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Student: Jorge Lazo

Questions for lesson four

1. What does Sola Scriptura mean?
It means that the Bible alone is the sole authority for all matters of faith and
practice. Scripture and Scripture alone is the standard by which all teachings
and traditions of the church must be measured.
2. What does Sola Gratia mean?
It means that salvation is proof of God’s undeserved favor; we are rescued from
God’s wrath by His grace alone, not by any works we do. God’s blessing in Christ
is the sole efficient cause of salvation.
3. What does Sola Fide mean?
It means that we are justified by faith in Christ alone, not by the works of the
Law. It is by faith in Christ that His righteousness is imputed to us as the only
possible satisfaction of God’s perfect standard.
4. What does Solus Christus mean?
It means that salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone; no one and nothing else
can save.
5. What does Soli Deo Gloria mean?
It means that salvation is of God and has been accomplished by God for His
glory alone. We must live for His glory.
6. What does perspicuity of the Scriptures mean?
It means the clarity of the Scripture. The Gospel message of salvation is so clear
that a child can understand it.
7. Do you ever feel you have to work for God’s grace? Explain.
Yes, I do. Every day I struggle with my legalism, feeling that I need to do
something more (works) to earn God’s grace. I think that because of my human
nature my heart tends to do works instead of hold on God’s grace.
8. What is a short definition of justification?
It is the act of making someone right with God, this justification takes place
when God declares those who through faith in Christ are received to be
9. Explain Jesus as our Prophet, Priest, and King.
a. Jesus as our Prophet is the Word made flesh (John 1:14), He is the Greatest
Prophet there ever could be. Think about His name Immanuel (God with
us) and it is He who reveals to us the perfect will of the Father for our
b. Jesus as our Priest is the Great High Priest. He offered up Himself to satisfy
God’s divine wrath, once and for all, reconciling us to the Father. He
continually intercedes for us at the Right Hand of the Father. As our Priest,
Jesus offers sacrifices to God on our behalf and is Himself, the sacrifice that
is offered, He brings us near to God, He is the perfect sacrifice.
c. Jesus as our King rules and reigns. He defends us, with complete
sovereignty. He is the Supreme King, the King of all kings and He upholds all
of creation by the Word of His power.
Student: Jorge Lazo

10. What is our God-given goal in life?

It is to glorify God in everything, from a holistic approach.

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