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Crystania Replay: Legend of the Drifters

By Ryo Mizuno and Group SNE

Art by Yukitoshi Takaraya
Translation and Summaries by Gilgamesh

Five youths from Danan, including Rails enter Crystania, the Land of the Gods. Guided by a mysterious girl,
Maris, who transforms into a silver wolf, the five novice adventurers become entangled in the changes
occuring in Crystania… The RPG magazine live sessions that gave birth to the world of Crystania, created by
Ryo Mizuno and Group SNE, is back in a Dengeki Game Bunko!

Chapter 1: The Silver Wolf Girl

Chapter 2: The God Beast’s People and the Dark God’s People
Chapter 3: Upper World and Lower World
Chapter 4: To the Land of the God Beasts Beyond the God’s Wall
Chapter 5: The Subterranean God Beast
Chapter 6: The Bazaar
Chapter 7: In a Closed Labyrinth
Chapter 8: The Blade Fang Duke
Chapter 9: Fort Diones
Chapter 10: Fang and Fang
Chapter 11: Peak of the Wind
Chapter 12: Adventurers in the Sky
Chapter 13: Open Land, Open Cycle

Chapter 1: The Silver Wolf Girl

The Kingdom of Danan is a small peninsula attached to the north of a large continent called Crystania.
Danan is isolated by sheer cliffs, almost impossible to scale. Furthermore, the top of the cliffs are enveloped
with mysterious clouds, obscuring the view above. These cliffs are known as the God’s Wall. Of course, there
is no way that such a special terrain could be formed naturally. Crystania is the Land of the Gods, and it is
they who are said to be responsible for raising the continent high above sea-level to avoid invasion from the
outside world.

Hark, is the village nearest to the God’s Wall that separates Danan from Crystania. Normally the village is a
sleepy settlement but a few months ago there was an earthquake and since then various rumours of unrest
have circulated among the villagers. The Danan Peninsula is blessed with an abundance of nature and natural
disasters are a rarity. However, ten years ago a huge earthquake shook the area. Before then, there hadn’t even
been a single tremor in Danan.

During the earthquake a decade ago, a section of the great cliffs collapsed, paving a path, and the mysterious
clouds covering the top of the God’s Wall disappeared. It is said that six young adventurers took this path
and journeyed to Crystania, never to return. It wasn’t long before the path was closed, and the God’s Wall
returned to how it was before. This time, just like back then, part of the cliff has collapsed, and the clouds
have vanished. But contrary to back then, the God’s Wall shows no sign of reverting to its original form.

The elders of Hark warn that Crystania is a forbidden land and admonish frivolous folk who wish to explore
the path. One of those who desires to travel to Crystania is a young warrior named Rails, proficient with both
the halberd and a broadsword. Another is Bean, a naïve human teenage boy capable of communicating with
the spirits. Then there is Sia, a half-elf girl magician. Shiron is a dwarvern priest who follows the God of
Luck, Cha Za. He believes that the God’s Wall is a test, and that faith will guide them. And lastly there is
Basso, a human thief armed with a broadsword and a bow.

Over the past few days, the howls of wolves have been heard in the woods on the outskirts of the village of
Hark. In addition, the sheep raised by Old Man Mutton, who raises livestock near the forest, were attacked.
There was also an incident where one of his horses went missing. Sympathising with Old Man Mutton, the
five youths accept the job to investigate. Rails is elected leader of the group with Shiron securing the role of
deputy leader. The party start by asking for more details from the livestock owner. Old Man Mutton explains
that three of his lambs were pulled away from the farm a few nights back and although he placed the
remainder of the flock in a hut overnight, the lock was broken, and the livestock were found missing. There
was no sign of struggle and there was no blood inside the hut.
The shaman boy, Bean suggests searching for footprints around the farm. It isn’t long before the thief Basso,
discovers a set of small human-like footprints leading into the forest. It seems that the culprit isn’t wolves.
Shiron devises a plan to set a number of bear traps between the forest and the farm while using sheep as bait
and see if they can successfully catch the offender. After the traps are laid, the party spend the night at Old
Man Mutton’s where they are treated to dinner by his daughter named Lamb whose home cooking is quite
Everyone besides Bean is still awake at midnight. It is then that the howl of a wolf is heard, coming from the
woods nearby. And shortly after, a loud scream. The party rush outside but the area is pitch black. Basso
expresses concerns about entering the dark forest and suggests waiting until the morning to investigate. Rails
agrees and the next morning discovers that while the livestock are safe, one of the traps was activated.
Strangely, there is only a trace of blood on the blades of the trap. However, on closer inspection, a set of
footprints identical to the ones found the day prior, trail away into the forest.
The group follow the tracks for two hours without event. Then, just after the second hour, the howl of a wolf
echoes from the direction the footprints are leading. Rails commands the group to run towards the sound. Sia
is a little reluctant but decides to follow once she realises she’ll be left behind. As Rails and the others
approach the howling, they can hear other howls and growls as if multiple wolves were fighting over
something. Shiron urges the group to press on, claiming they have Cha Za’s protection.
Once they arrive at the scene, the group spot a wolf facing off against three ugly humanoids around the
height of human children and a taller dark-skinned humanoid with elven ears. In addition, there are two
wolves lying motionless. Sia identifies the creatures as goblins and a dark elf. Confusingly, the wolves differ
from the native species, as they have silver fur. The remaining silver wolf appears to be pretty injured. And
one of the goblins has a wounded leg.
Shiron declares that the goblins are the sheep thieves and the party decide to defend the injured silver wolf.
Sia swiftly places the goblins to sleep with the Slumber Cloud spell. The dark elf resists the effects and
finishes off the silver wolf. With only the dark elf remaining, Shiron begins to interrogate the stranger. The
dark elf states that he has accomplished his mission and that he has no intention of being hostile to the
group. With that he says farewell and runs away. Shiron and Basso begin to give chase, but Rails notices that
the fallen silver wolf’s appearance is changing into something else. The dark elf turns back and meets his two
pursuers and a fight commences. Basso is badly wounded, but together with Shiron, they manage to dispatch
the dark elf. Meanwhile, Rails, Bean and Sia watch in amazement as the silver wolf transforms into a
beautiful, naked young woman.
Chapter 2: The God Beast’s People and the Dark God’s People
Rails crouches down beside the unconscious girl that had been a wolf only moments before and takes her in
his arms. Bean blushes and looks away while Sia expresses an irritated look and averts her gaze. Rails
instinctively covers the girl in his cloak. She is still breathing but in need of treatment. While this is
happening, Basso and Shiron search the corpse of the
dark elf for valuables. Basso quickly discovers the elf has a number of jewels as well as ten gold coins. The
thief slyly pockets one of the jewels and splits the rest of his findings with Shiron. The dwarf priest comments
that he is trying to accumulate funds for the construction of a temple to the God of Luck. The pair are called
back by Rails and are shocked to find an unconscious young woman wrapped only in a cloak. Shiron casts a
healing spell, but the girl remains unconscious. However, her breathing seems to have become easier. Rails
elects to carry the girl back to the village while Shiron carries the dead goblin with the injured leg.
The party soon return to the village and place the unconscious girl in Rails’ bed. Afterwards they visit Old
Man Mutton and receive thirty gold coins each as a reward for dealing with the sheep thieves. It is later that
day that the girl finally regains consciousness. However, when she does, she begins to speak in an unfamiliar
tongue. Even Sia doesn’t recognise the language despite studying various books. Rails attempts to
communicate in the language native to Danan but is met with a surprised expression. Then the girl begins to
speak in words the group can understand. She asks where she is and who Rails and his companions are.
Shiron replies that they are in Danan which seems to jog her memory. The girl looks panicked and asks what
happened to the goblins and the dark elf but Rails reassures her that he and his companions killed them. The
girl then returns to the name Danan and mutters that she truly is in the lower world.
The girl introduces herself as Maris and explains that she is one of the God Beast’s People, indigenous to
Crystania who are at war with the Dark God’s People, invaders from the outside world, humans that fight
alongside dark elves and goblins. She also explains that the God’s Beasts people serve the God Beasts, gods
who discarded their bodies and took the form of animals. These God Beasts grant a number of their chosen
followers great skills and powers of transformation, able to take the form of beasts as well as partial
transformation. These chosen ones are known as Beastmen.
Approximately 400 years ago, a fleet of ships drifted ashore to Beldia, a region in the northeast of Crystania,
also at sea-level. The descendants of these castaways colluded with the various tribes who served Barbas, the
God Beast of Power who took the form of the Fierce Tiger of the Jungle, and planned to conquer Crystania.
For 400 years a great war has raged. But in truth this great war has been nothing but a series of skirmishes.
This is because Crystania is huge and its inhabitants are scattered, having little contact with each other. The
same goes for the Beldians who appear to be divided in their own way. However, should the war continue,
the God Beast’s People, specifically the Silver Wolf Tribe, followers of the God Beast King of the Cycle,
Fennes, the tribe Maris belongs to, will be dominated by the Dark God’s People. In fact, this is the reason
that Maris has journeyed to Danan, to ask for aid from the inhabitants whom the Crystanians referred to as
the New People. The New People are called as such because they landed in the region of Danan only three
hundred years ago.
Unable to commit to a decision, Rails and his companions determine that it is sensible to acquire as much
knowledge from the village and surrounding areas as possible. Rails visits the village chief’s house and
although he is initially warned that Crystania is a forbidden land, the chief is reminded of the six youths who
crossed the God’s Wall ten years ago and displays an understanding to the inquisitive youths. The chief then
asks that should they find a man named Redon to tell him to return to Hark. Redon, a member of the Danan
Royal Family, is allegedly one of the six youths who ventured to Crystania never to return.
The next stop for the party is the house of Old Man Brian, Sia’s master. Another one of the youths that
crossed the God’s Wall is said to be the son Old Brian, a sorcerer named Nasare. After enjoying some tea,
Old Man Brian warns the group that strange people are abroad and to exercise caution. The last destination
for the party is the house of the Sage of Forest, three days travel from the village. The first day passes without
incident, but on the next day, Rails and his companions meet the strange people that Old Man Brian warned
them about.
Chapter 3: Upper World and Lower World
Five bipedal lizards robed in strange garbs stand before the group. Three appear to be warriors but two are
unarmed and look like shamans. One of the warriors is larger than the rest. When they spot Rails and friends,
they move to the side of the road and appear to try and communicate, but like Maris, they use an unfamiliar
language. Maris briefly explains that they are lizardmen native to Crystania and that they reside in an area
called the Hundred Lakes and Thousand Swamps along with the Snake Tribe who worship Rumiss, the God
Beast King of the Barrier who appears as a Rainbow Coloured Snake. Maris then speaks with the lizardmen in
the language of Crystania. Unfortunately negotiations do not go well, the followers of Rumiss are tasked with
preventing anyone from the outside world from passing through the God’s Wall as they fear they will disturb
the order of Crystania. The lizardmen came to Danan once they discovered the path to Crystania had opened
once again. Maris tries numerous ways to prevent a conflict, but the lizardmen’s heads are harder than their
scales. A battle ensues with Rails almost losing his life and Sia and Bean exhausting all their energy to cast
spells, but somehow the party prevail.
The remainder of the day passes without incident along with the next day when the group finally arrive at the
crude tree house of the Sage of the Forest. Surprisingly the Sage of the Forest is an elf who has lived for a
thousand years. The elf explains to Rails and his companions that he along with their ancestors once lived on
a place known as the Accursed Island before settling in Danan. Southeast of this Accursed Island, was an
island known as the Dark Island. The inhabitants of the Dark Island were abominable dark elves, goblins,
kobolds and humans with wicked hearts. An incident occurred where the forces of the Dark Island invaded
the Accursed Island, but the inhabitants rallied together and drove away the evil invaders. The people of the
Dark Island, facing annihilation, set out in a fleet of ships to find a new land to call home. According to
Maris, the leader of this fleet is said to be a man known as the Drifting King among the Dark God’s People.
As the Dark God’s People of Beldia and the New People of Danan share the same language, it can be
surmised that the Dark God’s People are the descendants of those who fled the Dark Island, the people the
ancestors of the New People were once at war with. Rails’ ancestors who became the New People were
driven away from the Accursed Island a century later when the island entered into an era of war again.
The Sage of the Forest goes on to explain about the legend of Crystania and the God Beasts. God Beast is
the term for a Neutral God that fled to Crystania to escape the War of the Gods when the gods were split
into two camps, Light and Darkness and took the form of a beast. The Dark Gods sent out mighty God
Killing Dragon Kings to pursue the gods. To escape the Dragon Kings the Neutral Gods fled to a large
continent to the south and sacrificed their divine bodies and took animals as vessels to host their souls. This
continent would come to be known as Crystania, the Land of the Gods. The continent was raised high above
sea-level and magical barriers were erected to prevent interference from the outside world. Maris confirms
that the legend is almost the same in Crystania. With this knowledge, Rails and his companions are ready to
cross the God’s Wall with Maris and venture to Crystania!
Chapter 4: To the Land of the God Beasts Beyond the God’s Wall
Rails’ party sets out to traverse the God’s Wall. The path is steep and Sia, lacking physical energy, falls behind.
But Maris supports her. As they ascend the path, Maris explains that her village, Halcane, is located in the
northernmost region of Crystania called Iscaria, a largely forested region. The lizardmen that the group
encountered live in the east of the region. The region east of that is mountainous in the south while in the
north covered in grassland. The Dark God’s People have made many inroads in these areas despite being
home to the God Beast’s People.
It isn’t long before the group emerge in Crystania and travel to the nearby village of Halcane. Unfortunately,
they don’t have time to relax as the village is in the process of preparing to be raided. During Maris’ absence,
the war has entered a new phase. Cooperation between the armies of the Dark God’s People and the Fierce
Tiger Tribe, under the rule of Barbas, has not been organised up until now. Now the God’s King, said to be
the mastermind behind the forces of evil, has united the two peoples to conquer Crystania under the law of
power: the strong dominate the weak. Due to this, the attitude of the secluded tribes is changing. Maris, a
member of the Silver Wolf Tribe, has lost faith in the Cycle created by Fennes to preserve Crystania and
seeks external aid. Maris states that the group can either meet with the God Beast King Fennes to persuade
others to rise up against their oppressors or they can meet with the emperor of a newly formed empire in
central Crystania and ask for his aid. The last option is to awaken the sleeping God Slaying Dragon King and
borrow his power. Maris suggested these ideas to the people of her village, but none wanted to help her, thus
she ventured to Danan. Maris mentions that the emperor in central Crystania is said to be a human of the
New People which was why she thought it might be a good idea to find people from Danan to appeal to the
emperor for an alliance.
The Village of Halcane is due to be attacked by a force several times greater. According to Maris, there is little
hope of victory. Calling on the aid of the Snake Tribe and the lizardmen would place the group in danger and
her Silver Wolf Tribe comrades are all busy defending their own villages. Despite this Rails wants to help the
villagers even if they are hostile to outsiders. Therefore, he and his companions follow Maris’ lead and enter
the village. The Village Elder asks Maris to protect the shrine of Fennes on the outskirts of the village. The
invaders are goblins and dark elves in combination with members of the Dual Tribe, followers of the Two-
tailed Fox God Beast, Sumash. The Dual Tribe once fought against the Beldians but joined forces with them
and act as their pawns.
While Rails’ party heads to the shrine, the Village Elder summons Maris to speak confidentially. Maris soon
joins the others at the shrine but doesn’t comment on her conversation with the Elder. However, her
complexion appears pale. Ignoring this, the group discusses which of the three plans they wish to go with to
help end the war in Crystania. Rails, being an indecisive leader, states that all options sound good to him. Sia
and Basso vote to meet the emperor, Bean desires to meet a God Beast and elects to meet Fennes, and
Shiron thinks that awakening the God Slaying Dragon King sounds like a good plan. Unable to come to an
agreement, the group postpone the conclusion.
A day and a half pass while the group guard the shrine. It is then that they hear commotion from the village.
Rails instinctively goes to aid the villagers but is stopped by Maris who states that their mission is to defend
the shrine. It isn’t long before the sky above the village turns red. The village is on fire! Noticing this, Maris
says that they should all escape. Bean, being naïve, doesn’t understand why she wouldn’t want to stay and
protect the village, but Shiron assures him that this must have been what the Elder ordered Maris to do in the
event the village was destroyed and that she had been entrusted with the tribe’s wishes.
Chapter 5: The Subterranean God Beast
Rails and his companions leave the burning Village of Halcane behind as they escape into the forest with the
Silver Wolf girl, Maris, who suppresses her sorrow. Soon, the topic of conversation returns to which plan the
group should go with. Still unable to agree, Basso suggests that they should go with the option that is closest
in distance to them. Maris replies that visiting Fennes, the Silver Wolf God Beast, would be the nearest of the
three. Fennes is the head of the God Beasts and one of the five God Beast Kings, the other four being
Barbas, the Fierce Tiger, Rumiss, the Rainbow Coloured Snake, Urus, the Sleeping Grizzly Bear, and Bruza,
the Tusked Boar. With their decision finally made, the party begin to make for Sirene, the largest settlement
of the Silver Wolf Tribe. However, Maris suggests that it would be safer to travel through the underpass to
avoid enemy troops.
Byard, Ruler of the Underworld, is a God Beast who takes the form of a giant earthworm. His chosen
followers are also imbued with the power to transform into large worms. As they burrow beneath the earth,
these worms create a network of tunnels, 2 metres in diameter. Maris’ people often use these tunnels to move
between settlements. One such tunnel leads directly to Sirene. Maris leads Rails and companions to a large
hole covered with grass. Sia is reluctant to enter, but Maris assures her that it is quite safe. The party enter the
dark hole and Maris tells the party of the Subterranean Tribe that worship Byard and the demi humans
known as cavemen that they will hopefully avoid while traversing the tunnels. A torch is lit, and the group
proceed, but it isn’t long until they come to another hole. Only this time the hole is far larger than the first, it
is 8 metres in diameter and looks to be around 10 metres deep. It is then that the party hear a low, ominous
After pondering how to tackle this obstacle for some time, Basso suggests securing a rope with a hammer and
nails for the party to descend. The operation goes smoothly, and the group climb down the hole. However,
once they all reach the bottom, a group of strange figures appear from a passage to the left. Degenerated
humanoids with crooked spines, curly body hair, pale skin, and even paler eyes. They are the cavemen that
Maris warned the group of when they entered the underpass. The cavemen yell out in the local language
which Maris translates to Rails and companions. “We will not forgive those who violate this sacred land,”
they call. It seems that there is no other option but to fight. Sia despairs at the thought of dying in a worm
hole. Then from behind the cavemen, a giant earthworm exceeding 10 metres in diameter, appears, its body
wrapped in a shining aura. All members of Rails’ party feel an overwhelming sense of intimidation. Before
them is the Ruler of the Underworld, The Great Earthworm God Beast, Byard.
Suddenly a voice echoes in the heads of all present, “Stop fighting.” Recognising, the party are at a major
disadvantage, they are glad at the God Beasts words. Byard’s voice resonates once again, “Outsiders, why
have you come to my kingdom?” Shiron replies aloud that the group are merely passing through to which the
voice answers “Then you must leave.” Basso assures Byard that they will leave as soon as possible, But Bean
decides that coming face to face with a God Beast is the perfect opportunity to obtain some answers. The
shaman boy inquires about the identity of the God’s King but is met with a vague answer: “The God’s King
is the newest form of the old.” Rails asks about Crystania, but also receives an unclear answer: “A small
perfection”. Lastly, Basso asks where Fennes is located and is told “Fennes is at the Meeting Place.”
Maris explains that the law of time does not exist in Cystania as it does in the outside world. History has
repeated itself for thousands of years all governed by the Great Cycle. At the beginning of each new Cycle,
the God Beasts travel to the Meeting Place, a sacred site where the God Beasts assemble to discuss the next
Cycle. However, no one, not even a God Beast, is permitted to enter the sacred Meeting Place except during
meetings. Byard, himself is on the way to the Meeting Place. If the party followed behind, they could travel
close to where Fennes is. Unfortunately, this is not an option, the cavemen are eager for Rails and
companions to leave their domain as soon as they are able. Keen to escape from the dark tunnels, especially
Sia, the group hasten their pace and press on to Sirene.
Chapter 6: The Bazaar
The group manage to pass through the underpass and emerge in a sunlit forest. Amidst the ancient trees,
large and small roads run and on either side are wooden buildings constructed from logs. The settlement of
Sirene is also known as the Sunshine City as the sunlight filters through the treetops. Usually it a quite city,
but now that a full-scale war is approaching, a somewhat bloodthirsty atmosphere hangs in the air. Shiron and
Basso are excited to purchase some equipment and insist on finding a merchant right away. Therefore, the
party are guided by Maris to the downtown area of the city.
Many merchants are lined up along the roadside, and people of all ages are trading items for gold and jewels
while others exchange fruits and nuts. Not only are they people of the Silver Wolf Tribe, there are also those
with dark skin, carrying spears, followers of the Earth-coloured Boar God Beast, Bruza and the Golden Lion
God Beast, Direon. Basso purchases a crossbow, while Bean buys a falchion, the party all upgrade their
armour, but in Crystania equipment is more primitive than Danan, the God Beast’s People do not wear metal
armour and wield basic weapons. The group learn the equipment they acquire was brought in from traders of
the Dual Tribe, those who betrayed the God Beast’s People and sided with the Beldians. Despite their
allegiance, some members of the tribe are willing to risk danger to make some profit. A sentiment Basso
understands too well.
After visiting the bazaar, Maris leads the party to a tavern where they attempt to gather information and
rumours. Now the group are garbed in local attire, they do not stand out as they did before. However, as the
people of Danan share a language with the Dark God’s People of Beldia, the group must keep their voices
low. Shiron suggests the group act as though they are mercenaries from the frontiers of Crystania and asks
Maris if there is a suitable God Beast to claim they follow. Maris explains that there is a group of people
known as the Ancient People who live separately from the God Beast’s People in a secluded area south of
Iscaria. They do not worship the God Beasts, instead they worship the Ancient Gods such as Pharis and
Marfa. Dwarves and Elves also live alongside the Ancient People. Although Maris isn’t too familiar with these
people, she believes that it would be a good idea to masquerade as them.
Just then, the door to the tavern slams open and three lizardmen enter. They loudly announce that they are
searching for spies of the Dark God’s People. Thanks to Maris, Rails and his companions have managed to
learn enough Crystanian to understand the basics. Silence fills the tavern as the lizardmen walk slowly past the
patrons, their bright red tongues protruding and retracting from their mouths. As they pass the party, Sia
turns away and Bean gulps audibly. This alerts one of the lizardmen to the group who grabs Sia’s chin, forcing
her to recoil, while the lizardman breathes on her skin with a sadistic pleasure. Basso snaps and asks the
lizardman what he is doing to a delicate girl in Crystanian. The lizardman comments that the group look
unfamiliar, but Shiron swiftly responds that they are followers of the Ancient Gods, in specific, Cha Za, the
God of Luck. The lizardman hisses rudely that the group are nothing but heretics but moves on to the next
table, muttering to himself.
Just as Rails and his companions breathe a sigh of relief, a commotion erupts from behind. The lizardmen
have discovered two members of the Dual Tribe and label them Beldian spies. The men claim they are mere
merchants, not spies, and beg to be spared, they turn to Rails’ group and ask them to save them. Unwilling to
draw further attention to themselves, the group ignore the pleas of the peddlers. Even Maris bows her head
in silence. Their mission is too important to compromise. “You lizard bastards! Stop being violent!” Only the
pure-hearted shaman boy Bean stands up at a time like this. Basso calls out to the lizardmen telling them that
they are outnumbered and that they should leave. But the lizardmen do not heed to the warning. Sia, still
disgusted and annoyed about being touched by one of the lizardmen cast a Slumber Cloud spell, pacifying all
three enemies. The merchants of the Dual Tribe are beyond thankful and give the party herbs that increase
poison resistance. The party wish to speak with the merchants longer and agree to change location before the
lizardmen awake.
Once a suitable spot is found to speak discreetly, a dubious inn in a lonely corner away from the city centre,
the group inquire about the movements of the Dark God’s People. The peddlers of the Dual Tribe look at
each other hesitantly before agreeing to share the information to their saviours. They warn that tree days
from now an all-out attack will be made on the city of Sirene and that the group should run far away in any
direction other than west. When asked what they know about the God’s King, they reply that although
they’ve never seen him in person, the God’s King is said to have regained his power and has become a
supreme being.
The topic turns to the location of the Meeting Place of the God Beasts and although the peddlers are
unaware where it is situated, they advise the group to seek out a member of the Enlightenment Tribe who are
able to answer any question that is an immutable fact. The Enlightenment Tribe worship Melkish, the Spotted
Wildcat God Beast, a rival to Radha who also governs knowledge. The problem is that members of the tribe
are reclusive and avoid people in favour of meditation. Luckily, the merchants of the Dual Tribe know that
one of the tribe lives in the depths of a ruin on the outskirts of Sirene known as the Labyrinth Mansion. A
strange building filled with traps and treasures that was once constructed by members of the Two-horned
Tribe who worship the Great Bull God Beast. Sia is worried about navigating such a dangerous place, but
Shiron reassures her that the God of Luck is smiling on them.
Rails and his companions bid farewell to the peddlers but as they leave, they inform them that the God’s
King is allegedly searching for someone that is neither of the God Beast’s People or the Dark God’s People
and that a great bounty is up for reward should they be discovered. “Should you find anyone who matches
that description, bring them to Beldia,” the peddlers advise with warm smiles. Rails answers that it could be
him and his friends as they are not from either group of people. However, the merchants take his words in
jest. Now the party are tasked with challenging the Labyrinth Mansion in three days before the battle begins.
Chapter 7: In a Closed Labyrinth
The Labyrinth Mansion is a fairly large building surrounded by wooden walls. Many trees can be seen inside
the grounds. The only entry point is a strange gate atop a slope. A sign above it written in Crystanian reads
“Those who accept the challenge may enter the gate.” After Basso checks the entrance for traps, Rails leads
the group into the maze. When they pass through the gate, they see a natural cave extending beyond with a
gradual descent. As the passageway is narrow only two people can walk abreast. Rails and Shiron take the
lead, Basso with his new crossbow and Bean holding a torch follow while Maris and Sia guard the rear. With
the formation decided, the group proceed through the cave.
Soon they run into four cavemen who have taken up residence in the Labyrinth Mansion. As territorial as
always, the cavemen want the party to leave and attempting to negotiate only enrages them. One of the
cavemen is a beastman and transforms into an earthworm, five metres long. An awkward battle commences
in the narrow cave. The earthworm spews sticky white liquid at Bean and Sia, immobilising the spell casters.
The cavemen don’t pose too much of a problem but the earthworm rams Basso with its hard body, forcing
him to withdraw while Rails and Shiron face off against the beastman. Eventually the earthworm’s heavy
body falls to the ground.
The party continue uninterrupted for some time before they come to an incline leading to a door. Beyond the
door is an artificial passage that divides left and right and extends straight. A message on the wall explains that
there are three paths, the shortest path being the most dangerous. Sia uses her magic to uncover a secret door
which the party determine must be the shortest and most dangerous route. Basso elects to take the left
passage and the rest of the party agrees. The path turns right twice and eventually comes to a dead end with a
closed door on the right.
Above the door is a riddle “When the sun shines in the sky, the leopard walks the earth and the golden lion
sleeps in the earth.” Confused by the words, the party pass through the door into a courtyard filled with many
trees. The branches above spread out horizontally and overlap with the branches of neighbouring trees. Still,
there are numerous spots where the sun reaches the ground. Other than a door visible on the far wall, there is
nothing remarkable in the courtyard. Suddenly Shiron exclaims that he has the answer to the riddle and states
that if the group walk in the shade to the door without stepping in the sunlight, the door should open. Rails
and companions advance cautiously towards the door using the trees as cover where they find yet another
riddle, “Others can confuse one, but one confuses themselves the most.”
The door leads to a hallway of mirrors, they even cover the floor. It takes a long time to navigate the mirror
maze but eventually the party reach what appears to be a door, successfully avoiding traps and enemies. A
simple message is engraved above the doorway reading “Let’s fight!”. Readying themselves for battle, the
group open the door. They are presented with a room resembling a circular arena illuminated by a magic pale-
blue light. A door can be seen on the far wall. However, before the door, sitting in the centre of the room is a
Minotaur, the master of the Labyrinth Mansion.
When the group enters, the monster slowly approaches them holding a grand axe threateningly. Sia quickly
casts a Slumber Cloud spell, but it has no effect. Rails attacks with his sword while Basso fires his crossbow.
Bean summons a Will o’ Wisp and Maris uses her partial transformation ability to change into a werewolf.
The minotaur attacks Rails, wounding him badly. In response, Sia cast the magic shield spell on him. A tough
battle ensues with both Rails and Shiron forced to retreat from the vanguard while Maris goes to toe to toe
with the bull-headed monster. Things look bleak, but fortunately Sia’s energy bolt lands a direct hit, causing
the minotaur to collapse to the ground.
Surprisingly, the body of the minotaur changes form to that of an old man. The old man commends the party
on a great fight and claims that he is responsible for creating the Labyrinth Mansion. With his dying breath,
the old man explains that there are three doors, one leads to the exit, one leads to death, and one leads to
treasure. With bated breath, Rails places his hand on the handle of the door.
Chapter 8: The Blade Fang Duke
The heavy wooden door slowly creeks open. Then from the other side, a pale light glows, within which is the
shape of a beast. On closer inspection, the party see that the shape belongs to a large spotted wildcat. True to
the old man’s words, there are three doors to choose from. When the wildcat spots Rails and his companions
it calls out in Crystanian, “You are not of this world,” followed by “This is the first time since coming to this
labyrinth that anyone has defeated the master.” Wasting no time, Bean asks about the location of the Meeting
Place. The wildcat answers that the Meeting Place is situated in the mountains in the southwestern part of the
Isacaria region, on a plateau where the gods relinquished their divine bodies and took the form of beasts. The
journey takes around three to four weeks on foot.
With their answer in hand, the party turn their attention to the three doors. Rails decides that there is no
harm in asking the wildcat which door leads to which and is told that the left door leads to treasure, the right
door leads to a death trap and the middle door leads to the exit. Basso inspects the treasure chest for traps
but finds there are none. Inside the chest are a number of gems and precious metals, a broadsword, a shield,
rings and necklaces and even a curious mask. Basso is initially disappointed but once Sia casts a detect magic
spell and confirms that with the exception of the jewellery, all items have a magical aura, he changes his tone.
Taking advantage of the wildcat’s knowledge once again, the group ask him to appraise their findings. Among
the treasures are a magical broadsword and shield, a ring of shock, a necklace that increases fire resistance, a
magic stone capable of summoning a meteor and a Warrior Mask that increases stats effectively turning a
character into a warrior, which Basso claims for himself. Before the party leave, they ask the wildcat one final
question, the identity of the God’s King. However, the wildcat replies that he hasn’t heard of the God’s King
before. He then unleashes a scream and falls dead. The next moment, the wildcat’s body turns into that of an
old man, just as the Minotaur had.
Now that Rails and his companions know their destination, they make plans to leave the city of Sirene.
However, before they leave, Maris wishes to inform the Elder to evacuate the people of Sirene before the
battle begins. While she is doing this, the rest of the group are told to wait outside the city. On their way
through the eastern part of the city, many patrols of the Silver Wolf Tribe can be seen and as Rails’ group
looks suspicious, naturally they were stopped and questioned several times. Fortunately, despite their terrible
acting skills, the party manage to convince the guards they are the members of the Ancient People.
A trio of merchants, led by a well-built man approach the group after overhearing they are Ancient People.
They tell Rails and his companions that it is time to drop the charade and that they know they come from
outside of Crystania just like them. It is quickly revealed that the men are from Beldia and wish for the group
to meet with someone. They state that their master, the Blade Fang Duke is the right hand man to the God’s
King and seeks an audience with Rails’ party. When they see that Rails’ and his companions are reluctant to
accompany them, the merchants become aggressive and draw their swords. However, they are quickly
deterred by Maris and the captain of the guards, and retreat after threatening that they will see the group again
The captain of the guards is thankful for being informed of the impending attack and advises that the group
follow the river south and hands them a pass so that members of the Silver Wolf Tribe recognise them as
allies. Before they part company, the group ask who the Blade Fang Duke is and are told he is an extremely
brutal warrior and a beastman of Barbas, he leads the Fierce Tigers into battle and is said to be one of the
aides of the so-called God’s King. The group bid farewell to the captain and depart from the city of Sirene
before the all-out attack commences.
Chapter 9: Fort Diones
On the way to the river from Sirene, the party pass many patrols of the Silver Wolf Tribe, but once they show
their pass, there is no reproach. They only warn the party not to approach the west bank of the river as that
would bring them within range of the Beldian army. The river flows between the trees of the forest like a
huge snake. Should the group follow the current north, they would come to Danan where the river flows into
a waterfall and forms a huge lake beneath the cliffs of the God’s Wall. However, their route lays south, thus
the party head upstream.
Maris explains that after following the river south for a few days, they would arrive at Diones, a village with a
mercenary fort manned by members of the God Beast’s People who have taken a stand against the Beldians.
These mercenaries are collectively known as the Beast Fang. However, unlike mercenaries in the outside
world, the Beast Fang fight to protect Crystania taking only food as payment. A leader commands the Beast
Fang, traditionally chosen from the Mane Tribe who worship the Golden Lion God Beast, Direon. In
addition, there are several heroes under the leader known as Centurions who lead a number of mercenaries
into battle or defend villages.
The group follow the river southward for a few days without incident. Then, around dusk of the fourth day, a
settlement comes into view in the direction they are headed. It seems to be a modest village with a large stone
building on a hill. By the time, they reach the village of Diones, the sun is hanging low in the sky, still many
people walk the streets, mainly of the Silver Wolf Tribe. When they notice Rails and his companions, they
stare and whisper suspiciously. Basso calls out to one of the villagers and learns that the village had been
visited by a travelling merchant the day before who promised a reward if a group of travellers matching their
description happened to pass by. Apparently, the merchant is lodging in the inn, therefore, Rails decides to
pay him a visit. The innkeeper rushes upstairs after looking at the party’s faces and after a few moments,
returns with the minions of the Blade Fang Duke, disguised as peddlers, the ones the party met in Sirene. The
leader of the trio grins and suggests they go outside so that the inn is damaged in the event of a fight.
Rails and his companions follow the men to the outskirts of the village as the villagers watch nervously. Some
of them even call out for the mercenaries of the fort to attend. It is then that three hobgoblins join the men
and begin to surround the party and the leader of the peddlers changes into a weretiger using partial
transformation. Without hesitation, Rails and Maris engage the hobgoblins in combat. Basso equips his mask
and transforms into a warrior to face off against the transformed beastman. Meanwhile, Shiron casts holy
magic to increase everyone’s attack, Bean summons Shade to aid himself, Rails and Maris, and Sia summons a
Slumber Cloud with ancient magic. Nevertheless, Rails’ party struggle somewhat. Just then, a group of ten
mercenaries rushes to the scene from the direction of the fort. All of them are armed for battle and are led by
a handsome man with long silver hair. Maris comments that he is the captain of the mercenaries tasked with
the defence of the village. Seeing they are at a disadvantage, the men of the Fierce Tiger Tribe escape with an
ability granted to them by Barbas, called leaping, which allows them to move from one spot to another
instantaneously. Unable to give chase, the party accept an invitation to the Beast Fang fort by the mercenary
captain who introduces himself as Turnil.
Rails and his companions are ushered into the mercenary fort where they are presented with a sumptuous
meal and a liquor made of crushed fruits. Despite his polite tone, the head of the fort, Turnil asks the group
many questions. Rails, sensing that he can trust this man, decides to respond honestly and explains everything
that has happened so far. Turnil listens with great interest and once Rails’ story is finished, he murmurs to
himself aloud, pondering what type of change outsiders will bring to Crystania. He seems to believe the party
and even offers them escorts for their journey.
When asked about the Peak of the Wind, Turnil answers that it is a passage barely wide enough for a single
person to pass through, through which a strong gale constantly flows. In addition, on either side of the pass
there are sheer cliffs that should someone fall from, would descend to their death. And should someone pass
successfully through the peak, they will be met with a gatekeeper. Suddenly, a mercenary bursts into the room
and reports that a warning message has been delivered to the village stating that if the outsiders are not
handed over, the village will be raided by the Blade Fang Duke and his soldiers. Rails and his companions
look panicked at this development. However, Turnil’s face wears a grin, and he tells the party to rest assured
before declaring proudly that the Beast Fang will fight!
Chapter 10: Fang and Fang
At once, Turnil and the mercenaries of the fort make preparations for battle. Volunteers from the village are
recruited while non-combatants are evacuated, bringing their force up to around a hundred strong. The Blade
Fang Duke’s men number around fifty, therefore in terms of numbers, the defenders of Sirene have the
advantage. However, in terms of quality, the invaders are superior. Rails suggests using the fort and playing a
defensive battle, but Turnil explains that the God Beast’s People fight all out melee battles and that the Silver
Wolf Tribe are especially effective at fighting on the field. It isn’t long before smoke is spotted rising from the
houses. Enraged, Turnil grabs his sword and rushes outside, needless to say, followed by his subordinates.
Rails and his companions also follow the mercenary captain and look for invaders to intercept.
A few moments after they leave the fort, Rails’ party and a group of mercenaries are ambushed by a team of
Fierce Tiger warriors. A torrent of crossbow bolts is loosened on the party before the enemy draws their
swords and attack. Sia and Bean are assaulted before they are able to cast magic and are forced to fight with
their weapons for the first time. As they are unaccustomed to melee combat, they are injured and driven back
on the brink of death. The masked Basso and Rails with his magic shield sacrifice themselves to save their
allies, luckily managing to survive themselves. Shiron casts many spells of healing until he is on the edge of
exhaustion. Nevertheless, the party eventually prevail and defeat their ambushers. However, the battle is far
from over.
The sounds of violence echo around the party. Rails instructs the group to look for mercenaries who are
struggling against the invaders. But Basso, suffering from a personality change since acquiring his Warrior
Mask, states that he is now the strongest member of the party and attempts to usurp leadership telling the
party to follow their desires. Worried that their companion may have become a believer of the Dark God,
Phalaris, the party agree for Rails to continue as leader. They soon find a scene with a number of corpses
littered on the ground, mostly from the Silver Wolf Tribe. And a little further away, they see a lone enemy is
fighting against several Silver Wolf warriors. However, while they watch, their allies are being cut down one
after another. Before Rails’ group can reach their opponent, the last mercenary is killed. The enemy is none
other than the Blade Fang Duke.
When he notices Rails and companions approaching, the Blade Fang Duke calls out to them, asking if they
are outsiders. Bean confirms the answer, and the group are told to surrender their weapons and go with him.
When asked why, the duke replies that he knows that they are heading to the Meeting Place at the behest of
the Silver Wolf Girl and asks if they know the real reason. Bean answers that the reason is to meet with
Fennes, the God Beast of the Cycle. The Blade Fang Duke responds that while that is true, Maris has another
agenda: to sacrifice the New People of Danan. In shock and disbelief, Rails turns to Maris, grabbing her
shoulders and shaking her violently. Maris snaps back and denies that is her plan but fails to explain any
Seizing the opportunity, the duke attempts to sway the party to his side. He says that he wants information on
the people of Danan, how many there are, how proficient they are in combat, would they be willing to forge
an alliance, etc. He states that the New People could help breathe new life into the closed world of Crystania
and make it free. But Rails and his companions reply that they cannot side with an aggressor. The Blade Fang
Duke states that the God Beast’s People wish to drive all non-God Beast’s People out of Crystania and
continue to maintain the Cycle. He explains that despite the Fierce Tiger Tribe being members of the God
Beast’s People, they are no longer bound by the Cycle as the one who leads them has changed. And that he,
the God’s King, desires to break the Cycle.
Maris argues that the Cycle will not be able to be restored as it was and that she wanted the power of the
New People to help protect her people from the Dark God’s People of Beldia. She says that she needed the
cooperation of the New People, who are not bound by the Cycle, to face the God’s King. In truth the God’s
King is Barbas, the Fierce Tiger God Beast, who has taken control of the body of the leader of the drifters
who arrived in Beldia 400 years ago. By taking the body of a human as a vessel for their soul, a god is able to
regain their former power that was lost when they lost their divine bodies. Any god in the form of a beast
would be vastly inferior to such a being. That is why he is called the God’s King. Maris explains that she
descended to the land of Danan to seek a vessel for Fennes to regain his former power. She had heard that all
of the New People were brave and that one of them would likely accept a god’s soul into their body to defeat
the God’s King. The Crimson Emperor is an example of a brave individual of the New People. Apparently,
the God Beast’s People are not suitable vessels as they are bound to the Cycle. Maris apologies for not
mentioning this before but assures the party that a god cannot enter one’s body unless they have approval.
None of the group are keen on the idea of allowing a god to use their body but they agree to press on to the
Meeting Place and see if there are any other options before deciding what to do. Before that they must escape
from the Blade Fang Duke, whose strength far surpasses that of the party. He seems to be amused at their
plan and enjoys watching an underdog struggle, stating that he will let them go as he wishes to see what
decisions they make. It is then that Turnil, who lay defeated, rises to his feet and faces the Blade Fang Duke,
his regeneration ability taking effect. The Blade Fang Duke unleashes a loud roar that terrifies the soul,
forcing the party to flee in panic. As they rush into the nearby forest, they can hear him laughing heartily.
Chapter 11: Peak of the Wind
It takes ten days of travel to reach the Peak of the Wind. Leaving behind the forests of the Silver Wolf Tribe,
the landscape changes to a mountainous terrain and the roads turn into steep paths. After another three days,
the party reach a village of the Solitary Tribe, followers of the White-headed Eagle God Beast, Fortino. The
group are permitted an audience with the village Elder and meet with an old man where they express their
intention of travelling to the Meeting Place. The Elder states that it is the mission of the village to guard the
entrance to the Meeting Place and that only God Beasts and those with their approval are permitted to pass
through the Peak of the Wind when a meeting is called. Just then, the party hear a familiar voice telling them
that there is another way. They look in surprise to find the Blade Fang Duke standing there. The duke
explains that all they have to do to enter is seek the approval of Barbas who would gladly gift it to them. Rails
asks Maris if Fennes would approve them, but Maris replies that she has been acting of her own will, not that
of the God Beast of the Cycle.
As the group are at a loss for direction, the Elder claims that there is one other way: to climb the top of the
mountain, guarded by a griffon, meet Fortino, explain their reasons for attending the meeting and gain
passage through the Peak of the Wind without difficulty. The Blade Fang Duke attempts to dissuade the
group from using this method and informs them that by challenging and defeating Djinn, King Spirit of the
Wind, the ceaseless wind would halt allowing them passage. Choosing to seek Fortino, Rails and his
companions bid farewell to the Elder and begin to climb the mountain road once again. After ascending the
mountain for some time, the path splits in two. The party follow the road along the river leading to the
summit and after scaling a dry waterfall, come to an open area. Many bones litter the ground and beyond
them lays a giant bird’s nest constructed of dead wood. And sitting in the nest is a huge eagle with a lion’s
body, a griffon. Despite appearing intimidating, the griffon is no match for the adventures and their magic
treasures and is easily dispatched. The nest is empty of treasure. However, it does contain a single large egg
which the party are interested in eating.
After their meal, a giant eagle, the size of a roc, rises into the sky beating its wings and stirring up powerful
gusts at the party, forcing them to hold on to something before they are blown away. It is clear by its
magnificent aura that this is a God Beast. The giant eagle swoops down and purchases on a rocky shore a
short distance away, staring down at the group with fearless eyes. Just as Byard, the Earthworm God Beast
had, Fortino, communicates to the party via telepathy. He asks why mortals wish to desecrate this sacred
place and when answered, explains that he is tasked with monitoring the Meeting Place where the Cycle is
placed at the centre of all as a substitute for fate. “As long as the Cycle is maintained, the fate of those who
are ruled by it can be foreseen. But the Cycle is about to be lost. No one, not even us God Beasts can foresee
this,” Fortino says. And when asked if this will be decided at the meeting, he answers, “Correct. And perhaps
this meeting will be the last meeting. The God Beast’s People are fighting among each other. The Crimson
Emperor’s methods challenge the Cycle. What’s more, the God Beast Barbas calls himself the God’s King.
Who knows what will come to pass…”
Sia replies that her and her companions also wish to know the answer and asks Fortino if he will approve
their request. Fortino is initially reluctant, but he is also intrigued at these outsiders and what change they may
bring. Therefore, he agrees to approve them and grant them passage to the Meeting Place. “It is almost time
for all the God Beasts to have gathered. Ride on my back and I’ll carry you across the Peak of the Wind and
on to the Meeting Place. Not as those approved by Fennes but as those approved by Fortino.” The White-
headed Eagle God Beast says.
Chapter 12: Adventurers in the Sky
On the back of the White-headed Eagle God Beast, Fortino, Rails and his companions sore through the sky,
holding onto his feathers firmly for fear of death. As they do, Shiron prays top Cha Za for good luck. At first,
the party are overwhelmed by the experience, but they soon become used to the feeling. However, just as
they begin to feel comfortable with air travel, a creature flies towards them from ahead. The creature has the
body of a lion, wings of an eagle, and the head of a human female. Sphinx is a mystic beast who acts as the
gatekeeper for the Meeting Place. Fortino states that Rails and his companions have his approval to attend
the meeting. But the Sphinx counters him by explaining that there are too many exceptions at this meeting
and that any further admission would defile the sacred Meeting Place.
Fortino gives a wry smile and asks how the Sphinx could be convinced otherwise. Of course, the Sphinx
wishes for the party to correctly answer its riddle and should they be successful, they will be permitted entry.
But should they answer incorrectly, they would be attacked mercilessly. The party agree to the terms and
accept the riddle of the Sphinx: “I cannot live without light, yet I cannot become one with it. Who am I?”
Rails easily answers with Shadow, leaving the Sphinx in shock. Before it departs it leaves the group with a
warning: “Most of the God Beasts have now assembled in the Meeting Place. There are also many who are
not God Beasts. There are signs that a conflict is to come. If you are not cautious, you will lose your lives.”
With the gatekeeper satisfied, Fortino slowly descends over the Meeting Place, kicking up a cloud of dust
with his massive wings. As the party come lower, they can see a circular plateau, as if the top of the mountain
had been severed with a giant knife. It is approximately several kilometres in diameter, and there are many
humanoid stone statues surrounding it. And on the ground surrounded by the statues of the gods, which are
in fact their discarded divine bodies, are the God Beasts in the form of various beasts. And by the beasts are
figures of what the God Beasts once looked like accompanied by some of their followers, the God Beast’s
People. The atmosphere is tense. Suddenly Bean calls out that he can see Fennes, the God Beast King of the
Cycle. His appearance is striking compared to the others and he exudes a divine aura that is intimidating to all
those around him. There are several members of the Silver Wolf Tribe gathered near him as if they were
having a private conversation. Led by Maris, Rails and his companions pass through the God Beasts and
make their way to Fennes. As they do, they notice that the God Beasts seem to be paying a lot of attention to
Finally, they make they stand before Fennes. His silver and green eyes reflect the sun’s rays and are silently
cast on Maris and the New People. His expression is calm, and he welcomes the party. Fennes tells Rails and
his companions that he knows all about them and admires their courage. Maris asks Fennes what the Silver
Wolf Tribe should do. But he only asks her what she wants to do in return. Maris replies that she wants to
defeat the Dark God’s People and that the Cycle is not something for mortals to think about. Then, Fennes
answers in a quiet voice: “I have never been involved with this chaos before. As one of the God Beast Kings,
I couldn’t take this action lightly. I knew there was one thing that had to be done. But in truth, I didn’t know
what to do. I even doubted whether it was something I should decide. Thus, I decided to leave the decision
to my children. A shrine maiden with a strong will… Visiting me, as you are now, was included in the current
Cycle. I will declare your desires officially in the meeting and I will use my power to protect my children and
end the chaos in Crystania.”

Fennes then goes on to explain that the God’s King has restored much of his divine power which was lost
when Barbas sealed his soul within the body of a beast. This is only possible due to the strong will of the man
who became his vessel. “The power of the God’s King Barbas now greatly surpasses mine. Even if I gather
the strength of the remaining God Beasts it may not be enough. Besides, not all the God Beasts will oppose
Barbas,” Fennes says. Rails declares that neither he nor his companions wish to relinquish their body to a
god. It is not their responsibility what happens in Crystania, they are merely acting as Maris’ escorts. It is up
to the will of Maris and the Silver Wolf Tribe to decide what will happen. Then a voice replies, “You don’t
need to be responsible for the problems of Crystania. What matters is what kind of determination you
possess,” but the voice doesn’t belong to Fennes.

The Blade Fang Duke has arrived at the Meeting Place and walks towards the party with a fearless smile,
showing no fear of Fennes. “As I said before, there is much I would learn of the New People.” Basso
answers that they are not interested. However, the duke states that by the end of the meeting, Crystania will
be in a war, far fiercer than it has even been before and that it will be none other than the God’s King who
will rule the land. Depending on how Rails and his companions cooperate, they could become lords of the
Iscaria region with as much status, honour, money and women as they desire. The hearts of Rails, Basso and
even Shiron are tempted by this proposal. However, ultimately, they don’t trust the word of the Dark God’s
People and refuse his offer. It appears as though a fight is going to break out. But just then, a figure wearing
jet-black armour appears behind the Blade Fang Duke and Fennes’ expression becomes stern.

Chapter 13: Open Earth, Open Cycle

The God’s King now stands before Rails and his companions. He is a tall man with a huge greatsword
attached to his waist. His aura is just like that of the God Beasts. Fennes quietly explains that the body in
which Barbas’ soul resides once belonged to a man named Ashram, the Drifting King. Despite the merging
between the two occurring 400 years ago, Ashram’s strong will battled Barbas for centuries and it is only now
that Barbas has gained control of his vessel. It is Bean who asks the God’s King what his intentions are. The
God’s King responds that he strives to create a world where the individual is respected on their own strength,
free from bloodlines, free from the preordained Cycle created by Fennes. In the world Barbas wishes to
create those who are capable will be awarded with high positions while those who are not will be subjugated.
In essence it is survival of the fittest. Barbas believes this is justice though it is not a dictatorship as the
strength of the individual is respected. Once again, Rails’ heart is swayed. However, the party agree that
although Crystania is not their responsibility, they must do something to help. It is at that moment that Rails
and his companions notice that the full attention of the assembly is focused on them.

The Rainbow-coloured Snake God Beast, Rumiss eyes the New People with hostility. “Why were these
outsiders permitted to step foot in the sacred Meeting Place?” But Rumiss is placated by Fennes who assures
him that it will be the God Beasts who will discuss such matters. It is announced that the meeting will now
commence. The Blade Fang Duke smirks at the party and says that he will watch what they do in the future.
The God Beasts are then engulfed in a dazzling light and each one becomes a ball of light and ascends into
the sky. As they rise, the spheres become brighter and brighter until all those that looked upon them are
forced to shield their eyes. Then the balls of light come together and hoover in the sky. After a few moments
the light explodes and divides into spheres once more before descending to the ground, returning to their
respective God Beast. With that the meeting is concluded.

Fennes appears next to the group again and relays what happened during the meeting. He says that the Cycle
that has been in place until now has come to an end. The God Beasts will act on their own volition unbound
from the Cycle and the God Beast’s People will find a new way to live. Ultra-conservative tribes such as the
Snake Tribe will not change their hostility against outsiders, but this will be down to the individual. Then the
God’s King declared his intention to conquer Crystania and many God Beasts opposed him. Just as the world
outside, now Crystania will be exposed to elements of chaos such as time. The war is truly about to begin.

With their mission to escort Maris to the Meeting Place complete, Rails and his companions decide to return
to Danan. However, with the breaking of the Cycle, the continent of Crystania will be lowered to the sea-
level. This means there will no longer be a barrier between Danan and Crystania and that it is inevitable that
Danan will become involved in the war. With this in mind, Rails’ party wish to convince the people of Danan
to join the fight against the Dark God’s People. However, matters would likely not be resolved so easily. It is
said that the Crimson Emperor has declared a holy war to create a new world. For the foreseeable future
Crystania will be engulfed in waves of war.

As the God Beasts and their followers leave the Meeting Place one after another, Fennes continues to speak
with Maris and the New People. “Rally the Silver Wolf Tribe and prepare them for war against the Dark
God’s People. The God’s King Barbas and the Dark God’s People must be defeated,” he announces. Before
they return to their homeland, Fennes asks Rails and his companions to be his squires. He values the group’s
courage and wants them to become his servants, promising special abilities and powers of transformation.
Shiron refuses to abandon his faith in the God of Luck and Basso says he only believes in his Warrior Mask.
Rails and Bean accept Fennes’ offer to become beastmen of the Silver Wolf Tribe. However, Sia chooses to
follow Fortino and is granted the ability to become an eagle. Then the land shakes and the group watch as
Crystania descends to the height of the ocean, signifying the beginning of a new era. The end of a complete
but closed world and the beginning of an unfinished but open world.

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