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Student: Jorge Lazo

Questions for lesson five

1. What does total depravity mean?
Total depravity means that every part of mankind, will, reason, and every part
of our personality is sinful. There is not one thing that was left untouched by
sin. We are radically corrupted in our total being.
2. What does unconditional election mean?
Unconditional election means that God, from eternity past, has chosen to save
a great multitude of sinners, which no man can number, and which no person
can enact in and of themselves. It is a complete work of God alone before the
foundations of the world.
3. What does limit atonement mean?
Limit atonement means that Christ took the judgment for the sin of the elect
upon Himself and thereby paid for their lives with His death. In other words, He
did not simply make salvation “possible,” He actually obtained it for those
whom He had chosen.
4. What does irresistible grace mean?
Irresistible grace means that in his fallen state, man resists God’s love, but the
invisible grace of God working in his heart makes him desire what he had
previously resisted. That is, God’s grace will not fail to accomplish its saving
work in the elect.
5. What does perseverance of the saints mean?
Perseverance of the saints means that God protects His saints from falling away;
thus, salvation is eternal. The finality of our blessed hope for glory, declares
nothing, absolutely nothing, can compromise or separate us from the love of
God in Christ Jesus.
6. According to Joel R. Beeke, what does soteriology mean?
Joel R. Beeke states, “The word soteriological derives from soteria, the Greek
word for “salvation”; soteriological, then, simply implies that which pertains to
the truth or doctrine of salvation.”
7. Which part of the TULIP do you struggle with the most? Why?
Limited atonement: I think it has to deal with the very nature of God, the
election sounds very illogical for a God that is just, in other words, it is
impossible for a just God to arbitrarily decide to hate some people and
condemn them to hell before they were created, simply because he can do it.
8. Which part of the TULIP do you agree with the most? Why?
Total depravity: I think this doctrine makes a lot of sense not only biblically, but
also in practice, when seeing the evil in my heart, in the world, when perceiving
the hardness to change in people, it is very clear that there is a nature with a
tendency toward evil, we are not good at all.
9. Explain the two callings in effectual calling.
a. The outward call: This is the verbal preaching of God’s Word. When
God’s Word is preached people hear it, but all do not receive it in their
Student: Jorge Lazo

hearts. It is no difference if they were listening to any speaker, on any

topic. They hear but they do not understand.
b. The inward call: This is the verbal preaching of the Word that is received
into the hearts of the elect, by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is
known as the Effectual Call of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit convinces
us of our sin and misery, enlightening our minds in the knowledge of
Christ, renewing our wills, and enables us to embrace Jesus Christ freely
offered in the Gospel.
10. Do you agree with R.C. Sproul’s statement: “If we have it, we never lose it, If
we lose it, we never had it”

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