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1. Which of the following is the type of entrepreneurship based on the risk?





Ans. Drone entrepreneurship is the type that is categorized based on the risk involved. In this type,
owners are satisfied with the current pace and profit of the business and are not willing to take a further

2. Brugman is a pioneer of ….. entrepreneurship





Ans. Brugman is a pioneer of corporate entrepreneurship.

3. Small scale entrepreneurs have an annual turnover in the range of-

Up to Rs. 5crore

Rs 5Crore- 75 Crore

Rs. 75 Crore-250 Crore

None of the above

Ans. If the annual turnover of entrepreneurship is in the range of Rs 5 Crore to 75 Crore then it is known
as small-scale entrepreneurship.
4. Microsoft by Bill Gates is an example of which type of entrepreneurship?





Ans. Microsoft is an example of innovative entrepreneurship, where the starting of a business is

completely dependent on an innovative idea and has the highest risk factor.

5. In which of the following types, does the entrepreneur work as a middle man?





Ans. Trading entrepreneurship is the type where a business idea works as a link between two ends of the

6. Joint effort and ownership of a private entrepreneur and Government are involved in the-





Ans.Joint entrepreneurship involves both ownership of a private entrepreneur and a government.

7. To categorize entrepreneurship on a large scale, the annual turnover should be-

Below Rs 75 Crore

Above Rs 250 Crore

Between 75 to 250 Crore

None of the above

Ans. Large scale entrepreneurship has to have an annual turnover of greater than Rs 250 Crore

8. In which of the following types of profit is the secondary objective?





Ans. Social entrepreneurs are obligated to contribute to social development and work for a social cause.
Here profit is the secondary objective.

9. The idea of social entrepreneurship came into existence in-

The 1960s

The 1990s

The 1850s

The 1940s

Ans. Origin of social entrepreneurship dates back to around the 1960s.

10. The minimum financial interest that a woman has to have in woman entrepreneurship is-
51 percent


50 percent

60 percent

Ans. According to the rules set by the Indian government, in woman entrepreneurship, a woman
entrepreneur has to have at least 51 percent of financial interest.

11. Grameen Bank by Muhammad Yunus is an example of….entrepreneurship





Ans. Grameen Bank by Muhammad Yunus is an example of social entrepreneurship.

12. The advantage of self-employment is-

Flexible working hours

Freedom to choose the type of work

High potential to enhance income

All of the above

Ans. Self-employment is very beneficial in terms of choosing our working hours, and the role and also
gives good space to enhance our income. Hence all these are advantages of self-employment.

13.Which of the following is not an example of self-employment?

Doctor working at a city hospital

The doctor doing private practice

Shop owner

Cafe owner

Ans. When a person is working for some other organization and taking a fixed salary, it does not come
under self-employment. Thus, a doctor working at a city hospital is not self-employed.

14. The disadvantage of self-employment is-

Varied business income

Fixed salary

Flexible working hours

None of above

Ans. In the case of self-employment, there is a risk of income fluctuation. And this is the biggest

15. Which among the following is a push factor for entrepreneurship?


Passion for business

Displacement from job

Non Satisfaction from job

Ans. Push factors are reasons that demotivate someone from starting his/her own business and hence
keep a person away from entrepreneurship. Culture is one such push factor.

16. Which among the following is a pull factor for entrepreneurship?

Displacement from job

Passion for business

Believing in our idea

All of the above

Ans. Unlike the push factors, pull factors encourage us to start our entrepreneurship career. All the
above-mentioned factors indeed are necessary to motivate us for taking entrepreneurship as a career.

17. The term entrepreneurship dates back to-




Can’t state

Ans. Though the word entrepreneur has been in existence since 1762, the term entrepreneurship dates
back to 1902.

18. Paul Reynolds is the founder of-

Social entrepreneurship

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

Both of the above

None of the above

Ans. Paul Reynolds is the founder of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.

19. Who is considered the father of entrepreneurship?

Joseph Schumpeter

Paul Reynolds

Bill Gate

Elon musk

Ans. Joseph Schumpeter is considered the father of entrepreneurship.

20.Entrepreneurship Development Program is to help-

Well established business

First generation entrepreurs

Employs of an organization

None of the above.

Ans. Entrepreneurship Development Program is mainly formed to help first-generation entrepreneurs.

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