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PART - 1
HR, ER, Statutory and
Labour Laws Advisor
94913 03742
Why HR Metrics and Analytics..

“What’s not measured, cannot be monitored;

What’s not monitored, cannot be controlled;
What’s not controlled, cannot be directed;
And, What’s not directed, cannot become progress.”

HR Metrics and Analytics ?

Analytics use statistics to identify relationships between data sets to help firms
address problems and make talent decisions.

Metrics Analytics
Analytics refer to strategies for combining data
A metric measures and evaluates the
elements into metrics and for examining
effectiveness of processes.
relationships or changes in metrics.
Workforce analytics refer to strategies for
combining data elements into metrics and for
examining relationships or changes in metrics.
Metrics are data (numbers) that reflect some
detail about given outcomes, e.g., success in
Understanding these combinations is done to
recruiting new employees., absenteeism rate,
inform managers about the current or changing
turnover rate
state of human capital in an organization in a
way that can impact managerial decision
Metrics reflect characteristics of the 3
organization’s HR programs and activities.
Some Key Definitions:

Dashboards are a component of reporting. Dashboards reflect efforts to align real-time

Dashboards analysis of organizational and HR processes as well as an increased capacity to
aggregate organizational data.
Infographs combine a number of data elements often incorporating pictures, figures,
Infographs tables, and text to help tell a story more effectively than can be done by any of these

Workforce modeling attempts to understand how an organization’s human capital

needs would change as a function of some expected change in the organization’s
environment. This change may be a shift in the demand for the organization’s product,
entry into a new market, divestiture of one of the organization’s businesses, or a
pending acquisition of or merger with another organization.

What is HR Analytics ?

1. HR analytics is the process of collecting and analyzing Human Resource (HR) data
in order to improve an organization’s workforce performance. The process can also
be referred to as talent analytics, people analytics, or even workforce analytics.

2. HR Analytics is the science of gathering, organizing and identify the data related to
HR functions like recruitment, talent management, employee engagement,
performance and retention to assure better view making in all these areas.

3. HR Analytics is a multidisciplinary approach to integrate analytical and quantitative

methodology into HR decision making.

4. HR Analytics enables an organization to measure the impact of a range of HR

metrics on overall business performance and make decisions based on data.

5. HR Analytics provides data-backed insight on what is working well in human capital

assets and what is not… so that organizations can make improvements and plan
more effectively for the future. 5
Main Objectives of HR Metrics and Analytics ?

1. HR Metrics and Analytics comprises an information system

2. Managers make different and better decisions as a result of information

3. Decisions have impact on Company’s strategy and goals.

4. Improving workforce planning and forecasting

5. Leaders can take better business decisions related to field of HR

HR Analytics

• A typical HR Analytics System collects employee data from HRIS (Human Resources
Information System), business performance records, mobile applications and social
media merges into a Data Warehouse, applies big data, statistical analysis and data
mining techniques to provide understanding of hidden data patterns, relations,
probabilities and forecasting.

• Predictive Analytics is unlike descriptive analysis which considers external

benchmarking data and involves tables, reports, ratios, metrics, dashboards or
complex maths; it is about data-derived insights that drive better decisions. It includes
statistical techniques, machine learning methods, and data mining models that analyse
and extract existing and historical facts to make predictions.

HR Analytics Process:

How does HR Analytics work ?

1. To gain the problem-solving insights that HR Analytics promises, data must first
be collected. (Employee Profile, demographic data, On-boarding, Attendance,
Training, Performance, data on high-performers, data on low-performers, salary and
promotion history, engagement, retention, absenteeism, turnover etc.)

2. The data then needs to be monitored and measured against other data, such as
historical information, norms or averages. (HR Metrics)

3. This helps identify trends or patterns. It is at this point that the results can
be analyzed at the analytical stage.

4. The final step is to apply insight to organizational decisions.

HR Analytics Process

1. Collecting Data 2. Measurement 3. Analysis 4. Application

Descriptive Analytics
HR – Big Data HR Metrics Organisational
Predictive Analytics
decision making.
Prescriptive Analytics

1. Collecting and tracking high-quality data is the first vital component of HR analytics.
2. At the measurement stage, the data begins a process of continuous measurement and comparison, also
known as HR metrics.
3. The analytical stage reviews the results from metric reporting to identify trends and patterns that may have
an organizational impact.
• Descriptive Analytics is focused solely on understanding historical data and what can be improved.
• Predictive Analytics uses statistical models to analyze historical data in order to forecast future risks or
• Prescriptive Analytics takes Predictive Analytics a step further and predicts consequences for
forecasted outcomes.
4. Once metrics are analyzed, the findings are used as actionable insight for organizational decision-making.10
1. What is your annual Can be answered easily with
employee turnover HR Metrics

2. How much of your employee Need two different data sources

turnover consists of regretted – HR Metrics and PMS

3. Do you know which

employees will be the most Requires huge data and
likely to leave the Company analysis
within a year ?

Once you start to analyze human resource challenges by using this data, you are engaged in
HR data analytics. 11

Appraisal Ratings

Which employees have Managing Teams effectively,

the highest potential for Team Development
progression and ready for
Participation in business
leadership roles ? development Initiatives

Learning Skills

Business Acumen, Leadership

Qualities, Decision Making


If we thoroughly analyze the data, for many HR related business challenges, through
predictive HR analytics, we can derive solutions. 12
Benefits of HR Analytics ?
• Improve your hiring process

• Reduce attrition

• Improve Employee Engagement

• Make your workforce productive

• Improve your talent processes

• Gain employee trust

• Guide workforce strategies

• Maximize HR’s return on investments

• Show what HR contributes to business results

• Make the business case for HR’s objectives
HR Metrics


1) Function & Category-wise head 13)Time to Hire 27)Average training class size
count 14)Interview, offer and joining 28)Training days / hours per FTE
2) Function-wise monthly additions / ratio 29)E- learning completion rate
exits 15)Recruitment cost per hire 30)Employee satisfaction with
3) Average category-wise age, 16)Ratio of experienced Vs training
experience, gender, rural / urban, Fresher 31)Training expense per employee
local / non-local 17)Internal Vs External sourcing 32)Compliance to Training Calendar
4) Location wise distribution 18)Recruitment source ratio 33)Training Effectiveness
5) Multilingual distribution 19)Referral rate 34)ROI on training
6) Employee generations distribution 20)Referral conversion rate 35)Readiness of employees for
7) Function-wise average work hours 21)Rehire rate future skills
8) Average Span of Control 22)Quality of hire 36)Managerial, Staff, Workmen
9) HR to employee ratio 23)New hire failure rate training ratio
10)Ratio of Management, Staff, 24)Compliance to Recruitment 37)Behavioural, Technical training
Workmen, Part-time, Contract Plan ratio
11)Retirement rate & cost 25)Cross Functional Mobility
12)Time taken for F & F 26)Transfer Rate
HR Metrics


CAREER MANAGEMENT 45)Total compensation per FTE 53)No of town hall meetings
38)Average Rating 46)Function-wise average conducted & participation
39)% of high, medium, low salary rate 54)Functional review meetings
performers 47)Overtime rate 55)No. of Skip Level Meetings
40)High Performers Growth Rate 48)Function-wise benefits
41)Cross Functional Mobility – expense per FTE
Managers 49)Function-wise benefits
42)Employee Satisfaction with Satisfaction Index
Leadership 50)Variable Compensation Cost
43)Promotion Rate 51)Cost of Incentives
44)Average number of years in 52)Market Compensation Ratio
current job

HR Metrics


56)Recognised employees ratio 62)No of grievances raised and 68)Employee Turnover
57)Rewarded employees ratio resolved 69)Voluntary & Involuntary turnover
58)Ratio of employees nominated 63)No of misconducts in a month rate
for Star Performer, spot awards, 64)Employee Engagement Index 70)New Hire Turnover rate
special recognitions 65)Employee Satisfaction Index 71)Turnover rate per manager /
59)Employees participation in 66)Absenteeism function
suggestion schemes and 67)Glassdoor reviews 72)No of accidents / incidents
appreciations happened, days of absence,
60)Employees participation in and recovery rate
sports 73)No of complaints lodged under
61)Employees participation in CSR POSH
initiatives 74)Exit interview Data

HR Metrics


75)% of competencies required for 82)Revenue per FTE
strategic / leadership roles 83)Profit per FTE
76)Readiness of second level for 84)Human Capital ROI
each function 85)Labour Cost per FTE
77)% of high potentials identified 86)Total Cost of Workforce (TCOW) - % of Revenue
78)Succession conversion ratio 87)Total Cost of Workforce (TCOW) - % of Expenses
79)Manager instability ratio 88)Benefit cost per FTE
80)Manager engagement score 89)Return on Human Investment Ratio
81)High Performer resignation ratio 90)Market Capitalisation per FTE

Few HR Analytics software tools:
1. MS Excel - MS Excel has the advantage of being well-known, easy to use, and easy to
2. Tableau – Tableau is considered by many to be the best BI tool available today. It is
efficient at aggregating data from multiple sources and converting them into insightful
visualized reports.
3. R - R is considered the best when it comes to analyzing statistics and creating visual
representations of those statistics.
4. Python - Python is relatively easy to learn and use.
5. Power BI - Power BI by Microsoft makes the process of aggregating data, analyzing it, and
creating useful visualizations extremely easy.
6. Visier – It shows trends in the data and can gain valuable insights; it focuses on
understanding what affects performance and productivity.
7. Qlik – It creates reports and provides information based on the HR data entered.
8. SPSS - It is the best HR analytics tool when it comes to analyzing that data.
9. Oracle HR Analytics - This tool is designed to work hand in hand with HR policies. This
software also aggregates data and provides valuable insights on what can be done to 18
resolve potential areas of concern.
Thank You

V Chandra Sekhar
This presentation is intended for HR, ER, Statutory &
knowledge sharing purpose only. Labour Laws Advisor
94913 03742

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