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Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

UNIT 3: Market Opportunity Analysis and Consumer Analysis

Content Standard:

• The importance of information, the market characteristics affecting consumer behavior, and the

bases of market segmentation

Performance Standard:

• Conduct marketing research, interpret market buying behavior on product or service, and identify

the product or service target market

Learning Competencies:

• Distinguish between strategic and marketing planning in terms of objectives and processes

• Analyze the elements of macro- and micro-environment and their influence to marketing planning

• Define marketing research, its importance to a business enterprise and identify the steps in

marketing research

• Describe the consumer and business market

Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Lesson 4: Strategic and Tactical Marketing


• Differentiate between Strategic marketing and Tactical Marketing

• Discuss how Strategic marketing and Tactical Marketing are implemented

• Identify and discuss the aspects of the marketing environment

• Describe the microenvironment and its internal factors

• Describe the macroenvironment and its external factors

Strategic Marketing Defined

• Strategic Marketing is defined as the general plan of action aligned with the company’s visions

and goals. This is a carefully thought- out course of action developed for the purpose of achieving

a desired result such as profitability and high productivity

Tactical Marketing Defined

• Tactical Marketing refers to the actions a company undertakes in order to execute an

organization’s strategy. It also refers to a detailed action program covering a shorted period.

• These tactics must cover the factors that address consumer needs and wants: product, price,

promotion, place, people, process and physical evidence.

• Here are the following steps in describing marketing tactics in the marketing plan:

1. Prepare an action plan. List down the steps in delivering each tactic and note important

details such as time frame, suppliers, requirements, issues, and person in charge

Here is an example of an item in an action plan:

Action Time Frame Team Member Requirements/issues to note

Post regular March 1-30, 2020 Jane • Post at least twice a week

updates about (30 days before

the product the launching)

Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

launching on the • Aside from the company’s

company’s social own content, share also

media pages reviews and blog posts of

online influencers about the


2. Name the necessary resources and monitor the allocated budget. Get quotations for all

elements of the proposed tactics and make a detailed budget plan. Make sure that the budget

can support the tactics because marketing costs can increase quickly. Also, assign a person to

monitor the budget throughout the marketing campaign.

3. Identify how the success of the tactics will be measured. Outline how to evaluate the

effectiveness of the tactics by setting goals and benchmarks. This will help in implementing

changes or improvement on the tactics.

Applying Strategic Marketing and Tactical Marketing

• Strategic Marketing will always come first because it shows where the company wants to go in

terms of growth and in relation to its competitors. Tactical Marketing consist of the activities

needed to implement the strategies. In short, strategic marketing is the idea and tactical marketing

is the action

• To give an example, we have two global trends which all have one unique goal:

Increase Global Presence

• Each has used strategic marketing and tactical marketing to fulfill this goal. The two famous

brands are Domino’s Pizza and Nike.

1. Domino’s Pizza. Tom Monaghan founded Domino’s Pizza sometime in the 1960’s. It is the

second largest pizza chain in the USA

Strategic Marketing: To achieve global presence, Domino’s innovated its menu

Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Tactical Marketing: To implement this marketing strategy, Domino’s employs the following


a. Pizza has bread, sauce, and cheese in all countries except china

b. Half of the topping are standard all over the world, while the other half is customized

depending on the country in question. In Asia, the toppings are usually seafood and fish.

In India, it is curry.

2. Nike. Initially operating as a distributor for the Japanese shoemaker Onitsuka Tiger, Nike

was founded in 1964 as Blue-Ribbon Sports, It later on became Nike, Inc in 1971

Strategic Marketing: To increase global presence, Nike formed long-term partnership with

international companies for sponsorship

Tactical Marketing: Nike participated in championship and tournaments with partners

where Nike was exposed to a global audience

Strategic Marketing: Another marketing strategy is the creation of the NikeID platform

which caters to international markets

Tactical Marketing: Creation and delivery of customized products depending on the

preferences of the customers.

Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

The Marketing Environment

• The Marketing Environment is the sum of all the internal and external forces that affect the way a

firm operates, particularly its ability to build and maintain relationship with its target customers

• The Internal forces are referred to as the microenvironment, while the external forces are called

the macroenvironment. To be effective, an organization must proactively monitor these forces

and their changing trends so that it can adapt to changes, keep up with the competition, and

develop strategies to fulfill the present and future needs of consumers


• The microenvironment consists of all the internal factors which have direct contact with and a

direct influence on the company. The microenvironment has five components: the organization

itself, the supplies, the customers, marketing intermediaries and competitors. Companies can

exert some control or influence over these components.

1. The Organization itself consists of the owners, investors, and employees who are all considered

members of the organization. The company’s top management has the duty to develop the

company’s mission, vision, goals and policies which set the stage for the company’s marketing


2. Suppliers provide the resources the organization needs to produce goods and services. A good

relationship with suppliers enables the organization to ensure the availability of supplies for

prompt operations.

3. Customers are the people who are willing and able to buy the organization’s products and

Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

4. Marketing Intermediaries are entities that assist in the distribution and selling of goods to

customers. There are four types of marketing intermediaries: wholesalers, retailers, distributors

and agents and brokers

a. Wholesalers are entities that buy goods from manufacturers or producers and resell them to

retailers and other organization

b. Distributors are entities selected by manufacturers to buy goods for resale to retailers.

c. Retailers carry the wide range of goods which are bought from wholesalers or distributors

and then sold directly to consumers.

d. Agents and brokers sell the products for a certain commission or percentage of sales.

5. Competitors are rival firms that offer similar goods or services as the organization. Competitors

can be either direct or indirect. Direct competitors are brands competing in the same industry,

offering essentially the same goods or services. Indirect competitors offer products or services

that differ slightly, but with the same benefits.

Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan


• The macroenvironment of a firm consists of the various factors which affect not only the firm

itself, but also the entire industry of the region or country. The six factors of the

macroenvironment are demographics, economics, sociocultural factors, technological factors,

political forces, and ecological factors.

1. Demographics refers to characteristics of a population such as age, gender, religion, educational

attainment, civil status, geographic location, lifestyle race and others.

2. Economics refers to the influence of the purchasing power of the peso on spending patterns, in

the context of inflation and other economics forces that may affect the economy.

3. The sociocultural aspects refer to the beliefs, practices, norms, customs, and tradition that may

affect business operations.

4. The technological factor refers to developments in technology which may affect consumers,

businesses, and the society at large.

5. Political Forces refers to groups of people or parties which may influence the stability of a

country and affect the production, distribution, promotion and selling of goods and services.

6. Ecological factors refer to all the processes or activities necessary to protect the natural

environment while maintaining efficiency of business operations.

Marian Road, Poblacion, Sta. Maria, Bulacan

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