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Energy Resources

1.Define the terms renewable and non renewable energy resources (4)

2.List examples of renewable and non renewable energy resources (4)

3.Describe fossil fuels (2)

4.List any examples of fossil fuels(4)

5.Why has there been an increase in energy usage the world over (4)

When Cammie "The Chameleon" Morgan visits her roommate Macey in Boston, she thinks she's in
for an exciting end to her summer break. After all, she's there to watch Macey's father accept the
nomination for vice president of the United States. But when you go to the world's best school (for
spies), "exciting" and "deadly" are never far apart. Cammie and Macey soon find themselves trapped
in a kidnappers' plot, with only their espionage skills to save them.

As her junior year begins, Cammie can't shake the memory of what happened in Boston, and even
the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women doesn't feel like the safe haven it once did.
Shocking secrets and old flames seem to lurk around every one of the mansion's corners as Cammie
and her friends struggle to answer the questions, Who is after Macey? And how can the Gallagher
Girls keep her safe?

Soon Cammie is joining Bex and Liz as Macey's private security team on the campaign trail. The girls
must use their spy training at every turn as the stakes are raised, and Cammie gets closer and closer
to the shocking truth. .
starts off in the school holidays as Cammie goes to visit her friend and daughter of the future vice
president, Macey McHenry.

Things seem pretty normal at first until the pair of friends, and Preston Winters, son of the future
president, end up on the derelict roof of a hotel.

Cammie’s spy instincts kick in, but there’s nothing she can do to stop an oncoming helicopter that’s
heading straight for them.

Macey and Cammie manage to get Preston out of the line of fire and kick some serious ass but not
without a whole heap of injuries and a thoroughly traumatic experience.

It’s campaign time for Macey’s father and so she’s being transported to and from major publicity
events but ever since the attacks, everyone has been on edge and the security has been topped up.

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Cammie’s mysterious Aunt Abby appears and takes on the role of Macey’s special security agent
since she is a former Gallagher Girl herself, none of their spy school secrets are revealed.

Although there has been no trace of the group that attacked Macey and Cammie on the roof, “The
Operatives”, Bex, Liz and Cammie, are still highly concerned for their best friend’s safety, so they
start making investigations of their own.

Things don’t go so smoothly but they need to find out who the group that attacked Macey was and
what they wanted.
Cross My Heart and Hope To Spy (Gallagher Girls book 2) was largely unrelated to book one in my
opinion, so I was expecting book three to be a standalone novel as well.

In many ways, this was the case as there was only really one plot strand that followed through into
book three and that was that spy-boy Zach made a few appearances.

I’m glad that he did because I was very disappointed that Josh from book one just dropped off the
radar with very little explanation and I would’ve been quite annoyed if Ally Carter had done that to
another one of the love interests.

Although Zach and Cammie weren’t really the focus of this novel, I was glad that these little snippets
were included because they added to the mystery and suspense of the novel. We’re not really sure
why or how Zach keeps popping up and I don’t think it was revealed at the end of the novel so it’s all
still up in the air.

Again, Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover was very much focused on Cammie and her spy antics.
Although the story revolves around Macey McHenry, she didn’t have much more of a role than she
does in the other books.

A lot of Cammie’s actions and thoughts seem to be independent of most other people and I think
she did quite a lot of the work herself in this one.

This wasn’t a bad thing and I completely understand why this was the case (apart from Macey,
Cammie was the only one directly involved in the attack), but I felt that his book wasn’t as funny as
the other two, probably because Cammie had to be serious as she was acting alone. I wish there had
been more comedy, or more boarding school drama to lighten the mood.

This may be an indicator that the series is getting more mature, which would be a refreshing change.
You can definitely see a progression in Cammie’s character and their spy training.

All the Gallagher Girls are becoming much more adept at their spy studies and to match that, the
situations seem to be getting more dangerous and exciting.

The plot of this novel is pretty predictable and a bit simple, but Ally Carter salvages it towards the
end with some pretty big plot twists.

There were a few moments throughout the book where I was pretty surprised by what was going on
but it wasn’t until the cliffhanger (not really a cliffhanger, more of an open door) at the end of the
novel that I felt myself really engaged.

I just didn’t particularly find Macey McHenry’s personal security that interesting as a story line, but
the effect of the events on Macey’s state of mind and character development was really interesting
and really quite sad at times.

As Macey was a ‘new’ character at the start of the novel, I always felt like she was the character we
knew the least about, but after Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover, we’ve learnt quite a lot about what
was under Macey McHenry’s hard exterior.

Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover ended on a cliffhanger, unlike the previous two which had more of a
sense of finality about them. I’m hoping that book four will answer the questions that arose in book
three because otherwise, I’m going to get very confused, very quickly. The Gallagher Girls series is
definitely moving from strength to strength and I hope it continues in that way.

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Check out my reviews of the other Ally Carter books:

Gallagher Girls Series Order
I’d Tell You I Love You But Then I’d Have To Kill You
Cross My Heart and Hope To Spy
Only the Good Spy Young
Out of Sight Out of Time
United We Spy
Uncommon Criminals
Heist Society
Perfect Scoundrels

Editor of What’s Hot?

Laura is an award-winning travel and book blogger based in the UK. She studied French literature at
Oxford University and is now an IP lawyer at a top law firm in London. She was named UK Book
Blogger of the Year in 2019 and loves to combine her passion for books and travel with literary

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Book Review: Cross My Heart And Hope To Spy By Ally Carter

Book Review: Only The Good Spy Young By Ally Carter


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