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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the following individuals and

organizations for their invaluable contributions to the completion of this synthesis paper
on advancements in smart life jackets for enhanced safety and personalized monitoring.
The advancements in smart life jackets offer a promising solution to enhance safety and
personalized monitoring in water-related activities, addressing the limitations of
traditional life jackets, promoting greater utilization, and mitigating the risks of drowning
incidents. Drowning incidents are preventable tragedies that can occur in water-related
activities. Wearing a life jacket is a crucial life-saving technique that can significantly
reduce the risk of drowning (Anish, 2022). However, traditional life jackets have
limitations that necessitate advancements in life jacket technology. This paper explores
the advancements in smart life jackets, focusing on their potential to enhance safety
and provide personalized monitoring. Conventional life jackets, typically made of
buoyant or inflatable materials, serve the purpose of keeping individuals afloat in water
(Anish, 2022). However, investigations into drowning incidents have highlighted the
need to reassess the effectiveness of these life jackets. Nautilus International (2019)
emphasizes the importance of researching and improving life jacket water performance
test protocols to ensure that life jackets can reliably turn an unconscious person onto
their back and keep their airway clear of water.
Despite the life-saving benefits, the utilization of life jackets remains low. A study
conducted by the United States Coast Guard revealed that the life jacket wear rate for
boaters in 2016 was only 21.6% (United States Coast Guard, 2016). Factors
contributing to the reduced utilization include discomfort, cost, and misjudgment of the
conditions under which a life jacket is required. This highlights the need to address
these barriers to encourage greater life jacket usage. In a country like the Philippines,
with its extensive coastal and oceanic regions, drowning incidents are a significant
public health issue (The World Bank, 2018; Ma, T., et al.; WHO, 2020). The archipelagic
nature of the Philippines necessitates attention to water safety. However, it is a fallacy to
assume that wearing a life jacket alone fully minimizes the danger. Other safety
measures should also be considered to ensure comprehensive water safety (Crawl
Bars, 2022).
Moreover, low life jacket utilization is not limited to specific regions. High-income
countries also face challenges in promoting life jacket use. Factors such as discomfort,
perceived swimming expertise, and perceived low risk of drowning contribute to the
inadequate adoption of life jackets in these countries (Oporia F., et al., 2022).
Understanding these factors can help inform strategies to improve life jacket utilization
rates. The case of Cameron Robbin, an 18-year-old who jumped off a cruise ship on a
dare, serves as a reminder of the importance of proper life jacket use (Jones, 2023).
Despite extensive search efforts, he was declared lost at sea. This tragic incident
underscores the need for individuals to understand the risks associated with water
activities and the critical role that life jackets play in ensuring safety.
Overall, advancements in smart life jackets have the potential to revolutionize water
safety. By addressing the limitations of conventional life jackets and incorporating
personalized monitoring features, these innovations can significantly enhance safety in
water-related activities. Overcoming barriers such as discomfort and misconceptions
surrounding life jacket use is crucial to promoting their widespread adoption. By
prioritizing research, technological advancements, and awareness campaigns, we can
work towards a future where smart life jackets become a standard safety measure,
reducing the risk of drowning incidents and saving lives.

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