Time Management - Exploring The Correlation Between Time Management and The Overall Performance at Holy Nazarene Christian School S.Y. 2023-2024

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Holy Nazarene Christian School

101 Nazarene Compound Mulawin, Tanza, Cavite

Tel. No. (046) 852-43-76 email address: holynazarene@yahoo.com

Time Management – Exploring the Correlation between

Time Management and the Overall Performance at Holy

Nazarene Christian School S.Y. 2023-2024

In partial fulfillment

of the requirements for RESEARCH WRITING


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Settings


Statement of the Problem……………………………………………….……..………2


Theoretical Framework……………………………………………..…………………3

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………..……….3-4

Scope and Limitations of the study……………………………………...……….……4

Significance of the Study……………………..……………….…………….………4-5

Definition of terms…………………………………………………………………..5-6

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Setting


Efficient time management can be the key to unlocking academic success. It

empowers students to prioritize tasks, allocate study time effectively, and cultivate a

disciplined approach to learning, fostering valuable habits for lifelong success. As Junior

High School students, we often face challenges in managing our time, leading to habits like

cramming and procrastination, along with repercussions like compromised health, strained

relationships, and increased stress levels. These habits can have very negative impacts on our

overall performance in Junior High School. Many Junior High School students at Holy

Nazarene Christian School struggle with managing their time effectively. This widespread

issue of poor time management is a major concern because it can negatively affect their

overall academic performance. Improving time management skills is crucial to creating a

better learning environment and ensuring a students' success.

To achieve the set goals and perform better, time management and its utilization

according to needs is required (Alay & Kocak, 2003; Macan, Shahani, Dipboye, & Phillips,

2000). We all know that time management is very important to students in their overall

performance. Because through managing our time it can help us to prioritize tasks, meet

deadlines, and allocate sufficient time to study, resulting in improved overall performance. It

enhances productivity, reduces stress, and fosters a balanced approach to academics and other


Existing research tends to narrow its focus solely on academic grades when

examining the relationship between time management and a student’s performance,

overlooking the wider spectrum of factors that can be influenced by time management. This

study seeks to fill this

gap by not only exploring academic achievements, but also elements like extracurricular

engagement, studying habits, relationships, and health. This research has the potential to

uncover how effective time management practices positive impacts to overall performance of

Junior High School students in Holy Nazarene Christian School. The outcomes could lead the

school to enhance current educational policies concerning time management, study habits,

and assignments. The study’s purpose is to point out what Junior High School students in

Holy Nazarene Christian School do about their time management that affects their overall


Statement of the Problem

The goal of this study is to determine the correlation between time management and

the overall performance of Junior High School students at Holy Nazarene Christian School.

Moreover, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the correlation between time management and the overall performance of

Junior High School Students?

2. Does time management affect the overall performance of Junior High School

students? If so, in what instances?

3. How does the level of time management skills among Junior High School students

relate to their academic achievements?


1. This study assumed that the overall performance of junior high school students of

Holy Nazarene Christian School is higher since they can manage their time with all

the task given during their junior year.

2. This study assumed that knowing how to manage time properly is correlated with the

overall performance of the junior high school students at Holy Nazarene Christian


3. This study assumed that the overall performance of the Junior High School students at

Holy Nazarene Christian School is affected by how they manage their time while

doing the given task for the whole academic year.

Theoretical Framework

The Pickle Jar Theory is based on a time management technique that prioritizes tasks

and responsibilities in a specific order. This theory (also referred to as the Bucket of Rocks

Theory or The Jar of Life Theory) was developed in 2002 by Jeremy Wright with the notion

that time is a finite space that has limits. This study was anchored in the pickle theory

proposed by Jeremy Wright in 2002.

This theory focuses on time management techniques and also prioritizes

responsibilities in specific orders and also the importance of it. In line with this the

researchers will correlate the effects of time management in the overall performance of Junior

High School students at Holy Nazarene Christian School S.Y 2023-2024.

Conceptual Framework


1. What is the correlation 1. Plan an interview with Exploring the Correlation

between time management selected Junior High School between Time Management

and the overall performance students to assess on and the Overall Performance

of Junior High School exploring the correlation of Junior High School

students? between time management Students at Holy Nazarene

and the overall performance. Christian School Year 2023-

2. Does time management 2024

affect the overall performance 2. Make an interview with the

of Junior High School selected Junior High School

students? If so, in what students.


3. Make a comparison of their

3. How does the level of time responses to know the

management skills among correlation of time

Junior High School students management and overall

relate to their academic performance of Junior High

achievements? School students

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focuses on exploring the correlation between time management and the

overall performance of Junior High School students. Gathering of data will be conducted on

13 Junior High School students from the total population of 208 enrolled in the school year

2023-2024 in Holy Nazarene Christian School. The study only covers how effective time

management positively influences overall performance of students. Studies may investigate

factors such as planning, prioritization, and goal setting in relation to academic outcomes.

This study will not include the rate and number of assessments that the educators give

to the Junior High School students, which may be a factor towards their time management.

Moreover, input from students who are in Elementary and Senior High School students will

not be considered or included. This study will be conducted through the use of interview

question as reference.

Significance of the Study

This research is made to provide information and knowledge regarding time

management and the correlation of overall academic performance of Junior High School

students in Holy Nazarene Christian School where time management of students is needed to

be improved. The researchers expect the findings of this study to benefit the following


Students. Through this study, students will learn how to enhance their time

management, it could also give them ideas on how to overcome time management problems.

This knowledge empowers students to know what their priorities are and can serve as their

guide in future intercourses.

Teachers. Teachers stand to gain valuable insight from this study, enriching their

instructional methods, and bolstering effective student support. By recognizing the

connection between time management and overall student performance, teachers can adapt

their teaching approaches to tackle specific challenges, fostering student development in the


Administrators. The study's results can help administrators in planning and

implementing initiatives to improve students time management skills, leading to better

overall performance. Additionally, these findings can guide administrators in creating a

positive learning environment that supports both academic success and the well-being of


Future Researchers. This study lays the groundwork for future researchers

investigating the link between time management and a student’s overall performance. The

insight provided can assist researchers in identifying the gaps in existing knowledge.

Additionally, the study suggests looking more closely at how time management habits last

over time and aims to better understand the experiences of students, teachers, and parents.

Definition of Terms

The following terms hold significance in the context of this study, and their definitions are

provided to enhance the readers understanding.

Correlation: It is the relationship of two variables that can be either positive or

negative. In the context of this study, it signifies the positive relationship of time management

and the overall performance of Junior High School students.

Procrastination: This pertains to a student’s bad habit of delaying tasks intentionally

and habitually. This often leads to a more stressful completion of those tasks, and has a

negative effect to a student’s health.

Cramming: It is a study approach characterized by last-minute, intense efforts to

learn or review a large volume of information just before an examination or deadline. This

typically results in a rushed and stressful, high-pressure attempt to grasp the material within a

very short time frame.

Extracurricular engagement: It entails a variety of activities beyond traditional

academics. It involves joining clubs, participating in sports or competitions, and more. It

essentially refers to any organized involvement outside of standard classroom learning.

Overall performance: It is a way of looking at how well a student is doing in

everything. It refers to a comprehensive evaluation of a student’s performance, this includes

extracurricular engagement, studying habits, relationships, and health.

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