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Issue Date 01-Nov-19
Revision Status 01
Food Recall Plan
Revision Date 01/07/2021

1.0 Purpose:-
To carry out food recall through an efficient, rapid identification as well as removal of unsafe food
and food that violates FSS Act and Regulations and informing the consumers of the potentially
hazardous food in distribution and ensures that unsafe products are retrieved and disposed of.
2.0 Scope:-
This procedure covers receipt of complaint, initiation of recall, investigation of the root cause, recall
and post recall activities.
3.0 Responsibility:-
3.1 Constitution of Recall Team - CEO / Business Head
3.2 Initiation of Recall - FSTL
3.3 Post recall activities - FSTL
4.0 Definitions:-
Class I Recalls: are for unsafe food that could cause serious health problems or even death.
Class II Recalls: are for food that are unlikely to cause any adverse health problem, but violate the
Act and the rules and regulations made their under.
5.0 Procedure:-
5.1 MFP has constituted a recall team comprising of all department heads in the Organization.
Roles, responsibilities and authorities of each personnel in recall process has defined,
documented and communicated at all levels in the Organization. The list of recall team members is
available with FSTL.
5.2 Recall notification contact list has prepared and updated regularly by FSTL, the list includes
contact details of recall team members.
5.3 Whenever a complaint received from customer, the complaint shall enter in complaint book and
classification of complaint will be done by Quality department, if the complaint is related to food
safety, severity of the complaint will be assessed and transferred to FSTL and GM Quality, if they
have feeling that the complaint will be serious to food safety aspect immediately called up on recall
team members and initiate the recall.
5.4 Before going to recall the product, the recall will classify to class 1 and class 2, for class 2 recall
the more attention required from all levels in the organization and the action should be rapid.

5.5 Recall team will identify food to be recalled (according to batch number, time of production
etc.) and communicates to Customer in the particular batch number and request them to stop
5.6 Recall alert notification (Annexure -1) will be prepared by FSTL and it will send to state Food
Safety Authority through e -mail and the hard copy of the same will courier to State Food Safety
Commissioner and District FSOs.

5.7 Inform authorities regarding the recall through telephonic interaction and recover food from

authorities as quick as possible.

Prepared by: FSTL Approved by: Business Head

Issue Date 01-Nov-19
Revision Status 01
Food Recall Plan
Revision Date 01/07/2021

5.8 FSTL will call an urgent meeting of recall team members and they will discuss and identify root
cause of the problem.
5.9 Call state Food authority representatives to the Plant and recovered items will disposed of in
front of state food safety official. Disposal records will be maintained by FSTL.

5.09 Recall team will evaluate the effectiveness of recall process and the minutes of team
meeting prepared and maintained, result of recall will use as inputs in Management Review
5.10 FSTL will prepare interim report (containing circumstances of recall, method of disposal, action
taken, preventive action etc.) of recall and the same shall submit to state food safety authority

5.12 All records related to recall will stored for future reference.

5.13 The effectiveness of the procedure will be verified through Mock recall, it will be conducted
once in a 6 months.

Food recall includes withdrawal.

6.0 Records:-
6.1 List of Recall Team Members
6.2 Roles. Responsibilities and authorities of recall team members
6.3 Customer Complaint Record
6.4 Recall notification Contact List
6.5 Annexure -1
6.6 Food recovery Record
6.7 Disposal record
6.8 CAR
6.9 Food Recall Status Report - Annexure -IV
6.1 0 Minutes of Recall Team Meeting
6.11 Record of Mock Recall

Prepared by: FSTL Approved by: Business Head


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