Use Case Model For Electronic Health Records

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Christian B.

Cabanela BSCS 3-1A

Use Case Model for Electronic Health Records (EHR) System

Use Case 1: Doctor Reviews Patient's Medical History
Primary Actor: Doctor
Goal: Access all relevant past appointments, diagnoses, medications, and test results for a
Doctor logs into the EHR system.
Doctor searches for the patient using their identification details.
EHR system retrieves and displays the patient's medical history.
Doctor reviews past appointments, diagnoses, medications, and test results.
Doctor may update or add new information if necessary.
Alternative Scenario:

If the patient's records are not found, the system should provide a notification or allow the doctor
to initiate the record creation process.
Use Case 2: Nurse Records Vital Signs

Primary Actor: Nurse

Goal: Record and store vital signs data after taking a patient's temperature.


Nurse logs into the EHR system.

Nurse selects the patient from the list.
EHR system provides an interface to record vital signs.
Nurse enters the measured temperature and any additional vital signs.
System automatically stores the recorded vital signs data.
Alternative Scenario:

If there is an issue with recording vital signs or if the data entered is outside the normal range,
the system should provide appropriate alerts.
Use Case 3: Patient Schedules Appointment Online

Primary Actor: Patient

Goal: Schedule an appointment conveniently through a user-friendly interface.


Patient logs into the EHR system or creates a new account.

Patient navigates to the appointment scheduling section.
System displays available time slots and specialties.
Patient selects a suitable time and confirms the appointment.
System sends a confirmation to the patient.
Alternative Scenario:

If the patient doesn't have internet access, the system should provide alternative methods for
appointment scheduling, such as phone or in-person scheduling.
Use Case 4: Pharmacy Receives Medication Orders Electronically

Primary Actor: Doctor

Goal: Send medication orders directly to the pharmacy for accurate dispensing.


Doctor logs into the EHR system.

Doctor selects a patient and prescribes medication.
System generates an electronic medication order.
Doctor sends the electronic order to the hospital pharmacy.
Pharmacy system receives and processes the order for dispensing.
Alternative Scenario:
If there are allergies or potential drug interactions, the system should provide alerts and suggest
alternative medications.
Challenges and Considerations:

Patient without internet access: Provide alternative methods for appointment scheduling.
Medication allergies or drug interactions: Implement alerts and suggest alternative medications.
Doctor needs records from external healthcare provider: Enable interoperability with external
systems or facilitate manual import of records.
This use case model provides a foundation for the EHR system, addressing critical scenarios and
considerations. Further detailed use case descriptions, system architecture, and error handling
mechanisms would be necessary for comprehensive system development. Please refer to the
attached PDF file for the detailed use case model.**

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