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WNPOC 3 WHITE NILE PETROLEUM OPERATING COMPANY LTD. OGP TECHNICAL SERVICES SDN BHD. SUDAPET LTD DocUMENT NO: ‘0s-PR-TR. 2005-0 THAR JATH DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY (PACKAGE 2) REVISION RECORD REVISION DESCRIPTION ‘CONSULTANT REV NO. DATE OF ISSUE 0 ISSUED FOR INFORMATION 23.08.04 Review Appr coon. | proces | Ppsine [att JO [Shne: | cf suns | OO Fi] ban | A xfer [solo] soe [ate le [neo | wll ae asec | CLIENT ‘SDN. ‘OGP TECHNICAL SERVICES ‘ono 23 AUG 2004 DOC. NO. : ADS-PR-TR-2005 REY.NO.: 0 DOC. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY 30117 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.9 TRODUCTION 4 1.4 Purpose of Study 4 20. ABBREVIATION 5 30. FLARE SYSTEM 6 31 Overview of Flare System 6 3.2 Design Basis for Flare System 6 33° Flare Header Stzing 8 344 Flare Knockout Drum Sizing 8 3.5 Flare Stack Sizing 10 40° RELIEF AND BLOWDOWN " 4. Caleulation Approach " 5.0. DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL RELIEF SCENARIOS 2 5.1 Crude OW Separator (V-2001 A/B/C) 52 Electrostatic Oi Treater (V-2002 A-F) 8 5.3 Gas Boot (v-2003) “ 5.4 Crude Oil Feed Pumps (P-2001 AVB/C) 8 5.5 Restart Export Pump (P-2004) 16 DOG. NO. : ADS-PR-TR-2005 REV. NO. : 0 DOC. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY Page #0 17 10 ey INTRODUCTION Block 5A owned by White Nile Petiloum Operating Company (WNPOC) is located ‘onshore in southern Sudan approximately 850 km south of Kharloum. Petronas Cavigall ‘Wiste Niles Partners in WNPOC ate ONGC Videsh Lid (OVL) and Sudapet. Block 54 covers an area of approximately 7.4 millon acres. Block 5A is within the Muglad Basin, which has a number of existing and planned ovelopments. The fle and production Taclties of GNPOC, the only curent producer in Sudan is located 250 ken noth of Block 5A. within the Muglad Basin, The aea is Classiied as Savannah Grassland and is under davelaped with ne local infrastructure oF Workforce other than thet supporting the operations in the North ‘The Thar Jath Field located within Block 5A is inlended to be developed fst, followed by other fields within Block BA. Thar dath field Is approximately 18.8 km long and the widest section is 4k wide. The appraisal wells driled showed swoet heavy oll (20° [API ith low Gas Oil Ratio (GOR) to be prasont. This ls heavier than the produced ot ‘om the adjacent Northam fields, Hegig and Unity operated by GNPOC, but otherwise the Thar Jath structure is predicted to have similar properties as that of Heglg and Uniy. Tho surface faciltes being developed at Thar Jath are classed into five main packages: ‘Accomodation Complox and Fubkona Bridge 1 2. Central Processing Facitios (CPF) 3. Field Surace Facies (FSF) 4. Export Pipeine 5. Central Power Plant Purpose of Document This document describes the basis philosophy and reasoning behing the development of the flare and reliot system for the Thar Jath Central Processing Facies located in Blook 5A, Sudan. This document shoud be read in conjunction with Plping & Instrumentation Diagrams (aids) . DOC. NO. : A0S-PR-TR-2005 REV.NO.: 0 DOG. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY Page Sof 17 20 ABBREVIATIONS apt American Petoleum Institute B0PD Barrels (US) of Oi Per Day PD Barres (US) Per Day esew Base Sacimont & Water eweo Barres (US) of Water Per Day opr Central Processing Facity Poe Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning FSF Feld Sudace Fasity KO Free Water Knockout Tank Gor Gas Oil Ratio anroc GREATER NILE PETRLEUM OPERATING Company Lid. Le Liquoied Petoloum Gas on ONGC Videsh Ls. Pao Piping and insrumnttion Diagram Psy Pressure Safety Vale SUDAPET SUDAN PETROLEUM Lid uw ‘Thar Jah 180 ‘Toht Shut oH WNPOo, WHITE NILE PETROLEUM OPERATING Company Lid DOG. NO. : AOS-PR-TR-2005 REV.NO.: 0 DOC. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY Page 6 0f 17 30 FLARE SYSTEM 3.1. Overview of Flare System 32 aaa ‘The flare system at Thar Jath CPF consist of Flare Header, Flare Knockout Drum and Fare Stack. Gas sources for flaring are mostly from the Frcewater Knockout Tank (T- 2001) and Gas Boot (V-2003). No gas is expected to be evolved trom the Crude Oil ‘Separator (V-2001A/B/C) and Elecrostatio Ol Treater (V-2002A-F). However, some ‘amount of gas aro expectad to be evolved at the Crude Oll Separator et some ime uring the production Ife. Thus, the Crude Ol! Separator is designed with a gas dome ‘rom which subsequently the eas willbe sent othe fare header. ‘The Flare header is routed to the Flare Knockout Drum (V:2201). The Flare Knockout Drum operates at maximum 90°C and 1 KPag, Liquid is being knocked out fom the gas ror to being sent tothe Flare Stack (A-2203). Liquid hydrocarbon from the knockout Grum is pumped back to crude processing upstieam of Grude O1 Feed Pump (P-200t NBIC) ‘The Fare Stack is designed above ground and uses Flame Front Generator Type Ignition System, 26 I is more refable. The Flame Front Generator Panel requires fuo| gas, whichis tobe provided trom LPG cylinders. The plots are proposed io be It using UPG tie-in rom LPG oytinders during start up. Design Basis for Flare System Flare System Design Capacity Flare loads are determined from CPF HYSYS simulation (Refer Process Simulation Report (Doc No, AdS-PR-TR-2008)). The GOR forthe Aradeba, Beniu Top and Bentis Bottom are 54 ffl, 12 fbb and 10 ff/bbl respectively. Tie works out to an average GOR of 12.3 fob based on the crude oll lending rato of 5:90: Flare load from the existing CPF: Solution gas corresponding to oll production of 6,000 BOPD at 1 KPag and 58.°C that equates to 1768 kgf (1.873 MMISCFD gas). This sontinuous flare load as summarized below in Tabla 1 is rom Freswater Knockout Tak (7-2001) and Gas Bact (V:2008 4/8), both operating ai 1 KPag. For design purposes the flare system which comprise ofthe flare heeder, fare knockout drum and Fare Stack are sized for double the'load from these two equipment which equates to $572 kgf equivalent to 2.746 MMSCFD of gas. ‘Table 1: Flare Load within Thar Jath CPF Total Fiowrate | ‘Total Flowrate a Co) qaiscrD) FWKO Tank (F2001A8) | 1790.92 3498 ‘Gas Boot (v-2003) 4182 0.08 DOC. NO. : AOS-PR-TR-2005 REV.NO.: 0 DOC: TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY Page 7 of 17 322 329 324 ‘The 100% design margin in the flare load is to cater forthe unknown GOR during the Inilal preduetion ané enanges In GOR with the adstional id fem Mala eld. Any Luutitzed capacty In the flare system can utized for future expansion In Thar Jath PF. Flare Gas composition ‘The Fire Gas compositon forthe Thar Jath CPF are summarized inthe Table 1 below: Table 1: Flare Gas Composition ‘Component Wet Basis (Mole %) Ho | 2s oa Wind Speed - Average <10 kmour Peake 135 kmmout Prevailing Wind Direction Dry season From North to South Feiny season: From South to North DOC. NO. : AOS-PR-TR-2005 REV.NO.: 0 DOC. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY Page 8 of 17 228 326 33 34 Solar Heat Radiation 6.3 kn al stack base and up to the stele area (20 secs peak exposure) ‘47 kWir? atthe flare area edge (60 socs peak exo0sur0) SOKWin? at the normally unmanned area 1.58 kWin® atthe GPF tence Ambient Temperature Maximum: 50°C Minimum: 10°C Flare Header Sizing ‘The flare header Is szed using the HYSIS 3.1 sofware. The header is sized for double the gas flow from Free Water Knockout Tank (T-2001A/B) and Gas Boot (V-2008) to ‘ulfiienty accomodate the unknown gas flow trom Crude Oil Separator (V-200t [AIBIC). The header is sized co as to lit the pressure in the FWKO tanks fo 1 KPag, ‘The header pressure prof is calculated and an 18-inch size flare header has been found to adequately accommodate the design capaciy of the flare system with & preseure drop of 0.25 kPa/t00m. This 18" Neader size is edoquato to avoid higher Backpressure to the FWKO tanks (T-2001NB) and Gas Boot (V-2003). EPC Contractor shal carry out detalled nycreuic analysis and increase in the flare header ‘ize if roqulred based on the fna! layout Flare Knock Out Drum Sizing Flare Knockout Drum (V-2201) is provided with a single knock out cru which, is sized in acoorcance withthe requirements of API RP 521 in terms of separation aficiency And liquid hold up. The Knockout Drum is sized to separate liquid droplets of s'ze 300 ‘irons and larger, atthe design Nar rte ‘The flare load contingency results In a total flow of 3572 kor of fui. Tho total vapor ‘low is taken 3 twice the actual vapor load from each FVVKO Tank (T-2001A/B) ard Gas Boot (V-2003). There is no actual quid lead to fare system. A 10% contingency liquid load ofthe total vepor flowrate is included inte drum sizing. Te lquld holdup for knockout drum is spectied as 80 minutes. ‘The Flare Knockout Drum ls sized based on the alowable vertical liquid droplet velocty necessary to separate quid droplets of size 300 microns atthe design fare cate-The Fare Knockout Drum dlamotor to length rao le taken 96 1:25, Propertios of fd ‘entoring the Flare Knackout Drum are perth fling table DOC. NO. : A0S-PR-TR-2005 REV.NO.: 0 DOG. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY Page 901 17 ‘Table 2: Properties of Fluid Entering Flare Knockout Drum Properties Quantity Temperature (°C) 58 Pressure (kPa) 102, Liquid Density (kam?) | 982 Vapor Density (kg'n®) | 0.012 “The optimum knockout drum size resis In the 1.6m diameter and 8.75m length drum wit te folowing characterises: ‘Table 2: Flare Knockout Drum Characteristics Properties | Quantity Liquid Dropout Vlocty mv) | 0:38, Liquid Dropout Time (s) 373 ‘Vapor Velocity (ms) [ost Minimum Requred Brum 23 Length) REV.NO.: 0 DOG. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY Page 1001 17 as Flare Stack Sizing ‘The flare stack Ie slzed using simple approach in API S21. Flare stack is sized for hydrocarbon vapor flowrate of $572.2 kg. Tho flaro tip damolor ie sized tor ontinyous fw, with Mach 0.2. The Heat of Combustion is assumed tobe 41803 kiko. From the calculation, the flare stack have a height of 12 meters and a fare tip of 6 inch ameter. In order to consider future compostonal changes, a flare stack with minimum 15m helght Is considered. The flare stack shall be 18 inch clameter, same as the fare header to minimize pressure drop. ‘The 15 m flare height ie determined only for radiation purposes, which needs to be vertied during detaid engineering . A dspersion calculation fr lame out condition ‘hall be carried out during detailed engineering by EPCC contractor and I required, a ew height of the flare stack shall be determined. The flare stack shall be provided with molocular seal instead of Kinetic seal to avoid higher pressure drop. DOC. NO. : ADS-PR-TR-2005 RE.NO.: 0 DOC. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY Page 11 of 17 40. RELIEF AND BLOWDOWN ‘The relief and biowdown ftom most of the major equipment will be routed to the ‘lowdown header, and wil then be sent to the Free Water Knockout Tanks (T-2001 NB). Atleast one of the FIVKO tanks will be normally ined up tothe blowdown header. 4.1 Calculation Approach Generally there ae three rele scenarios considered in Thar Jath CPF: 441.2 Fire case (Liquid Veporiation) ln the case iquid vaporization due to external fe, the following essumption/rtria are applied ‘+ For oll service, the latent heat of vaporization is considered es 200 Btutb. The relieving temperature is ectimated using HYSYS 3.1 software. The temperature wil be the coresponding bubble point temperature at tne relieving pressure, ‘© Similarly, the molecular weight willbe taken from HYSYS software as the molecular ‘eight ofthe vapor at relieving pressure and bubble pont temperature. ‘© Tho area exposed to tre wil be limited to 8.0 m from grade as recermmended in APL ‘© The vessel liquid level will be normal operating level for the drums having comteuous level contol valve, * Volume/area of the connected piping shall be considered in the relief toad calulatione 44.3. Thermal Expansion ‘Thermal ret valves provide thermal overpressure protection for auld full piping systems, In evaluating the provision of thermal aver-pressure protection devices the following ‘assumptions are made ‘+ Locked open or car-sealed open valves provide a thermal reli path. ‘© Contrel valves do not provide tight shut-of ‘© Check valves, unless stated TSO, do not provide tight shutof 4.14 Blocked Discharge ‘This oase considers the failure ofthe outlet valve o alu of pump. The normal fuld handling capacity atthe relieving pressure shall be considered asthe rete fw rate, REV.NO.: 0 ‘DOC. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY Page 1201 17 5a DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL RELIEF SENARIOS ‘The following section describes the individual relist case considered forthe equipment in Thar Jath CPF. (Crude Ol Separator (V-2001A/8/C) Crude Oil Separator (V-2001A/BIC) operates under fll iqud condition. The PSV ‘meunted on separator is sized for blocked discharge cass. The load relieved trom these PSV6 are routed othe Blowdown header. ‘The estimated rele load and pretiminary reliot size for blocked discharge case are 0s given in Table 4 and 5 below: Table 4 Lguia Flow [Vapor Flow ‘Tag No Service case cee apte_| Donsity| kom | MisSont Pov. v.20018IC | cocks | (cr oe ean | Blocked Outet| 237,784 | o84s | 120 | 2676 Tables a . ree Es) Tog No Proseure = ‘ibeg | verressure | equred | selected | tm | ore | out Pav. coeeMoio| 10 | 100 ro | 22 | 28 fa] u | s Limiting ofthe design pressure of Crude Oil Soparator(V-2001 A/B/C) and downstream equipment to 1000 KPag is achieved by slzing the relist valves ‘On the crude oll ‘sparator for blocked Tow ease at 1000 KPa. DOC. NO. : A0S-PR-TR-2005 REV.NO. : 0 DOC. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY 98 13 of 17, 52 Electrostatic Ol! Treater(V-20024-F) Electrostatic 03 Trester (V-2002 A-F) operates under fl quid contion. The PSV ‘mounted on separator is sized for fre case. The oad reieved from these PSV aro routed to the Blowdown header ‘The estimated role load and relist size for fre case are as given in Table 6 and 7 below: Tobie Vapor Flow Tag No seve | cate a rome | Molecule craoratroreor | GacroamOaTrenen | F** | 68 | 2578 Table? a x Tree Biz ch) Tune | Teme | erst. |overreasue| neque | Sosed| i [once] Out sv. lnzvora0 haossie or REV. NO.: 0 DOG. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY Page 16 of 17 53 Gas Boot (v-2009) ‘There to PSVs located on Gas Boot (V-2008), of which ona I located at th init to ‘th Gas Boct sized for blocked dscharge case and another located onthe top section {28 boot slzed for re case, The load relieves from both ofthese PSVs are routed to {he lowdown header. “The estimated relief load and relof size for fre case are as given in Table @ and 9 below Tables Liquid Flow Vapor Flow Tag No Service a Cane | oer | ram | MS Pev.oze | vc00s (Gases) | 80% | sossie | eae | 404 | 706 Outot Psv.aei | v2008(Gas B00) | Fo ait | 2796 Tables Area: Siz ine) % Tag No ‘overpressure | Required | Selected | n | Orice| Out revo] 70 | aso xo | oso | toms [ol nr |e paver | 70 | _as0 a ve | oo fal vy |« PSY.020 is sized for blocked out to enable setting ofthe Gas Boot design pressure at 350 kPag. PSV-020 and PSV-021 ned fo be provided with balanced below fo mest backpressure requirement. DOC. NO. : A0S-PR-TR-2005 REV.NO. : 0 DOG. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY 9° 15 of 17, 54 Crude Ol! Feed Pumps (P-2001A/8/0) ‘The PSVs are located on the discharge of Crude Oil Feed Pumps (P-2001A/B10) and fare sized for blocked clecharge rai case, The Iquid rete are relieved tothe upstream Of he individual pump suction downstream of suction strainer. ‘The estimated ret load and rei size for blocked! low ease are as given in Table 10 ang Table 11 bolow: Table 10 [ Liquid Flow Tea No sence com Toh | Boney reves | rata cute orrmarom) | 85058] wow | oz Table 11 ce . Tee Bee icy Toate Preseure "Taau |overreesue| equied | setctd| tn | ontco| out roves | a | 1 w | awe | coo fal w fe REV. NO.: 0 DOG. NO. : A0S-PR-TR-2005 Page 18 of 17 DOC. TITLE: FLARE AND RELIEF SYSTEM STUDY 5.5 Restart Export Pump (P-2005) ‘The PSVe are located on the discharge of Restart Export Pumps (P-5) and is sized for blocked discharge relet ease. The laud role Is reloved fo the upstream ofthe pump Suction ater of pump suction strainer. ‘The estimated rei load and reli size for fie case areas given in Table 12 and Table Tebeow. Table 12 gui ow Tego sence | ce ee roves | ranesqamaneorruny | eit | ease | sone Table 18 Tee Sen Tagno | Temp | Se Pressure) | reap |°“(keas) |Ovepressur| requied| selected | tn |orice| out rsvace| x | ao a ee ee ee All th role valve loads and roi valve sizing noed tobe confirmed during detailed engineering DOG. NO.: A0S-PR-TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 DOG. TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Pago 19 of 31 {PACKAGE 2) ‘As pressure monitoring is crucial to determine the performance of the heat exchangers, local pressure indications should be provided at each shel & tube heat exchanger inlets, and oulets. Furthermore, the ciical pressure on the Crude Preheaters (E-2001AVBVC), Crude Heaiers (E-2002A/BIC) and Trealer Heaters (E-200GAVBIC) are avalabie with high and low tempersture alarms in DCS: T-0141018/022 pressure tansmiters atthe E-200'AVBIC tube sie inlet. 'PT-0121016/020 prossure transmitters atthe E-200‘AIBIC tube side outlet. PT.011/016/041 pressure transmits a te E-2001A/BIC shel se inlet. 'PT-0191037/045 pressure transmits at the E-200‘AVBIC shel sie outlet 'T-0491024/083 pressure transmitters atthe E-2002AVBVC tube side outlet. PT-0321039/082 pressure transmitters at the E-2003A/BIC tube side cutet ‘The operating pressure of the Crude Oil Separators (V-2001AVBIC) can be mentored through local gauges on the vessel and PT-028/031/081 transmits with high and low alarm in OCS. At tho produced watorouttet flow elements FE-011/0131035 ine strainers, local pressure dferential gauge is provided to indicate the diferential pressure across the inlat strainer. Local pressure gauges are provided at the Electrostatic Oll Treaters (V-20024-F) Furthermore, pressure can” be monitored tough pressure transmitters PT- 017/019/021/0231025/027 fumished with high alarm in OCS. Atte producod water outot ‘ow elements FE-040/041/042/043/044(045 inlet strainers, local pressure. dferential {aUge s provided to indicate the ferential pressure across ihe inet strainer. “The Gas Boot (V-2008) operating pressure Is monitored via local pressure gauge and PT-086 with high and low pressure alarms in contol room, on each Crude Ol Transfer Pump (P-20024/B) suction and dscharge piping, local preceure gauges are provided, Preseure transmtior PT-104/105 wah low-pressure alarmn Et OCS is provided at every pump's suction to provide pre-larms por to pumps’ tip. PT-106/107 with high-pressure alarm at DCS 1s provided on the pump’s discharge. A local pressure cfferental gouge fs provided to Indica the diferotial pressure across the pump suction strainer. “The pressure of the treated crude leaving the processing rea can be measured through 'PT-106/109/17 (with high and iw prescuro alarms in DCS) located at tho Metering Skid (4.2007), Local pressure gauge is provided a the common Crude Oil Export Pumps (P- 2004A/B/C) suction header. Local pressure gauges are provided on each Export Booster Pump (P-2003A/8) suction {and discharge lines. Pressure tranemiller PT-100/101 with low-pressure alorm at DCS Is provided at every purp’s sucton to provide pre-alarms prior to pumps’ ip and PT- {01103 fs provided on the dcharge line fo prove high pressure alarm in DCS. local preseure diferetial gauge is provided to Indicate the diferential pressure across the pump suction strainer (On each Crude OF Export Purp (P-2004A/B/C) suction and discharge piping, local pressure gauges are provided. Pressure transmitter PT-O68/071/074 wath low-pressure DOG.NO.: A0s-PR:TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 DOG: TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Pago 20 of 31 (PACKAGE) ‘arm at DCS is provided at every purn's suction to provide pre-slams prior to pumps" trip. A local pressure diferential gauge is provded to indicate the differential pressure 20r0ss the pump suction strainer. Local pressure gauges are provided on the Restart Export Pump (P-2005) suction and Gischarge lines. P1092 pressure transmitor (with high and low alarms in DCS) Is Provided at the pus discharge Pressure transmitter PT-611 at WHCC receiving area and PT-612 at WHCC outlet leaving fo the PS-1, These transmitters are provided with high and low alarms in DCS, ‘Atthe Crude Ot Buller Tank Pumos (P-8001A/B) suction and clacharge, local pressure {gauges are provided and PT-S02/605 with low prossure alarm in contol room aro Provided. at pumps sucion lines. A local pressure differontal gauge Is provided to Indicate the differential pressure across the pump suction strainer, Prossure indications are provided atthe heating medium equipment as part of verdor local conto! panel for the Fired Heaters (F-2301A/BICID). All pressure indications Tumished In the vendo’'s control pane! wil be transmitted to DCS wih required alarms Indlcations. Local gauges shal be provided at strategie locations to monitor system Integy. Local pressure gauges shall be provided on each chemical injection pumps’ suction and discharge lines, “The CPI Separators (T-2101A/8/C) axe provided wit local mounted pressure gauges. Local pressure gaugos shall be provided on the Recovered Oil Pumps (P-21 104), Dry i Sump Pumps (P-2102A/8), Open Drain Reclaimed Ol Pumps (P-2103A/5, P- 2104NB, P-2I0SAB and P-2108A) and Closed Drain Ol Pumps (P-2108A'B) ‘discharge tines. A local pressure differential gauge Is provided to Indicate the diferential pressure across the pump suction stant, “The Flare Knock Out rum (V-220*) is provided wit local mounted pressure gauge. The Flare KO Drum Pumps (P-2201A/B) suction and dacharge linea are provided with local pressure gauges. Appropriate local gauges shall be provided in the Flare. Ignition Peckage (A-2002), Tha are header tothe fare stack pressure can be monitored through PT-344 in contol room. High flame arrester difrenlal pressure alarm in OCS is provided va DPT.301 to acknowedge tre operator to switchover the instaled spare arrester. Local pressure Indications shall be provided at the discharge of each Slep Oil Pump (P ‘2006408 and Slop Oil Recycte Pump (P-2007NVB). As pressure monitoring Is cruel to ‘termine the prformanes of the heat exchangers, local pressure indications should be provided at Slop Oil Heat Exchanger (E-2004) inlets and outs. Local pressure gauge is provided at each Well Wator Pumps (P.2501A/BIC) cischarge line and the common incoming water header. PT-337 Is provided indications together ‘nh high and low pressure alarms in DCS. Local pressure gauges are proviced at each Usity Water Transfer Purnps(P-25034/8) sucton ara discharge ines. DOC. NO.: AOS-PR-TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 DOG. TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Pago 21 of 1 {PACKAGE 2) Pressure indications are provided at the Instrument Air Package (&-2701) vendor's control panel. Local pressure gauges shail be provided at the Plant Air Receiver (V= 12702) and Dry Insttument Alr Receiver (V-2701), Local pressure oferental indicators to be provided to determine the condition of the filers. PT-340 with low-pressure alarm in CS s provided to indicate the inetument air header pressure Local gauges are provided at Diesel Fuel Transfer Pumps (P-2502NB) inlet suction strainers, suction lines as well as discharge fines and Diesel Unioading Pump (P- 2601AVBIC) clscharge nes. Local pressure cfferental gauges are provided to determine the condllon of Diesel Fuel Coalescing Separator Filters (S-2501A/3). 42.2 Pressure Controls Sotfactuated low-pressure regulators (PCV-001/002 and PCV-008/004) are provided on the FWKO Tanks (T-200%A/3) to coro the pressure at 1 KPag. The regulator shall be ‘ized for total of maximum gas rate, thermal out breathing and maximum qui ling rate ‘with ne outtow “The operating pressure of the Crude Oil Separate (V-2001A/BIC) Is maintained at 720 Pag via PIC-028/081/081 PIC-1101111/1121119/1 14/115 are provided on the Electrostatic Oi Testers (V-20024-F) te override FIC-017/019I02110281025I027 in the event of higher operating pressure respectively, ‘The Gas Boot (V-2003) Is provided with pressure contol loop PIC-068 inthe vent ine to maintain the operating proseure inthe Gas Boot at 2 KPag. Altorativaly, tho uso of soll ‘Actuated low-pressure regulator shal be determined during detal engineering. ‘Settactuating PCV-827 i insted inthe LPG supply tine and PCV-323 is installed in the instrument aie suppl tine to he flare ignition panel. Nitegen for venting et, tobe fered Up duting detaled engineering “The uiliy water ditbution header pressure Is malntsined by PT-365 and PT:366 which Wil siarStop the Usity Water Transfer Pumps (P-2503A0), ‘Two sel-actuaing regulators (PCV-828/320) are installed in the instrument air supply header to control the pressure of instrument air header af a pre-set value. PCV-300 provided atthe plant alr header to provide the back pressure fo the Pant Alr Roceler (V~ 2702), 44 Level Measurement / Control ‘The lovel transmits are provided with local indleaton also. DOG.NO.: A0S-PR-TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 DOG: TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Page 22 0f 31 (PACKAGE 2) 441 Level indications and alarms Local level gauges are provided for the outer and inner walls of FWKO Tanks (T: 2001/8), The outer tank is only provided with LT-0071081 configured to provide overal ligule level high alarm. In the Inner tank of PINKO Tanks (T-2001AVB), however, level measurements are criical. The overal quid lavel and Interface level can algo. be ‘montored In corifel room through LT-OOSILT-047 ané LT-0O4IO48 respectively. These level transmitters are provided with high and low alarms, ‘At Crude Olt Separators (V-2001 A/B/C) both cil and interface local gauges are provided Beside these gauges, [T-055/056,057 level transmitters with preset ol level alarms high fare provided in the DCS. The interface level can be mositored through LT-008/012/052 Tevelransmitrs with high and low alarm in DCS, Local interface level gauges aro provided atthe Electostatic Ol Treaters (V-20024-F) Furthermore, interface level in V20024-F can be monitored trough lovel ransmiters E70 7/52001023102810261032 fumishad with high an low alarms in BCS. ‘The Gas Boot (V-2003) level is monitored via local level gauge and LT-O41 with high and low level alarms in contro room, ‘The Crude Ol Storage Tank (T-2002) at Thar Jath CPF and the Crude Oil Buffer Tank (776001) at Heglig WHCC are provided wity local gauges and lavel ransmitters LT-044 land LT-302 to monitor the tank Jevels, Lave ransmiters are provided wits high and low level alarms in the Control Room, Local gauges are provided on the Heating Medium Storage Tank (1-230) and Heating Medium Expansion Vessel (V-2301) for lvel moritring purposes. Each chemical tank is provided wits local leve gauge ‘The CPI Separators (T-2101A/B/C) are provided with local mounted level gauges as wel a8 level transmitters (LT-340/2450350) with high and level alarms in DCS. ‘AY Thar Jath CPF, level transritters with high and low alarm indications in control room Shall be provided for Dry OM Sump (V-2102) is LT-308, Open Drain Sumps (V-2103, V- 204, V.2108 and V-2108) via LT-316°317/3191521 and Closed Orain Sump (V-2108) through LT-224. In Heglg WHI, level indications with high and low alarms forthe Open Drain Sump (7-610) wil ba transmitted by LT-902 to Thar Jathcontrl room, ‘The Flare Knock Out Drum {V-2201) is provided with level transmit (LT-313) wih high ‘and ow alarm and local mounted level gauge. Level transmiter (LT-328) wth high and low alarms In control room as well as a local level gauge ls proved for the Slop Tank (F-2008). Loca avel gauge is provided a the Water Storage Tank (T-2501) LT-3201990 is provided for the Diesel Fuel Storage Tanks (T-2601AVB) to provide local indicatons as well 2 high and low evel alerms in DCS. DOG. NO.: _A0S-PR-TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 DOG. TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Pago 23 of 1 (PACKAGE 2) 442 Level Controls “The FWKO Tanks (T-2001A/B) are provided with level control (LIC-03/LT-047) in the Inner tank by modulating the speed of the Crude Feed Pures (P-200iA/B/C). The interface lovel in the FWKO Tank (T-2001A/) is controlled by eontrl valve LV-0041048, tn the produced water outline from tha FWKO Tank to CPI separator inlet header. ‘The Crude Ol Separetors (V-2001NB/C) are provided with interface level controters Lic-008/0721052 wach conta the interface level by meduating the contol valves on the produced water autet ine “The Electrostatic Treaters (V-2002A-F) are provided with interface lovel controllers LIC- 047/02071028/026/029/032 to acjust and central the interface botween oll and water by ‘modulating control valve LV-017102011028026/0291032 on the produced water outet ine. ‘The Gas Boo! (V:2003} is proved with level controller to adjust and contol the V-2008's level by modulating contol vaive LV-O41 on the treated crude oll Ine to Crude Oi Storage Tank (T-2002). Level sutchesttranemitter are provided for monitoring and starstop of the operating pumps: ' L7-20718061908 on the Dry Oil Sump (V-2102) to starstop Dry Ol Sump Pumps (P 21024), © L1-919/094 atthe Flare KO Drum Skid (A-220%) to staristop Flare KO Drum Pumps (P2018), ‘¢ L7-2221320/324 at the Closed Drain Sump (V-2108) to staristop Closed Drain Oi Pumps (P-21084/) 45 Product Quality If the BS&W analyzer (AT-001/002/003/004/005/006) senses a very high BSAW content Inthe separated ol leaving Electrostatic Ol Treaters (V-2002A-F), a highvhigh alarm is generated. The operator can manually divert the produced ol to crude ol storage tank if the pumping isin he direct mode fo the Crude Oil Export Pumps. DOG.NO.: A0S-PR-TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 DOG: TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Page 24 of 31 50 54 (PACKAGE 2) ‘SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY ‘Apnormal process conditions wil ilato a plant shuttiown. All shutdown valves (SDVs) and contal valves wit) ESD action wil be proved with fd reset solencid valves to ‘ensure the plant integrity and safely. All shutiown conditions, In goneral, wil be preceded by a pre-aarm to enable operator to take corrective acon Al trip alarms are annunciated in the DCS. Pressure Protection 5.4.4 Thar Jath CPF {All piping within the CPF is designed for the maximum pressure and temperature the ‘system oan experience and henoe no over pressure switches are required at the CPF. However, thermal relief val discharging to ether open or closed drain headers are provided’ follons to protect equipment oF piping fom overpressure caused due to {ermal expansion of he blocked in lqui: ‘© PSV-001 set at 4200 KPag i provided to protect the CPF init manifold © PSV-00210031004 set at 1600 kPag are provided to protect Crude Preheator (E> 2001810) * PSV-0051008I007 set at 1500 KPag are provided to protect Crude Heater (E- 2002810) ‘© PSV.010/0111025 set at 1000 kPag ere provided to protect Treater Heator (E+ 2008810) ‘* PSV-022 and PSV-023 are provided atthe Crude Oil Storage Tank inlet and outlet headers respectively, Bol elt valves are set at 1000 KPag, © PSV-359 set at 800 kPag to protect Stop Oi Heat Exchanger (E-2004). # PSV.-3401341 set at 1500 kPag fo protect well water flowines and raw water inlet header. © PSV-242/547 set at 1550 kPag to protect Plant Air Receiver (V.2702) and Dry Instrument Ar Receiver (V-270") respectively. ‘* P3V-355/356 se at 1600 kPag to protact concentrated foam vessel (V-280!/2). ‘The postive deplacoment pumps at Thar Jath CPF are provided with relief valves atthe discharge to limit any overpressure due to closing of downstream valves: ‘= Crude Feed Pumps (P-2001A/8/0) via PSV-026/0271028 sot at 1600 KPag, ‘© Restart Export Pump (P-2005) through PSV-029 sel at 8800 KPag, © Chemical injection pumps such as Demulsier Chemical Injection Pumps (P- 2401408) tough PSV-318(318, Reverse Demulsifir Cherical injecion Pumps (P 240248) through PSV-220/821, PPD Chemical injection Pumps (P-2403AV8) via 'PSV.322/823 and APD Chamical Injection Pumps (P-2404A/3) via PSV-324/328, Al ‘hase relief valves are set at 1500 KPag,, © Dry Ol Sump Pumps (P-2102A) through PSV-26/327 and Closed Drain Ol Pumps (P-2108AV8) st at 1000 KPa, DOG.NO.: A0S-PR-TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 DOG: TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Pago 25 of 31 (PACKAGE 2) ‘© Open Drain Reclaimed Ol Pumps (P-2103A/B, P-2104A/B, P.210SA/B_ and P- 2I08NB) through PSV-2291830, PSV.-231/332, PSV-388i834 and PSV-396 respectively. Al these rele valves are set at 1000 KPag, # Slop Ol Pumps (P-2006N/B) via PSV.353/364 and Slop Ol Recycle Pumps (P- ‘2007A/B) through PSV-257/358 whieh are satat 800 KPag, Pressure alarms high-high (PAHH025/0291078) are provided at the Crude Ol! ‘Separators (V-2001AV/BIC) to tip the Crude Feed Pumps (P-2001A/B/C). Furthermore, the Crude Oil Separators aro aso provided with blocked discharge rel valves (PSV- (08/600/024) omit the design prossure to 1000 kPag, Pressure alarms high-high (PAHH-0351030/049/047/051/056) are provided for each Electrostatic Ol Trealere (V-2002A-F} to tip the Crude Feed Pumps (P-2001N/IC). Each EOT is provided vith relief valves (PSV-012013/014/015/0161017) set at 1000, aq for fre case scenaro only Furhermere, the V-2002A- are also protected by the ‘elif valves located at the Crude Oil Separatore forthe blocked flow scenario. The ttonsformer in the Electrostatic Oll Treats (TR-2002A-F) that subjects the vessel to = igh potential alforence is equipped with a high-pressure protections (PAHH+ (034/088/042/046/050/054) that shuts down the transformer, when activated ‘The Gas Boot (V-2003) is provided with PSV-021 sized for fre case and athe upstream ofthe Gas Boot (V-2003) pressure safely vava (PSV-020) is provided for blocked Now 8 an ulmata protection, Bath rele valves init the design pressure of the gas boot io '350 kPag relleving the entire fow to the blowdown header. ‘The fllowing pumps are provided with lv-ow pressure sensor at the pump's suction line and high-high pressure tanemnite a the pumps discharge ine to tip the respective pump: © PALL.0021005/008 and PIAHK-004)007/010 to tip the Crude Feed Pumps (P- 2001/80), ‘¢PALL-067/070/073 and PIAHIH-06910721075 to trp the Crude Oil Export Pumps (P- 2004A/8/C), ‘© PIALL-355/356 and PAHH-366 to trip the Ut Water Transfer Pumps (P-25034/8). ‘The folowing pumps, however, are provided with only lowiow pressure sensors at ‘suction ine to tip te respective pump: ‘© PALL-087/088 to tip the Crude Oil Transfer Pumps (P-200218), PALL-0831084 to trp the Export Booster Pumps (P-2003AB), PIALL.091 to trip the Restart Export Pumo (P-2008), PALL-381/963to trp the PPD Chemical Injection Pumps (P-2404A/8) oti, PIALL-951/352 to ip tho Slop Ol Pumps (P-2008NB), PIALL-269/954 to tip the Slop Oi Recycle Pumps (P-2007AP), PIALL-263/264/965 to trip the Diesel Untoading Pumps (P-2501A/C), PIALL-357/858 o trip the Diesel Fuel Transfor Pumps (P-26024/8). D0G.NO.: A0S-PR-TR-2020 REV. NO. ° DOG: TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Page 26 of 31 (PACKAGE 2) 5.4.2 Heglig WHCC 52 3.x 50% role! valves (PSV-65A/BIC) are installed fo protect piping and equipment ‘downstream of MOV-60". Furthermore, thermal relief valve discharging to either open or ‘osed drain headers are provided as flows: # PSV-601 and PSV-602 are provided at the Crude Oil Buffer Tank inlot and outlet headers respectively. Both rel valves are set at 1000 KPag. ‘© PSV-6061607/608 set at 1200 kPag to protect Custody Metering Skid (A-6041) meter ‘© PSV-609 set at 1200 kPag to protect Motor Prover Skid (A-6012),, ‘The postive dsplacement pumps at Heglig WHCC are aso provided with el valves at tne discharge flit any overpressure dus to closing of éownstream valves: © Crude Oi Butler Tank Pumps (P-6007A\B) via PSV-603/604 set at 1200 kPag, ‘© Open Drain Sump Pumps (P-2103A/B) through PSV-901/902 set at 1000 KPag, Pressure transmiters are proved at Crude Oil Bufer Tank Pumps (P-600‘AiB) suction lines (PALL-601/802) and discharge ines (PIAHH-603/606) to tp tho respective pump, PIALL-£03104 is provided at the Fitewater Pumps (6501/2) suction lines to tip the respective pup. Temperature Protection 5.2.4 Thar Jath CPF ‘The Elecrostaic Oil Treaters (V-2002A-F) mechanical Integy. due to high-high temperature wil be protected by 17-041/042/043 which wil cut-off the heating medium supplies to the Tater Heaters (E-2003A/B/0) by cosing SDV-0191020/021, ‘The transformer in the Electostatic Oi Treaters (TR-2001A-F) that subjects the vessel to 4 high polenal ference fs equipped with a high temperature protectons (TAHH- ‘026/02e/030/032/0291031), hat shute down the ansformer, when activate. Loniow temperature sensors are provided to tip the sump pumps in case of Mid viscosity is high 7 © TIALL-225 atthe Dry Ol Surtp (V:2102) to bip Dry Ol Sumnp Pumps (P-2102AV6), © TIALL-3281331/384/397 at the Open Drain Sumps (T-2103/2104/2105/2108) {0 tip Open Drain Reclaimed Ol Pumes (P-2103A/B, P-2106A/B, P-210SNB and P- 2106NB), ‘© TIALL-340 at the Closed Drain Sump {V-2108) to trp Closed Drain Oil Pumps (P- 2108408), 52.2 Heglig WHO ighvhigh temperature alarm (TAHH-S0t) in the Crude Ol Buffer Tank (T-6001) shal ria the Blectic Heater (E-6001ABIC}, DOG. NO.: _A05-PR-TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 OC. TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Page 27 of 31 (PACKAGE 2} Lowlow temporature sensor (TIALL-004) Is provided to tip the Open Drain Sump Pumps (P-8103A/B) incase of fu viscosity i high 53. Level Protection 53.4 Thar Jath CPF “There are four level protections provided in the FWKO Tanks (T-2001AV8): ‘© Loviow interface levels (LALL-005I048) shuts coun the produced water outet shut coum valves (SDV-017/0%8) fo prevent crude ol carry over to the CPI Separators (7- 2101800). ‘© High-high levels (LAHH-0021046) forthe Inner tank shuts down the respective inlet ESD valves (SDV-001/009} to prevent ude ol overfow tote fare header. ‘* High-high levels (LAHH-006050) forthe outer tank shuts down the respective inlet ESD valves (SDV-0071009) to prevent crude oll overiow tothe are header. 4 Lowiow lovels (LALL-001/045) shuts down the Crude Feed Pumps (P-200%A/8/C). both FWKO Tanks (T-2001A/8) high-tich or lowlow levels are trogered simultaneously, a total CPF shutdown wal be activate. High-tigh lvels (LAHH-0101014/054) in the Grude Oil Separators (V-2001A/B/C) shuts dow the contre valves (PV-028/031/081) on the gas tie ine to pravent crude cil carry over to the flare header. Low-ow interface levels (LIALL-008/013/053) inthe Crude (01 Separators (V-2001AVBIC) shuts down the contol valves (LV-008/0121052) on the produced water outat lines to prevant crude ol reeycle lo the FWKO Tanks (T-2001AVB}. High-high ollwater Ineraces (LAHH-0181021/028027/0300033) are provided tip the EOT. Transformers (TR-Z002A-F), Low-iow cilwater intedace levels (LALL- (016/01810221025"0281031) close the produced water outlet control vals (LV- (017/0201023/026'029/032) on the preducad water outlet ine to prevent erude ol recycie tothe FWKO Tanks (T-2001/8) ‘The Gas Boot (V-2003) Is provided with high-igh lavel rip (LAHH-040) tht intatos a {olal CPF shutdown. Lowiow level (CALL-042) is provided to ensure quid seal Inthe ‘Gas Boot thus preventing the gas blow-by to the dowmstream equipment High-igh lovel (LAHH-049) in the Crude Oil Storago Tank (T-2002) shall trip the Crude (il Transfer Pumps (P-20024/8) and close the HV-010. Depending. on the operator decision, HV-022 can be opened ether local or through DCS to by-pass the T-2002. Lowel level (LALL-058) Inthe Crude Ol! Storage Tank (T-2002) shall ip the Export ‘Booster Pumps (P-2008A/B), Crude Oil Export Pumps (P-2004A/B1C) and Restart Export ump (P-2005), High-high lovele (LAHH-996/047/946) located et olly water compartment and LAHH- '398/349/348) located inthe water compariment of the CPI Separators (T-2101A/B/C) vl ‘lose the CPI Iniet ESD valves (SDV-351/3537955), Low-ow Interface levels (LALL- '357/542/247) in re lly water compartment and (LALL-399/944/349) Inthe teated water ‘ullet chamber are provided to close water outlet ESD valves (SDV-352/354/356) thus preventing crude ol leaving lo the Retention Pons B-2141A—. OG. NO.: A0S-PR-TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 DOC. TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Pago 28 of 31 (PACKAGE 2) Law-ou level transmitters are proved to trip the operating pumps: {© LT-308 onthe Dry Oil Sump (V-2102) to tip the Dry Oil Sump Pumps (P-2102A/), © L7-334 at the Flare KO Drum (V-2201) to tip the Flare KO Drum Pumps (P- 220108), © L7-214/316318/320 at the Open Drain Sumps (V-2103, V-2104, V-2105 and V-2106), to tnp the respective Open Drain Reclaimed Oil Pumps (P-2103A/8, P-2104NVB, P= 2A03A/B and P-2108A°8), ‘© 7-223 at the Closed Drain Sump (V:2108) to tip Closed Orain Oil Pumps (P- 210848), |All chemical injection tanks are provided with low-ow evel alarms to tip te chemical injection pumps: © LALL-203 on the Demulsifor Tank (7-2401) to tip the Demuisiter Chemical injection Pumps (P-24014/8), + LALL-304 on the Reverse Demulsfer Tank (T-2402) o tip the Reverse Demulsifier Chemical injection Pumps (P-24024/5), + LALL306 on the APD Tank (T-2404) to trip the APD Chemical Injection Pumps (P= ‘2H04A8. High high vel (LAKH-227) in he Siop Tank (7-200) closes the inlat ESD valve (SDV- 360) and tips tho Slop Oll Pumps (P-2008AVB). Lowiow level (LALL-327) in the tank trios the Slop Oil Recycle Pumps (P-2007A.B) FHigh-high fovel (LIHH-826) in the Water Storage Tank (T-250') closes the tank’ inlet valve (V-376). Low-low level (LIALL-328) in the lank trips the Uy Water Transfer Pumps (P-25034/8), 53.2 Heglig WHE High-high level (LAHH-601) inthe Crude OW Buffer Tank (T-8001) shal tip the Crude Oi Export Pumps (P-2004A/BIC) at the Thar Jath CPF and close the MOV-602. Depending ‘on the operator decision, MOV-60' can be opened either localy or through DCS to by- poss the T-6001, Low-low level (LALL-803) inthe Crude Oil Bufer Tank (T-0001) shall tip the Grude Oil Buffer Tank Pumps (P-50014/). 54 Equipment Protoctions - 5.4.1 Pumps Necessary protections shall be provided forthe Crude Feed Pumps (P-2001A/BI0) and the VSD Dave including But not ited t: ‘© Seal leakage detection, Pump casing high-high temperate, Pump DE and NDE bearing high-high temperature, ‘VSD over speed, Vibration high-high, ‘Motor winding temperature high-high DOG.NO.: A05-PR-TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 DOG: TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Pago 29 of 31 (PACKAGE?) Necessary protections shall be provided forthe Crude Olt Transfer Pumps (P-2002A/8), Export Booster Pumps (P-20024/8), Crude Oll Expor Pumps (P-2004AVBVC), Restart Export Pump (P-2008), Crude Oil Buffer Tank Pumps (P-G001A/B) and thelr motors Indudng but netted to: Seal leakage detection, Purp casing high-high temperature, Purp inner bearing igh-high temperature, Purp outer bearing high‘igh temperature, ‘Vibration high-tigh, Motor winding temperature high-high. ‘Adsitonaly, the Crude Oll Export Pumps (P-2004A/B/0) shall tip upon datacton ofhigh- high flow alarms (FAHIH-060'06 062), “The other pumps wihin the CPF shall be provided with appropriate pump protections, 15.4.2 Hot Oil System “ proved by heating medium vender. DOG.NO.: A0S-PR-TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 DOG: TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Page 30 of31 (PACKAGE 2) 6.0 EMERGENCY PLANT SHUT DOWN PHILOSOPHY ‘The following wlniate plant shutdown based on th excl: ‘Operator initiated ESD Powor Supply Falure Confirmed Fire & Gas Detection inthe CPF. Total DCS Fale Total Safety System Failure Instrument air pressure low-iow (PALL-341) Partial plant shutdown wil be inated upon high-hgh level (LAHH-040) in the Gas Boot (v-2003) {n adaliton, the operator can inate an ESD push bution located in the Conttol Room, his could accur when signifcant gas leak is detected or a major ol leak is observed. ‘A full shut down involves closing all the ESD Valves and shutting down the rotating process equipment On an ESD, 2 continuous hom wil sound. A red beacon indicates fe. A blue beacon indicates gas detection at ine hot ol heater. An amber bescon indicates an alars conaiton ‘Activation of tlal ESD Inthe CPF iniates the folowing actions: ‘Closure of inlet ESD valves (SDV.01 /0120131014/015i016). + Closure ESD valves on the FWKO Tank inlet (SDV-0011008) and outst (SDV- ovr), + Teip Crude Feed Pumps (P-2001A/6/0). + Closure of contro valves (LV-0081012/082) on the produced waterline trom Crude (Ol Soparators(V-2001A/BC), ‘+ Closure of control valves (LV-017/020/023/026/0291032) an the produced water outet line fom the Electrostatic Ol Testers (V.2002A-F) + Closure of contol valves (PV-028/031/081) on the gas vent fine from Crude Oil ‘Separators (V-2001A/8\C) ‘Tiip Electrostatic Ol Teater Transformers (TR-2002A-). Closure of level contro valve (LV-041) ofthe Gas Boot (V-2003), ‘hip Crude OF Transter Pures (P-20028). “Tip Export Booster Pumps (P-2003AVB}. ‘iip Crude Ol Export Pumps (P-20044/8/0). : (Closure of Out ESD valves (SDV-008) onthe crude ai export ine, ‘Tiip Hot Ol System, “Tip niet ESD valves (SOV-351/353/385) on the CPI Separators (T-2101A/8/C), ‘Trip Diesel Fuel Transfer Pumps (P-26024), “Teip Crude Fuel Feed Pumps. ‘Trip Closed Drain and Open Drain pumps. Tiip Dry Ol Sump Pumps, “Tiip chenical injection ‘Tiip Slop Ol Pum and Slop Ol Recycle Pumps. “Tip inlet ESD valve tothe Slop O1 Pure. REV.NO.: 0 OG. NO.: A0S-PR-TR-2020 31 of 34 DOC. TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Pa (PACKAGE 2) ‘Ater shut dou, operator shal manuslly intervene to siar-up the process. This includes correcting the condition that inllated the shutdown, reseting the shutdown valves end resoting he ESD system. Operations personnel must become totaly familar with what inlates an ESD or partial ESD and the operations affected by the same. DOC.NO.:A0S-PR-TR-2020 REV. NO. : 0 DOC. TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Pago 120f 31 (PACKAGE 2) In normal operation, one ofthe two new air compressors willbe running and another slancby. The loading and unioading of the running compressor wll be based on the lscharge pressure. The capaciy of Plant Air Receiver (V-2702) is 4.5 m? and Dry Instument Ai Receiver (V-2701) fs 85 m3. The Insvument alr skids provided with lon low pressure transmittar (PALL-336) to shut off uly air header at low instrument ai prossure of 621 Pag. The Thar Jath CPF willbe shut down at owiow (PALL-341) Instrument ai prossure of 483 kPa ‘The instrument air skid is provided with a focal panel fo control operation of the skid Essential alarms are transfered o the Contol Room. 3.48 Slop Ol System {A Slop Tank (T-2004) Is provided to eallect the siop oll from the FWKO Tank (T- 2008), Crude Oil Separator (V-200%A/BIC) and Electrostatic ON Treater (V-2002A-F) Occasional, the slop oll wil be with drawn from the FWKO Tank (T-2001 AB) intermitfonty'using the Slop Oil Pump P-2006 AWB. The slapisudge from the Crude Oi ‘Separators and Electrostatic Oil Troaters will be cireclly withdrawn intrmitienty. The sop olisiudge colacted using the vacuum truck also wil be unleaded into the slop oll tank. Once 2 substantial level is bull up in the Slop Tank (T-2004), the contents wil be re- circalated using Slop il Recycle Pump (P-2007A/B) and heated io 90 °C through the Slop Oli Heat Exchanger, E-2004 prior to eating for a day. The separated water wil be drained out tothe closed drain vessel and the ol wll be transported tothe inet of tho Crude Feed Pumps (P-2001A/810), ‘The Slop Oil Recycle Pump (P-2007A/B) and Slop Oil Heat Exchanger (E-2004) can be utlized for producing oat input to the FWKO Tank (T-2001A/B) during prolong shutdown, 3.18 Hoglig WHCC Facility Hogg WHO tact comprise of a Crude Oil Buffer Tank (T-6001), 2 x 50% Crude Ot Buffer Tank Pumps (P-S001A/B), a Custody Metering Skid (A-60'1), @ Mater Prover Skid (6012). Equipment such as Open Drain Sump Package (A-6103), Fre Water Storage ‘Tank (T-8501), Fre Water Pumps (P-8501/2), Foam Ska Package (A-6801) and two Emergency Diesel Generators (A-6901/2) are provided to support WHCC operation. “The intent ofthe Crude Ol utter Tank (T-600) ee: ‘To allow for gartial evacuation of the 24 ppaline in the short term and allows for fll ‘evacuation of te pipeline during Hegig Export Pipeline planned maintenance. ‘© To allow for continuation of the production incase of shutdown of Heglig Export Pipeline feces, ‘© To provide operational fexbllly 2s an intermediate storage tank for stable Ve-n proseure atthe te-n point. ‘© To alow diversion of of-spec crude ol for further water separation especially during pgging ane startup, DOG. NO.: AOS-PR-TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 DOG. TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Page 13 of 31 {PACKAGE 2) During normal operation, the Crude Oil Buffer Tank (T-6001) and the Crude Oi! Buffer ‘Tank Pumps (P-600'A) willbe bypassed. The crude oil will be metered using the Custody Metering Skid (A011) and wil be oan to the pipeline. for onward transportation to the Hegig PSI tein. T he Crude Oil Buffer Tank (7-800!) wil be Formally empty. However, # the downstear facies are shut-downed for any reason, the erude ol can be snitesed over tothe Crude Oil Bufer Tank (T-8001) via opening tho 'MOV-802 and closing the MOV-80t The Crude Oil Buffer Tank (7-600) wil also be utilized to receive oftepec crude ai curing igging of startup. The Crude Ol Buf Tank Pumps (P-6001A/B) are provided for the Crude Oll Butter Tank (T-6001) evacuation. DOG. NO. AUS-PR-TR-2020 REV.NO.: 0 DOG. TITLE: OPERATING, CONTROL & SAFEGUARDING PHILOSOPHY Page 14 of 31 (PACKAGE 2) 49. CONTROL PHILOSOPHY ‘The Thar Jath Facies wil be controlled and monitored 24 hours from the central contr room at the Thar Jath CPF. The instrumentation, communication and contal system Input fom Packages 1, 2, 3 & 4 and WHCC willbe tied into the central contol room at “Thar Jath CPF. 41 Flow Measurement /Control “The flow cate of the incoming fi to the Thar Jath CPF isnot measured. The sireams leaving the CPF, the produced water, the fare.gas and the treated cude oll are ‘measured and tolalized. Also there are fow measurements at the inlet and outlet ofthe Grude processing. equipment ‘© measure its performance. All flow tansmiters are provided with loca incicaton. 4.14 Flow indications and alarms “The produced water from each of the FWKO Tanks, 7-2001 A/B are measured and {otalised using magnetic fow meters FT-048/047. Each flow transmitter wil provi high flow alarm at DCS, “The crude oilater emulsion from bath the FWKO Tanks can be known ffom the fow measurement FT-052/053/054 located atthe discharge of the Cruce Fed Pumps (P ‘2O01NBIC). FT-0521052/054 also provides the fow moasuromenttheough each of the Crude Feed Pumps. Each transmitter wil provide high and low alarm at OCS. Crude Pre Heaters (E-2001A/BIC) crude-vater emulsion inlet are equipped with

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