Gender Stereotypes

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Gender Stereotypes
Direction: Discuss and argue in 3-5 sentences. If you agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. A woman should take care of her family while a While it is important to keep challenging and
man should earn money. questioning established gender roles and
expectations in order to create a more inclusive
and fair society in which people are not bound by
stereotypes or societal standards. Gender
equality does not imply discarding personal
preferences or decisions within families. It entails
honoring and respecting individual agency, letting
each individual to select their own roles and
duties based on their abilities, interests, and
family unit agreements. So I am neither agreeing
nor disagreeing with this concept; we are free to
chart our own paths and contribute to our
families and communities in ways that are
significant to us. So, if I want to be a stay-at-home
mom and take care of the house in the future, I'll
be a stay-at-home mom, or if I want to work and
earn money instead, I'll work and get money, no
harm done, it's up to the individual what they
want to be.

2. Men don’t cry. It is an old and damaging notion that restricts

men's emotional expression unnecessarily. It is
critical to encourage emotional expression and to
provide a safe and supportive environment for all
individuals, regardless of gender. Therefore, I
disagree with this notion; it must be understood
that vulnerability and the ability to express
emotions openly are characteristics of strength,
not weakness. Let's allow men to be human, let
them cry and support their emotional well-being.

3. Behind every success of a man is a woman. While it is true that supportive relationships,
especially those with women, can play an
important part in a person's success, attributing
all achievement simply to the presence of a
woman is neither factual nor fair. Therefore, I
disagree with this saying; it is critical to
acknowledge that success is the product of
various contributions from individuals of both
genders. Both men and women can achieve
success in their own industries via their own hard
work, abilities, and dedication.
4. If a woman/man is 30 and single, she/he is a I disagree; being 30 and single does not make one
failure. a failure in any way. To begin with, our age and
marital status do not dictate our worth or success
in life. Personal development, education, work
accomplishments, community involvement,
friendships, and self-discovery can all lead to
success and fulfillment in life. It is both unfair and
unreasonable to measure someone's total
success or worth purely on their age and marital
status. People's lives are shaped by their
priorities, circumstances, and personal choices.

5. Homosexuality is kind of mental disorder or I completely disagree with this idea, as

disease. homosexuality is neither a mental illness nor a
disease. Major medical and psychological
societies all over the world had already
universally discredited and rejected the concept
of homosexuality as a mental illness. Sexual
orientation, whether heterosexual, homosexual,
or bisexual, is a deeply embedded component of
a person's identity that does not need to be
treated or cured. Respecting and accepting
individuals regardless of their sexual orientation is
important as this promotes equality,
understanding, and human rights for everyone.

6. Women who don’t wear high heels are I disagree with this notion; it is crucial to
unfeminine. acknowledge that femininity, like masculinity, is a
diverse and personal concept that may be
portrayed in a variety of ways. Clothing decisions,
including whether or not to wear high heels, do
not define a person's femininity. Femininity is not
a fixed set of standards or actions to which every
woman must conform. Women should have the
freedom to pick their clothing and footwear
depending on their personal tastes, comfort, and
self-expression, without fear of condemnation or

7. Men drink beer or vodka, and women drink I disagree with this, associating particular drinks
wine. with gender feeds negative stereotypes and limits
people's freedom to make decisions based on
their own tastes and preferences. It supports the
unfair and inaccurate idea that some drinks are
more appropriate or suitable for one gender than
the other. The subjective nature of alcohol
preferences makes them susceptible to a range of
influences, including personal taste, cultural
background, social setting, and individual
preferences. Although my dad prefers beer to
wine, he also enjoys wine on occasion.

8. A man should carry a heavy bag for a woman. Disagree! Both men and women can handle a
variety of physical tasks and obligations. Rather
than assuming that one gender should
automatically undertake a certain work for
another, it is more fair and respectful to examine
the situation based on factors such as the physical
ability, willingness, and personal agreement
between those concerned. For example, suppose
the man is physically weak and injures himself
while carrying the item for you.

9. Men are better drivers than women. Nope, not true at all; driving abilities and skills
cannot be generalized or linked only to one's
gender. There are studies and statistical data that
suggest that there is no substantial difference in
driving abilities or safety between men and
women. Individual experience, training, attention
to traffic rules, and on-the-road behavior all have
a larger impact in defining driving ability than

10. A man should propose to a woman. It’s Disagree! I've seen women propose marriage to
unnatural for a woman to ask a man to marry their partners instead; nothing changes, it's still a
her. happy affair, and no one gets hurt except those
with an outdated perspective. Marriage is a
personal decision that should be founded on
mutual love, respect, and commitment between
two people of either gender. The notion that only
men should start marriage proposals reinforces
gender stereotypes while limiting women's
agency and autonomy in expressing their desires
and intentions.

11. Fashion designers and hair stylists are gay I disagree; a person's sexual orientation has
people. nothing to do with their career choice. Sexual
orientation is a highly intimate component of a
person's identity that cannot be defined or
assumed based on career or interests. People of
different sexual orientations work in numerous
fields, including fashion design and hairstyling.

12. Women are nothing but machines for This remark is highly demeaning and reduces
producing children. women to simple reproductive objects, ignoring
their individuality, their autonomy, and the
numerous roles they perform in society. Women
are more than a baby factory, and we should not
be defined exclusively by our ability to reproduce.
Women provide different contributions to society,
including but not limited to their employment,
education, leadership roles, creativity, and
nurturing traits.

13. A man who stays at home and do household Gender roles and expectations have altered over
chores is “under-de-saya” time; men who take up home tasks are neither
lesser or submissive. It is crucial to acknowledge
that household tasks, regardless of gender, should
be divided evenly between couples. The notion
that doing domestic duties diminishes a man's
dignity or masculinity reinforces detrimental
gender norms and hinders the possibilities for
equal partnerships and shared responsibilities.

II. Poster Campaign

Create a Poster campaign against gender bias in the media or in the workplace.
1. Draw or Illustrate a symbol that can best represent the fight against gender bias and gender
2. Write a title for the campaign and a short description describing ways to end gender bias.
3. Put a meaningful tagline or catchy phrase promoting the campaign.

Rewrite the Script

Change the narrative that associates males with physically hard work and women with "easy" or
less physically demanding employment. Encourage people to pursue their job aspirations based
on their interests, abilities, and passions rather than societal stereotypes. Everyone should have
the freedom to pursue their dream jobs without being constrained by gender stereotypes.
Promote gender-neutral recruitment and hiring methods that prioritize qualifications,
experience, and ability over gender assumptions.

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