EHV - Module No. 2 - Introduction To Hybrid Electric Vehicle

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Electrical and Hybrid Vehicle

Module No.2
Induction to Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Vijay Bharat Desle
Assistant Professor
Babaria Institute of Technology,
• Conventional vehicles with internal combustion engines
(ICE) provide good performance and long operating range
by utilizing the high energy-density advantages of
petroleum fuels.
• However, conventional ICE vehicles bear the disadvantages
of poor fuel economy and environmental pollution.
• The main reasons for their poor fuel economy are
(1) engine fuel efficiency characteristics are mismatched with
the real operation requirements
(2) dissipation of vehicle kinetic energy during braking,
especially while operating in urban areas
(3) low efficiency of hydraulic transmission in current
automobiles in stop-and-go driving patterns
• Battery-powered electric vehicles (EV), on the hand,
possess some advantages over conventional ICE vehicles,
such as high energy efficiency and zero environmental
pollution. However, the performance, especially the
operation range per battery charge, is far less competitive
than ICE vehicles, due to the lower energy content of the
batteries vs. the energy content of gasoline.
• Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), which use two power
sources — a primary power source and a secondary
power source — have the advantages of both ICE vehicles
and EV and overcome their.
Environmental Impact of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
• Hybrid and electric vehicles play a critical role in reducing
global greenhouse gas emissions, with transport
estimated to contribute to 14% of the CO2 produced
• Analysis of only the conversion efficiency of powertrain
technologies can be misleading, with pure battery electric
and hybrid vehicles reporting average efficiencies of 92%
and 35% in comparison with 21% for internal combustion
engine vehicles.
• A fairer comparison would be to consider the well-to-
wheel efficiency, which reduces the numbers to 21–67%,
25% and 12%, respectively.
Environmental Impact of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
• The large variation in well-to-wheel efficiency of pure
battery electric vehicles highlights the importance of
renewable energy generation in order to achieve true
environmental benefits.
• When calculating the energy return on investment of the
various technologies based on the current energy
generation mix, hybrid vehicles show the greatest
environmental benefits, although this would change if
electricity was made with high amounts of renewable.
• In an extreme scenario with heavy coal generation, the
CO2 return on investment can actually be negative for
pure electric vehicles, highlighting the importance of
renewable energy generation further.
Environmental Impact of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
• The energy impact of production is generally small (∼6%
of lifetime energy) and, similarly, recycling is of a
comparable magnitude, but it is less well studied.
Social and environmental importance of hybrid and
electric vehicles
• The social and environmental impacts of electric and
hybrid vehicles include effects on mobility and travel,
electricity supply system operation, petroleum and other
fuel consumption, air pollution and traffic noise.
• An estimated 80% of average annual vehicle kilometres
can be electrified.
• Electricity supply systems will not need to expand
capacity, and will benefit from load levelling if overnight
recharging of electric vehicles is encouraged.
• Petroleum consumption for transportation purposes will
decline, but the benefits are dependent on the type of
fuel used to generate recharge electricity.
Social and environmental importance of hybrid and
electric vehicles
• The fuel mix used by power stations also determines air
pollution impacts, since decreases in vehicle emissions are
accompanied by increases in power plant emissions.
• Improvements in traffic noise are modest, with 100%
electrification of light vehicles producing a 13% decrease
in traffic noise impacts.
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV)
• Consistent with the definition of hybrid above, the hybrid electric
vehicle combines a gasoline engine with an electric motor. An
alternate arrangement is a diesel engine and an electric motor shown
in figure 1

Pure Electrical

Figure 1: Components of a hybrid Vehicle that
combines a pure gasoline with a pure EV.
Pure Gasoline
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV)
• HEVs are a combination of electrical and mechanical
components. Three main sources of electricity for hybrids
are batteries, FCs, and capacitors.
• Each device has a low cell voltage, and, hence, requires
many cells in series to obtain the voltage demanded by an
• Difference in the source of Energy can be explained as:
a. The FC provides high energy but low power.
b. The battery supplies both modest power and energy.
c. The capacitor supplies very large power but low energy.
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV)
• A hybrid vehicle combines any type of two power (energy)
sources. Possible combinations include diesel/electric,
gasoline/fly wheel, and fuel cell (FC)/battery.
• Typically, one energy source is storage, and the other is
conversion of a fuel to energy. In the majority of modern
hybrids, cars are powered by a combination of traditional
gasoline power and the addition of an electric motor.
• However, hybrid still use the petroleum based engine while
driving so they are not completely clean, just cleaner than
petroleum only cars. This enables hybrid cars to have the
potential to segue into new technologies that rely strictly
on alternate fuel sources.
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV)
• The design of such vehicles requires, among other
developments, improvements in power train
systems, fuel processing, and power conversion
• Opportunities for utilizing various fuels for vehicle
propulsion, with an emphasis on synthetic fuels
(e.g., hydrogen, biodiesel, bioethanol,
dimethylether, ammonia, etc.) as well as electricity
via electrical batteries, have been analyzed over the
last decade.
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study
• A Case study This case treated the following aspects: economic
criteria, environmental criteria, and a combined impact criterion.
• Case compared four kinds of fuel-propulsion vehicle alternatives.
Two additional kinds of vehicles, both of which are zero polluting
at fuel utilization stage (during vehicle operation) were also
included in analysis. The vehicles analyzed were as follows:
1. Conventional gasoline vehicle (gasoline fuel and ICE),
2. Hybrid vehicle (gasoline fuel, electrical drive, and large
rechargeable battery),
3. Electric vehicle (high-capacity electrical battery and electrical
4. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (high-pressure hydrogen fuel tank, fuel
cell, electrical drive),
5. Hydrogen internal combustion vehicle (high-pressure hydrogen
fuel tank and ICE),
6. Ammonia-fueled vehicle (liquid ammonia fuel tank, ammonia
thermo-catalytic decomposition and separation unit to generate
pure hydrogen, hydrogen-fueled ICE).
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study
• For environmental impact analysis, all stages of the life cycle were
considered, starting from
a) The extraction of natural resources to produce materials and
b) Ending with conversion of the energy stored onboard the vehicle into
mechanical energy for vehicle displacement and
c) Other purposes (heating, cooling, lighting, etc.).
• In addition, vehicle production stages and end-of-life disposal
contribute substantially when quantifying the life cycle
environmental impact of fuel-propulsion alternatives. The analysis
were conducted on six vehicles, each was representative of one of
the above discussed categories. The specific vehicles were:
1) Toyota Corolla (conventional vehicle),
2) Toyota Prius (hybrid vehicle),
3) Toyota RAV4EV (electric vehicle),
4) Honda FCX (hydrogen fuel cell vehicle),
5) Ford Focus H2-ICE (hydrogen ICE vehicle),
6) Ford Focus H2-ICE adapted to use ammonia as source of hydrogen (ammonia-fueled ICE vehicle).
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study
Economical Analysis
• A number of key economic parameters that characterize
vehicles were:
A. Vehicle price,
B. Fuel cost, and
C. Driving range.
• This case neglected maintenance costs; however, for the
hybrid and electric vehicles, the cost of battery
replacement during the lifetime was accounted for.
• The driving range determines the frequency (number and
separation distance) of fueling stations for each vehicle
• The total fuel cost and the total number of kilometers
driven were related to the vehicle life (see Table 1).
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study
Table1: Technical and economical values for selected vehicle types
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study
• In order to render the comparative study
reasonable, the initial price of the hydrogen fuel cell
vehicle is assumed here to be USk$100.
• For electric vehicle, the specific cost was estimated
to be US$569/kWh with nickel metal hydride
(NiMeH) batteries which are typically used in hybrid
and electric cars.
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study
Environmental Analysis
• Analysis for the first five options was based on published data
from manufacturers. The results for the sixth case, i.e. the
ammonia-fueled vehicle, were calculated from data published
by Ford on the performance of its hydrogen-fueled Ford Focus
• Two environmental impact elements were accounted for in the:
a) Air pollution (AP) and
b) Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
• The main GHGs were CO2, CH4, N2O, and SF6 (sulfur
hexafluoride), which have GHG impact weighting coefficients
relative to CO2 of 1, 21, 310, and 24,900, respectively.
• For AP, the airborne pollutants CO, NOx, SOx, and VOCs are
assigned the following weighting coefficients: 0.017, 1, 1.3, and
0.64, respectively.
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study
• The vehicle production stage contributes to the total life cycle
environmental impact through the pollution associated with
a) The extraction and processing of material resources,
b) Manufacturing and
c) The vehicle disposal stage.
• Additional sources of GHG and AP emissions were associated with
the fuel production and utilization stages. The environmental
impacts of these stages have been evaluated in numerous life
cycle assessments of fuel cycles.
• Regarding electricity production for the electric car case, three
case scenarios were considered here:
1. when electricity is produced from renewable energy sources and
nuclear energy;
2. when 50% of the electricity is produced from renewable energy
sources and 50% from natural gas at an efficiency of 40%;
3. when electricity is produced from natural gas at an efficiency of
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study
• AP emissions were calculated assuming that GHG emissions for plant
manufacturing correspond entirely to natural gas combustion. GHG
and AP emissions embedded in manufacturing a natural gas power
generation plant were negligible compared to the direct emissions
during its utilization. Taking those factors into account, GHG and AP
emissions for the three scenarios of electricity generation were
presented in Table 2.

Table2: GHG and air pollution emissions per MJ of electricity produced

Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study
• Hydrogen charging of fuel tanks on vehicles requires
compression. Therefore, presented case considered the
energy for hydrogen compression to be provided by

Table 3: GHG and air pollution emissions per MJ fuel of Hydrogen from natural gas produced

• GHG and AP emissions were reported for hydrogen vehicles

for the three electricity-generation scenarios considered
(see table 3), accounting for the environmental effects of
hydrogen compression.
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study
• The environmental impact of the fuel utilization stage, as well as the
overall life cycle is presented in Table 4.
• The H2-ICE vehicle results were based on the assumption that the
only GHG emissions during the utilization stage were associated with
the compression work, needed to fill the fuel tank of the vehicle.
• The GHG effect of water vapor emissions was neglected in this
analysis due its little value,.
• For the ammonia fuel vehicle, a very small amount of pump work was
needed therefore, ammonia fuel was considered to emit no GHGs
during fuel utilization.
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study

Table 4. Environmental impact associated with vehicle Overall Life cycle and Fuel Utilization
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV): Case study
Results of technical–economical–environmental Analysis:
• In present situation this case study provides a general approach
for assessing the combined technical–economical–environmental
benefits of transportation options. This analysis showed that the
hybrid and electric cars have advantages over the others. The
economics and environmental impact associated with use of an
electric car depends significantly on the source of the electricity:
a. If electricity is generated from renewable energy sources, the
electric car is advantageous to the hybrid vehicle.
b. If the electricity is generated from fossil fuels, the electric car
remains competitive only if the electricity is generated onboard.
c. If the electricity is generated with an efficiency of 50–60% by a gas
turbine engine connected to a high-capacity battery and electric
motor, the electric car is superior in many respects.
d. For electricity-generation scenarios 2 and 3, using ammonia as a
means to store hydrogen onboard a vehicle is the best option
among those analyzed.
The Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)
What exactly is an HEV?
• The definition available is so general that it anticipates
future technologies of energy sources. The term hybrid
vehicle refers to a vehicle with at least two sources of
• A hybrid-electric vehicle indicates that one source of power
is provided by an electric motor. The other source of
motive power can come from a number of different
technologies, but is typically provided by an internal
combustion engine designed to run on either gasoline or
diesel fuel.
The Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)
• As proposed by Technical Committee (Electric Road
Vehicles) of the International Electrotechnical Commission,
an HEV is a vehicle in which propulsion energy is available
from two or more types of energy sources and at least one
of them can deliver electrical energy.
• Based on this general definition, there are many types of
HEVs, such as:
- the gasoline ICE and battery
- diesel ICE and battery
- battery and FC
- battery and capacitor
- battery and flywheel
- battery and battery hybrids
The Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)
• Most commonly, the propulsion force in HEV is provided by
a combination of electric motor and an ICE.
• The electric motor is used to improve the energy efficiency
(improves fuel consumption) and vehicular emissions while
the ICE provides extended range capability.
Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• Basically, any vehicle power train is required to
(1) develop sufficient power to meet the demands of vehicle
(2) carry sufficient energy onboard to support vehicle driving in
the given range
(3) demonstrate high efficiency, and
(4) emit few environmental pollutants.
• Broadly, a vehicle may have more than one energy source and
energy converter (power source), such as a gasoline (or
diesel) heat engine system, hydrogen–fuel cell–electric motor
system, chemical battery–electric motor system, etc.
• A vehicle that has two or more energy sources and energy
converters is called a hybrid vehicle.
• A hybrid vehicle with an electrical power train (energy source
energy converters) is called an HEV.
Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• A hybrid vehicle drive train usually consists of no more than two
power trains. More than two power train configurations will
complicate the system.
• For the purpose of recapturing part of the braking energy that is
dissipated in the form of heat in conventional ICE vehicles, a hybrid
drive train usually has a bidirectional energy source and converter.
The other one is either bidirectional or unidirectional. Figure 2 shows
the concept of a hybrid drive train and the possible different power
flow routes.

Power flow while propelling

Power flow while charging power train

Conceptual illustration of a hybrid electric drive train
Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• Hybrid drive trains supply the required power by an adapted power
train. There are many available patterns of combining the power
flows to meet load requirements as described below:
1. Power train 1 alone delivers power to the load
2. Power train 2 alone delivers power to the load
3. Both power train 1 and 2 deliver power to load at the same time
4. Power train 2 obtains power from load (regenerative braking)
5. Power train 2 obtains power from power train 1
6. Power train 2 obtains power from power train 1 and load at the same
7. Power train 1 delivers power to load and to power train 2 at the same
8. Power train 1 delivers power to power train 2, and power train 2
delivers power to load
9. Power train 1 delivers power to load, and load delivers power to power
train 2.
Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• In the case of hybridization with a liquid fuel-IC engine (power
train 1) and a battery-electric machine (power train 2),
• pattern (1) is the engine-alone propelling mode. This may be
used when the batteries are almost completely depleted and
the engine has no remaining power to charge the batteries, or
when the batteries have been fully charged and the engine is
able to supply sufficient power to meet the power demands of
the vehicle.
• Pattern (2) is the pure electric propelling mode, in which the
engine is shut off. This pattern may be used in situations where
the engine cannot operate effectively, such as very low speed,
or in areas where emissions are strictly prohibited.
• Pattern(3) is the hybrid traction mode and may be used when a
large amount of power is needed, such as during sharp
acceleration or steep hill climbing.
Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• Pattern (4) is the regenerative braking mode, by which the
kinetic or potential energy of the vehicle is recovered
through the electric motor functioning as a generator. The
recovered energy is stored in the batteries and reused later
• Pattern (5) is the mode in which the engine charges the
batteries while the vehicle is at a standstill, coasting, or
descending a slight grade, in which no power goes into or
comes from the load.
• Pattern (6) is the mode in which both regenerative braking
and the IC engine charge the batteries simultaneously.
• Pattern (7) is the mode in which the engine propels the
vehicle and charges the batteries simultaneously.
Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• Pattern (8) is the mode in which the engine charges the batteries, and
the batteries supply power to the load.
• Pattern (9) is the mode in which the power flows into the batteries
from the heat engine through the vehicle mass. The typical
configuration of this mode is two power trains separately mounted
on the front and the rear axle of the vehicle.
• The varied operation modes in a hybrid vehicle create more flexibility
over a single power train vehicle. With proper configuration and
control, applying the specific mode for each special operating
condition can optimize overall performance, efficiency, and
• However, in a practical design, deciding which mode should be
implemented depends on many factors, such as the physical
configuration of the drive train, the power train efficiency
characteristics, load characteristics, etc.
Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• Operating each power train in its optimal efficiency region is essential
for the overall efficiency of the vehicle. An IC engine generally has the
best efficiency operating region with a wide throttle opening.
• On the other hand, efficiency suffering in an electric motor is not as
detrimental when compared to an IC engine that operates away from
its optimal region
• The load power of a vehicle varies randomly in real operation due to
frequent acceleration, deceleration, and climbing up and down
grades, as shown in Figure 3.

FIGURE 3: A load power is decomposed into steady and dynamic components

Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• Actually, the load power is composed of two components:
one is steady (average) power, which has a constant value,
and the other is dynamic power, which has a zero average.
• In hybrid vehicle strategy, one power train that favors
steady-state operation, such as an IC engine fuel cell, can
be used to supply the average power.
• On the other hand, other power trains such as an electric
motor can be used to supply the dynamic power.
• The total energy output from the dynamic power train will
be zero in a whole driving cycle. This implies that the
energy source of the dynamic power train does not lose
energy capacity at the end of the driving cycle. It functions
only as a power damper.
Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• In a hybrid vehicle, steady power may be provided by an IC
engine, a Stirling engine, a fuel cell, etc. The IC engine or
the fuel cell can be much smaller than that in a single
power train design because the dynamic power is taken by
the dynamic power source, and can then operate steadily
in its most efficient region.
• The dynamic power may be provided by an electric motor
powered by electrochemical batteries, ultra capacitors,
flywheels (mechanical batteries), and their combinations.
Architectures/Configurations/Topologies of
Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• The architecture of a hybrid vehicle is loosely defined as
the connection between the components that define the
energy flow routes and control ports.
• Traditionally, HEVs were classified into two basic types:
series and parallel.
• It is interesting to note that, in 2000, some newly
introduced HEVs could not be classified into these kinds.
Therefore, HEVs are now classified into four kinds:
1. series hybrid
2. parallel hybrid
3. series–parallel hybrid
4. complex hybrid,
Architectures of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains


FIGURE 4: Classification of hybrid electric

vehicles (b)
Architectures of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains


FIGURE 4: Classification of hybrid

electric vehicles (d)
Architectures of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• In Figure 4, a fuel tank-IC engine and a battery-electric
motor are taken, respectively, as examples of the primary
power source (steady power source) and secondary power
source (dynamic power source).
• Of course, the IC engine can be replaced by other types of
power sources, such as fuel cells. Similarly, the batteries
can be replaced by ultra capacitors or by flywheels and
their combinations which will be discussed in detail in next
following lectures.
Series Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• A series hybrid drive train is a drive train where two power sources
feed a single power plant (electric motor) that propels the vehicle.
• The most commonly found series hybrid drive train is the series
hybrid electric drive train shown in Figure 5.

FIGURE 5: Configuration of a series hybrid

electric drive train
Series Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• The unidirectional energy source is a fuel tank and the
unidirectional energy converter is an engine coupled to an
electric generator.
• The output of the electric generator is connected to an
electric power bus through an electronic converter (rectifier).
• The bidirectional energy source is an electrochemical battery
pack, connected to the bus by means of a power electronics
converter (DC/DC converter).
• The electric power bus is also connected to the controller of
the electric traction motor.
• The traction motor can be controlled either as a motor or a
generator, and in forward or reverse motion.
• This drive train may need a battery charger to charge the
batteries by a wall plug-in from the power network.
Series Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• Series hybrid electric drive trains potentially have the
following operation modes:
1. Pure electric mode: The engine is turned off and the vehicle
is propelled only by the batteries.
2. Pure engine mode: The vehicle traction power only comes
from the engine-generator, while the batteries neither supply
nor draw any power from the drive train. The electric
machines serve as an electric transmission from the engine to
the driven wheels.
3. Hybrid mode: The traction power is drawn from both the
engine generator and the batteries.
4. Engine traction and battery charging mode: The engine
generator supplies power to charge the batteries and to
propel the vehicle.
Series Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• Series hybrid electric drive trains potentially have the
following operation modes:
5. Regenerative braking mode: The engine-generator is turned
off and the traction motor is operated as a generator. The
power generated is used to charge the batteries.
6. Battery charging mode: The traction motor receives no
power and the engine-generator charges the batteries.
7. Hybrid battery charging mode: Both the engine-generator
and the traction motor operate as generators to charge the
Advantages of Series Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
1. The engine is fully mechanical when decoupled from the
driven wheels. Therefore, it can be operated at any point
on its speed–torque characteristic map, and can
potentially be operated solely within its maximum
efficiency region as shown in Figure 5.
2. Because electric motors have near-ideal torque–speed
characteristics, they do not need multigear transmissions.
Therefore, their construction is greatly simplified and the
cost is reduced. Furthermore, instead of using one motor
and a differential gear, two motors may be used, each
powering a single wheel.
3. Simple control strategies may be used as a result of the
mechanical decoupling provided by the electrical
Disadvantages of Series Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
1. The energy from the engine is converted twice (mechanical
to electrical in the generator and electrical to mechanical in
the traction motor). The inefficiencies of the generator and
traction motor add up and the losses may be significant.
2. The generator adds additional weight and cost.
3. The traction motor must be sized to meet maximum
requirements since it is the only powerplant propelling the
Power Flow Control in Series Hybrid
In the series hybrid system there are four operating modes based on
the power flow:
• Mode 1: During startup (Figure 6a), normal driving or acceleration
of the series HEV, both the ICE and battery deliver electric energy to
the power converter which then drives the electric motor and
hence the wheels via transmission.
• Mode 2: At light load (Figure 6b), the ICE output is greater than that
required to drive the wheels. Hence, a fraction of the generated
electrical energy is used to charge the battery. The charging of the
batter takes place till the battery capacity reaches a proper level.
• Mode 3: During braking or deceleration (Figure 6c), the electric
motor acts as a generator, which converts the kinetic energy of the
wheels into electricity and this, is used to charge the battery.
• Mode 4: The battery can also be charged by the ICE via the
generator even when the vehicle comes to a complete stop (Figure
Power Flow Control in Series Hybrid

Figure 6b: Mode 2, light load

Figure 6a: Mode 1, normal driving or acceleration

Figure 6d: Mode 4, vehicle at stop

Figure 6c: Mode 3, braking or deceleration
B: Battery, E: ICE, F: Fuel tank, G: Generator, M: Motor, P: Power Converter, T: Transmission (including
brakes, clutches and gears)
Power Flow Control in Parallel Hybrid
• The parallel hybrid system has four modes of operation. These
four modes of operation are
Mode 1: During start up or full throttle acceleration (Figure 7a);
both the ICE and the EM share the required power to propel the
vehicle. Typically, the relative distribution between the ICE and
electric motor is 80-20%.
Mode 2: During normal driving (Figure 7b), the required traction
power is supplied by the ICE only and the EM remains in off
Mode 3: During braking or deceleration (Figure 7c), the EM acts as
a generator to charge the battery via the power converter.
Mode 4: Under light load condition (Figure 7d), the traction power
is delivered by the ICE and the ICE also charges the battery via
the EM.
Power Flow Control in Parallel Hybrid

Figure 7b: Mode 2, normal driving

Figure 7a: Mode 1, start up

Figure 7d: Mode 4, light load

Figure 7c: Mode 3, braking or deceleration
B: Battery, E: ICE, F: Fuel tank, G: Generator, M: Motor, P: Power Converter, T: Transmission (including
brakes, clutches and gears)
Power Flow Control in Series Parallel Hybrid
• The series-parallel hybrid system involves the features of
series and parallel hybrid systems. Hence, a number of
operation modes are feasible. Therefore, these hybrid
systems are classified into two categories: The ICE
dominated and the EM dominated.
• The various operating modes of ICE dominated system are:
Mode 1: At startup (Figure 8a), the battery solely provides the
necessary power to propel the vehicle and the ICE remains
in off mode.
Mode 2: During full throttle acceleration (Figure 8b), both the
ICE and the EM share the required traction power.
Mode 3: During normal driving (Figure 8c), the required
traction power is provided by the ICE only and the EM
remains in the off state.
Power Flow Control in Series Parallel Hybrid
Mode 4: During normal braking or deceleration (Figure 8d),
the EM acts as a generator to charge the battery.
Mode 5: To charge the battery during driving (Figure 8e), the
ICE delivers the required traction power and also charges
the battery. In this mode the EM acts as a generator.
Mode 6: When the vehicle is at standstill (Figure 8f), the ICE
can deliver power to charge the battery via the EM

Figure 8a: Mode 1, start up Figure 8b: Mode 2, acceleration

Power Flow Control in Series Parallel Hybrid

Figure 8d: Mode 4, braking or deceleration

Figure 8c: Mode 3, normal drive

Figure 8e: Mode 5, battery charging during driving Figure 8f: Mode 6, battery charging during
B: Battery, E: ICE, F: Fuel tank, G: Generator, M: Motor, P: Power Converter, T: Transmission (including
brakes, clutches and gears)
Power Flow Control in Series Parallel Hybrid
The operating modes of EM dominated system are:
Mode 1: During startup (Figure 9a), the EM provides the
traction power and the ICE remains in the off state.
Mode 2: During full throttle (Figure 9b), both the ICE and EM
provide the traction power.
Mode 3: During normal driving (Figure 9c), both the ICE and
EM provide the traction power.
Mode 4: During braking or deceleration (Figure 9d), the EM
acts as a generator to charge the battery.
Mode 5: To charge the battery during driving (Figure 9e), the
ICE delivers the required traction power and also charges
the battery. The EM acts as a generator.
Mode 6: When the vehicle is at standstill (Figure 9f), the ICE
can deliver power to charge the battery via the EM
Power Flow Control in Series Parallel Hybrid

Figure 9a: Mode 1, start up Figure 9b: Mode 2, acceleration

Figure9c: Mode 3, normal drive Figure 9d: Mode 4, braking or deceleration

B: Battery, E: ICE, F: Fuel tank, G: Generator, M: Motor, P: Power Converter, T: Transmission (including
brakes, clutches and gears)
Power Flow Control in Series Parallel Hybrid

Figure 9f: Mode 6, battery charging during

Figure 9e: Mode 5, battery charging during standstill

B: Battery, E: ICE, F: Fuel tank, G: Generator, M: Motor, P: Power Converter, T: Transmission (including
brakes, clutches and gears)
Power Flow Control in Complex Hybrid Control
• The complex hybrid vehicle configurations are of two types:
- Front hybrid rear electric
- Front electric and rear hybrid
• Both the configurations have six modes of operation:
Mode 1: During startup (Figure 10a), the required traction
power is delivered by the EMs and the engine is in off
Mode 2: During full throttle acceleration (Figure 10b), both
the ICE and the front wheel EM deliver the power to the
front wheel and the second EM delivers power to the rear
Mode 3: During normal driving (Figure 10c), the ICE delivers
power to propel the front wheel and to drive the first EM as
a generator to charge the battery.
Power Flow Control in Complex Hybrid Control
Mode 4: During driving at light load (Figure 10d) first EM
delivers the required traction power to the front wheel.
The second EM and the ICE are in off sate.
Mode 5: During braking or deceleration (Figure 10e), both the
front and rear wheel EMs act as generators to
simultaneously charge the battery.
Mode 6: A unique operating mode of complex hybrid system
is axial balancing. In this mode (Figure 10f) if the front
wheel slips, the front EM works as a generator to absorb
the change of ICE power. Through the battery, this power
difference is then used to drive the rear wheels to achieve
the axle balancing.
Power Flow Control in Complex Hybrid Control

Figure 10a: Mode 1, startup Figure 10b: Mode 2, full throttle acceleration

Figure 10c: Mode 3, vehicle propel and Figure 10d: Mode 4, light load
battery charging
B:Battery, FM: Front motor, FP: Front power converter, FT: Front axel transmission, E: ICE,
F: Fuel tank, RM: Rear motor, RP: Rear power converter, RT: Rear axle transmission
Power Flow Control in Complex Hybrid Control

Figure 10e: Mode 5, braking or decelration Figure 10f: Mode 1, axil balancing

B:Battery, FM: Front motor, FP: Front power converter, FT: Front axel transmission, E: ICE,
F: Fuel tank, RM: Rear motor, RP: Rear power converter, RT: Rear axle transmission
Parallel Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• A parallel hybrid drive train is a drive train in which the engine
supplies its power mechanically to the wheels like in a conventional
ICE-powered vehicle. It is assisted by an electric motor that is
mechanically coupled to the transmission. The powers of the engine
and electric motor are coupled together by mechanical coupling, as
shown in Figure 6.

FIGURE 6: Configuration of a parallel hybrid

electric drive train
Parallel Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
The advantages of the parallel hybrid drive train are:
- Both engine and electric motor directly supply torques to the driven
wheels and no energy form conversion occurs, hence energy loss is
- Compactness due to no need of the generator and smaller traction
The drawbacks of parallel hybrid drive trains are:
- Mechanical coupling between the engines and the driven wheels, thus
the engine operating points cannot be fixed in a narrow speed region.
- The mechanical configuration and the control strategy are complex
compared to series hybrid drive train.
• Due to its compact characteristics, small vehicles use
parallel configuration. Most passenger cars employ this
Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• In the series-parallel hybrid , the configuration incorporates
the features of both the series and parallel HEVs. However,
this configuration needs an additional electric machine and
a planetary gear unit making the control complex.
Complex Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
• The complex hybrid system involves a complex
configuration which cannot be classified into the above
three kinds.
• The complex hybrid is similar to the series-parallel hybrid
since the generator and electric motor is both electric
machines. However, the key difference is due to the bi-
directional power flow of the electric motor in complex
hybrid and the unidirectional power flow of the generator
in the series-parallel hybrid.
• The major disadvantage of complex hybrid is higher

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