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Animal and Plant symbol of UK

Animal symbol of Scotland:

For several centuries, the unicorn has been one of the symbols of Scotland,
personifying the freedom-loving spirit of its people.
The unicorn is a mythical creature, but thanks to the detailed descriptions in the legends,
it was easy for artists to imagine and depict its appearance. The unicorn is always young, it
looks like a horse, but its hooves are more likely from an antelope, its cover is completely
white and sparkling, its mane is long and soft, its eyes are bright blue, its beard is goat, its
lion's tail is golden. A conical horn in the shape of a spiral grows on the forehead. The mind
of a unicorn is comparable to the human.
Despite the delicate fragile appearance, he could defeat any beast that was three times
its size. Touching the horn of the surface of dirty water, he could restore her freshness and
purity. It was believed that if you touch the skin of a unicorn, you can be cured of any
In the symbols of nobility, purity, courage and freedom is depicted in broken chains. This
means that in captivity there is always the opportunity to free oneself.
Plant symbol of Scotland:
Thistle - a beautiful and prickly flower - the national symbol of Scotland. Literally
everything in this country adorns him, for example, coins, flags, coats of arms and t-shirts,
souvenirs and jewelry with thistle are especially popular. This plant is admired and loved
by the people of Scotland, for which they received the name "Scottish Rose" from them.
Of course, about this symbol, like about any other, there is a local legend. Once, the
soldiers of Scotland fell asleep, not suspecting that Scandinavian pirates were approaching
them. The Vikings almost managed to sneak up unnoticed, because for a noiseless
movement they took off their shoes. But bare feet unsuccessful attackers landed in a thistle,
from whose thorns began to yell at the weight of the forest. The thistle Scottish warriors
heard these screams and successfully defended themselves from attack, defeating the
enemy. In connection with this legend, the thistle is also called the Guardian.
In addition to external qualities, the thistle also has magical fame. Based on the name,
one can guess that evil spirits were driven away by this plant.
The Scots are sure that their character is similar to that of the thistle - picky, proud,

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