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Understanding the (10/13) Rule of S&T

Heat Exchangers Tube Rupture Case and

why Engineers should be careful when
applying this Rule.
Reuben ATTAH

Reuben ATTAH

PhD Candidate | Process Engineer | PMP®️

Published Mar 12, 2019
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The first time I knew the importance of the 10/13 rule was in a HAZOP
meeting, I observed how this rule played importance in key decisions
regarding the use of a PSV on the shell side of any shell and tube heat
exchanger in case the tube ruptures i.e. if the tube side is at a higher
operating pressure than the shell side but I have also noticed that this rule
can be used blindly without paying attention to some key factors and this
may lead to wrong judgement on the part of an engineer.

According to API 521(5th and 6th edition) If the corrected hydrotest

pressure of the low pressure side both upstream and downstream system is
equal or higher than the design pressure of the high pressure side, then a
PSV is not required considering the tube ruptures. The idea behind this rule
is that according to ASME SEC VIII DIV 1 code, the corrected hydrotest
pressure of an equipment =1.3 x MAWP x Correction factor. The correction
factor is to account for temperature differences between test conditions
and operating conditions.

Therefore, even though the shell side design pressure is less than the tube
side design pressure, a PSV is not required on the shell side if the design
pressure is higher than (10/13) of the tube side design pressure because we
can take credit for the fact that the test pressure which is 1.3 x design
pressure will be able to withstand any over pressure due to tube rupture
therefore avoiding a relieving scenario. So for example if tube side design
pressure is 50barg and the shell side is 40barg (>(10/13) x 50), A PSV is not
required because the hydrotest pressure of the shell side is 40 x 1.3 which is
52barg and that is higher than the tube side design pressure

But Engineers need to be careful because some use the 10/13 rule without
paying attention to following factors

1. The standard or relevant code that was used for hydro-testing. Some
Equipment vendors and manufacturers still use the previous ASME Codes
where equipment were design, fabricated and hydraulically tested at 1.5 of
its design pressure, some countries also use codes other than ASME to
fabricate equipment and clients may even choose to use a uniform code
both for its piping and equipment. Piping hydrotesting is done at 1.5 x
design pressure unlike equipment which is 1.3 x design pressure. If this is
the case, then the 10/13 rule for tube rupture case is not applicable and
instead a 2/3 rule should be use to decide whether a PSV is necessary or
not. The use of the 10/13 rule in such cases may lead to wrong judgement
on the part of an Engineer. For example, an Engineer may incorrectly install
a PSV on the shell side even when it’s not necessary because the 10/13 rule
was used while the equipment was hydrotested 1.5 of its design pressure.

2. Secondly some engineer’s use the hydrotest pressure instead of the

corrected hydrotest pressure, this error can causes substantial difference in
the value of the hydrotest pressure especially in downstream processes
where the operating temperature of some processes can be as high as 1000
deg C. The correction factor which is equal to the allowable stress at test
temperature/allowable stress at design temperature corrects for this
differences between ambient conditions and operating conditions.
Equipment yield strength reduces considerably at higher temperatures and
this must be taken account when making decisions on relieving scenarios.

The lesson here is that Engineers should not apply codes in isolation
without proper understanding of the idea that lead to such codes. Codes
are also being reviewed periodically and it would be in the best interest of
an engineer to keep themselves abreast with these changes to make proper

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