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JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA) JSA #: Jepartment Nod _| Division | CRDD__ Last Revision: North Riyadh Bulk Plant Plant / Equipment | X56 | Next Revision: Job Description | Lifting Operations using Crane or Boom Truck Prepared by [Name fate ing Name: i ipa Name: a Dave Kenneth Valenzuela 8202538 Suriya Prabakaran 528640 ee ‘Site HSE Manager 15/05/23 Construction Manager 15/05/23 Reviewed by Approved by Additional Approval by (if needed) | Name: SG Name: Name: Paleo. — FI eed flor wo AH we Positon: Positon: qe Face DateS VF 4Positon. Date: CSM IL eh CSM | © —G12,100 Work Permit System ‘© Gi6.007- Reporting of Contractor on-Job njures/Occupational llinesses i * GI 6030- Traffic and vehicle Safety ‘© Gi 430.001 - Waste Management | © GI7.025 Heavy Eqquipment Operator, RiggerTesting and Cerification + GI7.026 - Crane & HE incident reporting procedure © =G17.028- — Crane lift types ans procedure References (GI; SAES; SMS Process; others) | * 17.029-_ Rigging hardware requirements GI7.030- Inspection and testing requirements for rigging equiprrents G1.8.001- _ Safety Requirements fr Scafoiding ‘SA-CSIM Vol. 2, Chapter |-1 — Emergency Reporting Procedure SA-CSM Vol. 2, Chapter -3 ~ Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ‘SA-CSM Vol. 2, Chapter 4 — Work Permit System ‘SA-CSM Vol. 2, Chapter I-11 — Hand and Power Tools SASH — Saudi Aramco Safety Handbook 2022 Edition SA CSM Vol. 2, Chapter -8; Traffic and vehicle safety SA_CSM Vol. 2, Chapter 12; Materials Handling Job Safety Analysis (JSA) ~ Recommended Best Practice — October 2019 - v1 Saudi Aramco: Public ‘> SACSM Vol. 2, Chapter -13; Heat Stress —CRDD SMS 6.11, Job Safety Analysis (JSA) + CRD SMS 303, Safely Presoo Meetings act + Seley Helmet + FRCCothing © Safety Glass + Sofety Boots Shoes © Ear Plugs/ Ear Mufls (if exceeds to 85 dB) * Boom truck © Gloves (Rubber Coated, Chemical Resistant «= Trailer & Impact Resistant}-as per activity * Crane requirement Tools & Equipment required for the + Trucks + Face! Dust Mask Job + Slings © Visivlty Vest (For FW! SBMY Flagmen) «Lifting Tackles ‘* Face shield (as per job activity requirement) « Shackles © Personal H2S Monitors (Single Gas «Rope Detectors) + Ful Body Harness with Shock Absorbing Lanyard and Stirups (for worcing at height at 4.8m) «Fire Extinguishers (UUFM Listed) @ _N95.mask ANALYSIS 7 Stop BASIC JOB POTENTIAL STEP | “steps | HAZARDS TO THE ACTIONS TO CONTROL THE HAZARDS So ore | (in Sequence) WORKER rigger cen) Loading and 1.1.4. Cranefboom truck mus be inspected by SA approved thi party offloading of | + Fre duetoheayy | 1.4.2, Only SA Certified experienced operetors are alowed fo opera equipment tools and equioments hydraulic | 1.1.3. Equipments must be inspected before each use and checkist shal filed piece puede cr engine faire, | 17.4, Penocio maintenances must be timely done oe, 1 electric short circuit | 1.1.5, Inspected UL/FM listed FE must be available with each equipment ‘Supenisat! Y equipments 11.6 Ensure ceifed fre wath is avaliable Heroes using crane HSER and boom 1.2.1, Ensure that the ground is levelled and firm. truck a een ign, | 122 Flag man presence is a must 4.2.3. Enough space for maneuver shall be availatle. ‘Saudi Aramco: Public Job Safety Analysis (JSA) — Recommended Best Practice - October 2019 v1 1.2.4, Area must be Secured with barricade. 1.3. Collision (Persons / Materials) 1.3.1. Only certified rigger is allowed to rig a load to ensure load is properly attached | 1.3.2. The Crane Operator must be 2 Party Certified and SA approved 1.3.3. Ensure work area is barricaded and that appropriate signage is installed. 1.34. Crossing undemeath the load is strictly prohibited; assign watch man for this purpose if necessary. 1.35. Trained flagman escorts provided while moving the heavy equipments 1.366. Ensure that Heavy Equipment are fitted with PWAS. 1.3.7. Clear the area fr trailer maneuvering 1.3.8, Unauthorized persons, keep out 1.3.9 Maintain safe distance 1.3.10. Supervisor to monitor the activity closely 1.3.11, Ensure availabilty of backup alaram and waming signal 1.3.12, Ensure that an approved Lifting Pian should be available prior iting and an ‘approved lifting plan wil aso be available for ertcal tng 1.3.13._ A Rigger 1 should be available inthe Critical Liting Activities 4.4, Damage of Loose Litting Gears, 1.4.1. Alling gears must be certified by third pany 14.2 Camry cut safety inspection 2s per checks! forall iting gears before using 1.4.3. Liting gears shall be color coded. 1.44, Defective gears must be remove from site 1.5. Load fafure ( Liting gear fale Td, Rigger to check the calculation (SW) 1.5.2 Load must be binded proveriy 1.5.3, Correct type of hitch shall be identified 41.54. Use of tagine is necessary 1.5.5, Consider the weather betore carrying out the activity 1.5.6. Crane operator shall perform tral It before final lifting to ensure load is perfectly balanced. 15:7. Do not overioad the rigging hardware beyond its rated capacity 1.5, Lifing gears shal be inspected prior to each use and ensure free from physical damages ! damaged gears should be removed 1.5.9. Trail lit should be done before actual ifing (ficated for atleast 3 sec) 15.10. Crane operators shall only pickup load when the boom head and hook are centered directly over the load 1.8. Crane tip over 1.6.1. Area where crane is to be positioned shall be stable, even surface and compacted ground, 1.6.2. Crane outrigger shall be fully extended before extending the boom or crane operation, 1.6.3. TBT and pre task meeting should be conducted 4.6.4. Stop the Iftng activity ifthe wind speed in more than 32 km/hr CConstucton anager Supervise Wrkoree HSE/WPR ‘Saudi Aramco: Public Job Safety Analysis (JS) ~ Recommended Best Practice — October 2019 - v1. 7185, Crane Shall be Kept away from the edge ofthe excavatin a distance of 2 Mor the depth ofthe excavation , which ever s greatest 1.66. Never overload the crane beyond capacity. 1.87. Make sure free from adjesent structures or any other obstructions 1.6.8 Folow load chart. 117.1. Workeis must be aware of the Overhead and buried power nes. 1.7.2. Altequipment must be used according to the manufacturers instructions, 1.7.3. The power supply system including electical circuits must be sufficiently grounded. 1.7.4. All electrical components must be well maintained and inspected reguiarly before use. 1.7.5. Earthing of Heavy Equipment is a mus. 4.7.6. Signalman or flagman shall be assigned to ensure that minimum safe distances __ate maintained cH 1.8.1. Keep finger clear of pinah points 1.8.2. Ensure the compitancy of the manpower 1.7. Electrocution 41.8. Pinch point 1.8.3, Ensure proper communication wit the operators 1.84, Home made and substandared tools must not be used atthe site 4.8.5, use hand gloves and other required PPE as per the activity Constein 1.9.1, Loads must be properly checked and secured before travelling, don't overload the eee 5 Y 419. Falling materials ‘ruck ena 1.92. Ensute diver shall have the SAG driving oense HSEWPR 1.10.1. Use access ladder when necessary. 4.10.2. Walkways must be obstruction free 1.10.3. Secure the area by instaling barricades and signage 1.10.4. Ensure proper housekeeping should be performed 41.40.Sip, Tip & Fall 41. This USA must be discussed fo all involved personnel prior carying out the task. Pre-ob planning and Daily Toolbox Meeting should be held on site before starting dally work to discuss relevant issues, technical procedures, and assignment during the job execution, 2. Incorporate Daily Toolbox Meeting fo consider Safety requirements for each task assignment before commencing jb. 3. Workers shall be required to wear appropriate minimum PPE, e.g, Safely Goggles, Safety Helmet, Safety Shoes, and Flammable Resistant Clathing 4. Incase of emergency J inform the plant operation or call 911, > Shuidown all running equipment and proceed tothe nearest Assembly! Muster Point. > Report any injures damages tothe emergency number provided. > Ifitis bomb threat, move right away to the operation building and do not wait for the atarm to sound. Al personnel are empowered to ‘Stop Work" anytime i conditions coud affect the Safety ofthe Personnel or the Facies ‘All team members must visit the jobsite and understand fully the Scope of Work. ‘All equipment must be inspected and certfied Safety waming signs and barricades must be avaliable. Job Safety Analysis (ISA) ~ Recommended Best Practice — October 2019 — vi ‘Saudi Aramco: Public 9. Gas Testing equipment must be certfied and calibrated | 10. Allhand tools shal be inspected, must be of good quaity and appropriate forthe job, 11, A copy of JSA shall be available at the supervising operator office and have its content explained to all the personnel 12, All personnel associated with the job shall be briefed about the JSA prior to executing the jb 1. Coordination between the Permit Issuer and Receiver shall be done regularly. | 14 JSR requrements need to be explared by Contractor Supersoro tet crew members in their language forte team to understand fully, 18. Work Permit Receiver must alvays be avaliable al the site during the activites. All work force should sign the JSA acknowledging that they understood the job 25 well as the hazards and risks associated by each actity and the needed control measures. Note 2: if all the precautions or control measures have not adhered to or met. The Job or activity will be stop. Job Safety Analysis (SA) — Recommended Best Practice ~ October 2019 - vi Saudi Aramco: Public Revision and Discussion of the ‘JSA with the crew on the jobsite and prior to execution Department [eRDD [Division | NOD Date Unit | NRTU | Plant / Equipment | X56 Name of Participant ID# Signature Company Date | M: Nodeeo 8594 S67 Noda SENDAN 1-08-25 gplhod &SVEOS2 ending | e-S- PF y ee hidn bse Sicha 2.3333 18 3-44 server |14] 9)oa MeSpcthetaly 233214 Bona, lawtan |telsz3 3 A Do Gs 16 ike eS) dele Ie (0 BeSee [e534 (Zo Sean —_ eo pa PERTH, 84507 79 A) far lails/0 | Hhsidos 2agasyafey i Seawanl | Mrs] ro > ‘eh, on _¥ ~ SE NOAA Lees fr Saudi Aramco: Public Job Safety Analysis (JSA) ~ Recommended Best Practice ~ October 2019 - v1

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