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A Research Proposal
Presented to
The College of Technology
Central Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu, 6037 Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree


December 2024

prepared and submitted by MARLOU A. MATA, JANE CHRISTY B. DEGUMA, and KENT
ADRIAN P. PARDILLO, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF
been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for Design Hearing.







Adviser Member


Member Member

Accepted and Approved by the Undergraduate Thesis Advisory Committee with a grade of __________.







Adviser Member


Member Member

ACCEPTED AND APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR

Date of Design Hearing: June 25, 2021


Chairman, College of Technology


TITLE PAGE . . . . . . . . . . i

APPROVAL SHEET. . . . . . . . . ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . iii

LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . v

LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . vi



INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . 1

Rationale of the Study . . . . . 1

Theoretical Background of the Study . . . 4

THE PROBLEM . . . . . . . 13

Statement of the Problem . . . . . 13

Significance of the Study . . . . . 14

Scope and Limitations of the Study . . . 15


Design . . . . . . . 17

Flow of the Study . . . . . . 18

Environment . . . . . . 19

Respondents . . . . . . 19

Instrument . . . . . . 20

Data Gathering Procedure . . . . . 20

Scoring Procedure . . . . . . 21

Statistical Treatment of Data . . . . 23

DEFINITION OF TERMS . . . . . . 25



Related Literature . . . . . . 26

Related Studies . . . . . . 32

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . 41

APPENDICES . . . . . . . 52

A. Transmittal Letter . . . . . 53

B. Survey Questionnaire . . . . . 54




1 Distribution of the Respondents . . . . 19




1 The Theoretical Framework of the Study . . . 4

2 The Flow of the Study . . . . . 18
3 The Location of the Study . . . . . 19



Rationale of the Study

Most of the energy meters are designed to bill as per the units of energy

consumed. These meters need to be manually read by people in order to provide

monthly/quarterly bills. We are here to propose an IOT-based prepaid energy

billing meter. The system is designed to allow amount of energy to be used as long

as the account has balance pending. It also allows the operator to recharge the

user account using GSM. The system first accepts account recharge and allows

to use only limited units of energy as per recharge and then cuts off the supply.

The prepaid electricity billing meter could be widely used to provide a new more

customized electricity billing system, where users may recharge when they intend

to use that facility. It also consists of a GSM modem that allows the operator to

recharge the meter remotely using am SMS message. This puts forward an

innovative electricity billing and “use as needed” electricity usage scheme. It also

eliminates the need for manual electricity meter reading tasks.

In this project, we will make a GSM Based Prepaid Electricity Energy Meter using

Arduino. Prepaid Electricity Energy Meter is one of the best concepts for the

current electricity payment system. In this system, you can recharge the device

and update the balance as we do on our mobile phones. By sending a simple SMS,

you can recharge the electricity balance through this system. It can also disconnect

the home power supply connection if there is a low or zero balance in the system.

And this system will read the energy meter readings and automatically send some

updates to the user’s mobile phone like low balance alert, cut off alert, resume alert

and recharge alert. The Anti-Theft Alert can also be detected when someone tries

stealing the meter by opening the lid. So, let us see how we can build this project.

The trend of the time has always been in favor of that technology which finally

become cost effective as well as an elegant one. Visayan Electric Company is

facing serious problem of lean revenue collection as against energy supplied due

to energy thefts and network losses. All the steps taken so far, regarding the

improvement of the revenue collection did not yield satisfactory results. It is

reported that the faultiest sub system in the metering and meter reading system.

Traditional meter reading is done by the human operator, this require a more

number of labor operator and long working hour to achieve the complete area data

reading and billing. Due to increase in the development of residential building and

commercial building the meter reading task increases which require more number

of human operators. In order to achieve efficient meter reading, reduce billing error

and operation cost, automatic meter reading system play an important role. In post-

paid system, there is no control use of electricity from the consumer’s side. There

is a lot of wastage of power in the consumer’s side due to lack of planning of


electrical consumption in an efficient way. The idea of designing the Prepaid Power

Billing using “Energy Meter” is due to the basis that it would indirectly help to create

a better understanding and awareness towards the value and the importance of

electrical energy, energy saving, promoting of smart energy management as well

as an innovation towards further improvement to proven existing system. The

Adaptive meter is not only limited to automate the meter reading but also attributed

with prepaid recharging ability and information of consumed data can be exchange

between the grid and consumer. It was also due to the fact that in time to come,

the cost of electrical energy generation continuously increase and the energy

consumption may exceed its productions or generations. By realizing such idea,

end users are provided with the proposed system to assist them in carefully

planning and managing their electrical consumption. This is also helpful in saving

the time of both electricity authority and consumer.


Theoretical Background of the Study

This study is anchored to the Modified Technology Acceptance Model by

Venkatesh and Davis (2000). The Modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

is a theoretical framework that builds upon the original TAM model proposed by

Davis in 1989. The Modified TAM model was introduced by Venkatesh and Davis

in 2000, as an extension of the original model, to better understand the factors that

influence users' intentions to use technology. The Modified TAM model includes

two primary constructs: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. These

constructs are similar to the original TAM model but are expanded upon in several

ways. For example, perceived usefulness is defined as "the degree to which a user

believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance,"

while perceived ease of use is defined as "the degree to which a user believes that

using a particular system would be free from effort." In addition to these constructs,

the Modified TAM model includes several other factors that can influence users'

intentions to use technology, such as subjective norms (i.e., the influence of others'

opinions on a user's beliefs and attitudes), image (i.e., the extent to which using a

particular technology is associated with a positive image), and voluntariness (i.e.,

the extent to which a user is free to choose whether or not to use a particular

technology). Overall, the Modified TAM model provides a more comprehensive

framework for understanding the factors that influence users' intentions to use

technology, and has been widely used and cited in subsequent research in the

area of technology adoption and usage. The conceptual framework of the Modified

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) includes several constructs and


relationships that help to explain the factors that influence users' intentions to use

technology. The following is a summary of the key constructs and relationships

included in the Modified TAM model:

1) Perceived usefulness: The extent to which a user believes that using a particular

technology will enhance their job performance or make their tasks easier to


2) Perceived ease of use: The degree to which a user believes that using a

particular technology would be free from effort or easy to learn.

3) Attitude towards using: A user's positive or negative evaluation of using a

particular technology, based on their beliefs about its usefulness and ease of use.

4) Behavioral intention to use: A user's intention to use a particular technology,

based on their attitude towards using it and their perceived behavioral control.

5) Perceived behavioral control: The extent to which a user believes that they have

control over their ability to use a particular technology.

6) Subjective norms: The influence of others' opinions on a user's beliefs and

attitudes towards using a particular technology.

7) Image: The extent to which using a particular technology is associated with a

positive or negative image.

8) Voluntariness: The degree to which a user is free to choose whether or not to

use a particular technology. The Modified TAM model proposes that perceived

usefulness and perceived ease of use directly influence a user's attitude towards

using technology, which in turn influences their behavioral intention to use it.

Perceived behavioral control is also proposed to directly influence behavioral


intention to use, while subjective norms, image, and voluntariness are proposed to

influence attitude towards using and/or behavioral intention to use indirectly. In

summary, the Modified TAM model provides a comprehensive framework for

understanding the complex factors that influence users' intentions to use

technology, and can help researchers and practitioners to identify strategies for

promoting technology adoption and usage. This study is also supported by the

Modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model,

which is an extension of the original UTAUT model proposed by Venkatesh in

2003. The Modified UTAUT model was introduced by Venkatesh in 2012 and

builds upon the original model by including several additional constructs and

relationships. From the published book of Venkatesh (2012), he mentioned that

the Modified UTAUT model includes the following constructs:

1) Performance expectancy: The degree to which a user believes that using a

particular technology will help them to perform their tasks more effectively.

2) Effort expectancy: The degree to which a user believes that using a particular

technology will be easy and require minimal effort.

3) Social influence: The extent to which a user perceives that important others

(such as peers, supervisors, or customers) believe that they should use the


4) Facilitating conditions: The degree to which a user perceives that the necessary

resources and support are available to use the technology.

5) Hedonic motivation: The degree to which a user is motivated by enjoyment,

pleasure, or fun in using the technology.


6) Price value: The degree to which a user believes that the cost of using the

technology is justified by its benefits.

7) Habit: The degree to which a user has developed automatic patterns of behavior

associated with using the technology.

8) Compatibility: The degree to which a user perceives that the technology is

consistent with their existing values, needs, and experiences.

9) Self-efficacy: The degree to which a user believes that they have the skills and

abilities necessary to use the technology. He added that the Modified UTAUT

model proposes that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence,

and facilitating conditions directly influence behavioral intention to use technology,

while hedonic motivation, price value, habit, compatibility, and self-efficacy

influence behavioral intention to use technology indirectly through their effects on

the primary factors. Overall, the Modified UTAUT model provides a more

comprehensive framework for understanding the factors that influence users'

intentions to use technology, and has been widely used and cited in subsequent

research in the area of technology adoption and usage.


Information Theory

This work proposes a real-time electricity bill for quantifying the energy used

in domestic facilities in Mexico. This bill is a low-cost tool that takes advantage of

the IoT technology for generating an easy reading real-time bill allowing the

customers to constantly review and administrate their energy consumption. Using

low-cost sensors and the electronic board Particle® Photon, an energy meter is

proposed. The presented prototype is extremely compact and satisfies safety

measures to be used by anyone in a domestic installation. The measurement data

is displayed and processed in real-time, and an appropriate algorithm determines

the accumulated kWh. The energy consumed is displayed using an Html interface

of easy interpretation for the customers, given recommendations about their

consumption habits and some alarms in case of abnormal or high consumption.

As a reinforcement measure for avoiding large consumption bills, the system is

programmed to send messages to the user, remembering if the estimated

consumption is large.

Communication Theory

This article proposes and analyse a system which is used for energy meter

billing and monitoring. The system is fully Internet of Things (IOT) based and highly

desirable in field of energy. In this system consumer can do power management

by knowing energy usage time to time. The customer needs to pay the bill on

schedule, if couldn't, the electric power connectivity can be turned off

autonomously from the distant host. The article explains the modelling and working

of different units of the system and also discussed the basic components and their

functions such that IOT and its working, microcontroller(ARM7-LPC2138) and its

architecture, USB to TTL Converter and its features, GSM system, Relay and LCD

display and its interfacing with microcontroller.

Input-Output Theory

In everyday life, electricity is necessary, and proper use is critical. To

strengthen home electricity control, the existing systems have been examined over

the years. However, the existing PMAS method’s error ratio is higher and does not

allow for a remote monitoring system. Therefore, this study proposes a smart

monitoring and control system (SMACS) for household appliances. The

application’s significance is to monitor household appliances’ electricity usage

using hardware and the Internet of Things (IoT) methods. The prototype of the

proposed system is designed and developed considering Arduino UNO, a liquid

crystal display (LCD), an ACS712 current sensor module, relays, and AC sources.

The components are selected from the software library, and the simulation results

are found the same as the prototype. WiFi module ESP8266 is not included in the

design because it is not provided in the system. The data is recorded in cloud

storage using Thing-speak. A mobile application (Virtuino) also accesses the data

to visualize it through the graphical and numerical display. This study provides

users with an easy system to monitor and control household appliances’ power

consumption using mobile applications. Results show that the proposed system

provides 0.6% current errors for the hairdryer appliance, whereas the existing

Power Monitoring and Switching (PMAS) system provides 7.8% current errors.

R.A. 8293 Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines

State recognizes that an effective intellectual and industrial property system

is vital to the development of domestic and creative activity, facilitates transfer of

technology, attracts foreign investments, and ensures market access for our

products. It shall protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors,

artists and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and creations,

particularly when beneficial to the people, for such periods as provided in this Act.

The use of intellectual property bears a social function. To this end, the State shall

promote the diffusion of knowledge and information for the promotion of national

development and progress and the common good.It is also the policy of the State

to streamline administrative procedures of registering patents, trademarks and

copyright, to liberalize the registration on the transfer of technology, and to

enhance the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the Philippines.

Under Republic Act No. 11361

The continuous conveyance of electricity is a matter of national security

and is essential to sustaining the country’s economic development. The State also

acknowledges the crucial role of property owners in ensuring that power lines

remain free of any dangerous and hazardous activities and improvements. Power

lines refer to transmission lines, sub-transmission lines, distribution lines, and

generation dedicated point to point lines, and other connection assets including

the poles and towers used to support the lines and other related facilities

constructed or erected for the purpose of conveyance of electricity.

Also, the law mentioned about power line obstruction which refers to any

hazardous activity or hazardous improvement and other similar circumstances that

threaten or endanger the continuous and uninterrupted conveyance of electricity.

Thus, power line obstruction is punishable.



Modified Technology Acceptance R.A. 8293 Intellectual Property

Code of the Philippines

Model (TAM) (Venkatesh and
Davis, 2000) R.A. 11361 Anti-Obstruction of

Information Theory Power Lines Act

(Dr. Ramon Betancourt, 2020)

Communication Theory
(Nikita Nanasaheb Sasane,2017)

Input-Output Theory
(Mohammad Kamrul Hasan,

Modified Unified Theory of

Acceptance and Use of Technology
(UTAUT) Model (Venkatesh, et al,


• Level of Perceived Usefulness
• Level of Perceived Ease of Use
• Level of Attitude Towards Using the Technology
• Level of Behavioral Intention to Use
• Level of Functionality
• Level of Adaptability
• Level of Cost-Effectiveness
• Level of Acceptability




Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study is to design and develop an IoT–Based

Prepaid Electricity Billing Meter for Apartments in Ocean Village located in South

Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu during the Academic Year 2023-2024 as a basis for

technology adoption.

Specifically, it seeks answers to the following sub-problems:

1) What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 work;

1.2 availability of electronic gadgets and appliances; and,

1.3 monthly income of the family?

2) What are the prior arts related to the proposed system?

3) What is the level of the proposed system in terms of:

3.1 perceived usefulness;

3.2 perceived ease of use;

3.3 attitude towards using the technology;

3.4 behavioural intention to use;

3.5 functionality;

3.6 adaptability;

3.7 cost-effectiveness; and,

3.8 acceptability?

4) Is there a significant relationship between the:

4.1 perceived usefulness and the levels of functionality, adaptability, cost-

effectiveness, and acceptability;

4.2 perceived ease of use and the levels of functionality, adaptability, cost-

effectiveness, and acceptability;

4.3 attitude towards using the technology and the levels of functionality,

adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and acceptability; and,

4.4 behavioral intention to use and the levels of functionality, adaptability, cost-

effectiveness, and acceptability?

5) Based on the findings of the study, how can the SMART Electrical Energy

Consumption Monitoring System be designed and developed?

Significance of the Study

Through the advent of SMART technology, this study is beneficial for the


Borders. Using IoT (Internet of Things) prepaid electricity billing meters can

indeed be beneficial, especially in border regions’ prepaid electricity billing meters

can be advantageous. Implementing IoT prepaid electricity billing meters in border

regions addresses various challenges and can significantly improve the efficiency

and reliability of electricity services in these areas.

Community. This study is beneficial to Barangay South Poblacion, City of Naga,

Cebu and neighbouring towns and even cities as well as through extending

services among interested constituents with the use of an affordable IoT Base

prepaid electricity billing meter.

Future Researcher. This study is beneficial to the future researchers, and this will

serve as a basis and can be a guide or reference for their future study.

Scope and Limitations of the Study


Users can monitor their electricity consumption remotely through a mobile app or

web interface. The ability to control and manage electrical appliances remotely.

Users can pay for electricity in advance, promoting better budget management.

Reduced chances of unpaid bills and disconnections. Continuous and real-time

monitoring of electricity usage for both consumers and utility providers. Enables

proactive measures to address issues such as power theft or system failures.

Automatic alerts for low balance, power outages, or abnormal consumption

patterns. Improved communication between consumers and utility providers.

Encourages users to adopt energy-efficient practices due to increased awareness

of their consumption patterns. Potential for implementing demand-side

management strategies. Integration with Smart Homes:



IoT-based prepaid electricity billing meter has the potential to bring significant

benefits but requires careful consideration of the associated challenges and

limitations during planning and implementation. Addressing issues such as privacy

concerns, technology reliability, and user education can contribute to the

successful deployment of such systems.



This section presents the methods and the procedures that are utilized and

used in the study. It also discusses the research design, the flow of the study, the

research environment, and as well as the respondents of the study.

The study is a type of developmental research. The approach is

appropriate to this study since it involves the systematic study of designing,

developing, and evaluating products that must meet the criteria of internal

consistency and effectiveness. The experimental and descriptive research design

will be employed according to the phases involved in the study. There are two

phases in the study namely: Phase I – Design and Development of the IOT- PEBM

device; and Phase II – Evaluation of the Output Performance of the IOT- PEBM

device. Test runs will be conducted based on the operational parameters to

validate the efficiency of the device.

Moreover, descriptive research will be used in Phase II of the study to

determine the level of acceptability of the IOT- PEBM device. Survey

questionnaires are used in the collection of data which is the basis for drawing out

necessary information and outputs in determining the level of perceived

usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude towards the use of technology,

behavioral intention to use, functionality, adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and the

level of acceptability of the IOT- PEBM device.


Flow of the Study

The schematic presentation, as shown in Figure 2, illustrates the flow of the


• Demographic Profile of the Respondents

• Prior Arts Related to the Proposed System I
• Key Constructs of the Modified Technology Acceptance Model N
(Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitude P
Towards the Use of Technology, Behavioral Intention to Use) U
• Level of Functionality, Adaptability, Cost-Effectiveness, and T

• Transmittal Letter P
• Orientation R
• Administration of Survey Questionnaires O
• Retrieval of Survey Questionnaires C
• Data Tallying, Tabulation, and Computation E
• Data Treatment, Analysis, and Interpretation S
• Design and Development of SMART-EECMS Device S


Flow of the Study



The respondents in this study are the Borders, and non-borders from Brgy.
South Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu.
Table 1
Distribution of the Respondents

Years of stay Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Less than 5 years 40 26.67

5-10 years 10 06.67
More than 10 years 100 66.67
TOTAL 150 100.00


In the evaluation of the output performance of the machine, observation and

note-taking are done in order to document the results of the test runs. Comments

and recommendations from the technical experts that are invited to do the

observation are noted and implemented. The instrument used in the study is a

researcher-made survey questionnaire. It is utilized for drawing out necessary

information and data to determine the level of perceived usefulness, perceived

ease of use, attitude towards the use of technology, behavioral intention to use,

functionality, adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and the level of acceptability of the

device. The instrument is composed of two parts: the first part comprises the

demographic profile of the respondents and the second part is the evaluation of

the performance from the respondents who had operated the device.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following activities are conducted upon approval of the research topic

and research problems by the Dissertation Advisory Committee: Preliminary

Preparation. The researcher will conscript a letter noted by the research adviser

and the graduate school professor and will ask permission for the conduct of the

study from the researcher’s Campus Director. Administration of the Survey

Questionnaires. The researcher will distribute the survey questionnaires to the

respondents of Phase II of the study. The respondents will be given an orientation

on the purpose and objectives of the study.


Retrieval of the Survey Questionnaires. The survey questionnaires are collected

right after the respondents have finished answering. The questionnaires are tallied,

tabulated, and computed to come up with a significant set of data.

Scoring Procedure

In this section, tables are presented with a detailed description of the

scoring criteria, weight, and the range of means. The responses are scored with

the following rubrics: weight, range of means, category, and qualitative description.

Data Scoring for the Level of Perceived Usefulness. Below is the data scoring

of the variable.

Weight Range of
Means Category Qualitive Description

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 95-100% useful.

4 3.41-4.20 Agree IOT- BASED PEBM is 90-94% useful.
3 2.61-3.40 Neutral IOT- BASED PEBM is 85-89% useful.
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 80-84 useful.
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is below 80% useful.

Data Scoring for the Level of Perceived Ease of Use. Below is the data scoring

of the variable.

Weight Range of
Means Category Qualitive Description
5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 95-100% easy to use.
4 3.41-4.20 Agree IOT- BASED PEBM is 90-94% easy to use.
3 2.61-3.40 Neutral IOT- BASED PEBM is 85-89% easy to use.
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 80-84 easy to use.
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is below 80% easy to

Data Scoring for the Level of Attitude towards the Use of Technology.

Below is the data scoring of the variable.

Weight Range of
Means Category Qualitive Description

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 95-100% intended to

be use by the user.
4 3.41-4.20 Agree IOT- BASED PEBM is 90-94% intended to
be use by the user.
3 2.61-3.40 Neutral IOT- BASED PEBM is 85-89% intended to
be use by the user.
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 80-84 intended to be
use by the user.
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is below 80% intended
to be use by the user.

Data Scoring for the Level of Behavioral Intention to Use. Below is the data

scoring of the variable.

Weight Range of
Means Category Qualitive Description

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 95-100% intended to

be use by the user.
4 3.41-4.20 Agree IOT- BASED PEBM is 90-94% intended to
be use by the user.
3 2.61-3.40 Neutral IOT- BASED PEBM is 85-89% intended to
be use by the user.
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 80-84 intended to be
use by the user.
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is below 80% intended
to be use by the user.

Data Scoring for the Level of Functionality. Below is the data scoring of the


Weight Range of
Means Category Qualitive Description

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 95-100% functional.

4 3.41-4.20 Agree IOT- BASED PEBM is 90-94% functional.
3 2.61-3.40 Neutral IOT- BASED PEBM is 85-89% functional.
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 80-84 functional.
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is below 80% functional

Data Scoring for the Level of Adaptability. Below is the data scoring of the


Weight Range of
Means Category Qualitive Description

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 95-100% adaptable.

4 3.41-4.20 Agree IOT- BASED PEBM is 90-94% adaptable.
3 2.61-3.40 Neutral IOT- BASED PEBM is 85-89% adaptable.
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 80-84 adaptable.
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is below 80% adaptable

Data Scoring for the Level of Cost-Effectiveness. Below is the data scoring of

the variable.

Weight Range of
Means Category Qualitive Description

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 95-100% cost-

4 3.41-4.20 Agree IOT- BASED PEBM is 90-94% cost-
3 2.61-3.40 Neutral IOT- BASED PEBM is 85-89% cost-
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is 80-84 cost-effective.
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree IOT- BASED PEBM is below 80% cost-

Statistical Treatment of Data

The collected data are organized, tabulated, classified, analyzed, and

interpreted with the use of the following statistical tools: Frequency Count. The

researcher will use this statistical tool to present the number of respondents for

each profile variable. Percentage. The researcher will use this statistical tool to

present the percentage of respondents for each profile variable. Pearson’s Product

Moment-Correlation Coefficient (Pearson r). The researcher will use this statistical

tool to determine the relationships between the key constructs of the Modified

Technology Acceptance Model and the level of functionality, adaptability, cost-

effectiveness, and acceptability of the developed device.



To have a clearer view and understanding of the study, the following terms are

functionally and operationally defined:

Acceptability. This term is pertaining to the degree of the SMART-EECMS device

to be technically and operationally acceptable.

Adaptability. This term is referred to the SMART-EECMS device that was

adaptable in any situation and condition.

Cost-Effectiveness. This term is defined and referred to as the form of economic

analysis that compared the relative costs and outcomes of the SMART-EECMS


Design. This term is referred to as the blueprint or draft of the plan of specifications

of the proposed IOT- BASED PEBM device.

Electrical Energy Consumption. This term is also referred to as the electricity

consumption which is defined as the volume of energy being used over a given

period of time and is usually measured in kWh.

Functionality. This term is referred to as the verification or checking of the quality

assurance process that the IOT- BASED PEBM device is aid to, be purposeful,

effective, and able to pass the required output for the IOT- BASED PEBM device

according to the design specifications.

SMART Technology. This technology is referred to as the integration of

computing and telecommunication technology into other technologies that did not

previously have such capabilities. What makes a technology “smart” is its ability to

communicate and work with other networked technologies, and through this ability

21 to allow automated or adaptive functionality as well as remote accessibility or

operation from anywhere.



This chapter presents an overview of the literature and studies relevant to

the current study. The related literature and studies discussed in this chapter cover

a variety of concepts, generalizations, and conclusions that are helpful in the

development of the study from its beginnings to its final phase. Furthermore, the

information in this chapter serves in familiarizing elements that are relevant and

related to the current project study on Smart Electrical Energy Consumption

Monitoring System and its interconnected systems.

Related Literature

Internet of Things (IoT). Ismail (2019) cited in his published book that the

Internet of Things is a recent technology that creates a global network of machines

and devices that can communicate and exchange data with each other through the

Internet. There is a difference between the Internet of Things and the Internet. The

Internet of Things can create information about connected objects, analyze it, and

make decisions; in other words, one can tell that the Internet of Things is smarter

than the Internet. Security cameras, sensors, vehicles, buildings, and software are

examples of things that can exchange data with each other. As the number of real-

time applications (devices) that need smart connections among each other is

increased, the Internet of Things challenges will also increase. These challenges

include (a) SMART connectivity; (b) keeping high privacy and security of all

connected devices; (c) treating big data; (d) reducing the overall data latency

among the machine-to-machine interactions; (e) reducing bandwidth and power

consumption; and, (f) complexity.

(a) Smart connectivity. Sensors and devices that are connected and

communicated together through the Internet of Things infrastructure may need to

update their trends or feature to be suited to the changes in surrounding

environments. The Internet of Things is a smart infrastructure that can process the

collected data and make the required decisions to improve itself and to change the

trends or features of the connected devices to accommodate the surrounding

environments’ changes.

The Internet of Things is a smart technology that helps all connected devices to

update themselves according to changes in the surrounding environment and to

be able to be adopted and work in any other strange environment with high

accuracy. As a result, a smart connected system can be produced if the smart

infrastructure is well designed to treat the collected data from devices correctly, to

make the needed decisions.

(b) Keeping high privacy and security of all connected devices. The main idea

of using the Internet of Things is to have a smart system and to connect billions of

devices over the whole world. The number of devices to be connected is expected

to be 50 billion through Internet of Things devices by 2020. Connecting such a


huge number of devices required high-security levels to prevent scams and to

allow a high level of data protection. As a result, achieving a high level of security

is a big challenge to get the needed trust from both industries and individuals to

share their data utilizing the Internet of Things.

(c) Treating big data. The most important challenge of using the Internet of Things

is the tremendous growth of the data transmitted between connected devices. The

basic three sources of data are (1) the database used in the business process; (2)

the human daily activities such as email, Facebook, and weblogs; and, (3) the

connection of physical devices such as cameras and microphones. It is worth

mentioning that a full 90% of all the data in the world has been generated over the

last 2 years. This makes it more challenging for the Internet of Things infrastructure

designers to deal with such growth of the generated data.

(d) Reducing the overall data latency among the machine-to-machine

interactions. While connecting many devices through the Internet of Things

infrastructure, the shared data among them will also tremendously increase. This

will cause some delay or latency in data delivery among the connected devices.

This opens a new challenge to be addressed by the Internet of Things to reduce

such latency to be sure a robust Internet of Things infrastructure will be obtained.

(e) Reducing bandwidth and power consumption. Both bandwidth and power

consumption of the numerous devices that are connecting, communicating, and

sharing data among each other through the Internet of Things are tremendously

increased. This is why when designing an Internet of Things infrastructure, both


bandwidth and power consumption challenges should be considered. The main

trend nowadays is to reduce the size of the connected devices, and as a result,

power consumption will decrease. The transmitted data rate is still an issue to be

solved due to the huge shared data among devices.

(f) Complexity. Sharing data and connecting devices through the Internet of

Things can be implemented through several levels and layers of software and

hardware and some standard protocols. With the tremendous increase in shared

data and connected devices, the used software/hardware and standard protocols

will be more complicated. As a result, there is a challenge to reduce the complexity

of the Internet of Things technology as the number of connected devices


Internet of Things Applications. Ismail (2019) added that the Internet of Things

is recognized as one of the most important areas of future technologies and is

gaining vast recognition in a wide range of applications and fields related to smart

cities, military, education, hospitals, homeland security systems, transportation,

and autonomous connected cars, agriculture, intelligent shopping systems, and

other modern technologies. The smart home is one of the main applications that

use the Internet of Things infrastructure to connect several sensors. The sensors

can sense and collect surrounding information that is used to fully control different

home systems such as lighting and security.

Many other applications use the Internet of Things infrastructures such as smart

bridges and smart tunnels. Temperature and vibration sensors, as well as video

surveillance cameras, can be fixed on a bridge to detect any abnormal activity and

send warnings via SMS. Also, video processing analysis can be performed to

control the traffic density on a bridge. The smart tunnel can use several sensors to

monitor humidity, displacement, and temperature to call for appropriate

maintenance if a problem is detected. All these applications are using sensors to

detect and collect data that are used to give a proper decision that maintains a

high level of security of the installations.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Brown (2020) mentioned

in his published article that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a

blanket term encompassing all the technologies and services involved in

computing, data management, telecommunications provision, and the internet.

These technologies all deal with the transmission and reception of information of

some kind. ICT permeate all aspects of life, providing newer, better, and quicker

ways for people to interact, network, seek help, gain access to information, and


Arduino Technology and Its Applications. Sandhu (2021) mentioned in his

article that Arduino is a microcontroller interface built around an Atmel ATmega

processor, coupled with an integrated development environment (IDE) for creating

logic on the chip. Arduino is open source, both in its software and hardware

specification so hobbyists can assemble the simplest Arduino modules themselves

by hand. He added that Arduino allows users a simple pathway to creating

interactive objects that can take input from switches and sensors, and control

physical outputs like lights, motors, or actuators. Because the language is based

on well-used frameworks, Arduino can interact with other software on the computer

like Flash, or even web APIs like Twitter. The platform has already fostered a

community of developers who are sharing a lot of open-source work. Enthusiasts

have used it to create a range of innovative projects, from software thermostat

controllers to baby monitors that send SMS alerts, to a toy gun that fires every time

a certain hashtag is used on Twitter. And yes, there is also a page of Arduino

projects for controlling coffee appliances.

He also mentioned that while some of these Arduino projects may seem frivolous,

the technology taps into several trends that will make it a potentially important force

in the industry. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a popular phrase used in the tech

community to describe everyday items that are connected to the internet and able

to share information. Smart energy meters are an often-used example, which could

regulate appliance usage to save money on energy.

He added that public perception is shifting toward integrating technology into the

fabric of everyday life. The small form factor of Arduino allows it to be applied to

all kinds of everyday objects. The Arduino LilyPad form factor allows for wearable

Arduino devices. Open-source projects like Arduino lower the barrier of entry for

developers that are looking to experiment with interactive objects. These

innovators will be able to rapidly prototype and experiment with interactive devices

by using the Arduino platform, before creating a production-ready offering. The

next Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs may one day be found creating new ways for

computers to interface with the physical world. Arduino is a great way to

experiment with the possibilities of smart devices.

Related Studies

The development of technologies enables the application of the Internet of

Things (IoT) in urban environments, creating smart cities. Hence, the optimal

management of data generated in the interconnection of electronic sensors in real

time improves the quality of life. The objective of this study is to analyze global

research on smart cities based on IoT technology applications. For this,

bibliometric techniques were applied to 1232 documents on this topic,

corresponding to the period 2011–2019, to obtain findings on scientific activity and

the main thematic areas. Scientific production has increased annually, so that the

last triennium has accumulated 83.23% of the publications. The most outstanding

thematic areas were Computer Science and Engineering. Seven lines have been

identified in the development of research on smart cities based on IoT applications.

In addition, the study has detected seven new future research directions. The

growing trend at the global level of scientific production shows the interest in

developing aspects of smart cities based on IoT applications. This study

contributes to the academic, scientific, and institutional discussion to improve

decision making based on the available information.(González-Zamar et al., 2020)

The billing process of electricity consumption. currently used is very long

process and requires lot of man power. The energy billing in India is error prone.

Going to each and every consumer’s house and generating the bill is a laborious

task and requires lot of time. Errors get introduced at every stage of energy billing

like errors with electro-mechanical meters, human errors while noting down the

meter reading and error while processing the paid bills and the due bills. There are

many cases where the bill is paid and then is shown as a due amount in the next

bill. There is no proper way to know the consumer's maximum demand, usage

details, losses in the lines and power theft. If any consumer did not pay the bill, the

operator needs to go to their houses to disconnect the power supply. These

processes are repetitive and take so much time. For overcoming all the difficulties

present in the system a fully automated billing system is proposed i.e. “Prepaid

Power Billing Using Adaptive Meter”. In the proposed system, electronic energy

meter is replaced by Adaptive meter which includes both metering of the power

consumed and prepaid system. The billing process is prepaid energy billing in

which customer has to pay first and then use it. This system also implements an

automated system which can charge different amounts for power consumption

during different times. The prepaid system uses method of GSM based recharging.

The recharging can be done from any remote place without accessing the energy

meter physically.

SMART CARD-based Prepaid Energy Meters: Smart card is a credit card-sized

plastic card embedded with an integrated circuit (IC) and usually it consists of a

ROM, EEPROM, and a CPU. A smart card provides both memory capacity and

computational capability. Access to data stored on the card is under the control of

the smart card operating system. In this method, the consumer has to have the

smart card recharged for the amount he chooses and enter the card into the card

reader of the energy meter. Then the meter stores the number of units recharged

and starts to measure the energy consumption. When purchased units are used

up the meter disconnects the power supply until the next recharge

The India uses electromechanical or electronic energy meter. The main problem

of this system is that person from utility has go to area by area and read the energy

meter of every house and handover the bills. According to that reading consumer

paid the bill. Many times errors like extra billing amount or notification from utility

are given even bills are paid regularly. To overcome this drawback we proposing

an IoT Based prepaid Energy meter. This system consists of ADE7758 meter

circuit, Atmega328p microcontroller and Wi-Fi module. This meter is monitor the

unit consumed and transfers the unit as well as cost over the internet. It give alarm

to user if consumption reaching near to set point. If consumption is going beyond

the set point system will cut power. Also it detects demand theft using balance

current method.(Patil et al., 2020)

India uses electromechanical or electronic energy meters. The main problems with

these energy meters are recovering the electricity bills and more manpower being

used in billing processes. An IOT-based prepaid energy meter would be able to

address some of the challenges currently available in the existing energy meter.

Smart Metering with its unique performance with the Internet of Things (IoT) tends

to be an efficient system for electricity management. This can reduce human errors

and helps to retrieve the real-time meter value via IOT and send it to the customer’s

mobile phone through IOT. This energy meter consists of ATMEGA328, a Current

sensor, and a Wi-Fi module. It also consists of a mobile app through which

consumers can monitor the electricity used by them. The India uses

electromechanical or electronic energy meter. The main problem of this system is

that person from utility has go to area by area and read the energy meter of every

house and handover the bills. According to that reading consumer paid the bill.

Many times errors like extra billing amount or notification from utility are given even

bills are paid regularly. To overcome this drawback we proposing an IoT Based

prepaid Energy meter. This system consists of ADE7758 meter circuit,

Atmega328p microcontroller and Wi-Fi module. This meter is monitor the unit

consumed and transfers the unit as well as cost over the internet. It give alarm to

user if consumption reaching near to set point. If consumption is going beyond the

set point system will cut power. Also it detects demand theft using balance current

method.(Patil et al., 2020)

India uses electromechanical or electronic energy meters. The main problems

with these energy meters are recovering the electricity bills and more manpower

being used in billing processes. An IOT-based prepaid energy meter would be able

to address some of the challenges currently available in the existing energy meter.

Smart Metering with its unique performance with the Internet of Things (IoT) tends

to be an efficient system for electricity management. This can reduce human errors

and helps to retrieve the real-time meter value via IOT and send it to the customer’s

mobile phone through IOT. This energy meter consists of ATMEGA328, a Current

sensor, and a Wi-Fi module. It also consists of a mobile app through which

consumers can monitor the electricity used by them.

The India uses electromechanical or electronic energy meter. The main problem

of this system is that person from utility has go to area by area and read the energy

meter of every house and handover the bills. According to that reading consumer

paid the bill. Many times errors like extra billing amount or notification from utility

are given even bills are paid regularly. To overcome this drawback we proposing

an IoT Based prepaid Energy meter. This system consists of ADE7758 meter

circuit, Atmega328p microcontroller and Wi-Fi module. This meter is monitor the

unit consumed and transfers the unit as well as cost over the internet. It give alarm

to user if consumption reaching near to set point. If consumption is going beyond

the set point system will cut power. Also it detects demand theft using balance

current method.(Patil et al., 2020)

India uses electromechanical or electronic energy meters. The main problems

with these energy meters are recovering the electricity bills and more manpower

being used in billing processes. An IOT-based prepaid energy meter would be able

to address some of the challenges currently available in the existing energy meter.

Smart Metering with its unique performance with the Internet of Things (IoT) tends

to be an efficient system for electricity management. This can reduce human errors

and helps to retrieve the real-time meter value via IOT and send it to the customer’s

mobile phone through IOT. This energy meter consists of ATMEGA328, a Current

sensor, and a Wi-Fi module. It also consists of a mobile app through which

consumers can monitor the electricity used by them.


The India uses electromechanical or electronic energy meter. The main problem

of this system is that person from utility has go to area by area and read the energy

meter of every house and handover the bills. According to that reading consumer

paid the bill. Many times errors like extra billing amount or notification from utility

are given even bills are paid regularly. To overcome this drawback we proposing

an IoT Based prepaid Energy meter. This system consists of ADE7758 meter

circuit, Atmega328p microcontroller and Wi-Fi module. This meter is monitor the

unit consumed and transfers the unit as well as cost over the internet. It give alarm

to user if consumption reaching near to set point. If consumption is going beyond

the set point system will cut power. Also it detects demand theft using balance

current method.(Patil et al., 2020)

India uses electromechanical or electronic energy meters. The main problems

with these energy meters are recovering the electricity bills and more manpower

being used in billing processes. An IOT-based prepaid energy meter would be able

to address some of the challenges currently available in the existing energy meter.

Smart Metering with its unique performance with the Internet of Things (IoT) tends

to be an efficient system for electricity management. This can reduce human errors

and helps to retrieve the real-time meter value via IOT and send it to the customer’s

mobile phone through IOT. This energy meter consists of ATMEGA328, a Current

sensor, and a Wi-Fi module. It also consists of a mobile app through which

consumers can monitor the electricity used by them.

The India uses electromechanical or electronic energy meter. The main problem

of this system is that person from utility has go to area by area and read the energy

meter of every house and handover the bills. According to that reading consumer

paid the bill. Many times errors like extra billing amount or notification from utility

are given even bills are paid regularly. To overcome this drawback we proposing

an IoT Based prepaid Energy meter. This system consists of ADE7758 meter

circuit, Atmega328p microcontroller and Wi-Fi module. This meter is monitor the

unit consumed and transfers the unit as well as cost over the internet. It give alarm

to user if consumption reaching near to set point. If consumption is going beyond

the set point system will cut power. Also it detects demand theft using balance

current method.(Patil et al., 2020)

India uses electromechanical or electronic energy meters. The main problems

with these energy meters are recovering the electricity bills and more manpower

being used in billing processes. An IOT-based prepaid energy meter would be able

to address some of the challenges currently available in the existing energy meter.

Smart Metering with its unique performance with the Internet of Things (IoT) tends

to be an efficient system for electricity management. This can reduce human errors

and helps to retrieve the real-time meter value via IOT and send it to the customer’s

mobile phone through IOT. This energy meter consists of ATMEGA328, a Current

sensor, and a Wi-Fi module. It also consists of a mobile app through which

consumers can monitor the electricity used by them.

The following researches and studies discuss electricity consumption in different

countries like Taiwan, Japan, and Malaysia. These studies aim to forecast or

analyze the electricity consumption in a certain area of the country.


The research entitled “The Determinants of Household Electricity Consumption in

Taiwan: Evidence from Quantile Regression”, showed that the effects of

demographic, socioeconomic, and household dwelling characteristics on

household electricity consumption may differ across quantiles and may change

over time. This study found that household income and household size were

significant in all quantiles for each year. The characteristics of high-electricity-

consuming households were also identified. Households with higher income,

larger household sizes, and more elderly members consumed more electricity. In

terms of dwelling attributes, larger housing areas, homes with more appliances,

and owner-occupied, business-used, and multi-floor houses contributed to higher

household electricity consumption (Hsiu-Hang, 2014). This study infers that

consumers can be a factor in a household's electricity consumption. Being a

university, most of the electricity consumers on the campus are students and

professors which affects the total power usage since they use electricity most of

the time for school activities.

In a study entitled “Electricity Consumption Forecasting in Thailand Using an

Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Linear Regression,” an artificial neural

network (ANN) and a regression model are applied to forecast long-term electricity

consumption in Thailand. Maximum ambient temperature and electric power

demand are used as inputs to predict electricity consumption. According to the

forecasting results by the regression and ANN models of the study, the electricity

consumption in Thailand in 2015 is almost 188,552 to 174,394 gigawatt-hour

(GWh), and it can reach 216,986 to 188, 137 GWh by 2020 (Panklib, 2015).

A study entitled “A Comparative Analysis of Techniques for Forecasting Electricity

Consumption”, showed that there is a pattern for electricity consumption over the

years in the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UMS). Using the actual monthly

electricity consumption data over the period between 2009 and 2012, a modified

Newton’s model was proposed for forecasting electricity consumption. It is found

that consumption is high at certain periods and low at other periods and shows an

upward trend for electricity consumption. An increase in electricity consumption

could be because more heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems are put

into use because of the increase in the student’s population (Ozoh, 2014).

Analysing the electricity consumption in UMS in Malaysia is quite the same as this

study on forecasting the electricity consumption of PUP-Sta. Mesa.

The research in Japan entitled “The Measurement of Electric Consumption of

Devices and the Estimation of CO2 Emission Related to Food Consumption at

Households,” clarifies the amount of electric energy consumption related to food

consumed in households. The first phase of the study was to measure the amount

of electric energy used while cooking with the use of a rice cooker, microwave, and

electric pot. They are considered to be the main source of electricity while cooking.

The electricity consumption of the three major household electric cooking devices;

electric rice cooker, microwave, and electric pot were estimated at 276 kWh per

household per year, which was 14.4 KWh per year and accounted for 5.0% of

Japanese household electricity consumption (Sato et al., 2012).




Venkatesh, V. and Davis, F. D. (2000). A theoretical extension of the technology

acceptance model: Four longitudinal field studies. Management Science,

46 (2), pp. 186-204

Venkatesh, Thong, & Xu (2012). Consumer Acceptance and Use of Information

Technology: Extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of

Technology. MIS Quarterly, 361, 157.

Licensee ( 2020). MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article

distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons

Attribution (CC BY) license (

Notwithstanding the ProQuest Terms and Conditions, you may use this

content in accordance with the terms of the License.

Sasane Nikita (2007). IOT Based Energy Meter Billing and Monitoring System-A

Case Study, International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and


Mohammad Kamrul Hasan (2021) Research Article | Open Access Volume 2021 |

Article ID 6544649 | Internet of

Things-Based Smart Electricity Monitoring and Control System Using

Usage Data

CDAsia (1997): An Act prescribing the Intellectual Property Code and establishing

the Intellectual Property Office, Republic Act No. 8293 | GOVPH

Ismail, Y. (2019). Introductory Chapter: Internet of Things (IoT) Importance and Its

Applications. In the Internet of Things (IoT) for Automated and Smart

Applications. IntechOpen.

Brown, T. (2020). The Importance of Information and Communication Technology

(ICT). ITChronicles.



Sandhu, R. (2021). What is Arduino and Should I Use It? Lifewire.

.González-Zamar et al., (2020) IoT Technology Applications-Based Smart


Omkar V. Joshi , Mansi D. Mahajan (2024) Prepaid Energy Meter based on IOT

.Patil et al.,( 2020) Pervasive Computing and Applications, ICPCA . 2nd

International Conference onA Smart Card Based Prepaid Electricity System


Sato et al., (2012). International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems

(ICDCS) IoT Based Prepaid Energy Meter
Cabangkalan Cogon, City Of Naga, Cebu
Mobile Number: 09358590823
E-mail Address:


Date of Birth : January 23, 2003

Place of Birth : Cabangkalan, Cogon City of Naga, Cebu
Age : 20
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name : Prescilliano P. Pardillo
Occupation : Construction Worker
Mother’s Name : Carmelita L. Pardillo
Occupation : Housewife


College Level
Cebu Technological University-Naga Extension Campus
Central Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu, 6037 Philippines
Course: BIT - CT

Senior High School

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy
Minglanilla, Cebu

Junior High School

Cogon National Highschool
Cogon City of Naga, Cebu

Elementary Level
Guindaruhan Elementary School
Minglanilla, Cebu
Purok 19 Calavera, Pangdan, City Of Naga, Cebu
Mobile Number: 09298210015
E-mail Address:


Date of Birth : May 30, 2000

Place of Birth : Pangdan, City of Naga, Cebu
Age : 23
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name : Domingo B. Deguma
Occupation : Person With disability
Mother’s Name : Romana B. Deguma
Occupation : Dish Washer


College Level
Cebu Technological University-Naga Extension Campus
Central Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu, 6037 Philippines
Course: BIT - CT

Senior High School

Naga National Senior High School
West Poblcaion, City of Naga, Cebu

Junior High School

Naga National High School
West Poblcaion, City of Naga, Cebu

Elementary Level
Pangdan Elementary School
Pangdan, City of Naga, Cebu
Purok Bonifacio West Poblacion, City Of Naga, Cebu
Mobile Number: 09631748931
E-mail Address:


Date of Birth : March 13, 2001

Place of Birth : West Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu
Age : 22
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Father’s Name : Rolando G. Mata
Occupation : None
Mother’s Name : Mary Grace A. Mata
Occupation : Housewife


College Level
Cebu Technological University-Naga Extension Campus
Central Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu, 6037 Philippines
Course: BIT - CT

Senior High School

Naga National Senior High School
West Poblcaion, City of Naga, Cebu

Junior High School

Naga National High School
West Poblcaion, City of Naga, Cebu

Elementary Level
Naga Central Elementary School
West Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu

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