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Prevalence of substance misuse in first-episode psychosis

R Cantwell, J Brewin, C Glazebrook, T Dalkin, R Fox, I Medley and G Harrison

The British Journal of Psychiatry 1999 174: 150-153

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BRITISH J O U R N A L OF PSYCHIATRY ( 1 9 9 9 ) . 174. 110-153

Prevalence of substance misuse in 1997). One hundred and sixty-eight cases

of psychosis met the inclusion criteria and
were entered in the study. Subjects were
first-episode psychosis interviewed using the Schedules for Clinical
Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN;
World Health Organization, 1994). Where
TIM DALKIN, RICHARD FOX, IAN MEDLEY and GLYNN HARRISON it was not possible to carry out a direct inter-
view with the patient, the Item Group
Checklist (IGC) was completed according
to SCAN rules, using case notes and any
other information available for the patient.
If consented to, in each case an interview
Background Reports suggest a high Substance misuse in functional psychosis is with an informant using a modified version
prevalence of substance misuse in common (Regier et al, 1990; Selzer & of the Personal and Psychiatric History
Lieberman, 1993) and may be increasing Schedule (PPHS; Jablensky et al, 1992) was
psychotic disorders but few studies
over time (Cuffel, 1992). Use is associated also carried out. This included a schedule
examine comorbidity at onset of psychosis. with greater severity of symptoms and for coding substance use and misuse. Rat-
Aims To identify the prevalence and poorer prognosis (Drake & Wallach, ings were performed by a team of four senior
1989; Cuffel et al, 1994; Linszen et al, registrars trained in use of the SCAN. Diag-
pattern of substance use and misuse in
1994). Most existing studies draw subjects nostic meetings with either G.H. or I.M. as-
first-episode psychosis, and relationships from populations with varying durations cribed diagnoses according to the ICD-10
with diagnosis, mode of presentation and of illness (Duke et al, 1994; Menezes et (World Health Organization, 1993). Pre-
demographic variables. al, 1996). Those that focus on first-episode study reliability was established for the
psychosis are almost exclusively North SCAN and elements of the PPHS, including
Method Consensus diagnoses for 168 American. Rates for substance misuse in the substance use and misuse codings, using
subjects presenting with first-episode these cohorts have ranged between 20 and joint interviews and video- and audio-tape
psychosis were made using ICD- I0 30% (Strakowski et al, 1993; Hambrecht recordings of interviews with subjects and
& Hafner, 1996). We aimed to identify informants (Brewin et al, 1997).
diagnostic criteria. Information on
the prevalence and pattern of substance A diagnosis of substance use or misuse
substance use and misuse was obtained use and misuse in first-episode psychosis was made using information obtained from
from multiple sources.We examined and relationships with diagnosis, mode of the SCAN andlor PPHS. Drug use was
associationsbetween substance misuse, presentation and other demographic vari- defined as use of illicit substances at least
diagnosis and demographic factors. ables. We hypothesised that substance once monthly in the preceding year. Drug
misuse would be associated with male misuse was defined as daily use for a period
Results Criteria for drug use, drug gender and earlier age at onset of psychosis, of at least 2 weeks over the preceding year.
misuse or alcohol misuse were met by and a more acute and behaviourally dis- Alcohol misuse was defined as daily use for
37%ofthe sample.One-year prevalence turbed onset. We anticipated an increase in a period of at least 2 weeks in the preceding
substance-related psychotic disorders com- year associated with evidence of significant
rates were 19.5%(drug misuse) and 11.7%
pared with previous research that used simi- psychological or social harm, or dependence.
(alcohol misuse).Thirteen subjects (8.4%) lar methodology for case ascertainment. Analyses were performed using SPSS for
received a primary diagnosis of substance- Windows. The test was employed for
related psychotic disorder; a significant categorical data and t-test for continuous
increase compared with an earlier cohort METHOD data. In addition, the relationship between
candidate predictor variables and the
from the same catchment area. Drug
Over a 24-month period (1992-1994) all dependent variable 'drug misuse' was
misuse was associated with younger age patients aged 16-64 yean presenting for explored using a logistic regression analysis.
of onset of psychosis, male gender and the first time with psychotic symptoms to Predictor variables were chosen based on
non-African-Caribbean ethnicity. the psychiatric services in Nottingham were previous research findings suggesting asso-
identified using the World Health Organ- ciations between demographic factors or
Conclusions This study confirms high ization (WHO) psychosis screen (Jablensky diagnosis and substance use. They included
rates of substance misuse at onset of et al, 1992). All potential points of contact age at onset, gender, African-Caribbean
psychosis.Thereis evidencefor an increase with secondary psychiamc services were ethnicity and diagnosis of schizophrenia.
regularly surveyed and potential cases
in diagnosis of substance-related psychotic
screened and included in the study if entry RESULTS
disorders over time.Those most at riskof criteria were met. Substance misuse was
substance misuse are young males. not an exclusion criterion, but subjects were Characteristics of the sample
excluded if their conditions met the criteria One hundred and sixty-eight subjects met
Declaration of interest Funding
for intoxication or withdrawal states. the criteria for first-contact psychotic
provided byTrent Regional Health Further details of study design and entry cri- disorders. Face-to-face interviews were
Authority. teria are provided elsewhere (Brewin et al, achieved for 71% of the sample. For the
S U B S T A N C E M I S U S E IN F I R S T - E P I S O D E P S Y C H O S I S

remainder, data were coded according to When those using substances were male gender and non-African-Caribbean
SCAN rules for the IGC based on infor- compared with those not using, the sub- ethnicity (x2=31.632, 3 d.f., P < 0.0001).
mation from case notes and informants. stance users were significantly more likely
No data on substance misuse were avail- to be male (2=15.35, P<0.0001) and of Comparison with DOSMD study
able for 14 of the 168 cases. No significant younger age (t=-6.63, P<0.001, 95%
An earlier cohort had been assembled in
differences were found for age, gender or CI= - 11.875 to -6.418). These difkrences
ethnicity when those with missing data Nottingham as part of the WHO Determi-
were present across all diagnostic sub-
were compared with the rest of the cohort. nants of Outcome of Severe Mental Disorder
groups, and significantly younger age at
Ten-Country Study (DOSMD; Jablensky et
Table 1 shows the breakdown of cases by onset remained when males alone were
al, 1992). Both groups were obtained using
diagnosis, age, ethnicity and gender. examined. No significant differences were
found between groups with respect to eth- similar methodology and the DOSMD sam-
nicity (9129 African-Caribbean users v. 481 ple was re-rated (I.M., G.H., Peter Mason
(see Acknowledgements)) using ICD-10
125 non-African-Caribbean users), percep-
Substance use and misuse diagnostic criteria. Re-diagnosis was made
tion of dangerousness by family, or mode of
Alcohol misuse was present in 18 subjects blind to original diagnoses and course of ill-
onset, although there was a trend for sub-
(11.7%; 95% CI=7.4-18.5) and drug mis- ness, and the new population adjusted for
stance users to have a shorter duration of
use in 30 subjects (19.5%; 95% CI=14.6- catchment area, enabling direct comparison
symptoms before presentation (21.1 v.
25.9). If those with drug use alone are 39.6 weeks; 2=3.21, P=0.073). When between cohorts (Brewin et al, 1997). Only
added to these two groups, a total of 57 one subject received a diagnosis of sub-
misusers were compared with non-misusers,
patients (37%; 95% CI=28.548) received stance-related psychosis in the original co-
no significant differences were found with
one, or a combination, of these three diag- hort compared with ten from the adjusted
respect to mode of onset. However, misusers
noses (alcohol misuse, drug misuse andlor new sample, giving an unadjusted rate ratio
weie less likely to be of A f r i c a n k b b e a n
drug use). In over 60% of cases, infor- for substance-related psychosis of 9.67
ethnicity (2129 African-Caribbean v. 401
mation from both SCAN and PPHS met (exact binomial 95% CI=1.4-419.6). This
125 non-African-Caribbean $=7.48,
the criteria for substance use or misuse. P<0.007; OR 0.16, 95% CI 0.02-0.73) represents a significant and substantial in-
For the remainder, criteria were met either crease in the rate in the 1992-1994 study
or to have a diagnosis of affective disorder
in subject (SCAN)or informant (PPHS)rat- compared with that of 1978-1980 study.
($=6.65, P<0.01; OR 0.25, 95% CI
ings. Agreement between SCAN and PPHS 0.07-0.82). There was also a trend for the
information achieved kappa value of families of substance misusers to perceive DISCUSSION
0.897 (z=19.93, P < 0.0001). them as more dangerous (2=3.67,
Thirteen subjects (8.4%) received a Methodology
P=O.OSS; OR 2.31, 95% CI 0.89-6.04).
primary diagnosis of substance-related Our results reveal a high prevalence of sub-
psychotic disorder (Flx.5, 12 cases; Flx.7, stance use and misuse in psychosis at first
1 case) (Table 1). Substances used or mis- presentation to psychiatric services. Pre-
used by this group were alcohol alone in Logistic regression vious populations have usually been
two cases, cannabis (two cases) and multi- The variables of age at onset, gender, defined by first admission (Strakowski et
ple substances (nine cases). In the sample diagnosis of schizophrenia and African- a1, 1993; King et al, 1994; Hambrecht &
overall, cannabis was the most commonly Caribbean ethnicity were entered into a Hafner, 1996). It may be argued that such
misused substance, followed by alcohol logistic regression model using a stepwise methodologies fail to reflect accurately the
(Table 2). Although use of other substances forward entry method. When the depen- rates of comorbidity by excluding a particu-
was not uncommon, misuse as defined by dent variable was 'drug misuse', the final larly vulnerable group. In our sample, of
our criteria was rare. model included a younger age at onset, the 154 subjects, 42 (27%) were not

T iI &erkdom of cohort @=154) diagmds. gender, age and ethnicity

- --

Diagnosis (ICD-I 0) Total Male Female Age Ethnicity

n 6) n (%) n (%) Mean (s.d.) White African-Caribbean Other

Substance-related psychosis (Flx)

Schizophrenia (FZO)
Delusional disorder (F22)
Acute psychosis (N)
disorder (N)
Manic psychoses (F30.31)
Depressive psychoses (F32,33)
Other psychoses (Dl, 24,28,29)

Toble 2 Substance misuse comorbidity

Diagnosis(ICD-10) All misuse Alcohol misuse Cannabis misuse Hallucinogen misuse Stimulant misuse Other misuse

n (%ofdiagnostic group) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n

Substame-related psychosis 13 (100) 4 9 0 3 0

Acute and transient psychosis 7 (24.1) I 6 I I 0
Schizophrenia I2 (23.5) 6 8 0 0 0
Affective disorder 7 (1 1.9) 4 5 0 0 0
Delusional disorder 2 (7.7) 2 0 0 0 0
Other psychoses I (16.7) I 0 0 0 0

All diagnoses 42 (27.3) 18 28 I 3 0

admitted within the first month. Fifteen of Although overall prevalence rates for (Harrison et al, 1997). The reasons for this
these (9.7% of the total sample) were substance misuse compare well with the finding remain unclear, and our results pro-
substance users. small number of existing first-episode stu- vide no evidence that culturally sanctioned
There is ample evidence to suggest that dies in this area, our findings suggest lower substance use might be a contributory factor.
relying solely on subjects' descriptions of alcohol misuse. This most likely reflects the Subjects with affective disorders were
substance use leads to under-diagnosis in deliberately restrictive diagnostic criteria significantly less likely to be substance mis-
similar populations (Wilkins et al, 1991; employed. Daily use over a period of at users. This is most likely explained by the
Shaner et al, 1993). Our study design least two weeks, accompanied by evidence higher prevalence of substance misuse
combined subject and informant ratings, of impairment, was required to define among younger males, irrespective of diag-
adding information from notes and workers alcohol misuse. nosis. It differs from the finding by Stra-
involved in the patient's care where an infor- kowski et a1 (1993) that substance abuse/
mant was not available. Such combinations dependence was significantly more common
have been recommended as most accurate in Demographic and in affective than in 'schizophrenic spectrum
assessment (Mueser et al, 1990). It is still diagnostic correlates disorders' (25.3 v. 0% for alcohol abuse/
possible that our restrictive criteria may As in previous reports, substance use and dependence; 16 v. 10% for unspecified drug
have led to an under-diagnosis of comorbid- misuse were significantly associated with abuseldependence). However, numbers of
ity. Other measures in common use are not younger age at first contact and male gen- subjects in their schizophrenia group were
more reliable. Urinalysis, although a useful der. This may simply mirror patterns of very low.
measure, only reflects drug use over the use throughout the general population.
preceding 2-3 days for most substances Such a high level of comorbidity does sug- Mode of onset
and thus is unsuitable for validating reports gest that rates of substance misuse are sig-
Our hypothesis of differences in the mode
of use over longer periods (Maisto et al, nificantly higher than those in the general
of presentation to psychiatric services
1990). For alcohol, biochemical indices of population, although this hypothesis could
among substance users was not confirmed.
liver damage are, in general, less-sensitive not be tested without the recruitment of a
This had been suggested by previous reports
measures of misuse than structured inter- suitable comparison cohort. Claims have
of associations between dual diagnosis and
views (Chick et al, 1993). Hair analysis been made for a 'bringing forward' of the
violent behaviour, increased emergency pre-
was not available to us. In future this may age of onset of schizophrenia in substance
sentations and greater severity of psychotic
provide a more accurate and reliable mea- users (Breakey et al, 1974). Our findings
symptoms. We did, however, find a trend
sure of use (Brewer, 1993). that significant differences in age at onset
towards family perception of greater dan-
Making a diagnosis of substance- remained when only male subjects with
gerousness for substance misusers and for
related psychosis is particularly difficult, schizophrenia were examined lend some
shorter times between first symptom and
given the need to differentiate from acute support to this hypothesis. It is more diffi-
first contact for substance users.
intoxication and other psychoses. Rigorous cult to explain adequately the finding of
diagnostic procedures were supplemented decreased substance misuse, despite similar
by a three-year follow-up study, which de- rates of use, among African-Caribbeans. Comparison with DOSMD study
monstrates that 9/13 subjects retained their Given our restrictive definitions of misuse, We found evidence of increasing prevalence
original diagnosis. Six further subjects who it is unlikely that differing perceptions of of substance-related psychotic disorders
received initial other diagnoses were s u b the presence of misuse among subjects and over time, consistent with there having
sequently reclassified as having substance- their relatives influenced self-reports, been a secular trend, although we cannot
related psychoses. Thus overall, at 3 years, although this cannot be ruled out entirely. comment on prevalence in the intervening
15 subjects had a longitudinal diagnosis of The increased incidence of psychosis period. Blind re-rating of the original sam-
substance-related psychosis (Singh et al, among African-Caribbeans has been docu- ple makes it unlikely that changes in diag-
1998). mented widely and replicated in this cohort nostic habits account for this increase,

misuse in 1-10 is more comprehensive

than that for ICD-9. Nevertheless, it is
possible that the increasing availability
and acceptabilityof substance use in society
may influence the willingness of subjects
and relatives to acknowledge use. Others
have also put forward evidence for an
increase in comorbidity over time (Cuffel,
This study did not examine aetiological
factors for substance use in psychosis.
However, our finding of high rates of use
and misuse at onset of psychosis suggests
that treatment factors alone - such as
medication side-effects - are not sufficient
explanatory variables. Other reasons for
use may include social drift in the pro-
dromal stages of illness, symptom relief
and use to counteract social isolation and
boredom engendered by illness. Substance
use may of course also increase risk of
ROCH CANTWELL. MRCPsych. Department of Psychological Medicine. University of Glasgow; JOHN
BREWIN, MRCPsych.CRlmNE GLAZEBROOK. PhD, Departmentof Psychiatry, University of Nottingham;TIM
W I N . MRCRych. Royal Edinburgh Hospital. MorningsideTerrace. Edinburgh: RICHARD FOX. MRCPsych,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IAN MEDLEY, MKRyrh. Departmentof Psychiatry. Universiiy of Nottingham; GLYNN HARRISON. FRCRych.
Division of Psychiatry, University of Bristol
We thank Dr Peter Mason for help with patient
assessments and re-diagrosisofthe original DOSMD Correspondence: D r R.Cantwell,University Department of Psychological Medicine,Gartnavel Royal
cohort, and Prufessor John Cooper for allowing Hospital. 1055 Great Western Road,Glasgow G12OXH. e-mail: r.cantwell&
access to the original data.
(First nceiwd 9 October 1998, accepted 16 October 1998)


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