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Concepts, relationships, lifestyles are metamorphosed to accommodate the new jet

age and feeding habits too is no exception. Healthy wholesome foods have been
replaced by the new food mantra - JUNKFOOD! Within the context of world
economy, junk food could be a global phenomenon. The availability of food and
snacks at low prices and selling methods tailored by manufacturers of such foods has
triggered an evolution whereby, consumption of foods that require neither the
structure nor the preparation of a proper meal. It appears to have engulfed each age;
each race and also the newest entrants on stage are children, faculty going in
particular. Hence, a scientific presentation has been created during this review from
the articles from various sources highlighting feeding habits, nutritional aspects and
quality of unhealthy food, their health impact on consumption and preventive
measures to be undertaken.

The article ―fast foods and impact on their health‖ written by ashakiran and
deepthi.R reveals that junk food simply means an empty calorie food . An empty
calorie food is high calorie or calorie rich food which lacks in micro-nutrients such
as vitamins, minerals or amino acids and fiber but has high energy.

The article ―reason people eat junk food instead of healthy food‖ reveals that
Eating junk food regularly is linked to obesity and chronic health conditions such as
high blood pressure, but many people still choose junk food sources over their
healthy, nutritious whole food counterparts. Junk food is typically cheap, processed
and prepackaged, making it easily available, but there are several psychological
motivators that predispose people to choosing it as a meal or snack.

The article ―4 ways to attract consumer in 2017 written by fern glazer reveals that
Here are four methods Riggs said operators will likely use to entice consumers to
visit — and potentially change the forecasted traffic future — as well as insights from
forward-thinking brands.
The article ―facts on lack of nutrients from a fast food diet‖ written by Jessica
reveals that Between 2007 and 2010, the average American adult got approximately
11.3 percent of his calories from fast food, with younger people eating more fast food
than older people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The
people with the highest body mass indexes tended to be those who ate the most fast
food. The nutrient content of fast food is very poor, putting people who eat a lot of
fast food at higher risk for nutrient deficiencies.

The article ― Indian fast food: top 10 chaat recipes‖ written by S.parshita saxena
reveals that Walk around any street in North India and you'll find vendors lined with
a variety of street preparations like Aloo Chaat, Papdi Chaat or the famous Dahi
Bhalla Chaat. These are easy to prepare and are loved by all. Straight from the streets
of north india, chaat now famous all over the world. It is believed that chaat was
born in the royal kitchen of Emperor Shah Jahan. According to legend, when the
Mughal emperor fell ill, he was instructed by his Hakim to consume foods that are
light on the stomach but high on spices so as to strengthen his immunity.
The article ―effects of fast food on the body‖ reveals that Obesity Fast food can have
a terrible effect on your body. For instance, junk food increases risk of obesity
because of the added fats, refined grains, sodium, added sugars and sweeteners in it.
Obesity is the root cause of countless health problems that can have a serious impact
on your quality of life.

The article ― top 10 most common ingredients in fast food‖ written by William
harris reveals that Considering that some of these ingredients have been implicated
in serious health issues, it would be good to know which are the most common.
We've set out to answer that very question. We started with menus from five
popular fast food chains -- McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, KFC and Arby's -- did
some tallying, then cross-matched our findings with the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration's list of common food ingredients and colors. The result is the top 10
most common ingredients in fast food, organized by the type of ingredient and what
it does.

The article ―factors that affect fast food consumption‖ written by martin.w.sivula
reveals that Consumption of fast food has become a global phenomenon and is
especially popular among young adults and adolescents. Several studies have been
conducted to this focus group— university students. One recent research named
―Self- Reported Consumption of Fast Food Meals by University Students‖ (2015)
was to examine students‘ daily consumption of fast food and to assess students‘
perceptions of their weight status compared to computed body mass indices. The
study‘s finding showed that ―36 percent of students eat fast food meals more than
three times per day‖. And the study result suggested that ―48 percent of the
students who were overweight and 23 percent of those who were obese perceived
themselves as being in the healthy weight category‖

The article ―advantages and disadvantages of fast food‖ written by editorial staff
reveals that as food – the epitome of instant gratification. Waiting just minutes for
piping hot, perfectlysalted fries is worth it every time, isn‘t it? Some would go to war
over and while others furrow their brows in disapproval. If you‘re going to bat for
one side or the other, you might as well have a solid reason because let‘s face it –
there are both advantages and disadvantages of fast food.

The article ―definition of fast foods‖ written by Karen hellesvig Gaskell Fast foods
are characterized as quick, easily accessible and cheap alternatives to home-cooked
meals, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). They also tend to be high
in saturated fat, sugar, salt and calories. According to the NIH, many fast food chains
have responded to growing public awareness about nutrition by offering some food
that is lower in fat and calories than their normal fare.

The article ―fast food vs. home cooked meals‖ written by farah sheikh reveals that
Fast food can please your taste buds and is a convenient alternative to home-cooked
meals due to our hectic lifestyles. However, fast food does no good other than
loading you with calories. So let‘s compare fast food vs. home-cooked meals in terms
of their nutrition and side effects and see how they stand against one another.

The article ―the real reasons we eat junk food‖ reveals that food availability when
food is available, we will eat it. Forget willpower — the mere presence of food means
we are highly likely to eat it.This means if you buy the food, even if it is only for
guests or for special occasions, or have a biscuit tin or lolly jar or fundraising
chocolate box at work, you are significantly more likely to eat whether you are
hungry or not. If you really don‘t want to eat it, do not buy it. Keep food out of sight
in any environment you spend a lot of time in.

The article ―how to stop eating junk food‖ written by Natalie butler reveals that
Food cravings are the dieter's worst enemy. These are intense or uncontrollable
desires for specific foods, stronger than normal hunger. The types of foods that
people crave are highly variable, but these are often processed junk foods that are
high in sugar. Cravings are one of the biggest reasons why people have problem
losing weight and keeping it off. Here are 11 simple ways to prevent or stop
unhealthy food and sugar cravings.

The article ― 7 tips to avoid junk food and loss weight‖ written by brown reveals
that Junk food includes candy, potato chips, soda, and cookies. People often eat junk
food when they feel hungry or stressed. Junk food makes them momentarily happy;
however, it affects your health. Overconsumption of marcaroni, pizza, chips, cheese,
and ice cream not only results in uncontrollable weight gain but also serious health
problems. People who eat junk foods saw the negative changes to the metabolism
after a couple of days.

The article ―factors influence fast food consumption behaviors of middle school
student in seoul‖ reveals that Fast food use Fast food use was examined by frequency
of consumption, days when it was used often, people with whom the students used
fast foods, the purpose of its use, and the places where it was often used. ―Fast
food‖ was defined as pizza, fried chicken, hamburgers, French fries, or doughnuts.
The frequency of fast food use was analyzed for each food category.

The article ―review of trends in fast food consumption‖ written by aysha karmat,
Baig munazza reveals that age classification of people that were surveyed, sample
was divided into 4 age groups, people between15-25 age were 70%,25-35 were
16%,35-45 were 6% and 45-55 were 8 percent. They were surveyed and their
preferences were analyzed. Fast food consumption is particularly high among young

The article ―cause and effect: fast food‖ written by alfitrah reveals that The first
reason is changing lifestyles in society. In Jakarta, many people are working in offices
or companies. The workers do not have much time to search for food because the
working hours are very solid. Advertising is another reason. Jakarta is a big city that
through advertising always informs new products to society. For example, internet
and television report every day about development of different types of fast food. All
of these ads influence people to buy fast food. Moreover, price of fast food is very
cheap. Therefore, every day many people buy Hamburger, Pizza and other fast foods.

The article ―how are teenagers affected by advertisement for fast food‖ written by
Jeffery carey reveals that Fast food advertisements greatly influence teens‘ eating
habits and advertisers are increasingly targeting them with a wide range of
promotions. Advertisers are using channels that teens can access readily and easily,
such as TV, in-school marketing and the Internet. Fast food advertisements
significantly affect teens‘ eating habits, leading to consequences such as obesity.

The research paper on ‗fast food culture among teenagers in urban India. A special
reference to consumption of fast food on the comparison of fast food with organic
foods. The research paper uses the doctrinal method of study. The secondary sources
are given more important in this paper. The secondary sources of information used
are the articles of research journals, working papers, thesis and books of famous
sociologists and economists. The primary sources are from the food safety and
standard authority of India.

Junk food merely suggests that an empty calorie food. An empty calorie food could
be a high calorie or calorie made food that lacks in micro-nutrients such as vitamins,
minerals, or amino acids, and fiber however has high energy (calories).These foods
don‘t contain the nutrients that your body must keep healthy. Hence, these foods
that has poor biological process worth is considered unhealthy and will be known as
junk food.Junk food is an informal term applied to some foods that are appeared to
have little or no biological process worth, however that additionally have ingredients
thought-about unhealthy once eaten regularly, or to those thought-about unhealthy
to consume in any respect. The term junk food was coined as a slang within the
public interest in 1972 by Michael Jacobson, Director of the middle for Science,
Washington D.C .What makes these foods to be known as Junk is that it contains
high levels of refined sugar, white flour, trans fat and polyunsaturated fat, salt, and
various food additives such as monosodium salt and atrazine; atthe same time, it's
lacking in proteins, vitamins, essential minerals, fiber, among other healthy
attributes. These foods have little enzyme manufacturing vitamins and minerals and
but contain high level of calories in their place. A food that's high in fat, sodium,
and/or sugar and provides high calories yet useless in worth is mostly called a junk
food. On the contrary, food is simple to hold, purchase and consume. Generally, a
junk food is given a awfully attractive appearance by adding food additives and
colors to enhance flavor, texture and for increasing period of time(Smith).


Busy schedules typically diminish the number of your time individuals ought to
prepare healthy, nutrient meals, in order that they take quicker, easier choices.
Whole foods resembling vegetables and meat take time and room instrumentality to
cook properly, whereas alimentation hamburgers area unit sometimes served at
intervals minutes of ordering. Over time, that convenience becomes a habit and
eventually a perceived necessity to stay up with such a fast society. Disrupting that
routine needs an investment of your time, and the general public choose to follow
the quicker possibility.

A peripheral results of this fast culture is accrued levels of stress and anxiety. accrued
stress levels cause the body to expend additional energy, stimulating hunger for
calorie-dense sustenance and driving individuals to eat fatty, sweet food. High levels
of hysteria conjointly cause individuals to hunt out food as a method of comfort.
once stressed, individuals seek for ways that to calm themselves, and junk food‘s
positive effects on the reward center of the brain create it a comforting go-to


There is conjointly proof to counsel that sleep deprivation motivates individuals to
decide on junk foods over healthy foods. once sleep is restricted, the primal reward
center of the brain becomes additional active whereas government functions of the
frontal lobes become additional suppressed. This effectively diminishes possession,
creating individuals additional probably to hunt out foods high in fat and sugar, that
area unit logically poor selections that trigger the reward center.
People may opt for food just because they need developed a gentle physical
dependence on that. Studies show that binge ingestion foods high in sugar or fat
leads to organic compound changes within the brain just like those who develop in
addiction. in line with a study printed in ―Physiology and Behavior‖ in Oct 2011,
rats that routinely eat foods high in sugar and fat mentally crave additional of these
substances and knowledge withdrawal-like symptoms if they are doing not get
access to that. once developing the habit, individuals is also neurochemically driven
to decide on food(Friedman).


The globe is dynamical — quick — and consumers expect restaurants to stay up, to
produce innovation and to be relevant not solely on the menu, however within the
overall eating house expertise. Operators that fail to introduce risk being unnoted by
a major portion of shoppers.
Consumers‘ growing interest in delivery can offer eating house operators with
another vehicle to drive traffic.
Because the marketplace continues to be extremely competitive, NPD expects a lot
of operators to supply not solely the foods customers crave, however additionally the
choice for personalization. Whereas fast-casual and casual-dining chains have
already begun to develop customization, it‘s getting down to show up at ancient
quick-serve chains still,(Batat).
To drive traffic amid a stagnant market, operators ar doubtless to develop or expand
reward and loyalty programs to tempt every kind of users — not simply the heaviest
users. This includes lighter users who have traditionally been neglected because of
the upper value of attracting and retentive them.


● Chicken: The Most Common Meat Product
● Xanthan Gum: The Most Common Stabilizer or Thickener
● . Mono- and Di glycerides: The Most Common Emulsifiers
● . Soybean Oil: The Most Common Oil or Fat
● Niacin: The Most Common Nutrient
● Monosodium Glutamate: The Most Common Flavor Enhancer ● Salt: The Most
Common Flavor or Spice
● Caramel Color: The Most Common Color Additive
● High-fructose Corn Syrup: The Most Common Sweetener
● Citric Acid: The Most Common Preservative


Fast food is typically void of fiber. This can be as a result of fiber is presumably to be
found in unprocessed foods, like whole grains and vegetables. Bread employed in
sandwiches, wraps and hamburgers is probably going to be breadstuff that contains
virtually no fiber. Vegetables also are high in fiber; however sandwiches, wraps and
different fast-food dishes seldom contain a big quantity to supply the fiber required
in your diet.
Most victuals has been stripped of any vitamins and minerals. Nutrients square
measure a lot of teeming in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, none of that square
measure probably to be found in victuals. Hamburgers, fries, chicken nuggets and
different common victuals choices square measure particularly low in nutrients.
Salads can be a lot of nourishing, though not forever. Let‘s say, McDonald‘s Premium
Southwest dish with Grilled Chicken contains a hundred thirty % of the Daily worth
of vitamin a and fifty percent of the desired antioxidant. The aspect dish, however,
solely contains forty five and twenty five percent of constant nutrients. Calcium and
iron are often found in some victuals things; admire burgers with cheese or burritos.
However, no different essential minerals, like zinc, potassium and copper, are
probably to be found in quick foods.

Mono and unsaturated fats are often found in vegetable things admire vegetable oil,
olives, nuts, avocado and oilseed. These fats square measure seldom found in victuals
dishes. Instead, most quick foods are high in saturated fats.


Fast food will have a terrible impact on your body. as an example, food will increase
risk of obesity as a result of the intercalary fats, refined grains, sodium, intercalary
sugars and sweeteners in it. Obesity is that the root explanation for infinite health
issues that may have a heavy impact on your quality of life.
According to the yank Heart Association, intake Trans fats will harm your vascular
system. It will increase your possibilities of developing heart diseases and stroke.
Also, with a weakened vascular system, it will get troublesome to perform physical
Fast foods lack several essential nutrients, notably vitamins and minerals equivalent
to calcium, iron, vitamins A, B, C, D and E, potassium, zinc and monounsaturated
fats. If your body lacks these nutrients, it weakens the system and puts you in danger
for health problem and infection. LIVER HARM Liver has got to work tougher to get
rid of Tran‘s fat from the body. This artificial fat will generally, build up within the
liver and cause harm. If this is often unmarked and not unbroken under control,
there will be liver failure.
Fast food is loaded with additives and unhealthy ingredients. Not like a diet wealthy
in vitamins and omega3 fatty acids that facilitate boost psychological feature and
thinking skills, food will the alternative. As a result, one could have poor mental
concentration, lack of energy and different psychological state issues.


No one ever bounces a check on a $1.99 Junior Bacon Cheese Burger. It‘s so much
cheaper to choose a price meal over a garlic-roasted-chicken-pesto syntactician with
a aspect of kale chips (and heaps easier to shout over a drive-through
intercommunication system, too).
We‘ve all been there, running ten minutes late to Johnny‘s soccer observe, forgetting
to require the casserole out of the kitchen appliance, or having a paper due at 11:59
p.m. with not a second to spare. no matter your chaos appears like, selecting a drive-
through sheds heaps of time without work your dinner schoolwork. Plus, if stopping
by the closest alimentation joint can take an excessive amount of time for you, you'll
be able to forever order through a restaurant‘s mobile app thus it‘s prepared after
you decide it up. Or, you'll be able to use an area delivery service to own it catered to
your front doorsill. In alternative words – time can ne'er stand between you and
your punk Gordita Crunch.
. While we have a tendency to can‘t ensure the freshness of a Mediterranean salad,
we are able to safely assume it's higher for you than a whopper and fries. Whether
or not you‘re replacement chips with an apple, or fries with an aspect dish, you'll be
able to actually notice one thing additional nourishing and nonfat on the menu. On
another note, healthier choices like grilled chicken, fish, salads, and wraps tend to be
a touch dearer, however you're obtaining what you obtain.
For the indecisive folks out there, this could be your worst nightmare, however it
positive beats gap your icebox to a half-carton of milk and week-old Chinese takeout.
alimentation restaurants generally have upwards of 100 totally different decisions
providing you with lots of choices to settle on what your style buds are desire and
customize your meal in any manner you would like (even if it's a Filet-O-Fish with a
hot fudge sundae). It tastes sensible. The only dissatisfactory a part of wolfing down
that savory burger is after you swallow the last bite. In spite of the ingredients that
compose the food, it ne'er fails to go away you wanting additional.


As much as we would like to suppose our Dippin‘ Fish Strips were made of hand-
caught cod fast from the Caribbean, the fact of that's quite unlikely. Fast food is
created for the lots, which implies a lot of fillers, a lot of preservatives, and fewer
contemporary, native ingredients. However, restaurants like chipotle have started
exploitation organic vegetables, hormone-free beef, and cage-free chicken, that is
nice news for shoppers.
Going for a greasy band meal that‘s high in fat, sodium, and sugar content isn‘t the
simplest thanks to nourish your body. Attributable to the lower quality food sources,
most victuals choices don't seem to be created with the foremost protein-rich,
wholesome ingredients. When you will pay 1 / 4 a lot of on an oversized band meal
than you are doing on a medium – and receive double the number of food – it
sounds like a no brainer. However, there's no advantage to overwhelming that
quantity of fat and calories (other than the flavor), that is why choosing alittle may
be a safer choice. And sadly, once consumed in copious amounts, victuals has the
potential to cause a lot of serious health risks.
As mentioned before, it‘s undoubtedly attainable to save lots of cash by choosing one
thing off the dollar menu. But, falling into a habit of visiting the drive-through a lot
of usually than you cook reception will add up quickly – particularly once you‘re
feeding a complete family.
. More usually than not, folks choose to stop at a quick food joint as a result of their
restricted on time and commit to grab a fast bite – not have a heart-to-heart over
chicken nuggets.


When food is out there, we are going to eat it. Forget resolve — the mere presence
of food suggests that we have a tendency to be extremely probably to eat it. This
means if you purchase the food, even though it's just for guests or for special
occasions, or have a biscuit tin or lolly jar or fundraising chocolate box at work,
you're considerably a lot of probably to eat whether or not you're hungry or not.
If you actually don‘t wish to eat it, don't expire. Keep food out of sight in any
atmosphere you pay tons of your time in.
It seems that seeing others eat, whether or not you're hungry or not, like a shot
provides North American country permission to eat too. This behavior is usually
discovered at food courts and airports once a major range of individuals are
feeding at any purpose in time, whether or not it's a time for supper or not. This
finding confirms that of the Framingham Heart Study, that during a 30 year
analysis found that we have a tendency to essentially become just like the
individuals we have a tendency to pay our time with. once it involves gula and
weight gain, this finding suggests that the a lot of those around North American
country eat, the a lot of we are going to eat and in and of itself the healthier the
environments within which we have a tendency to pay our time, the healthier we
have a tendency to are probably to be. For many folks this implies we want each
our homes and our workplaces to be as healthy as attainable if we have a tendency
to be to manage our weight.
Although not as powerful as having food out there, or seeing others eat, so feeling
unhappy, depressed or simply down is enough to drive feeding behavior, notably
once it involves snacking. For those folks WHO eat to self soothe, detain mind that
usually this can be} often learnt behavior, schooled to us as youngsters or
cooperation channels after we are inspired us to eat bound foods to feel better; or
to shop for a packet of Tim Tams after we are observation TV alone reception. As
such, the sole thanks to management emotional gula is to spot after we are feeling
unhappy or down and learn to self soothe in different ways in which, or if you
want to eat, select portion controlled treats.
Not amazingly one key issue found to assist management food intake was the
easy act of keeping busy. Engaging in activities however feeding was a key issue
that resulted in each fewer meals and snacks being consumed. This can be
conjointly probably to somewhat justify why we have a tendency to eat a lot of in
the dark after we are sitting reception, maybe not excessively engaged. It
conjointly suggests that keeping busy, while not tempting food information may
be a key consider managing our food intake on a commonplace.
In distinction to the observation that saw study participants eat a lot of once
others were feeding, during this study being around friends and family truly
considerably slashed the consumption of snacks. This finding suggests once more
that merely being engaged with others seems enough to limit our intake of
additional foods and management our feeding after we are enjoying meals. For
this reason seeking out the corporate of others {when we have a tendency to once
we after we} are due for a snack or a meal seems to be another simple way to
facilitate management the quantity of food we consume.


Thirst is commonly confused with hunger or food cravings. If you are feeling a
unexpected urge for a selected food, attempt drinking an oversized glass of water
and wait many minutes. You‘ll realize that the desire fades away, as a result of
your body was really simply thirsty. Furthermore, drinking many water could
have several health edges. In old and older folks, drinkable before meals will scale
back craving and facilitate with weight loss
Eating more protein could reduce your craving and keep you from deadly sin.It
conjointly reduces cravings, and helps you are feeling full and glad for extended
One study of overweight young girls showed that uptake a high-protein breakfast
reduced cravings considerably .Another study in overweight men showed that
increasing supermolecule intake to twenty fifth of calories reduced cravings by hr.
in addition, the will to snack at the hours of darkness was reduced by five
When you feel a desire, try and distance yourself from it.For example, you'll take
a brisk walk or a shower to shift your mind onto one thing else. A modification in
thought and setting could facilitate stop the desire.Some studies have conjointly
shown that mastication gum will facilitate scale back craving and cravings
If attainable, try and arrange your meals for the day or forthcoming week.By
already knowing what you are going to eat, you eliminate the issue of
spontaneousness and uncertainty.If you do not need to deem what to delapidate
the subsequent meal, you'll be less tempted and fewer probably to expertise
Hunger is one amongst the largest reasons why we have a tendency to expertise
cravings.To avoid obtaining very hungry, it's going to be a decent plan to eat often
and have healthy snacks shut at hand.By being ready, and avoiding long periods
of hunger, you'll be ready to stop the desire from showing the least bit
Stress could induce food cravings and influence uptake behaviors, particularly for
women Women underneath stress are shown to eat considerably a lot of calories
and skill a lot of cravings than non-stressed women Furthermore, stress raises
your blood levels of Cortef, a secretion that may cause you to gain weight,
particularly within the belly space Try to minimize stress in your setting by
coming up with ahead, meditating and customarily fastness down.
Spinach extract could be a "new" supplement on the market, made up of spinach
leaves.It helps delay fat digestion, that will increase the degree of hormones that
scale back craving and hunger, similar to GLP-1.Studies show that taking three.7–
5 grams of spinach extract with a meal could scale back craving and cravings for
many hours One study in overweight women showed that five grams of spinach
extract per day reduced cravings for chocolate and high-sugar foods by a large 87–
Mindful uptake is concerning active attentiveness, a kind of meditation, in
relevancy foods and uptake.It teaches you to develop awareness of your uptake
habits, emotions, hunger, cravings and physical sensations Mindful uptake teaches
you to tell apart between cravings and actual physical hunger. It helps you decide
on your response, rather than acting unthinking or impetuously Eating
advertently involves being gift whereas you eat, fastness down and mastication
completely. it's conjointly necessary to avoid distractions, just like the TV or your
smartphone.One 6-week study in binge eaters found that aware uptake reduced
binge uptake episodes from four to one.5 per week. It conjointly reduced the
severity of every binge.
Your craving is essentially suffering from hormones that fluctuate throughout the
day.Sleep deprivation disrupts the fluctuations, and should cause poor craving
regulation and powerful cravings Studies support this, showing that sleep-
deprived folks are up to fifty fifth a lot of probably to become weighty, compared
to people that get enough sleep For this reason, obtaining sensible sleep is also
one amongst the foremost powerful ways that to stop cravings from showing. EAT
Hunger and a scarcity of key nutrients will each cause bound cravings.Therefore,
it is vital to eat correct meals at mealtimes. This way, your body gets the nutrients
it wants and you will not get very hungry right when uptake.If you discover
yourself in would like of a snack between meals, confirm it's one thing healthy.
Reach for whole foods, similar to fruits, nuts, vegetables or seeds.

Junk foods have actually sliced up the Third World due to economic process . It‘s
an integral a part of life within the developed and also the developing world, and
returning with its a massive increase in fat and associated problems. The key to
feeding these junk foods is moderation, occasional consumption and preferably in
little parts. It‘s not impossible to win war with junk foods against healthy foods .
However, one should beware entice is therefore sturdy that you just are going to
be confirmed. It should be remembered that the addiction to junk is nice for
business. It‘s bushed our hands to opt for food or health. Avoid junk, settle for
Health! No Junk, know Health!

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