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 The following year (1880) the Artistic- Literary Lyceum opened another Literary contest
to commemorate the fourth centennial of the death of Cervantes, Spain's glorified man-
of-letters and famous author of Don-Quixote. This time the contest was opened to both
Filipinos and Spaniards

 Many writer participated in the contest priest, newspapermen, professors. scholars and
Rizal, inspired by his poetical triumph the previous year, entered the literary joust,
submitting an drama entitles El allegorical Consejo de los Dioses

 After a long and critical appraisal of the entries, they awarded the first prize to ne Rizal's
work because of its in superiority over the others literary The Spanish community in
Manila, spear- headed by the Spanish press, howled in great indignation against the
decision because the rio winning author was an Indio

 Despite all objections, the prize was awarded to Rizal, a gold ring on which was
engraved the the bust of Cervantes. For the first time in history, an Indio a 19 year old

 medical student at that excelled in a national literary contest, defeating several Spanish
writers of his time in Manila Rizal was particularly happy, for he proved the fallacy of the
alleged Spanish superiority over the Filipinos and revealed that the Filipino could hold
his own in fair competition against all races

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 Junto Al Pasig" (Besides the Pasig) (Zarzuela)staged by the Ateneans on December 8,

1880 of the Annual Celebration of the Feast Day of Immaculate Concepcion (Patroness
of Ateneo). A Filipinas - (a sonnet, 1880) Rizal urged all Filipino artists to glorify the
Philippines. Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma

 Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma - (poem, 1879) was declaimed by an Atenean, Manuel

Femandez on he night of December 8, 1879 m honor of the Ateneo's Patroness.

 IAI M. R. P. Pablo Ramon an (a poem, 1881) Rizal wrote a poem as expression of

affection to Father Pablo Ramon, the Ateneo Rector, who had been so kind and helpful
to him.
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 Summer of May 1881 Rizal went to a pilgrimage to the town of pakil, famous shrine
of the Birhen Maria de los Dolores. he was accompanied by his sisters-Saturnina ,
Maria, and Trinidad and their female friends. They took a casco (flat-bottom sailing

 Summer of May 1881 - Rizal went to a pilgrimage to the town of pakil, famous shrine
of the Birhen Maria de los Dolores. he was accompanied by his sisters-Saturnina
Maria, and Trinidad and their female friends. They took a casco (flat-bottom sailing
vessel) from Calamba to Pakil, Laguna, and stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Manuel Regalado, whose son Nicolas was Rizal's friend in Manila.

 W Rizal and his companions were fascinated by he famous Turumba (people

dancing in the streets during the procession in honor of the miraculous Birhen Maria
de los Dolores) - Rizal was infatuated by a pretty girl colegiala, Vicenta Ybardolaza,
who skillfully played the harp at the Regalado home. Reasons made side why Rizal
and his company trip to the neighbouring town of Pagsanjan: It was the native town
of Leonor Valenzuela

 DIM - Rizal was infatuated by a pretty girl colegiala, Vicenta Ybardolaza, who
skillfully played the harp at the Regalado home. –

 Reasons why Rizal and his company made side trip to the neighbouring town of

1. t was the native town of Leonor Valenzuela

2. 2. To see the world famed Pagsanjan Falls.


 Rizal was the champion of Filipino students in their frequent fights against the arrogant
Spanish students, who were often surpassed by the Filipinos in class work and who
insultingly called their brown classmates "Indio, chongo!" (YOU FILTHY MUDBLOOD!)

 In retaliation, the Filipino students called them "Kastila, bangus!" Hostility between these
two groups of students often exploded in angry street rumbles (GRYFFINDOR'S VS
 Rizal participated in these student brawls. Owning to his skill in fencing, his prowess in
wrestling, and his indomitable courage, he distinguished himself in these student

 In 1880 he founded a secret society of Filipino students in the UST, called

Compañerismo (Comradeship) whose members were called "Companions of Jehu"
(DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY) after the valiant Hebrew general who fought the Armaens and
ruled the Kingdom of Israel for 28 years (843-816 B.C)

 Rizal was the chief of this secret student society, with his cousin from Batangas,
Galicano Apacible, as a secretary. As chief, he led the Filipino students into combat
against the Spanish students in
 various street fights. In one of the fierce encounters between the Filipino students and
their pale-skinned detractors near the Escolta in Manila, Rizal was wounded on the head

 His friends brought him bleeding and covered with dust to his boarding house, "Casa
Tomasina". Leonor Rivera tenderly washed and dressed his wound (AYIEE, DI DIN

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