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Q1][MCQs] [ 1 Marks Questions ]

1] Strain energy of a stretched wire is 18 × 10 -3 J and strain energy per unit volume of the same wire
and same cross section is 6 x 10 -3 J/m³. Its volume will be

(A) 3 cm³ (B) 3 m³

(C) 6 m³ (D) 6 cm³

2] The S.I. unit of compressibility is

(A) m2/N (B) Nm2

(C) N/m2 (D) kg/m3

3] The point on stress-strain curve just beyond which strain begins to increase even without increase
in stress is called

(A) elastic point (B) yield point

(C) breaking point (D) neck point

4] Change in dimensions is known as

(A) deformation (B) formation

(C) contraction (D) strain

5] A wooden block of 50 kg is at rest on the table. A force of 70 N is required to just slide the block.
The coefficient of static friction is

(A) 6/7 (B)5/7

(C) 7/35 (D) 1/7

6] The weight of a particle at the centre of the Earth is

(A) infinite (B) zero

(C) same as that at other places (D) greater than at the poles.

7] Acceleration due to gravity above the Earth's surface at a height equal to the radius of the Earth is

(A) 2.5 m/s² (B) 5 m/s²

(C) 9.8 m/s² (D) 10 m/s²

8] Kepler's law of equal areas is an outcome of

(A) conservation of energy (B) conservation of linear momentum

(C) conservation of angular momentum (D) conservation of mass

9] If the kinetic energy of a satellite is 2 x 104 J, then its potential energy will be

(A) -2 × 104 J (B) 4 x 104 J

(C) - 4 × 104 J (D) -104 J

10] The binding energy of a satellite revolving around planet in a circular orbit is 3 x 109 J. Its kinetic
energy is

(A) 6 × 109 J (B) -3 × 109 J

(C) -6 × 10+9 J (D) 3 × 10+9 J

Q2] Answer in one Sentence. [ 1 Marks Question ]

1] Define Poisson’s ratio

2] Name two factors on which the coefficient of friction depends

3] A block of mass 37 kg rests on a rough horizontal plane having coefficient of static friction 0.3.
Find out the least force required to just move the block horizontally

4] What is periodic time of a geostationary satellite?

5] What do you mean by geostationary satellite?

6] State Newton's law of gravitation

7] What are the dimensions of the universal gravitational constant?

8] Determine the gravitational potential of a body of mass 80 kg whose gravitational potential

energy is 5 × 109 J on the surface of the Earth

SECTION – B [ 2 Marks Question ]

1] State the laws of kinetic friction.

2] State the laws of static friction

3] A wire of mild steel having initial length 1.5 m and diameter 0.60 mm gets extended by 6.3 mm
when a certain force is applied to it. If Young's modulus of mild steel is 2.1 × 10¹¹ N/m², calculate
force applied.

4] A steel wire having cross sectional area 1.2 mm² is stretched by a force of 120 N. If a lateral
strain of 1.455 × 10-4 is produced in the wire, calculate the Poisson's ratio.
(Given: Y Steel = 2 × 1011 N/m²)
5] State the conditions for various possible orbits of a satellite depending upon the horizontal speed
of projection

6] Why is a minimum two stage rocket necessary for launching of a satellite?

7] Draw a labelled diagram to show different trajectories of a satellite depending upon the
tangential projection speed.

8] Calculate the value of the universal gravitational constant from the given data. Mass of the Earth =
6 x 1024 kg, Radius of the Earth = 6400 km and the acceleration due to gravity on the surface = 9.8

9] A body weighs 5.6 kg-wt on the surface of the Earth. How much will be its weight on a planet
whose mass is 7 times the mass of the Earth and radius twice that of the Earth's radius?

10] State any four applications of a communication satellite

SECTION – C [ 3 Marks Question ]

1] State Hooke's law. Draw a labelled graph of tensile stress against tensile strain for a metal wire
upto the breaking point. In this graph show the region in which Hooke's law is obeyed.

2] Calculate the value of acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Mars if the radius of Mars =
3.4 × 103 km and its mass is 6.4 × 1023 kg.

3] If the Earth were made of wood, the mass of wooden Earth would have been 10% as much as it is
now (without change in its diameter). Calculate escape speed from the surface of this Earth.

4] What is critical velocity? Obtain an expression for critical velocity of an orbiting satellite. On what
factors does it depend?

5] State Kepler's three laws of planetary motion.

6] Define strain energy. Derive an expression for strain energy per unit volume of the material of a

Section – D [ 4 Marks Question]

1] Define time period of a satellite. Obtain an expression for the period of a satellite in a circular orbit
round the Earth . Show that the square of the period of revolution of a satellite is directly
proportional to the cube of the orbital radius.

2] Define the binding energy of a satellite. Obtain an expression for binding energy of a satellite
revolving around the Earth at certain altitude.
3] Define Young’s Modulus with its units and dimensions.

A telephone wire 125 m long and 1 mm in radius is stretched to a length 125.25 m when a force of
800 N is applied. What is the value of Young’s modulus for material of wire?

4] Define Bulk Modulus with its units and dimensions.

A solid metal sphere of volume 0.31 m³ is dropped in an ocean where water pressure is 2 × 107 N/m².
Calculate change in volume of the sphere if bulk modulus of the metal is 6.1 × 1010 N/m².


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