for that is the love of your life. Your Soul is your only mate, your Soul is all you need and sits ready within your sacred space to permeate every part of your physical reality. So with your deep and conscious breath saturate every atom and molecule with you, let your breath carry you into the divine blending of human and Soul so that in joy you can live as you are intended to live, in freedom from all manipulation and fear based agenda. For you see all agenda is ultimately fear based. Others are afraid something might get out of hand or that something horrible will happen if there are no controls or limits, agenda in other words. But I tell you that the agendas, controls, and limits are what keeps you locked in your prison. They are what keeps you bound to an old and outdated, unsatisfying existence. You won't allow yourself your freedom due to fear of something 'bad' happening. I would remind you Beloved Ones, there can no thing 'bad' happen! Take a chance, which is no 'chance' at all. Be courageous as the Angel that I know you to be! Take a deep breath and begin to release yourself from all the controls so you can live in true freedom. I would encourage you to look closely at any agenda in your life to ascertain if it still serves your best interest. I would say that any limit, whether it be agenda, rule, doctrine, etc. does not serve the expanding and evolving Spirit that you are. Any limit will tie down your energies and if your energies are tied down they are not expanding and remember energies must move and one way or another they will. Remember too that Spirit (You) are evolving and expanding, and in order to do that energies must move. And so I would remind you that each of you are the creator of your life. Each of you have woven your own tapestry of duality expressly for this time and place, and also within the tapestry you have woven your own gifts. You have placed the energies within your tapestry to assist and empower your transformation. Look closely at your tapestry to discern your own unique gifts that you yourself have woven there. This tapestry is your weaving, it belongs to no one else and within each tapestry is a precious gift. So what do I mean by this metaphor? Within each circumstance is a gift, that when you realize you created the circumstance it can fully work for you. For example, and I will use Anah here, who is my channeler. She lived in an abusive relationship for many years and only came to see the gift within it a short time ago. The gift that she wove within the tapestry of that relationship was the motivation to get to the place on the planet where she fits, where she belongs. Without the desire to get out of that imbalance of energies and lack of support she may never have come to the place where she could live her full potential. When she began to see the reason she was in that relationship it began to work for her. Rather than fighting against it and resisting she began to allow the energies that she had placed there to work for her. There was no force or manipulation involved, it was a natural process once she recognized the truth in the situation. Once she saw the gift she had woven in her tapestry and accepted that she had put it there and created the circumstance of the abusive relationship is when the energies began to serve her. That is what I mean by the gift within your tapestry. You have each woven a gift within the tapestry of each circumstance. So it would serve you to look closely at your tapestry to discern your gift, for there is indeed a gift within each one, sometimes well hidden and disguised, but the more aware you become and the more you accept the responsibility for weaving your tapestry in the first place the more visible the gift within it becomes. So with that Beloved Ones I say to you to go in peace, breathe deeply of your eternal awareness

that is ever expanding and become aware of your precious gifts you wove within your tapestries for they are put there for you by you to empower and encourage you in this most intense transformation. Do not be dismayed, for all is well! Your gifts are present, your tools are available. All you need do is use them. Breath by Breath Beloved Ones I am!

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